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The most maddening thing about it to me is the ignorant as crap/indoctrinated White sheeple who will believe the revisionists and also say it wasn't about race. Stupid, stupid Whites!

Theres a story surfacing that Deon Sanders son, Deon Jr, was " harrassed"at a mall in Texas because he tried to buy some chicken with his credit card and he didint have ID on him. All of this was brought to life by people reading his Twitter account. What could be more sickening than some 18 year old average athlete having his own Twitter account. Who gives a crap about this guy. Whats sad is there are probably 10,000 white jock sniffers wh log on to see what the futire prime time has to say. Is the world just getting crazy or is it just me????????
The Drudge Report once again has a list of incidents of "black boysgone wild" today. Without explicitly identifying the culprits by race, Drudge has been doing a good job of keeping track of the race war being waged against Whites, unlike the national media, which is too busy cheerleading the non-existent economic recovery and otherwise engaging in full-time disinformation and happy talk. Drudge has also been linking some articles from Alex Jones' websites, which has helped Jones' reach quite a bit.
14 negroes sexually assault a young Mexican girl. The race card is already being played by the bruthas.

<div ="storyline5">
<h1 ="mainline">14 men charged in sex assaults of Texas girl</h1>
<div ="editDetailsv2">
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

<div ="storyauthorv2">BY JUAN A. LOZANO</div>
<div ="storyauthorv2" style="margin-top:0px;">ASSOCIATED PRESS</div>
<div ="bylienv2">Associated Press</div>

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Texas â€" More than a dozen men accused of taking part in a series of
sexual assaults on an 11-year-old girl are expected in court Wednesday
in a case that has divided and horrified their southeast Texas town.

The 14 men,
who along with five juvenile boys are facing charges, are scheduled to
be in a state district courtroom in Liberty for status updates. The
investigation began in December, after one of the girl's friends told a
teacher he had seen a lurid cell phone video that showed the girl being
raped in an abandoned trailer.

say the girl was assaulted on at least five occasions, sometimes by as
many as seven or eight young men or boys at a time, from mid-September
to early December in Cleveland, a small city about 45 miles northeast of
Houston. The suspects range in age from a middle-school student to a
27-year-old, and include two star athletes at the local high school as
well as adults with criminal records.

Most of the
adult suspects face charges of aggravated sexual assault of a child,
while four face a charge of continuous sexual abuse of a child. Most
have pleaded not guilty and are free on bond, while one, 26-year-old
Marcus Porchia, was charged after his arrest with sexually assaulting
another girl in an unrelated case.

The case
shined a sometimes unflattering spotlight on Cleveland after some in the
town of about 9,000 residents suggested the girl was culpable in part
for what happened, claiming she wore makeup and looked older. Some also
accused her parents, immigrants from Mexico, of not watching her more
closely. Those suggestions were sharply criticized by many Cleveland
residents and by community and religious groups outside the city.

complicating the case was a belief by many in the predominantly black
neighborhood where several of the suspects live that the arrests were
racially motivated. All of the suspects are black, while the girl is

The girl,
now 12, remains in foster care as her parents, who have health problems
and moved out of Cleveland after receiving threatening phone calls, work
with state child welfare authorities to get her back.

A gag order is preventing those connected to the case from commenting.

began investigating after the girl's friend told a teacher he had seen a
video that had been passed around among classmates that showed the girl
being attacked. Police determined it was recorded inside a mobile home
on the city's northern outskirts.

The girl
told investigators she was raped Nov. 28, first at a house near the
mobile home and then at the trailer. Indictments allege she also was
assaulted in September, October and December.

Flynn calls looting, beatings in Riverwest barbaric

Shaina Perry remembers the punch to her face, blood streaming from a cut over her eye, her backpack with her asthma inhaler, debit card and cellphone stolen, and then the laughter.

"They just said 'Oh, white girl bleeds a lot,' " said Perry, 22, who was attacked at Kilbourn Reservoir Park over the Fourth of July weekend.

Though Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn noted Tuesday that crime is colorblind, he called the Sunday night looting of a convenience store near the park and beatings of a group of people who had gone to the park disturbing, outrageous and barbaric.

Perry was among several who were injured by a mob they said beat and robbed them and threw full beer bottles while making racial taunts. The injured people were white; the attackers were African-American, witnesses said.

The summer of negro on White swarm attacks continues, as the long undeclared war on Whites is entering a new and disturbing phase. I at least give the Urinal-Sentinel credit for reporting the races involved.

One of the victims: "Really? Is this really happening?" What is it going to take to get Whites to acknowledge reality? He probably though negroes were supposed to be well-behaved doctors and scientists, like on the Telavivision.
Run Stuffing LB said:
Flynn calls looting, beatings in Riverwest barbaric

Shaina Perry remembers the punch to her face, blood streaming from a cut over her eye, her backpack with her asthma inhaler, debit card and cellphone stolen, and then the laughter.

"They just said 'Oh, white girl bleeds a lot,' " said Perry, 22, who was attacked at Kilbourn Reservoir Park over the Fourth of July weekend.

Though Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn noted Tuesday that crime is colorblind, he called the Sunday night looting of a convenience store near the park and beatings of a group of people who had gone to the park disturbing, outrageous and barbaric.
As each week passes, the attacks become more brazen. Some White person is going to be armed and when cornered or attacked, will in self defense kill a Negro. The media will latch on to it. The story will be huge with the talking heads pushing the black mob vs The White Vigalante angle. "the youths were "only" partaking in juvinile acts that are common in rights of passage. The White man was engaged in wanton murder. Guns have no place in civil society.....liberal speak blah, blah....

Perry was among several who were injured by a mob they said beat and robbed them and threw full beer bottles while making racial taunts. The injured people were white; the attackers were African-American, witnesses said.

The summer of negro on White swarm attacks continues, as the long undeclared war on Whites is entering a new and disturbing phase. I at least give the Urinal-Sentinel credit for reporting the races involved.

One of the victims: "Really? Is this really happening?" What is it going to take to get Whites to acknowledge reality? He probably though negroes were supposed to be well-behaved doctors and scientists, like on the Telavivision.
And yet another white dies:

Black HS Coach sucker punches a white guy and kills him.

LAS VEGAS, NV - Las Vegas police say Benjamin Hawkins, of Gainesville, killed a Utah man with one punch to the face at O'Shea's Casino.

Hawkins, who is an assistant football coach at Bradford County High School in Starke, has been booked on one count of Open Murder.

Police responded to the casino at 12:46 a.m. and found the victim unconscious and not breathing on the floor of the casino.

John Massie of Utah was taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced deceased.

Police say Hawkins and Massie were engaged in a verbal altercation while in the restroom. Massie, who is white, made a comment to Hawkins about"a black man in a yellow shirt." They left the restroom with Hawkins following Massie. Massie stopped in front of a Burger King restaurant, put his hands in his pockets, and then said something to Hawkins.

Police say Hawkins said something back to Massie, then turned his back as if to walk away. Hawkins then turned around very quickly, and reportedly struck Massie on the left jaw. Massie fell straight onto his back/head, at which time his hands came out of his pockets according to police.

Massie was pronounced dead at 1:08 a.m. at the Desert Springs Hospital.

Hawkins told police Massie said something to the effect of "what are you going to do about it" and Hawkins interpreted his actions as agressive. Hawkins said he feared if he turned his back on Massie, he would be punched in the back of the head, so he punched Massie with his right hand.

Hawkins was arrested and transported to Clark County Detention Center.
Animalmuther0, that is a sickening story. Cowardly negroes and their sucker punches.
Whites had better learn to never turn their backs on any blacks they are in contact with.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Colonel_Reb said:
Animalmuther0, that is a sickening story. Cowardly negroes and their sucker punches.
Whites had better learn to never turn their backs on any blacks they are in contact with.

It seems to me that Mr. Massie here basically wrote a check he couldn't cash. Also, his behavior is the typical passive, gullible White attitude (towards negros) that's quite common. For instance, all the quoted White victims from the various black mob beatings the last few weeks have expressed "surprise" at being assaulted and robbed. Are you freaking kidding me?

Back to Mr. Massie, his first mistake was talking to this negro in the first place. The second mistake was to continue talking, and then, putting his hands in his pocket and lowering his guard. His failure to expect the sucker punch was obviously a fatal error on his part.

My philosophy here is very simple. If I'm unlucky enough to be around black people (waiting in line somewhere, at the gym, etc) I do not even acknowledge their presence. In fact, it surprises me when some guilty white liberal engages these people in chit-chat (I've seen this quite often). Secondly, my guard is always up. This is self-defense 101. You have to expect the unexpected and never underestimate anybody, much less a black man who can TNB on you without notice.

You have to have complete situational awareness all the time, especially in these crazy times we're living in right now.Be safe everybody!Edited by: foobar75
It looks like seven white lives were taken yesterday.

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<h1>Michigan gunman kills seven during rampage</h1>

Rodrick Shonte Dantzler shoots dead his own daughter before killing himself after hostage standoff in Grand Rapids


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Associated Press
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<time datetime="2011-07-08T07:41BST" pubdate="">Friday 8 July 2011 07.41 BST

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<div ="caption">Rodrick Shonte Dantzler is suspected of
shooting dead seven people, including two children, before killing
himself. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

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A gunman opened fire in two homes in the US state of Michigan
on Thursday, killing seven people, including two children, before
leading police on a high-speed chase through a city centre and taking
three hostages.

The standoff ended when he killed himself with a
gunshot to the head, authorities in Grand Rapids said. The hostages were
released unharmed.

Authorities did not have a motive for the
suspect, 34-year-old Rodrick Shonte Dantzler. Police said Dantzler's
daughter and a former girlfriend were among the seven people killed, but
that it had been some time since he had a relationship with his

The manhunt for Dantzler began after four people
were found dead in one home and three were discovered in another across
town. "We believe there were prior relationships with at least one
person at each location, so we think there were some difficulties
there," the police chief, Kevin Belk, said.

Following the
discovery of the bodies, Dantzler led officers on a chase, crashed his
car and then took the hostages, police said.

Dozens of officers with guns drawn cordoned off a neighbourhood near a small lake and shut down a nearby interstate highway.

show Dantzler was released from state prison in 2005 after serving time
for assault. A spokesman for the prison system said he had not been
under state supervision since then.

At one point during the chase,
the suspect crossed a wide grassy median on the highway and drove the
wrong way down while more than a dozen squad cars pursued him. Belk said
he crashed the vehicle while driving down an embankment into a wooded
area of the highway, which remained closed hours later.

Two other
people were shot when the suspect fired at police during the chase, but
their wounds were not considered life-threatening. One man was wounded
in what Belk described as a "road rage" attack after the suspect fired
through the rear window of the vehicle. A woman was hit in the arm in a
separate shooting.

The names of the dead were not immediately released. Postmortems were scheduled for Friday.


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Colonel_Reb said:
Interesting take on the Michigan murderer. I was expecting them to excuse the negro. I wonder if we'll see any articles that examine the racial angle?

The victims are all white I believe. All the photos I saw had white people mourning. Apparently the white woman was in a relationship with the negro. When will these women learn? There are the rare occasions where the negro treats the white women good but 99 percent of the time he abuses her.
Yesterday, the great state of Texas executed a sadistic Mexican rapist/ murderer. The details to gruesome to post here. If your interested you can google it. Anyways, alot of disparging things were said about George W. Bush and with good reason on this site. However, one thing I know he did right was nominate great scholar / noble men such as Alito and Roberts to the Supreme Court.

This past week for political reasons only, the dispectable BO adminstration attempted to prevent the Texas from terminating this scum. Thank God, the Supereme Court told BO to F off and sided with Texas and Gov Perry. On a 5 to 4 vote. Yeah, the 4 others put there by Clinton and Bo. Disgusting!!!

This scum right before he died yelled "Viva Mexico"?? Odd, this prick had lived here since he was 10 years old. WTF did Mexico do for him??? Gentelmen, trust me things will becoming to a head. These crimes and black flash mobs are only the beginning. Get a firearm, and learn how to use it. BO is scum and the government will not be able to protect you.
Yessir, White had better wake up! Way too many sheeple still try to pass it off as coincidence or make some excuse while still claiming that "we're all the same."
An article entitled "African gang goes on "race hate orgy of violence"Â￾ in Ireland."

Racially motivated black on white mob violence comes to Ireland. Fortunately the Irish media is being open and honest about the crimes. Unlike many "mainstream"Â￾ US media outlets who routinely censor stories about black crime.

A mob of African immigrants brutally attacked numerous whites at random in Dublin. One victim nearly died. The Irish media is calling it an orgy of "race hate."Â￾
Is the rule in america that you have to give to opportunity in a restaurant for example to use the creditcard?

In Holland not but in white people owned resaurent you can always use it if you want, but In arab or chinese restaurant never lol.
I think whitey thinks: we have to be the best for costumor and it is more easy if they can pay both ways.

Chinese and arabs in Holland: probably think only Cash , then we can lie about the profit we made so lower taxes:)

it's only a little crime but it is funny to see the differnce.
Chinese are ok. in this countrie but they love to make money, also with illegal workers in the kitchen for a few euro's an hour:)
Another mob beating, this time from the cesspool known as New Jersey:

White man beaten to coma by black mob

I think we may need to take these out of the crime tread, and create a separate thread call Black Mob Beatings. They are happening quite regularly now all over the country.
The Knockout Game: Racial Violence and the Silence of the Media

John T. Bennett, American Thinker, July 14, 2011

By now, almost everyone has seen one of the semi-amusing videos of black teen mobs rampaging through a store. Maybe we’ve even seen the non-amusing pictures of the victims, or heard their stories. Most Americans have heard of recent violent “flash mobs,” which are the bands of black teens that attack mostly white victims and white businesses, as even the New York Times once noted.

But the flash mobs, which are more accurately called “race riots” or “racial mob violence,” are not the only interesting topic to cover in our national conversation about race. There is also the “knockout game,” which is stunning in its brutal simplicity and stark racial significance.
The knockout game involves “unprovoked attacks on innocent bystanders,” according to police who have had to deal with it. A retired officer explained, “Normally it was a group of black males, one of which would strike him as hard as he could in the face, attempting to knock him out with one punch,” says retired Sgt. Don Pizzo. The victims are typically not robbed, but simply punched with no provocation. Such attacks have been reported in Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri, and New Jersey.

The knockout game has claimed at least one life so far. In St. Louis this year, 72-year old Hoang Nguyen was walking with his wife, Yen, when four “young people” attacked. The attacker pushed the old man’s face to the side to make a “clear target for his fist,” recalled his wife. Nguyen was punched so hard that he fell to the ground and struck his head. Then the attacker turned on Nguyen’s 59-year-old wife, punching her so hard that she suffered a broken eye socket. She could only watch as her husband was then kicked repeatedly. Hoang succumbed to his injuries later that day. A young black male, 18-year-old Elex Murphy, is charged with first-degree murder.
In addition, a mob of young black males can be seen playing the game here. The video shows the group attacking a young white man named Adam Taylor, who was left with internal bleeding, bruising of the brain, severe whiplash, and scratches on his face when he was beaten in Columbia, MO in 2009.


But the knockout game must be seen in the context of black-on-white violence in America. The big picture is that black-on-white violence is a social problem that deserves more attention, regardless of whether the overall crime rate is rising or falling. Department of Justice statistics show that 33% of white murder victims are killed by a non-white, while only 8% of black murder victims are killed by a non-black. Even greater disparities exist in violent crime and robbery.

Some of those who work with these kids blame boredom and the kids’ need to prove their toughness. Those causes will be present for a long time, thus the problem will remain. Moreover, the problem will predictably get worse, as some of the mobs are armed.

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