We Are Living In A Cartoon

This is from Joe Prich on Gab. I agree with everything he says here.

"No, I'm tellin' ya, it's great!! I just strap these stupid goggles on my face and I can disappear into sportsball world forever.

Look I can't even see my dog, or anything else I love, anymore. Just brown men bouncing a ball around everywhere I look. I can even watch brown men bounce ball while I **** if I want. It's everything I ever wanted.

All brown men running with balls, all the time. Isn't the future awesome?!"

I'm sorry that your God isn't powerful enough to create a perfect universe with the Earth being ideal. Mine is.
There’s something I’ve always been curious about that I’d like to hear from the perspective of racially aware Christians. Why would an all powerful all mighty god create black people and place them in this perfect universe of his? In my opinion that seems more like something that the devil would do. I remember once reading that past generations of Christians used to believe that black people came here from hell.
There’s something I’ve always been curious about that I’d like to hear from the perspective of racially aware Christians. Why would an all powerful all mighty god create black people and place them in this perfect universe of his? In my opinion that seems more like something that the devil would do. I remember once reading that past generations of Christians used to believe that black people came here from hell.
Not sure how to process this one. That statement could be made for any race, as we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
There’s something I’ve always been curious about that I’d like to hear from the perspective of racially aware Christians. Why would an all powerful all mighty god create black people and place them in this perfect universe of his? In my opinion that seems more like something that the devil would do. I remember once reading that past generations of Christians used to believe that black people came here from hell.
That's a rather arrogant statement WW. It almost sounds like you've never done anything wrong. Which I know you have. As Football dad quoted from the Bible. Romans 3:23. "For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." The Bible says God created us in his own image. That means everyone. Black, White, etc. I don't claim to know all the answers. If I did, then I would be God. If you're looking for an answer to everything God chooses to do, you'll never be satisfied. I do know that God provided a way for us to go to heaven and spend eternity with him. If we put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, his death, burial and resurrection. But, you have to repent of your sin first. Get your eyes off of humanity and look to Jesus. Christianity is the only way because of what God did for you. He went to the cross and was crucified and took on all the sin in the world so that you could be saved. But he loved you enough to give the choice to choose him. He'll never twist your arm or force you to love him. That's real love. No other religion in the world says this. Every other religion says what you have to do to. Christianity is what God did for you. You just have to repent and believe. I urge you to pick up a Bible read the New Testament first and ask Jesus to save you.
"If you declare with your mouth, Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart God raised him from the dead, you will be SAVED." Romans 10:9
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There’s something I’ve always been curious about that I’d like to hear from the perspective of racially aware Christians. Why would an all powerful all mighty god create black people and place them in this perfect universe of his? In my opinion that seems more like something that the devil would do. I remember once reading that past generations of Christians used to believe that black people came here from hell.
Interesting question. Is the issue with Blacks their pigment or their culture and actions? Not sure that most Christians would state that G-d shapes a groups culture..
Interesting question. Is the issue with Blacks their pigment or their culture and actions? Not sure that most Christians would state that G-d shapes a groups culture..
For me its the culture and actions. I used to be an AP at a majority black school and got a first hand view of how they act.
I agree with Menelik. It's the culture and their actions on things they disgree with. Here are 2 examples. They are raising a stink because Travis Kelce is wearing a fade haircut. Second, they are upset with Caitlin Clark because she is not black or a lesbian. Jason Whitlock breaks the Clark situation down on his show.

Drove through my old neighborhood where I grew up attending Christopher Columbus elementary school in the late 1970s early ‘80s. They’ve changed the name of the school to “Dolores Huerta.” Which seems reasonable since that part of town is now little Mexico. Somebody named Gomez lives in my childhood home. My dad bought the 4 bedroom house brand new in 1975 for 30k on a 30 year mortgage, I think the payment was $300/mo., interest rates were high in the 70s. Gomez had to pay 170k for the 50 year old house. Inflation and migration.
That's nothing! In the neighborhood that I grew up in my folks bought the house for about $9,000 in 1957, payments were like $87 a month. Those same houses are now listing for close to $800,000!!!!! And they are little, dumpy 1,300SF (generous measurement by the appraiser, apparently) on 5,000sf lots. At least they didn't change the school name, it wasn't as offensive as that horrible genocidal maniac Christopher Columbus.
Anyone read this?

Here is one of the comments from the article...

"22 hours ago

Jesus H Christ, black people, when will you stand up and not be treated as if you were the dumbest animals on earth by these upper class liberals! Bad enough they insist you are too stupid to get a photo ID or locate your voting place, now they say you are too stupid to figure out how to get a loan or save for college like every other human on the face of the earth!

Are all your life prospects for sale for a few government checks? Why do you just sit there and take this constant Elitist public humiliation of your entire race? Have you no self respect?"
This tweet is from an article by Matt Taibbi detailing the ongoing persecution by Germany of American playwright C. J. Hopkins and the rapid growth of government censorship in all Western "democracies." Check out the "leaders" of Canada shown, it looks little different from the cast of the average commercial or TV program in the U.S., one lone token White man barely visible in the back with the new Indian overclass amply represented. The Great Replacement continues to accelerate. Oh, Canada!

Taibbi's piece: https://www.racket.news/p/its-not-a...&r=1j2qj2&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email
This tweet is from an article by Matt Taibbi detailing the ongoing persecution by Germany of American playwright C. J. Hopkins and the rapid growth of government censorship in all Western "democracies." Check out the "leaders" of Canada shown, it looks little different from the cast of the average commercial or TV program in the U.S., one lone token White man barely visible in the back with the new Indian overclass amply represented. The Great Replacement continues to accelerate. Oh, Canada!

Taibbi's piece: https://www.racket.news/p/its-not-a...&r=1j2qj2&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email
Dude, obviously the people of the Indian subcontinent settled and built modern Canada.

To say anything else would be rayciss
Wow, that’s profound. I hadn’t thought of it in that way.
Me neither. I've been wondering why so many dudes have this urge to be regarded as female. I've been so puzzled by this bizarre fad. I've wondered if many of my peers in my younger days secretly longed to be women. I don't think so. This guy's explanation makes so much more sense.

Good find. Truth bomb.

I wonder if it would have survived on Twitter before Musk.
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