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Here's the optimal way to deal with such "flash" mobs...


Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Bart said:
Chicago: Another flash mob of 'teenagers' robs Walgreens.

Notice once again that no racial description is provided by the media vermin.

For all we know the mob could have been comprised of NRA members.

Teen Mob Hits Walgreens On The Mag Mile

CHICAGO (CBS) â€" The teenage robbery mobs are at it again on North Michigan Avenue.

Some 50 young people barged into a Walgreens at Michigan and Chicago on the Magnificent Mile on Tuesday afternoon. They took bottled drinks and sandwiches off the shelves, then ran off, CBS 2"²s Suzanne Le Mignot reports.

A police report says authorities were able to nab three of the thieves.

Walgreens says the store is working with police, helping investigators with video from the store security camera.

The Mag Mile earlier this year was hit by similar mobs of young thieves. Attacks on commuters and bicyclists have become violent, and police have stepped up patrols.
There are tons of great comments on that link. Surprised they haven't closed the comments on it. People are waking up. Here's one a woman wrote that should be a warning to all of us:

"Wait until they start attacking the private homes! They have been doing
just that for 15 years (after Mandela got elected) in South Africa,
raping and killing entire families in their homes and on their farms. These savages in Chicago will ultimately graduate to doing that and it
will spread like wildfire across this nation of ours!"
Michael said:
An article entitled "Teenager nearly killed in horrific racially motivated mob attack."

Another brutal racially motivated mob attack on a white pedestrian. This time in Columbia, SC.

The media hid this attack for days. Even now they are censoring the the fact that the perps were all black. If the races had been reversed, this would be the biggest news story in the country.

For the past three-four weeks, ever since the weather warmed up, brutal racially motivated black on white mob attacks have occurred all over the United States.

Updates: Carter Strange Beating
Here in Los Angeles, there has not been widespread negro mob attacks yet, but as an affelet would say "I'm always strapped." Translation, Westside is always packing heat and let just one negro F with me. It will be his last day on earth.
More mob BS from the groidian scourge...

Peorians living in fear

This eye-witness account is from Paul Wilkinson, president of the Altamont Park Neighborhood Association:

Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here. They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help.

Cars were doing U turns on the streets just to avoid the mob, mostly male. One youth stated his grandfather was white and several assaulted him on the spot. One police officer answered the call. The youth split into two large groups, one heading north, the other south. They were also yelling racial threats to the police officer but he was outnumbered. Another police car did not show up until after the youth finally dispersed and the patty wagon (van) also eventually showed up.

Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it's not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards.

"The fifth large mob action in about a month."Â￾ Wow. This is really outrageous. Why is this neighborhood having to put up with this? "Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors"Â￾? Seriously? That's the best we can do for our fellow citizens' safety?

This needs to be addressed, and quickly.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
More mob BS from the groidian scourge...

Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here. They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help.

This TNB is escalating rapidly.

Dixie, can you imagine If Whites were forming mobs, attacking blacks and threatening to kill them?

That would be the ONLY story focused on by the media. Congress would call an emrgency session to address the horrifying situation and implement drastic measures to defend the negroes from hateful racists.
I believe the only way anyone is going to cover these stories or do something about these "flash-mob" attacks is if they go after the establishment's new favorite lapdogs, the homosexual community. As long as normal White people are being attacked, no one will lift a finger.
I wonder how many White "leaders" in Peoria will publicly speak out against this animalistic behavior? Of course Illinois just "happens" to be one of those states that doesn't issue concealed carry permits. The Peoria fuzz are weak as water and won't do anything to keep this kind of thing from happening again.
Illinois is ripe right now for a CCW law. They have a Republican-held majority in the legislature and a Republican Governor. Also, all of the flash mob violence is probably making some of the citizenry more acceptable of such legislation. Strike while the iron is hot, I say. The Republicans will only have themselves to blame if they don't enact it.
Paris (France) seems to be going the way of Jo'burg.

</span>"Chinese community leaders say at least one robbery is being committed each
day, often accompanied by gratuitous violence. Our problem isn't so much that money or phones are being
stolen, it's the violence we can't stand"Â￾End Quote</span> Wei Ming Shi
</span>Victim of Paris mugging"</span><div ="story-feature narrow"> </div>

The Chinese may have become targets because they are seen as relatively
prosperous. Some of them run shops or restaurants, and it is hard for them to
avoid carrying large amounts of cash after they close their businesses for the

Officials say the muggers are often of immigrant descent themselves, from
other communities.The Chinese association spokesman, Olivier Wang, says most of the attacks are
violent, even when the targets are women.

"This is happening because of poverty, but it's unbearable," Mr Wang said.

He said a Chinese man who tried to film a recent mugging in Belleville on his
mobile phone was attacked by the muggers and beaten up so badly that he is now
in a coma.

Mr Shi says people are terrified of being assaulted. "Our problem isn't so
much that money or phones are being stolen, it's the violence we can't

Many Parisians are shocked that the attacks are happening, not in the
notoriously violent suburbs - the banlieue - but in the city itself. Hamou Bouakkaz, a deputy mayor of Paris, says things have degenerated in the
past two years following the economic downturn.
Looks like shortly after the first PHI incident, a bunch of savages decided to pillage a Sears store:

(video is also there)

Sears Mob

This follows a similar incident in Chicago last week when a group of about 50 "misunderstood youths" rampaged thru a Walgreen's, by just grabbing whathever they could and walk out of the store.

As someone said earlier, TNB is escalating rapidly. Don, IIRC, you indicated some time ago that you believe these incidents will stay in this format, groups of 20-50 "teens" attacking, beating, robbing their way thru various parts of a given city. You're right so far, although what happened in Peoria, ILL where they were going thru people's homes and lawns seems like an escalation. Let's see what the rest of the summer brings, as this feels like just the beginning.

I'm still wondering what needs to happen in order for the victims, almost exclusively White, to fight back and for the police to take control of the situation. As for the media, the only news I see when channel surf is about some skank's trial in Florida who is accused of killing her daughter.
Found this linked to a comment in an article by Steve Sailer about white basketball players. It's a sucker punch/beat down of a white player by a n1gger thug on the court. Can anyone tell me why his teammates just stood there and watched? Is that what white kids do today when a teammate is jumped? Embarassing and shameful-don't watch if you're tired of aggressive negroes and passive whites.
Nigerian taxi driver sexually assaults Irish woman:

Here also:;topic=13507.0


Unrepentant sex fiend Tope Adejuyigbe (36), Will serve four years for an attack on a 19 year old girl in Galway and also be placed on the sex offenders register for life has been recommended for deportation on release.
Due to strange anomalies in Irish law his licence for the taxi hasn't been revoked , This means that his vehicle can be rented out for a minimum of €160.00 a week on the black/grey rental market.

On top of his prison wages Mr Adejuyigbe can expect to pick up a windfall of a minimum of €33,280.00 less expenses on his release if he serves the full four year sentence, now who says crime doesn't pay ?

If the Taxi regulator/Gardai cannot revoke a sex offenders vehicle taxi licence it should be recommended that any monies accrued to the convict go to the victim of this heinous crime,We shall see if common sense prevails.

S. Bullet,
Crime reporter. 8)

Edited by: 759852372
jaxvid said:
Found this linked to a comment in an article by Steve Sailer about white basketball players. It's a sucker punch/beat down of a white player by a n1gger thug on the court. Can anyone tell me why his teammates just stood there and watched? Is that what white kids do today when a teammate is jumped? Embarassing and shameful-don't watch if you're tired of aggressive negroes and passive whites.

I'm sick of seeing Whites stand back and take it, so I didn't watch the vid. We have become a shameful lot.
I guess it takes someone named Schwartz to get the attention of the media.

Be sure to read the comments made by Joe Flynn.

Monroe Anderson's response to Joe is predictable.

Woman Believes Beach Violence Covered Up

A Chicago woman who played witness to a beach melee on Memorial Day weekend wants Chicago police and officials to come clean about what happened along the lakefront in May.

On May 30, city officials closed North Avenue Beach because of excessive heat, but Amy Schwartz says no one is talking about the excessive violence that prompted her to call 911 that day.

"There's a fight breaking out on the beach because there's nothing but animals covering this beach today," Schwarz phoned into the police. "What the hell is going on.

Schwartz said she was walking from Oak Street Beach toward North Avenue Beach on Memorial Day when she witnessed a woman being beaten by a gang of people on the beach.

"They were being rude and abusive and throwing trash around and defecating," Schwartz said. "The crowd became very animated. They were cheering on the beating and more people joined in, so I kept walking forward. I was afraid I could be next."

Schwartz believes the story of what really happened that day is being purposely downplayed in the name of saving Chicago's summer tourist business and the reputations of the city's new mayor and police superintendent.

Both Garry McCarthy and Rahm Emanuel have said the people suffering from heat exhaustion was the only reason for closing the beach. A city spokesman says the violence calls were handled promptly, and deny there's any attempt to spin the facts.

But they haven't convinced everyone.

"There were other calls that I heard on the tapes reporting the same incident I saw," Schwartz said. "I know we didn't all have the same hallucination. Denial is not protecting anyone. I expect them to acknowledge the truth and do something about it."

Police presence has been boosted significantly at the beach since Memorial Day.
anyone remember the case ofWest PointRichard King (an Army football player)that was savagely beaten by Patti LaBelle's security staff for having the audacity to be walking down the sidewalk when the "diva" was nearby?

well, in addition to being considered for punishment by the Academy for being involved in a physical altercation (no joke!) ... ignoring the fact he was the victim of an assault, King now faces a counter-suit. can you guess the accusatory charges in 3, 2, 1 ... ?

"Soul diva" LaBelle countersues, accusing King of (youhad to have knownit) racist language.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
anyone remember the case ofWest PointRichard King (an Army football player)that was savagely beaten by Patti LaBelle's security staff for having the audacity to be walking down the sidewalk when the "diva" was nearby?
<div>well, in addition to being considered for punishment by the Academy for being involved in a physical altercation (no joke!) ... ignoring the fact he was the victim of an assault, King now faces a counter-suit. can you guess the accusatory charges in 3, 2, 1 ... ?</div>
<div>"Soul diva" LaBelle countersues, accusing King of (youhad to have knownit) racist language.

There was actually a video posted. King did nothing and was viciously assaulted by the bodyguards. Anytime blacks are in trouble play the race card. It always works.
jaxvid said:
Found this linked to a comment in an article by Steve Sailer about white basketball players. It's a sucker punch/beat down of a white player by a n1gger thug on the court. Can anyone tell me why his teammates just stood there and watched? Is that what white kids do today when a teammate is jumped? Embarassing and shameful-don't watch if you're tired of aggressive negroes and passive whites.

Nice find.

What parent (let alone a father) would allow themselves to be interviewed on Hebrew-Vision regarding an incident in which their child (let alone their son) was sucker-punched in such a cowardly manner and then beaten while unconscious by a black "peer?"Â￾ What sick-minded breed of "person"Â￾ would want to draw superfluous attention to such an appalling and private matter? The interview was all too archetypal. Intense "pondering"Â￾ as to why anyone, let alone a member of the world's greatest race, would do such a thing to a white peer. That is such a "white thing."Â￾ Their white ancestors should be tremendously humiliated.

Also"¦I fully realize that the term is quite fitting for this little black bastard (and also that you're the moderator), but the use of racial slurs, particularly the one that you used, should be discouraged. Edited by: Thrashen
An article entitled "ABC Chicago: Mayor Emanuel LIED about violent black mobs."

Radical left-wing Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and radical left-wing Chicago police superintendent McCarthy, who was recently featured on this website, aggressively tried to cover of an explosion of black crime that occurred last memorial day weekend.

Outrage of the current wave of violent black on white crime has boiled over online. Now media outlets are being forced to report the, at least some of, the truth.
I'm guessing that the MSM thinks this is a "sad" story.. but it sounds just like typical TNB/stupidity.

NYC student (athlete) fatally stabbed hours after graduation

Following the ceremony, the family picked up its car and headed for dinner on City Island, a fishing hamlet on the northeastern tip of the Bronx. On the way, the father, Andre Muller, noticed the cologne missing from their vehicle, turned the car around and headed back to the parking lot.

When he arrived, he started arguing with the two lot attendants and hit one, Ramon Hernandez, with a shovel, police said. When Isayah Muller came out to help his dad, he was stabbed in the chest, police said. It's not clear who stabbed Muller.

If "daddy" went in guns blazin' and then the "football star" son comes out the car.. of course that will be interpreted as a "threat" - as it should be - and actions will be taken.
Michael said:
An article entitled " Black mobs said to be terrorizing Peoria, Illinois"

This story has been widely circulated on the internet, including an appearance on the Drudge Report.

So far, no national news entities have reported on the claims of several residents from Peoria.

Someone posted about this the other day. The local TV news media is saying the mob attacks weren't racially motivated and that everything is being exaggerated. Of course this is complete BS meant to hide the fact that blacks are causing trouble.
It's never racially motivated even if the black hurls racial slurs at the white. I hate the fact that the media and our government try to make black on white crime out as crimes of opportunity. The reasoning is that many blacks are poor and if they rob a white person it's only to fill their pockets. No racial aspect can ever be present.

If a white person attackes a negro these days all the negro has to do is play the race card. Make a claim that racial insults were hurled even if they weren't. That ensures whitey gets charge with a hate crime and gets a much longer prison sentence.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
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