White man and black women in hollywood/media

lost said:
speedster said:
I live 50 miles west of where ToughJ grew up and I can tell you it is the same situation here where you see mixed raced couples a plenty.Not sure about how many actually get married but if you just concentrate on these mixed unions simply as a relationship,and by that I mean a union that could last a year or just one night,and leave out marriage then I thing these couplings numbers would be higher everywhere.Since when it comes to the black male they don't like to marry they just want to get themselves some.
That will not go for very much longer! Just like the "Free love" of the 60's, There's nothing good in it for women, Or about it for them, The free love women were beating baby diapers on a rock And living in a tent, And their mom had a washer, a home, car, and a man with a job! And money coming in! And white women are waking up about race mixing! There's nothing good for them in it, Most black men will not work, They will never make a home for them, They will leave them, Beat them, So Race mixing between black men and white women is dieing from the grass root's level.
lost said:
lost said:
speedster said:
I live 50 miles west of where ToughJ grew up and I can tell you it is the same situation here where you see mixed raced couples a plenty.Not sure about how many actually get married but if you just concentrate on these mixed unions simply as a relationship,and by that I mean a union that could last a year or just one night,and leave out marriage then I thing these couplings numbers would be higher everywhere.Since when it comes to the black male they don't like to marry they just want to get themselves some.
That will not go for very much longer! Just like the "Free love" of the 60's, There's nothing good in it for women, Or about it for them, The free love women were beating baby diapers on a rock And living in a tent, And their mom had a washer, a home, car, and a man with a job! And money coming in! And women woke up, And white women are waking up about race mixing! There's nothing good for them in it, Most black men will not work, They will never make a home for them, They will leave them, Beat them, So Race mixing between black men and white women is dieing from the grass root's level.
Lost, what's with the triple post???
lost said:
lost said:
speedster said:
I live 50 miles west of where ToughJ grew up and I can tell you it is the same situation here where you see mixed raced couples a plenty.Not sure about how many actually get married but if you just concentrate on these mixed unions simply as a relationship,and by that I mean a union that could last a year or just one night,and leave out marriage then I thing these couplings numbers would be higher everywhere.Since when it comes to the black male they don't like to marry they just want to get themselves some.
That will not go for very much longer! Just like the "Free love" of the 60's, There's nothing good in it for women, Or about it for them, The free love women were beating baby diapers on a rock And living in a tent, And their mom had a washer, a home, car, and a man with a job! And money coming in! And white women are waking up about race mixing! There's nothing good for them in it, Most black men will not work, They will never make a home for them, They will leave them, Beat them, So Race mixing between black men and white women is dieing from the grass root's level.

I didn't know Toronto was that bad. Why are the Western countries hell bent on giving their countries away.
lost said:
speedster said:
I live 50 miles west of where ToughJ grew up and I can tell you it is the same situation here where you see mixed raced couples a plenty.Not sure about how many actually get married but if you just concentrate on these mixed unions simply as a relationship,and by that I mean a union that could last a year or just one night,and leave out marriage then I thing these couplings numbers would be higher everywhere.Since when it comes to the black male they don't like to marry they just want to get themselves some.
That will not go for very much longer! Just like the "Free love" of the 60's, There's nothing good in it for women, Or about it for them, The free love women were beating baby diapers on a rock And living in a tent, And their mom had a washer, a home, car, and a man with a job! And money coming in! And white women are waeking up about race mixing! There's nothing good for them in it, Most black men will not work, They will never make a home for them, They will leave them, Beat them, So Race mixing between black men and white women is dieing from the grass root's level.

i agree, i think it was at its prime in the late 90's/early 00's, that was when gangsta rap was at its best, cheetah woods was at his best, thierry henry was being worshipped in the premier league, and whites were slowly fadinbg into dominating boxing. It was "cool" to be a unattractive black at this period.

But look now, tiger woods is nothing but a mess, henry is a disgraced cheat who cant score more than 3 goals in the best team in the world, and the best rapper ever is now cosidered to be eminem, whom is ironically white. chris brown beat rhianna, kayne west disgraced himself, etc etc

Get obama out and the black man is well and truely outted as uncool.

This is why the media are slowly trying to get the white man black women thing, its got alot more potential. White men already overly go with asians, but i have def noticed a increase black women white man.

BTW 99 percent of the time i see a white women and black man, the white women is usually just as unattractive as a the pet thats she is with. Send them both back to africa imo.
The 60's Hippie movement was a jewish movment! And when the women woke up, The movement died! Same with race mixing, young white women are seeing the 40'ish race mixers with their half breeds being avoided and shuned my white men, And That will stop it!
Thankfully interracial marriage has started to slow in the last decade, since it will end the White race and make Caste Football meaningless IMHO.

<div ="span-"><div ="timestamp">May 26, 7:02 AM EDT</div></div>

Interracial marriage still
rising, but not as fast
</span>Melting pot or racial divide? The growth of
interracial marriages is slowing among U.S.-born Hispanics and Asians.
Still, blacks are substantially more likely than before to marry whites.
The number of interracial marriages in the U.S.
has risen 20 percent since 2000 to about 4.5 million, according to the
latest census figures. While still growing, that number is a marked
drop-off from the 65 percent increase between 1990 and 2000. About 8 percent of U.S. marriages are mixed-race, up
from 7 percent in 2000. The latest trend
belies notions of the U.S. as a post-racial, assimilated society.
Demographers cite a steady flow of recent immigration that has given
Hispanics and Asians more ethnically similar partners to choose from
while creating some social distance from whites due to cultural and
language differences. White wariness toward a
rapidly growing U.S. minority population also may be contributing to
racial divisions, experts said. "Racial
boundaries are not going to disappear anytime soon," said Daniel
Lichter, a professor of sociology and public policy at Cornell
University. He noted the increase in anti-immigrant sentiment in the
U.S. after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks as well as current
tensions in Arizona over its new immigration law. "With a white backlash toward immigrant groups, some
immigrants are more likely to turn inward to each other for support,"
Lichter said. Broken down by race, about 40
percent of U.S.-born Asians now marry whites - a figure unchanged since
1980. Their likelihood of marrying foreign-born Asians, meanwhile,
multiplied 3 times for men and 5 times for women, to roughly 20 percent.
Among U.S.-born Hispanics, marriages with whites
increased modestly from roughly 30 percent to 38 percent over the past
three decades. But when it came to marriages with foreign-born
Hispanics, the share doubled - to 12.5 percent for men, and 17.1 percent
for women. In contrast, blacks are now three
times as likely to marry whites than in 1980. About 14.4 percent of
black men and 6.5 percent of black women are currently in such mixed
marriages, due to higher educational attainment, a more racially
integrated military and a rising black middle class that provides more
interaction with other races.

Click link for more

speedster said:
I live 50 miles west of where ToughJ grew up and I can tell you it is the same situation here where you see mixed raced couples a plenty.Not sure about how many actually get married but if you just concentrate on these mixed unions simply as a relationship,and by that I mean a union that could last a year or just one night,and leave out marriage then I thing these couplings numbers would be higher everywhere.Since when it comes to the black male they don't like to marry they just want to get themselves some.

I actually was born and grew up in Mississauga (which is right outside Toronto) and almost half the people living in the area are now non white (most of the latter are Asians). It is probably the most multi-cultural city in Canada- as it is even more so than Toronto or Vancouver. There are lots of white men with Asian women and almost as commonly white women with Asian men. Personally, I get along with Asians (particularly Filipinos who are usually good Catholics). I'm usually not super attracted to Chinese or Japanese women, but Filipino girls can look attractive a little more often. I was always more attracted to the exotic Italian, Spanish or Portuguese/Arab or Italian, Spanish or Portuguese/ Amero-Indian mix- so I lucked out.

There are a growing number of Arabs in the area I grew up in, probably as many or more than Jews. Trust me when I say almost all Arabs (especially Muslim ones) prefer Canada culturally to the U.S- which they see as an anti-white, anti-Arab, anti-male, anti-Muslim, anti-Christian, pro-Jewish cesspool with a backwards hypocrisy filled legal system and media- discriminating and favoring the aforementioned groups. I have talked with a few Arabs (including my father in law who I'm close to who is part Arab- he's a Christian though) about their feelings on the U.S and he along with some other Arabs I talked to voiced similar things that disturbed them about America. I'd have to whole heartily agree with their well reasoned opinions.

BTW, the area of Mississauga I lived in- is still a little more white than most other parts of the City. Unfortunately the area of the city my parents are from is also more black and less Asian then other parts of the city, but the black percentage is still less than 20%, probably around 10-15% black is my guess.
"In contrast, blacks are now three times as likely to marry whites than in 1980. About 14.4 percent of black men and 6.5 percent of black women are currently in such mixed marriages, due to higher educational attainment, a more racially integrated military and a rising black middle class that provides more interaction with other races."

I think it's quite difficult to TRULY categorize what's going on. I've seen plenty of women that claimed to be "White" and they looked Injun/mestiza (dark hair, dark eyes and a long, thin skull) to me, and, of course, blacks pretty much consider EVERYTHING non-black as being "White"...

Blacks have said, "Why are you Whites concerned about the Mexican invaders (and Hispanic demographics)... Most of them are White." That's patently false! I have seen some White Cubans, White Mexicans and a few Spanish 'Ricans, but most of the Latinos are clearly mixed.

Anyways, there's also the morbidly obese women that have dark hair (often times stringy) and dark eyes and a fat face, and I can't really determine what they are. Yeah, and sometimes they have a flat nose, and I take that as a warning sign. But, if folks are physically fit, it's usually easier to try to figure out their background. Their skull would be much more defined, for example.

I'm not just saying that there's definitely a bunch of non-Aryan women that are married to blacks, and are also having non-marital relations with blacks, but that a good number of them almost certainly have non-White blood flowing through their veins. It's just like the media pushing Reggie Bush and Kim Kardashian. I, personally, could care less if she had 20 nappy-headed brats with a big bad negro man.

To me, they can't ACCURATELY classify... African-American males with "White" women, African-American males with "Latinas"... African-American males with Injuns... African-American males with some TannedEveryman combobulation!
ToughJ,you lived closer than I thought.If anyone was wondering I'm from the lunch bucket steel town called Hamilton.You guys from Western Pennsylvania and Ohio would feel right at home here.It's nowhere near as multicult as Mississauga but it's changing quickly.We used to import are black crime from Jamaica but now we get it from places like Somalia et al and with generous helpings of Asians and Muslims it's only a matter of time before we become a coloured mosaic.
whiteathlete33 said:
At least Venus bagged herself a white man.

Strange why he would choose her, she looks like a man to me. Maybe he has homosexual tendencies?
Parody said:
whiteathlete33 said:
At least Venus bagged herself a white man.

Strange why he would choose her, she looks like a man to me. Maybe he has homosexual tendencies?

I agree. I wonder what good ole' racist Richard Williams thinks about all this. You know he can't be happy and I'm sure he would like to disown both daughters but he likes the money that comes. Serena has dated a white man or two in the past as well.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
Not really worried about the whole white male\black woman ordeal. My close friends and family members who are white would never consider dating a black woman. Maybe mixed, but for the most part the woman would have to be drop dead gorgeous. Most black women, plain and simple, do not act like women! They are loud, usually overweight, and like to fight. That is why black men want women of every other ethnicity.
Black men date white women to stick it to white men. Trust me on this one. Almost every single black male-white female relationship is bull-hit. The female usually gets beaten on a daily basis, the brutah cheats on the race traitor with other obese white women, and shows no respect for her. I've seen it a million times. I'm not saying that all black male-white female couples aren't in true love.
This music video captures the meaning of this thread.


The song is about Frankie (white dude) remembering his past acquaintances (4 black gals).

The song ain't bad, the video has a happy good feeling to it. But, this is just an example, not a recommendation!
Edited by: j41181
speedster said:
ToughJ,you lived closer than I thought.If anyone was wondering I'm from the lunch bucket steel town called Hamilton.You guys from Western Pennsylvania and Ohio would feel right at home here.It's nowhere near as multicult as Mississauga but it's changing quickly.We used to import are black crime from Jamaica but now we get it from places like Somalia et al and with generous helpings of Asians and Muslims it's only a matter of time before we become a coloured mosaic.

I actually don't live in Mississauga anymore and commute a bit further for work now, but my parents still live in the house I grew up in- in Mississauga. Mississauga has gotten tons more Indian (from India) and Pakistani immigrants in recent years. The first generation immigrants rarely marry outside their race, but I have seen some younger Indian/white couples. When I see Indian/white mixed girls in their 20s, they can be quite beautiful, same goes for the Amero-Indian/white mix.

I trust the Indian immigrants and have eaten at some Indian restaurants before, but am not so trusting of the Pakistanis. This is a nation where almost 60% of the people had a favourable or somewhat favourable opinion of Osama Bin Ladin when polled a few years back by the NY Times. Many Pakistanis are radicalized, but the U.S and Israel are much bigger targets on their list than Canada, so I'm not all that worried about a terror plot up here. I still am a bit weary of them though.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
I concur. I was at an Indian wedding once and the elders were very direct about not talking or dancing with the Indian girls.
By the way, speaking of abstinence until marriage to elaborate on what I said: Me and my wife planned to wait till the wedding, but some VERY rough things happened to both of us in March and April of 2009, back in Jersey and it just happened that we felt like we couldn't wait one night. It was always most important to my wife to know that the first person she did the deed with was going to be the person she'd spend the rest of her life with and hope to have children with before she grows too old anyway.

To all you "Playas" out there (I'm talking to you Gatorpride lol), sex with someone you love is so much more rewarding- and like I said it is guilt free without the lust. I believe you spiritually connect with any person you would have sex with in your life whether you want to or not. This is all the more reason to make sure someone you "do it" with is someone who you can relate to emotionally, morally, spiritually and personality wise.
Man, I don't know about ya'll fellers, but I'd have been much better suited growing up/living in the early 1900s (or even late 1800s). I can't stomach this God awful, hell-bent "modern" society...rotted with cultural marxism, the entrapment of the Globalist Elite and all its ill effects. I pine for days I never saw.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
Man, I don't know about ya'll fellers, but I'd have been much better suited growing up/living in the early 1900s (or even late 1800s). I can't stomach this God awful, hell-bent "modern" society...rotted with cultural marxism, the entrapment of the Globalist Elite and all its ill effects. I pine for days I never saw.


Even as recently as the 1960's it wasn't too bad. If I remember correctly the US was 90 percent white then compared to about 2/3 or less now. Diversity sure is a great thing!
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