Hall of Famer
The most maddening thing about it to me is the ignorant as crap/indoctrinated White sheeple who will believe the revisionists and also say it wasn't about race. Stupid, stupid Whites!

Of course, a Black columnist is already hinting that if the FBI raids lead to an arrest, there might be riots in Dallas.
Aren't you glad we live in a diverse society?
Shaina Perry remembers the punch to her face, blood streaming from a cut over her eye, her backpack with her asthma inhaler, debit card and cellphone stolen, and then the laughter.
"They just said 'Oh, white girl bleeds a lot,' " said Perry, 22, who was attacked at Kilbourn Reservoir Park over the Fourth of July weekend.
Though Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn noted Tuesday that crime is colorblind, he called the Sunday night looting of a convenience store near the park and beatings of a group of people who had gone to the park disturbing, outrageous and barbaric.
Perry was among several who were injured by a mob they said beat and robbed them and threw full beer bottles while making racial taunts. The injured people were white; the attackers were African-American, witnesses said.
Run Stuffing LB said:Flynn calls looting, beatings in Riverwest barbaric
Shaina Perry remembers the punch to her face, blood streaming from a cut over her eye, her backpack with her asthma inhaler, debit card and cellphone stolen, and then the laughter.
"They just said 'Oh, white girl bleeds a lot,' " said Perry, 22, who was attacked at Kilbourn Reservoir Park over the Fourth of July weekend.
Though Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn noted Tuesday that crime is colorblind, he called the Sunday night looting of a convenience store near the park and beatings of a group of people who had gone to the park disturbing, outrageous and barbaric.
As each week passes, the attacks become more brazen. Some White person is going to be armed and when cornered or attacked, will in self defense kill a Negro. The media will latch on to it. The story will be huge with the talking heads pushing the black mob vs The White Vigalante angle. "the youths were "only" partaking in juvinile acts that are common in rights of passage. The White man was engaged in wanton murder. Guns have no place in civil society.....liberal speak blah, blah....
Perry was among several who were injured by a mob they said beat and robbed them and threw full beer bottles while making racial taunts. The injured people were white; the attackers were African-American, witnesses said.
The summer of negro on White swarm attacks continues, as the long undeclared war on Whites is entering a new and disturbing phase. I at least give the Urinal-Sentinel credit for reporting the races involved.
One of the victims: "Really? Is this really happening?" What is it going to take to get Whites to acknowledge reality? He probably though negroes were supposed to be well-behaved doctors and scientists, like on the Telavivision.![]()
Colonel_Reb said:Animalmuther0, that is a sickening story. Cowardly negroes and their sucker punches.Whites had better learn to never turn their backs on any blacks they are in contact with.![]()
Colonel_Reb said:Interesting take on the Michigan murderer. I was expecting them to excuse the negro. I wonder if we'll see any articles that examine the racial angle?
Racially motivated black on white mob violence comes to Ireland. Fortunately the Irish media is being open and honest about the crimes. Unlike many "mainstream"Â US media outlets who routinely censor stories about black crime.
A mob of African immigrants brutally attacked numerous whites at random in Dublin. One victim nearly died. The Irish media is calling it an orgy of "race hate."Â
A police officer was issuing a traffic citation when the man he pulled over started calling friends. Then a mob descended on the officer and assaulted him. Four have been arrested, three black males and a white female girlfriend of one of the males.