The Trumpening?

It's hopefully the culmination of the wikileaks along with what was found on Abedin's computer to make a federal case. There was essentially a coup at the FBI so like I have said before plenty of bombs have been dropped over the past month. Perhaps wikileaks is acknowledging the fact that most Americans have short attention spans and want to wait until Monday to drop the "bombshell" everyone is eager about. I just really cannot see her winning at all and do not think the election is as close as they are making it out to be.

I wish she was charged with something already. What about the 100 FBI employees who would have walked out if not for Comey reopening the investigation?
There's been enough damaging emails to sink any other political candidate ten times over. Richard Nixon was toppled over a minor burglary and the subsequent cover-up of it. The key to keep in mind is that the corporate media is not just protecting Hillary, they are working hand in glove with her campaign to get her elected. This has been thoroughly exposed by Wikileaks, and the Clinton campaign has never denied the authenticity of any of the emails, rather playing the "Russia card" by blaming everything on Russia and calling Trump a puppet of Putin.

How many voters actually read alternative media sources. Conservative radio has about 20 to 25 million listeners. A show like Hannity's might have a few million viewers. A lot of that is overlap, i.e., many of Hannity's viewers also listen to Limbaugh.

The alternative media might cumulatively reach a few million more. When you consider there will be 100 million votes cast on Tuesday give or take, that leaves a lot of Americans who will know little to nothing of what we've been discussing here. The older generation is for the most part not internet savvy and still relies on the corporate media for its information. Many younger people are politically apathetic. Then there's the huge bloc of non-Whites, single urban female feminists, Jews, etc., who are knee-jerk Democrat supporters and will remain so no matter how much damaging information comes out about Hillary.

That's the biggest problem -- the Democrat coalition continues to grow nationally as the Republican coalition shrinks because the GOP establishment is ashamed of its White base, and because the Democrats and Republicans are equally responsible for the Third World immigration invasion of the past 50 years. This is the last national election the Republicans have a chance of winning. But the good news is that Trump has damaged the GOP establishment enough and awakened enough Middle Americans that politics will never be the same after this election even if Clinton wins. Trump's supporters are way too pissed now to meekly submit, unless Trump totally abandons them after the election. If Trump loses, the only hope for the future is for the Republican Party to become marginalized and surpassed by a party that is unabashedly populist and nationalist.

I don't doubt there is more than enough evidence to indict her but will it be done? Probably not. Now the media and Obama and company are teaming up on Comey saying he is simply trying to influence the election with this latest reopening. For them to reopen it like this it has to be something serious. Even if she is indicted Obama will pardon her. Sickening!
Actually the email about the Clinton Foundation taking millions from Saudi Arabia and Qatar is pretty big to smart ppl. The same two countries are also funding ISIS. But too many morons in the Amerika to realize the Clinton cash scheme.
Alex Jones announces a special LIVE Saturday emergency broadcast set for tomorrow, November 5th at 6PM Central.

Join Alex as he breaks down the latest key election developments and all things critical to the 2016 battle pitting Americanism versus Globalism.

Tell your friends and family to tune in Saturday, Nov. 5 at 6PM Central@, and share this link with others!
Alex Jones announces a special LIVE Saturday emergency broadcast set for tomorrow, November 5th at 6PM Central.

Join Alex as he breaks down the latest key election developments and all things critical to the 2016 battle pitting Americanism versus Globalism.

Tell your friends and family to tune in Saturday, Nov. 5 at 6PM Central@, and share this link with others!
I am praying he delivers.
My own view is that there are no pictures and videos of the Clintons doing certain things with minors. Or, at least none in the possession of the good guys.
There's been enough damaging emails to sink any other political candidate ten times over. Richard Nixon was toppled over a minor burglary and the subsequent cover-up of it. The key to keep in mind is that the corporate media is not just protecting Hillary, they are working hand in glove with her campaign to get her elected. This has been thoroughly exposed by Wikileaks, and the Clinton campaign has never denied the authenticity of any of the emails, rather playing the "Russia card" by blaming everything on Russia and calling Trump a puppet of Putin.

How many voters actually read alternative media sources. Conservative radio has about 20 to 25 million listeners. A show like Hannity's might have a few million viewers. A lot of that is overlap, i.e., many of Hannity's viewers also listen to Limbaugh.

The alternative media might cumulatively reach a few million more. When you consider there will be 100 million votes cast on Tuesday give or take, that leaves a lot of Americans who will know little to nothing of what we've been discussing here. The older generation is for the most part not internet savvy and still relies on the corporate media for its information. Many younger people are politically apathetic. Then there's the huge bloc of non-Whites, single urban female feminists, Jews, etc., who are knee-jerk Democrat supporters and will remain so no matter how much damaging information comes out about Hillary.

That's the biggest problem -- the Democrat coalition continues to grow nationally as the Republican coalition shrinks because the GOP establishment is ashamed of its White base, and because the Democrats and Republicans are equally responsible for the Third World immigration invasion of the past 50 years. This is the last national election the Republicans have a chance of winning. But the good news is that Trump has damaged the GOP establishment enough and awakened enough Middle Americans that politics will never be the same after this election even if Clinton wins. Trump's supporters are way too pissed now to meekly submit, unless Trump totally abandons them after the election. If Trump loses, the only hope for the future is for the Republican Party to become marginalized and surpassed by a party that is unabashedly populist and nationalist.

I'm not so sure. I used to think this also, until Trump. If it wasn't for Trump, Ted Cruz would have been the GOP's nominee in a landslide! Trump has made a lot of people think for once. If this election is CLOSE and Trump loses and Hillary wins and then nothing changes over the next four years, more of the same. Republicans could win in 2020. Let's say Cruz runs again and gets the nomination. Cruz is a little like Trump, in that his fellow senators and congressman hate him. The establishment hates Trump. Why? We know why. There are still a great number of evangelicals that are going to stay home rather than vote for Trump, which is insane! Most evangelicals would have voted for Cruz. Maybe, just maybe in 2020 people will be fed up just enough that if a Ted Cruz or the like, is nominated, maybe both the evangelicals, Trump voters, and those fed up with the leftist Dems, that it might be just enough to get a Republican back in office, which is better than the alternative, however, as you said, mass immigration could derail the whole thing.
All along I've been worried about the women's vote. So many of them are adamant about voting but are low information voters. This election is not so much about globalization, unchecked immigration (invasion), creeping socialism, demographic replacement, and so on. No, it's about Trump says mean things. I'm sure the Clinton Cabal is flooding the airwaves with these short sound bites in the last few days and that worries me. I know of a lot of white conservative type women who otherwise would never vote for Clinton who have been swayed by this issue. To them it's not about the big picture, which many of them don't see anyway, or care to. It's about "Trump is mean."

I just hope I don't come home from work Tuesday and be subjected to a bunch crowing about how women have made their voice known. Our first woman president. Whoopee. We all know how race relations have gone with our first black president and I fear a similar widening of the rift between white men and women under this Clinton.

On the other hand I suspect there may well be a hidden Trump vote that might manifest itself on Tuesday.
All along I've been worried about the women's vote. So many of them are adamant about voting but are low information voters. This election is not so much about globalization, unchecked immigration (invasion), creeping socialism, demographic replacement, and so on. No, it's about Trump says mean things. I'm sure the Clinton Cabal is flooding the airwaves with these short sound bites in the last few days and that worries me. I know of a lot of white conservative type women who otherwise would never vote for Clinton who have been swayed by this issue. To them it's not about the big picture, which many of them don't see anyway, or care to. It's about "Trump is mean."

I just hope I don't come home from work Tuesday and be subjected to a bunch crowing about how women have made their voice known. Our first woman president. Whoopee. We all know how race relations have gone with our first black president and I fear a similar widening of the rift between white men and women under this Clinton.

On the other hand I suspect there may well be a hidden Trump vote that might manifest itself on Tuesday.

Maybe it's just western NC, but most women here that I've heard and seen or talked to; are voting for Trump. Some, not at all!
As much as I respect you as a fellow Christian believer and a true statesman here on CF, I think if Trump doesn't get in, there will never be another Republican get into the office of President. There has never been a Republican candidate garner this kind of enthusiasm and support. And it will never happen again because the demographics and brain-washing will have tipped beyond the point of no return. It is going to be all downhill, especially for White heterosexual Christian males. The onslaught will be unrestrained, and you know as well as I do, the next stop will be NWO, and you also know my brother, the Man of Sin as World Leader will be/is on the horizon.

Pray, lock and load no matter what.
As much as I respect you as a fellow Christian believer and a true statesman here on CF, I think if Trump doesn't get in, there will never be another Republican get into the office of President. There has never been a Republican candidate garner this kind of enthusiasm and support. And it will never happen again because the demographics and brain-washing will have tipped beyond the point of no return. It is going to be all downhill, especially for White heterosexual Christian males. The onslaught will be unrestrained, and you know as well as I do, the next stop will be NWO, and you also know my brother, the Man of Sin as World Leader will be/is on the horizon.

Pray, lock and load no matter what.

I understand BFU. However, remember II Chronicles 7:14. The world leader is getting closer, but it may not be as close as we think.
I'm not so sure. I used to think this also, until Trump. If it wasn't for Trump, Ted Cruz would have been the GOP's nominee in a landslide! Trump has made a lot of people think for once. If this election is CLOSE and Trump loses and Hillary wins and then nothing changes over the next four years, more of the same. Republicans could win in 2020. Let's say Cruz runs again and gets the nomination. Cruz is a little like Trump, in that his fellow senators and congressman hate him. The establishment hates Trump. Why? We know why. There are still a great number of evangelicals that are going to stay home rather than vote for Trump, which is insane! Most evangelicals would have voted for Cruz. Maybe, just maybe in 2020 people will be fed up just enough that if a Ted Cruz or the like, is nominated, maybe both the evangelicals, Trump voters, and those fed up with the leftist Dems, that it might be just enough to get a Republican back in office, which is better than the alternative, however, as you said, mass immigration could derail the whole thing.

If it wasn't for Trump, Jeb Bush would have been the GOP nominee. He was the choice of the establishment and Trump was shrewd enough to focus most of his firepower on Jeb until he absolutely destroyed him. Then, he took turns knocking out the other 15 candidates one by one until Cruz, Rubio and Kasich were left. It was like an episode of Survivor with the ultimate winner always being known. (And Cruz is as phony as can be, he's tight with the Bush crime family and also the banksters. Trump was the only genuine insurgent running in the Republican Party.)

As far as 2020, that's four more years of strong non-White immigration growth, four more years of unchallenged radical feminism, four more years of cultural communism, thanks to the Republican Party always playing the role of "loyal opposition." The Republican Party will never again be able to win a national election if Trump loses thanks to the GOP being the Democrats' partner in immigration policy for the past half century. The GOP must be marginalized by a new nationalist, populist party that will stand for the things the Learned Elders of the GOP will never abide by.
If it wasn't for Trump, Jeb Bush would have been the GOP nominee. He was the choice of the establishment and Trump was shrewd enough to focus most of his firepower on Jeb until he absolutely destroyed him. Then, he took turns knocking out the other 15 candidates one by one until Cruz, Rubio and Kasich were left. It was like an episode of Survivor with the ultimate winner always being known.

As far as 2020, that's four more years of strong non-White immigration growth, four more years of unchallenged radical feminism, four more years of cultural communism. The Republican Party will never again be able to win a national election if Trump loses thanks to the GOP being the Democrats' partner in immigration policy for the past half century. The GOP must be marginalized by a new nationalist, populist party that will stand for the things the Learned Elders of the GOP will never abide by.

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. I believe Cruz would have won the Republican nominee if not for Trump. Jeb Bush was polling terribly through out the debates!
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. I believe Cruz would have won the Republican nominee if not for Trump. Jeb Bush was polling terribly through out the debates!

Right, because Trump exposed him as the "low energy" beta fool that he is in the debates. Jeb! was the frontrunner in the polls before the debates and had far and away raised the most money. Bush vs. Clinton (again) was being portrayed as an all-but given until Donald J. Trump spoiled the party. And Trump treated Cruz like he was his buddy until there were only four candidates left, then went after him.
I am unfortunately based in Connecticut which is libtard central along with the rest of New England. With that said I have seen way more trump yard signs, bumper stickers etc than for that joke Clinton. In the last election the incompetent moron Dannel Malloy won by a margin of 50.8% to Foley's 48.2%. With such a close margin in the Gubernatorial elections I have to wonder if Trump will flip this stupidly blue state. I just find it interesting seeing such a display of pro Trump support up here and have to wonder if CT along with other New England states may be in play.

What about everyone else? What have you observed in your neck of the woods?
All along I've been worried about the women's vote. So many of them are adamant about voting but are low information voters. This election is not so much about globalization, unchecked immigration (invasion), creeping socialism, demographic replacement, and so on. No, it's about Trump says mean things. I'm sure the Clinton Cabal is flooding the airwaves with these short sound bites in the last few days and that worries me. I know of a lot of white conservative type women who otherwise would never vote for Clinton who have been swayed by this issue. To them it's not about the big picture, which many of them don't see anyway, or care to. It's about "Trump is mean."

I just hope I don't come home from work Tuesday and be subjected to a bunch crowing about how women have made their voice known. Our first woman president. Whoopee. We all know how race relations have gone with our first black president and I fear a similar widening of the rift between white men and women under this Clinton.

On the other hand I suspect there may well be a hidden Trump vote that might manifest itself on Tuesday.
Well said. I was thinking the same thing. They will probably end up putting Clinton over the top, and it will mostly be single White women influenced by the public school system, academia and the (((media))). They've created a legion of Jezebels in this country and in the entire West over the past three decades. Now they have a ringleader as the Queen of Jezebels, in Hillary.

There was a reason why women were not allowed to vote. Emotion over logic is dangerous, especially regarding politics. Both men and women understood this and it's not a coincidence that this country has been on a downhill (and irreversible) trajectory ever since the 19th Amendment was passed. Most females I know of are clueless about economics, geopolitics, etc. and are much more easily swayed by social pressure and media propaganda. The serpent in the "Garden of Eden" knew this and used her as a proxy to get to Adam to get his way. Is not the word "evil" derived from "Eve"? That's another good reason they shouldn't be allowed to vote and is the primary reason they aren't allowed to be priests in the Catholic Church.

However, once reality sets in and the whole house of cards finally and inevitably crashes not long into Hillary's term, will White men forgive them and revert back to their natural instincts to absolve them and protect them? Or will they say "f*ck you, you made your bed, now go sleep in it you 'strong' and 'independent' woman.".
Trump just got rushed off the stage by secret service - watching the live Nevada stream
Well said. I was thinking the same thing. They will probably end up putting Clinton over the top, and it will mostly be single White women influenced by the public school system, academia and the (((media))). They've created a legion of Jezebels in this country and in the entire West over the past three decades. Now they have a ringleader as the Queen of Jezebels, in Hillary.

There was a reason why women were not allowed to vote. Emotion over logic is dangerous, especially regarding politics. Both men and women understood this and it's not a coincidence that this country has been on a downhill (and irreversible) trajectory ever since the 19th Amendment was passed. Most females I know of are clueless about economics, geopolitics, etc. and are much more easily swayed by social pressure and media propaganda. The serpent in the "Garden of Eden" knew this and used her as a proxy to get to Adam to get his way. Is not the word "evil" derived from "Eve"? That's another good reason they shouldn't be allowed to vote and is the primary reason they aren't allowed to be priests in the Catholic Church.

However, once reality sets in and the whole house of cards finally and inevitably crashes not long into Hillary's term, will White men forgive them and revert back to their natural instincts to absolve them and protect them? Or will they say "f*ck you, you made your bed, now go sleep in it you 'strong' and 'independent' woman.".

On target on all points!
Possible firearm involved, Trump came back and finished the speech and did great!
A bald, thirty-something white lowlife was thought to have a gun (he didn't) and Trump was taken off stage as the assailant was being subdued. Check out his ultra-stoic face as he hears everyone yelling "gun," people fleeing, and the gunman charging at him...


True alpha male badass! He's my president, forever, no matter what. He came back and finished speech after the scum was arrested.
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What about everyone else? What have you observed in your neck of the woods?
I live in Brooklyn and work in Manhattan so I don't see many Trump signs, flags or bumper stickers. I don't really see much Clinton stuff either, at least not compared to Obama in 08 and 12. Hell, I still see more Bernie stickers here in SWPL Brooklyn.

This is not to say Trump supporters don't exist. In fact, there are probably a few million in NYC but they are "closeted". I have Trump signs in my most prominent apartment window. I won't however put a bumper sticker on my car. It's a near certainty that a negro, passive aggressive hipster, illegal mestizo or unhinged fagg0t would vandalize my car as it's parked on the street.

That's the situation in the city but today I had a white pill moment when I spent the entire day in the North Fork of Long Island. There were Trump signs everywhere. I made note to point them out when I saw them in front of houses and a few businesses. In total I'd say I saw about 25 to 30 Trump signs or flags compared to 1 Hillary. That's right only 1 all day. The highlight of my day was a large pickup truck driving around proudly flying two large flags; Trump and the Stars and Stripes. Still a lot of red blooded Americans living in this part of the state.
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I live in Brooklyn and work in Manhattan so I don't see many Trump signs, flags or bumper stickers. I don't really see much Clinton stuff either, at least not compared to Obama in 08 and 12. Hell, I still see more Bernie stickers here in SWPL Brooklyn.

This is not to say Trump supporters don't exist. In fact, there are probably a few million in NYC but they are "closeted". I have Trump signs in my most prominent apartment window. I won't however put a bumper sticker on my car. It's a near certainty that a negro, passive aggressive hipster, illegal mestizo or unhinged fagg0t would vandalize my car as it's parked on the street.

That's the situation in the city but today I had a white pill moment when I spent the entire day in the North Fork of Long Island. There were Trump signs everywhere. I made note to point them out when I saw them in front of houses and a few businesses. In total I'd say I saw about 25 to 30 Trumps signs or flags compared to 1 Hillary. That's right only 1 all day. The highlight of my day was a large pickup truck driving around proudly flying two large flags; Trump and the Stars and Stripes. Still a lot of red blooded Americans living in this part of the state.
The same situation in Southern Ca. as you stated in NY. Where I live, I see Trump signs everywhere. Simi Valley Ca.
People in a lot of urban areas have to keep their pro-Trump views quiet. As always the corporate media has it backwards -- it's Trump supporters who are being attacked in large numbers rather than being the ones doing the attacking as the corporate media claims.

Trump Surge Freakout: More Violence Against Supporters
As Election Day nears and the GOP nominee rises, attacks on his backers, signs and buildings are escalating
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A couple days ago, Piggary Clinton spoke after a show by Jay Z and his ultra-black militant wife, Beyonce. Trump called Jay Z out about the language he uses, the N word every five seconds followed by "hoes" and F bombs. Jay Z, as some here know, was seen wearing a five percenter chain. They believe white people are the devils. I supposed Trump could have called him out on that but you can just imagine the headlines then. "Racist Trump goes after humatarian and Nobel Peace Prize winner Jay Z. The bumbling idiot whose real name is Sean Carter has the grammar level of the average sixth grade student. The saddest part of all this is that it's mostly white kids that make these two scumbags wealth. Truly a very, very sick country we live in today.
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