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This story irks me. Plenty of blacks have committed worse hate crimes against whites and get life in prison and live for free off whiteys tax dollars. The media has no problem labeling him a white supremacist, even though he was, but what about all the black supremacists and their all out assault on white America? I think this guys life should have been spared due to the fact that he is aware of the same things we here are aware of, blacks have launched an all out, one sided race war on whites for decades now. The victims family was happy to see him executed but most likely if the suspect had been black they'd be asking for his life to be spared.

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[h=1]White supremacist executed for Texas dragging death

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Associated Press
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HUNTSVILLE, Texas — White supremacist gang member Lawrence Russell Brewer was executed Wednesday evening for the infamous dragging death slaying of James Byrd Jr., a black man from East Texas.
Byrd, 49, was chained to the back of a pickup truck and pulled whip-like to his death along a bumpy asphalt road in one of the most grisly hate crime murders in recent Texas history.
Brewer, 44, was asked if he had any final words, to which he replied: “No. I have no final statement.â€
He glanced at his parents watching through a nearby window, took several deep breaths and closed his eyes. A single tear hung on the edge of his right eye as he was pronounced dead at 6:21 p.m., 10 minutes after the lethal drugs began flowing into his arms, both covered with intricate black tattoos.
Byrd’s sisters also were among the witnesses in an adjacent room.
“Hopefully, today’s execution of Brewer can remind all of us that racial hatred and prejudice leads to terrible consequence for the victim, the victim’s family, for the perpetrator and for the perpetrator’s family,†Clara Taylor, one of Byrd’s sisters, said.
She called the punishment “a step in the right direction.â€
“We’re making progress,†Taylor said. “I know he was guilty so I have no qualms about the death penalty.â€
Appeals to the courts for Brewer were exhausted and no last-day attempts to save his life were filed.
Besides Brewer, John William King, now 36, also was convicted of capital murder and sent to death row for Byrd’s death, which shocked the nation for its brutality. King’s conviction and death sentence remain under appeal. A third man, Shawn Berry, 36, received a life prison term.
“One down and one to go,†Billy Rowles, the retired Jasper County sheriff who first investigated the horrific scene, said. “That’s kind of cruel but that’s reality.â€
It was about 2:30 a.m. on a Sunday, June 7, 1998, when witnesses saw Byrd walking on a road not far from his home in Jasper, a town of more than 7,000 about 125 miles northeast of Houston. Many folks knew he lived off disability checks, couldn’t afford his own car and walked where he needed to go. Another witness then saw him riding in the bed of a dark pickup.
Six hours later and some 10 miles away on Huff Creek Road, the bloody mess found after daybreak was thought at first to be animal road kill. Rowles, a former Texas state trooper who had taken office as sheriff the previous year, believed it was a hit-and-run fatality but evidence didn’t match up with someone caught beneath a vehicle. Body parts were scattered and the blood trail began with footprints at what appeared to be the scene of a scuffle.
“I didn’t go down that road too far before I knew this was going to be a bad deal,†he said at Brewer’s trial.
Fingerprints taken from the headless torso identified the victim as Byrd.
Testimony showed the three men and Byrd drove out into the county about 10 miles and stopped along an isolated logging road. A fight broke out and the outnumbered Byrd was tied to the truck bumper with a 24½-foot logging chain. Three miles later, what was left of his shredded remains was dumped between a black church and cemetery where the pavement ended on the remote road.
Brewer, King and Berry were in custody by the end of the next day.
The crime put Jasper under a national spotlight and lured the likes of the Ku Klux Klan and the Black Panthers, among others, to try to exploit the notoriety of the case which continues — many say unfairly — to brand Jasper more than a decade later.
King was tried first, in Jasper. Brewer’s trial was moved 150 miles away to Bryan. Berry was tried back in Jasper. DNA showed Byrd’s blood on all three of them.
Brewer was from Sulphur Springs, about 180 miles to the northwest, and had been convicted of cocaine possession. He met King, a convicted burglar from Jasper, in a Texas prison where they got involved in a KKK splinter group known as the Confederate Knights of America and adorned themselves with racist tattoos. Evidence showed Brewer had violated parole and was involved in a number of burglaries and thefts in the Jasper area.
King had become friends with Berry and moved into Berry’s place. Evidence showed Brewer came to Jasper to stay with them.
An article entitled " Heroic Philly man fought off murderous armed black mob."

The local Philadelphia Inquirer CONCEALED this story from the public eye for 18 days.

Mark Lavelle protected two white teens who were targeted for violence by a heavily armed black mob. The mob included adults as old as 32.

A black mob, armed with pipes, baseball bats and guns, stormed his family home. Members of the mob appear to have had every intention to commit murder.

Three of the vicious thugs, aged 17 to 32, have been arrested.

After CENSORING the entire story for weeks, the Philadelphia Inquirer is now trying to downplay the attack. This time they are actually admitting that it was a racially motivated attack against whites. However they are treating hustling a “white people started itâ€￾ claim by the perpetrators as if it actually has merit.

For the past two years, Philadelphia has seen vicious racially motivated attacks on white people often on a weekly basis.
"An article entitled "Diversity Is Strength! It's Also…No Walking While White in Tulsa, OK"

I saw that latest ******* horror story on Incogman's website ... news stories of ******* horror crimes that the Jewsmedia and the politicians deliberately cover up. Incogman used to post on the late great Liberty Forum.

Right, Celebrate Diversity. War is peace. Love is Hate. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

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Here in Canada, in a Vancouver suburb, a Negro slashed the throat of a white teenager for no good reason.
Like most fathers, Jason Kehoe had grand plans for his son.

Jamie Kehoe, 18, had graduated from Delta’s Delview Secondary. He was two weeks away from joining his father up north, where Kehoe owned a construction company.

Everything was arranged: the job was ready, the place was prepared, the airplane ticket was booked.

But a random act of violence Friday night — stemming from a fight among strangers — extinguished both a father’s hopes and a son’s future.

Here in Canada, in a Vancouver suburb, a Negro slashed the throat of a white teenager for no good reason.

It happens every day, all over the world, any place that is infested with negroes. The controlled media makes sure it is kept as quiet as possible.

In the California Bay area in the 1970's there was a series of mass murders by Negroes from an offshoot of the Black Muslims (Cassius Clay alias M. Ali's gang). In order to join they had to murder a certain number of white children, or women, or men. The media and the politicians and the police refused to even warn people so they could take precautions. They don't make any docudramas on their tv or in Hollywood about the Zebra murders. Here's the shocking book, Zebra. It is, of course, out of print.
Latest Brutal Mickey D's Beatdown!

Guys the latest brutal beatdown is on YouTube. This time a black employee delivers a severe beatdown on 2 nappy headed Hos for jumping the counter in a Manhattan McDonalds. Its must veiw YouTube. The employee delivered the blows via a metal switch or pipe. Pretty awe inspiring. Anyways, a poster "Vavazelus" was pretty funny in his postings and remarks. If anyone can post here, it is guranteed a good laugh and viewing. Also, it appears that alot of DWFs are sobering up to the negro pathology and done with cutting them a break based on the posting regarding the incident.
Guys the latest brutal beatdown is on YouTube. This time a black employee delivers a severe beatdown on 2 nappy headed Hos for jumping the counter in a Manhattan McDonalds. Its must veiw YouTube. The employee delivered the blows via a metal switch or pipe. Pretty awe inspiring. Anyways, a poster "Vavazelus" was pretty funny in his postings and remarks. If anyone can post here, it is guranteed a good laugh and viewing. Also, it appears that alot of DWFs are sobering up to the negro pathology and done with cutting them a break based on the posting regarding the incident.

These "hos" got exactly what they deserved. In their typical ghetto (and female entitlement) mentality, they attacked the wrong man without realizing the consequences and got the beatdown as a result. I have no love for anyone here, but that convicted murderer negro thug cashier was correct to defend himself. The pro-feminist media, as expected, is blaming the man for most of the violence. After all, your typical emasculated Western man should just sit there and take if attacked or harmed by females or anyone else. This thug obviously didn't get the memo, and good for him.
An article entitled "Vicious attacks on whites commonplace in France."

I got no respect for the white guy in the pink shirt, first off the is just standing there while she is getting hit in the face. Also I think the only person not wearing girl jeans is the girl(the one not wearing a pink shirt). None of those guys could fight anyone one on one, a lot of open hand punching and wild swings. Sometimes you can't be diplomatic, what you need to do in this circumstance is leave the scene get five on your friends and come back and give these guys an ass beating.
I got no respect for the white guy in the pink shirt, first off the is just standing there while she is getting hit in the face. Also I think the only person not wearing girl jeans is the girl(the one not wearing a pink shirt). None of those guys could fight anyone one on one, a lot of open hand punching and wild swings. Sometimes you can't be diplomatic, what you need to do in this circumstance is leave the scene get five on your friends and come back and give these guys an ass beating.

By the time the guy came back with his friends the girl would already have been beaten, raped, and who knows what else. You're not beating this many third world scumbags by yourself unless you are some kind of highly trained boxer or MMA fighter.
Well I assumed they were together so she would leave too, but I don't understand what is going on with the guy in the video. Is he standing in front of an ATM or a window tring to get help? the reason I ask this is because he seems more concern with that then he does fleeing the situation. I'm aware that he is French so I don't expect him to be much of a fighter, but I teach a self defense class and there a few things people do out of instict that he is not demonstrating. First is the fight or flight mentality, but he seems to think if you ignore them they'll go away. Then there is the focus on the threat, which he never seems to do. In fact after the shop owner comes out to break it up he seems to act like the threat is over and drops his guard allowing himself to get attacked more. Usually when someone feels threaten there bodies will start to flow with adrenalin.
It is worth noting that any with the right training and conditioning wouldn't have a problem handling guys with none of that. While he is out-numbered he has two adavantages, one is his size and the other the other is that they are the aggressors meaning they have to invade his space, this allows him to counter their shots.
I have a different take on this one, and it may not be a popular position, but here it goes:If I see a woman in distress, the most I'm willing to do is grab my phone and call the police. Under no circumstances am I putting myself on the line and getting personally involved. First, it could all be a setup, which means I could end up paying a heavy price, be it from getting beaten, robbed, or worse. If I end up delivering a beat down, I could get sued and potentially face ruination of my life. Even if it's for real, there are many documented cases of white knights and captain save-a-hos getting killed after the attackers turned on them, while the woman being helped simply ran away without even bothering to call 911. It's a messed up world out there where being a gentleman and a good Samaritan comes with very high risks nowadays. You can thank feminism and cultural Marxism for that one, as with all the other rotten things happening in the world today.
David Daniel, the High School football coach of Warren County in Georgia, gets his face "crushed" in a post-football ambush against Hanc0ck Central.

A good local news article and video covering the event:

I'm sure Richt and Spurrier are already hard at work recruiting the "student-athletes" (thugs) of Hanc0ck Central.
I have a different take on this one, and it may not be a popular position, but here it goes:If I see a woman in distress, the most I'm willing to do is grab my phone and call the police. Under no circumstances am I putting myself on the line and getting personally involved. First, it could all be a setup, which means I could end up paying a heavy price, be it from getting beaten, robbed, or worse. If I end up delivering a beat down, I could get sued and potentially face ruination of my life. Even if it's for real, there are many documented cases of white knights and captain save-a-hos getting killed after the attackers turned on them, while the woman being helped simply ran away without even bothering to call 911. It's a messed up world out there where being a gentleman and a good Samaritan comes with very high risks nowadays. You can thank feminism and cultural Marxism for that one, as with all the other rotten things happening in the world today.

Another fine post, FB75.

If I were to encounter a random white women being beaten by a non-white “man” (which is technically their biological nomenclature), I would first need to identify the “situation” prior to intervening.

Naturally, if the random white woman does not appear to “know” the non-white attacker in any way, then I would gladly intercede in a physical manner.

If the white woman and the non-white man obviously have a “personal history” with one another, then she (or “it,” rather) could be molested, raped, robbed, beaten, tortured, and eradicated from this planet on live national television before I’d “come to her rescue.” F-ck her, along with her quadruped lover, with a capital “F.”

Why would any white man concern himself with the skirmishing participants of beastiality sessions?
An article entitled "Occupy Oakland turns nasty and violent."

Occupy Oakland has been the scene of public sex, public drug abuse, public urination, and a rat infestation.

Now KGO-TV’s Amy Hollyfield has allegedly been threaten with murder. She was accosted by a black man at the camp who told her “we shoot white bitches around here.â€￾
Very interesting. I must admit though, I thought the numbers would be much, much higher.
[h=1]Surprising Numbers About NFL Arrest Rates[/h]Tuesday, October 25, 2011 8:34 am
Written by: Ben Maller

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More than a few pundits have condemned miscreants in pro football, but the truth hurts their argument: NFL players are actually incarcerated less than the average citizen.
The numbers don't lie. One in every 45 National Football League players (2.2 percent) is arrested. The national arrest rate is 1 in 23 (4.2 percent), according to the FBI in 2010.
What does that mean? Technically, NFL players get in 47.6 percent less trouble than your average Joe.
When Mike the butcher gets a DUI, it's not news. But when Steve the cornerback gets busted for public intoxication, it becomes a story.
WCCO Minnesota's Jason DeRusha reports that in 2010, the NBA had by far the highest arrest rate (5.1 percent) of the major professional sports leagues in America. Major League Baseball is second with an arrest rate of 2.1 percent last year. Believe it or not, the NFL is last with (2.0 percent) of its players in trouble.
Each NBA team can have a maximum of 15 players on its roster, with 12 dressing for each game. With 30 teams, that equates to 450 players. Only 23 were arrested in 2010.
NFL teams are allowed 53 players on their rosters (plus five man practice squad). With 32 teams, that calculates to a total of 1,696 players. The League saw only 34 players arrested a year ago.
In Major League Baseball, there are 750 players -- 30 teams with 25 players each. That doesn't include the 40-man roster, which if included, would up the total players to 1,200. Sixteen baseball players were arrested for major drug and violent crimes in 2010.
Within the NFL, Minnesota Vikings players are actually 66 percent more likely to be arrested than players on an average NFL team.
WCCO Minnesota took a look at the pattern of National Football League players getting into trouble after Vikes
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cornerback Chris Cook was arrested over the weekend for felony domestic assault. Cook's transgressions gave the Vikings the NFL lead with 36 players arrested since 2000.
The perception is that the Cincinnati Bengals are the problem children of the criminal justice system, but the "Bungles" are now second with 35 arrests, while the Denver Broncos take home the unwanted bronze medal with 32 arrests. (This is according to the NFL arrest database maintained by the San Diego Union-Tribune over of the past 11 years.)
One in 15 Vikings players have been arrested (6.6 percent) over that period of time, from Randy Moss to Fred Smoot. The Vikings have never won a Super Bowl.
Yes, Chris Cook was charged with severely beating and attempting to strangle his white girlfriend.

Minnesota Vikings cornerback Chris Cook was charged with felony domestic assault this weekend.

According to a police report on the Minnesota Star today, Cook strangled and hit his girlfriend of 10 months after getting upset that she talked to her ex-boyfriend.

The incident took place at 1:42 a.m. on early Sunday morning.

"Officers observed marks on Victim A’s neck and hemorrhaging in Victim A’s eye that is consistent with strangulation," the report said.
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