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Don, thanks for posting that article! I'm passing it on right now.
Illinois sumo Chris Jones got himself into some trouble. He's a good kid he's gotten busted with cocaine possession before too down in Jacksonville,FL! Now he's facing aggravated assault charges as well.

6:13 p.m. CDT, July 14, 2011
A University of Illinois football player has pleaded not guilty to felony aggravated battery in an incident in which two men say he attacked them.

The News-Gazette newspaper in Champaign reports that 20-year-old freshman Chris Jones entered the plea Thursday in Champaign County Circuit Court in Urbana.

Jacksonville (Duval, Florida) Jones is charged in the July 3 attack on two men outside a Champaign

The men told police they are a couple and that a car drove by them and someone in it shouted anti-gay slurs. They said someone then got out and punched each of them. Both had minor facial injuries.

Jones remains jailed on $100,000 bond and has been suspended by the team.

The 310-pound defensive lineman has a prior conviction for cocaine possession in his hometown, Jacksonville, Fla.

Copyright © 2011, Chicago Tribune
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TownFlyer at 2:21 AM July 15, 2011
The Illini are becoming like an SEC team with this kind of activity going on.
geezewtf at 9:42 PM July 14, 2011
20 year old FRESHMAN.....signed with Illinois after originally making a commitment to North Carolina State...prior coke conviction...I'll leave the obvious comments to others...only question I've got is whether his high school teammate & Illini "grayshirt" Isaiah Stallings" was in the car too...
Gradyo54 at 8:01 PM July 14, 2011
Like "Hawk" says, "He Gone" We don't need thugs like that on the Illini football team.
The negro attacked sodomites, so now there will be consequences. If it was a straight White male it probably wouldn't have even been reported.
African woman threw boiling oil on two Gardai:

Here is a picture of it:


An article entitled "African gang goes on "race hate orgy of violence"� in Ireland."

Good find, Michael.

Isn't it interesting that it's only coming out after 9 months despite the fact that it was such a savage series of attacks and there being many witnesses? Hmm.

Reverse the roles and we'd be hearing about this for years to come. The "anti-racism" groups would be out in force, it would be on every news report, numerous programmes would be made about it and how Ireland needs to be more "tolerant".
Young Polish American from my area beaten by 10 thugs. I'm guessing all of these hooligans were black with possibly a few hispanics.


[h=1]Video: Rutgers Graduate Dawid Strucinski Beaten Into Coma During Fight In Bayonne[/h][h=4]Fundraiser Friday Night Raises $20,000 To Help With Victim's Medical Bills[/h][h=6]July 8, 2011 11:44 PM[/h] Share this article 19Share
Investigators say 22-year-old Dawid Strucinski was attacked July 3 by more than a dozen people outside a Bayonne convenience store as he tried to help a friend who was being harassed.(credit: Handout)

[h=5]Filed under[/h] Heard On 1010 WINS, WCBS, WFAN, Local, News, NJ News, Seen On CBS 2HD, Watch + Listen
[h=5]Related tags[/h] Bayonne, Beating, coma, Dawid Strucinski, Kathleen Maloney, Kristin Thorne

BAYONNE, N.J. (CBSNewYork) – A young New Jersey man is in a coma fighting for his life after police said he was attacked by more than a dozen people over the weekend.
Police said Dawid Strucinski was on his way home from a convenience store in Bayonne around 3 a.m. Sunday morning when he came to the aid of a friend who was engaged in a fight with a group of teenagers.
CBS 2 obtained exclusive video of the brawl. Watch it below.
“It happened in a matter of seconds. I think they were just out looking for trouble. They asked us from a block away if we wanted to fight,†friend Dan Soutkin told CBS 2’s Emily Smith.
Soutkin, who found himself in the middle of the fight, said he saw his friend Strucinski get out of the cab to help, but that’s the last thing he remembers.
Police said the 22-year-old suffered severe head trauma after a mob of 13 to 20 people repeatedly punched and kicked him in the head. Strucinski remains in intensive care at Jersey City Medical Center.
1010 WINS’ Kathleen Maloney reports: A Crime Of Opportunity?
Investigators said they arrested two teenagers on Friday, in addition to the three Bayonne teens picked up on Thursday — a 16-year-old boy, and two teenage girls, aged 17 and 14.
Charges are pending against three other juveniles.
Police said prior to the attack the group of teenagers had come from a house party on 15th Street where alcohol was served. Alcohol Beverage Control investigators are now involved in the case.
“I don’t know why anyone would do that,†friend of the victim Dave Aziz said on Friday. “I don’t understand. There was no purpose. I keep hearing that they were drunk but you don’t do those things. You don’t do those things to a person. No one deserves that, especially him.â€
A motive for the attack is still under investigation. Investigators said the fight was not gang related.
Many of Strucinski’s friends were shocked by the attack, saying the recent Rutgers University graduate is the type of person that others love being around.
“Honestly, he’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met in my life,†friend Steve Grau said.
“It’s hard to believe that someone would ever want to harm him,†another friend said. “He was being a good friend and in turn something terrible happened to him. It’s not fair at all, he doesn’t deserve it.â€
“It’s hard to say how he’ll be when he wakes up,†friend Ciffany Lanza said. “But he’ll wake up, he’s a fighter.â€
A fundraiser was held Friday at the Polish American Center in Bayonne to help Strucinski’s family with his medical bills. At least $20,000 was taken in, and an additional $5,000 was raised on the Internet.
“He is in everybody’s prayers and it is wonderful what everybody is doing,†friend Michelle Bulvid told Smith.
Strucinski, an avid soccer player, has a passion for law enforcement. He majored in criminal justice and is hoping to join the FBI.
The Knockout Game: Racial Violence and the Silence of the Media

A sad, but all too common of a story these days, even though you wouldn't know it if you just paid attention to the MSM.

A similar situation occurred in Denver early last year where an elderly and recent immigrant from Bhutan (small Buddhist country just south of China) got off of a bus where he lived (in another awful neighborhood) and was badly beaten and robbed by some thug, although he survived. They interviewed him and his family afterwards and they were obviously distraught over it. They appeared as gentle and soft-spoken. Little do immigrants like these know that when they come to America that they will most likely be placed into a very hostile and violent neighborhood, like lambs being tossed into the den of a pack of wolves.

The government has placed many Vietnamese immigrants in the South St. Louis area, where this murder happened, and I read that they are scared for their lives.
A sad, but all too common of a story these days, even though you wouldn't know it if you just paid attention to the MSM.

A similar situation occurred in Denver early last year where an elderly and recent immigrant from Bhutan (small Buddhist country just south of China) got off of a bus where he lived (in another awful neighborhood) and was badly beaten and robbed by some thug, although he survived. They interviewed him and his family afterwards and they were obviously distraught over it. They appeared as gentle and soft-spoken. Little do immigrants like these know that when they come to America that they will most likely be placed into a very hostile and violent neighborhood, like lambs being tossed into the den of a pack of wolves.

The government has placed many Vietnamese immigrants in the South St. Louis area, where this murder happened, and I read that they are scared for their lives.

Interesting and sad story, Highlander. I didn't realize the fedgov was dumping Vietnamese into those areas like that. I'm not saying it surprises me, because it doesn't. I just didn't know. I couldn't help but think of how it is illegal for a real estate agent to tell you about the neighborhood (thanks to our wonderful occupation fedgov). I bet the government didn't tell those folks anything about the "neighborhood" they were being dumped into.

Extending this once again to White people, so many of us are really and truly sheeple. We largely aren't aware of our surroundings and don't care when someone tells us that a huge segment of the population we are living around are endangering our very existence.
An article entitled "Media censoring black on white shooting spree."

CONFIRMED! All victims were white females. Spree killer targeted only whites. “Mainstreamâ€￾ media still censoring photos of the victims. Imagine if the races were reversed. The media would be screaming that it was racially motivated.

More and more, we see murder stories where pictures and descriptions of BOTH victim and perp are censored. We have talked a lot about the media censoring black crime. Bosses for the Washington Post, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, New York Times, and the tv show COPS have all publicly admitted to censoring black crime.

However a new trend also seems to be emerging. When a black perpetrator murders a white person, especially a female victim, pictures and/or descriptions of the victim are also censored.

Right now, there is a big story story in Atlanta about the ambush/murder of Brittney Watts. While much information has been given out about the victim’s academic and sports background, there are no pictures or descriptions of her. The Atlanta Journal Constitution even references two different online sites as the source of their information on her. Both sites contain her picture. Why did the AJC list her hobbies, but not show her picture? Is it because the “mainstreamâ€￾ media is doing everything they can to hide black on white crimes from the public?
HLN's Jane Velez Mitchell would love a case about a man who killed women like Rodrick Dantzler, but a quick google of the guy shows that he's not the right race.

Instead we have endless Casey Anthony coverage.
An article entitled "Jewish Psycho Chops up Boy in New York"

The reputation that Jews have for being “a light unto the nationsâ€￾ is ironic in view of the fact that they are in real life some of the most violent and criminal people in the world. We just got another glimpse into the soul of the Jewish people, with this story from New York City. (Where else?)

One wonders if he killed any other boys. There have been Jewish criminals of various kinds in this country ever since it was founded, such as Jewish organized crime figures in the 19th century like “Marmâ€￾ Mandelbaum and Monk Eastman, Jewish gangsters like Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky, Jewish psycho killers like David “Son of Samâ€￾ Berkowitz and Gary Heidnik, Jewish embezzlers and fraudsters like Myron Goodman, Bernie Madoff, Ivan Boesky and Michael Milliken. There are also the rabbis who get busted regularly for child molestation and selling body parts on the underground organ transplant market.

One of the most intolerable aspects of the whole Jewish situation is their insufferable arrogance, their pretense that they are morally better than the rest of us. This incident where the kosher psycho chopped up the little boy and kept his feet in the freezer may get a little more publicity than most, because the victim is a Jew himself, but if Levi Aron had killed a gentile child, possibly in a case of Jewish Ritual Murder, then we probably would never even have heard of this case.
But the knockout game must be seen in the context of black-on-white violence in America. The big picture is that black-on-white violence is a social problem that deserves more attention, regardless of whether the overall crime rate is rising or falling. Department of Justice statistics show that 33% of white murder victims are killed by a non-white, while only 8% of black murder victims are killed by a non-black. Even greater disparities exist in violent crime and robbery.

Some of those who work with these kids blame boredom and the kids’ need to prove their toughness. Those causes will be present for a long time, thus the problem will remain. Moreover, the problem will predictably get worse, as some of the mobs are armed.

Original article

“Prove their toughness?” Wouldn’t the act of bashing a completely oblivious 70-year old Asian man or taking part in the gang-beating of a lone white male constitute the polar opposite of “toughness?” Dear god, this lowly dark race never ceases to beget its grimy legions of puerile, female-raised, testicle-deficient simpletons.

If the “United Zionist States of Western Israel” were to ever erupt into comprehensive racial chaos (in which every man is prepared to fight), blacks, in particular, would be at an unbelievable disadvantage.

Their feeble brains would prevent the formation of a logical battle strategy. Their self-centeredness and materialism would prevent any semblance of proper teamwork essential for a militia. Their propensity for lethargy would prevent any physical exertion (“a hard day’s work”) for the greater good of the tribe. Their coddled, city-dwelling existence and lack of education leaves them with extremely limited knowledge of nearly all survivalist skills and techniques…construction, automobile repair, farming, guns, explosives, horticulture, engineering, science, ecology, chemistry, biology, working with tools, hunting, fishing, trapping, foraging, scouting, camping, butchering, hiking, obtaining clean water, disposing of waste, swimming, managing of fire, raising animals for milk / eggs / meat / fur, storing food for winter months, etc.

Aside from senseless murder, ruthless rape, and petty theft (in that order), it would be absurd to envision blacks outclassing other races (let alone white men) in any other dog-eat-dog struggle for survival. Young black American males (such as the standard “Flash Mob” participant) are the OmegaMan personified.

Black thugs gang-beating a handicapped white man…

Black “tough guy” slugging a random white woman…

Cowardly “flash mob” f-ggots…

Black gang beating (those terms may be the ultimate redundancy) of a white victim…

Flash Mob in Jew York…

Personally, I strongly hope that black-on-white “flash mobbing” continues until every single Negro-lover bleeds for their sordid sins. Perhaps the dim-witted black swarms could destroy every major city…essentially “killing” two disease-ridden birds with one ignoble stone.
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An article entitled "Moroccan Pleads Guilty to Brutal Beating"

In March 2010, a immigrant from Morocco, Mbarek Lafrem

severely beat a nurse because she wouldn’t dance with him in a Manhattan bar. He followed her into the women’s restroom where he attempted to rape her and fractured her skull, eye socket, nose and jaw and cut her forehead, requiring 50 stitches.

Being a Muslim man, he blamed the woman for trying to defend herself - in the women’s restroom. He regarded any American woman behaving as a free individual was a prostitute and therefore not entitled to refuse him.
On a different note Jalen Rose was given 20 days in jail as a result of a drunk driving conviction. He will probably get the Lindsy Lohan slap on the wrist and serve 5 hours or something though maybe Roses jail wont be overcrowded. Most of us know Rose is a jerk/racist and Im surprised noone has brought this up before but Rose was a commentator on ESPNS where is the black athlete now special last year and he said something that blew me away. He was talking about how the black guys on Michigans bball team had inside jokes about the white players on the team that their only care was grade point average and free throw percentages. Whats scary is half of this mostly ( supposedly educated ) black audience laughed at his assertion.
Wow. Student athletes actually worried about doing well in school???????? Has the world gone mad. It shows how most inner city kids feel that sports is the only way out of poverty. This delsuional thought is probably a good reason why most inner city graduation rates hover around 40 %. Us white guys are just all unathletic because all we do is go around and study and actually try to make something of ourselves. Its amazing how upside down peoples beliefs can be and they are just to ignorrant to see it. Cest la vi.
Young Polish American from my area beaten by 10 thugs. I'm guessing all of these hooligans were black with possibly a few hispanics.


[h=1]Video: Rutgers Graduate Dawid Strucinski Beaten Into Coma During Fight In Bayonne[/h][h=4]Fundraiser Friday Night Raises $20,000 To Help With Victim's Medical Bills[/h][h=6]July 8, 2011 11:44 PM[/h] Share this article 19Share
Investigators say 22-year-old Dawid Strucinski was attacked July 3 by more than a dozen people outside a Bayonne convenience store as he tried to help a friend who was being harassed.(credit: Handout)

[h=5]Filed under[/h] Heard On 1010 WINS, WCBS, WFAN, Local, News, NJ News, Seen On CBS 2HD, Watch + Listen
[h=5]Related tags[/h] Bayonne, Beating, coma, Dawid Strucinski, Kathleen Maloney, Kristin Thorne

BAYONNE, N.J. (CBSNewYork) – A young New Jersey man is in a coma fighting for his life after police said he was attacked by more than a dozen people over the weekend.
Police said Dawid Strucinski was on his way home from a convenience store in Bayonne around 3 a.m. Sunday morning when he came to the aid of a friend who was engaged in a fight with a group of teenagers.
CBS 2 obtained exclusive video of the brawl. Watch it below.
“It happened in a matter of seconds. I think they were just out looking for trouble. They asked us from a block away if we wanted to fight,” friend Dan Soutkin told CBS 2’s Emily Smith.
Soutkin, who found himself in the middle of the fight, said he saw his friend Strucinski get out of the cab to help, but that’s the last thing he remembers.
Police said the 22-year-old suffered severe head trauma after a mob of 13 to 20 people repeatedly punched and kicked him in the head. Strucinski remains in intensive care at Jersey City Medical Center.
1010 WINS’ Kathleen Maloney reports: A Crime Of Opportunity?
Investigators said they arrested two teenagers on Friday, in addition to the three Bayonne teens picked up on Thursday — a 16-year-old boy, and two teenage girls, aged 17 and 14.
Charges are pending against three other juveniles.
Police said prior to the attack the group of teenagers had come from a house party on 15th Street where alcohol was served. Alcohol Beverage Control investigators are now involved in the case.
“I don’t know why anyone would do that,” friend of the victim Dave Aziz said on Friday. “I don’t understand. There was no purpose. I keep hearing that they were drunk but you don’t do those things. You don’t do those things to a person. No one deserves that, especially him.”
A motive for the attack is still under investigation. Investigators said the fight was not gang related.
Many of Strucinski’s friends were shocked by the attack, saying the recent Rutgers University graduate is the type of person that others love being around.
“Honestly, he’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met in my life,” friend Steve Grau said.
“It’s hard to believe that someone would ever want to harm him,” another friend said. “He was being a good friend and in turn something terrible happened to him. It’s not fair at all, he doesn’t deserve it.”
“It’s hard to say how he’ll be when he wakes up,” friend Ciffany Lanza said. “But he’ll wake up, he’s a fighter.”
A fundraiser was held Friday at the Polish American Center in Bayonne to help Strucinski’s family with his medical bills. At least $20,000 was taken in, and an additional $5,000 was raised on the Internet.
“He is in everybody’s prayers and it is wonderful what everybody is doing,” friend Michelle Bulvid told Smith.
Strucinski, an avid soccer player, has a passion for law enforcement. He majored in criminal justice and is hoping to join the FBI.
Hopefully he pulls out of it with his senses fully intact. I have always felt sorry for Eastern Euros that have moved into inner city neighborhoods that were White ethnic neighborhoods but are now Black or Puerto Rican. This is the potential fallout.
More subhuman behavior...

DeKalb brothers charged with sexual assault of 13-year-old

By Elise Hitch****

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

A 13-year-old girl who left home was picked up on the street, given marijuana and sexually abused by brothers living in her Stone Mountain neighborhood, according to police and court documents.

Charlie Burton, 25, and Lapraver Burton, 18, were arrested July 25 on charges of statutory rape, child molestation aggravated sodomy, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and enticing a child.
The girl's mother filed a missing person report the night of July 19. According to the report, the girl "had a bad attitude during the day and ran out of the house" in a subdivision off South Indian Creek Drive. The girl was allegedly picked up by the brothers and taken to their nearby Seneca Way home.

The victim has an unspecified mental disability, according to the missing person report.

The men gave the girl marijuana and sexually abused her, according to arrest warrants. Then they dropped her off near where they found her, according to the police report.

Both men are expected back in court Aug. 22 and are not likely to post bond, according to documents obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

In the police report, a DeKalb police officer looking for the missing girl said he found her "standing in the street" and returned her to her home.

If convicted of child molestation, both men would, upon their release, have to move from their current residence, which is located less than 1,000 feet from Rowland Elementary school. According to Georgia law, sex offenders cannot "live, work or loiter within 1,000 ft of any school, childcare facility, school bus stop, or place where minors congregate."


Brothers Arrested, Pilot Hurt After Fight On Plane At MIA

Pilot Beaten Up, Chased Around MIA

POSTED: Thursday, July 28, 2011

MIAMI -- Two brothers remain in the Miami-Dade County jail after police said they attacked a pilot and a flight attendant at Miami International Airport on Wednesday night.American Airlines Flight 1755 was about to take off from MIA bound for San Francisco International Airport when a flight attendant noticed that passenger Jonathan Baez, 27, was not wearing his seat belt. She tried to wake him up, but he was unresponsive, so she alerted the pilot.

The pilot decided to turn the plane around and head back to the gate. Once at the gate, the pilot and the flight attendant both tried to wake Baez. He finally opened his eyes and was told he needed to exit the plane, that he could not travel in his condition.

While the pilot and flight attendants were escorting Baez off the plane, they claim his brother, Luis Baez, 29, threatened them, saying, "When you fly to San Juan, I will have you killed."Both men exited the aircraft. But police said that moments later, Luis Baez tried to re-enter the plane and punched the pilot in the face.One passenger told Local 10 he witnessed the whole thing."I heard yelling and shouting. I guess it was right outside the door that things escalated into violence," the passenger said.A flight attendant stepped in, and police said Luis Baez hit her on the shoulder.Police said both brothers then attacked the pilot again on the jet bridge. They punched him several times and then chased him into the terminal, according to investigators.The rest of the flight crew and several passengers from the flight came to the pilot's defense and subdued the brothers until police arrived.The pilot suffered a large bruise and blurring in his eye. He also told police he is very fearful that the Luis Baez will follow through on his death threat."Apparently, the situation was escalating due to a language barrier," said the witness. "I think the American crew could have handed it a whole lot better without it escalating into a violent situation."Luis Baez and Jonathan Baez are charged with aggravated battery and simple battery. Their bond was set at $9,000 each.The police report claims Jonathan Baez "appeared to be intoxicated or on narcotics." In court, Jonathan Baez told the judge he was on pain medication from surgery following a car accident in Puerto Rico.American Airlines released the following statement Thursday afternoon."We place the safety of our passengers and crews above all else. We simply have no patience or tolerance for this type of behavior, or for that matter, any kind of behavior onboard our aircraft which could place other passengers and our crews in danger. We will take any action necessary to fully support law enforcement and prosecutors in this case."


Kansas City's repeated uprising by young diversities finally prompts mayor to action. We'll see if anything good comes of it.

"The first notable occurrence was on April 10, 2010, when as many as 900 youths, some as young as 11, converged on the shopping and entertainment district that Saturday night. Police responded to reports of vandalism and assaults. One group of teens robbed and beat a couple from Grandview. A girl in a prom dress was shoved into a fountain. Fights broke out.
Police used pepper spray to disperse groups who refused to move along when instructed to do so."
The real tragedy is that young white men have become so castrated that they will not band together in groups to oppose and protect their white kin. When my high school was desegrgated blacks started beating whites. But we had our version of David Duke who organized the white boys from a tough working class neighborhood into a "Protection Committee" We all wore Confederate Flag Bandanna's around out arm. Almost as soon as the blacks met organized resistance the beating s stopped. Blacks are generally afraid to engage in anything remotely resembling a fair fight.
I don't see how they get's very possible he just hated policemen.

That could be, but of course the two are linked in many cases and I'm sure in the minds of most negroes. They probably especially hate White cops. I hope this man's family learns a lesson from this, that there are lots of differences between Whites and blacks and the way they behave. At least the negro is dead.
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