We Are Living In A Cartoon

Don't know where to put this...
Black comedian Katt Williams was on Shannon Sharpe's show and made some interesting claims about some black entertainers being chosen by the powers that be to be stars, and then forced upon the audience. Katt mentioned Kevin Hart and Ludacris.

Here is something else about high level people pushing something onto the population.
Found this blind item on the gossip website crazydaysandnights.net
January 6, 2024
Blind Item #8
As part of the deal the exec was required to make music that would target and influence African-American culture. Specifically children. That's why this Sexy artist became a star overnight. Follow the money and it will lead you to an investment group with its hands in banking, politics, and entertainment. They're spending millions on her message.

Instead of someone or a group of ideas becoming popular due to the public pushing it to popularity, this is someone or a type of values being pushed to popularity by the elites.
Good to see Charlie Kirk finally "seeing the light" on some very important issues influential conservatives have always avoided talking about while The Great Replacement has been taking place as Kirk is young and has a large following:

MLK Worship Gives Us DEI​

I’ll take it as a positive even the normie cons are waking up.
Good to see Charlie Kirk finally "seeing the light" on some very important issues influential conservatives have always avoided talking about while The Great Replacement has been taking place as Kirk is young and has a large following:

MLK Worship Gives Us DEI​

It's nice to see some pushback to the MLK lie. More and more are aware of what a fraud he was. As a kid I remember his "dream" being force fed to everyone. The indoctrination certainly started at an early age, I am glad I was able to navigate through it. He was nothing but a communist tool/puppet utilized by the Frankfurt school to push "civil rights" and convince people that "diversity is a strength". We are now in the throes of this marxist vision of America - Whites openly being treated as second class citizens, interracial crime is through the roof with Whites being the victims, tax payer money from the shrinking White majority has been squandered and wasted these past 50+ years on entitlement programs bleeding this country dry.
A long, interesting read:

Interesting to be sure, but I will posit young men, particularly white men, face far more trials and difficulties than women.

Women have always ultimately, been in competition with themselves. For many men, a woman’s attention is enough for them to be interested (unless said woman is a land whale).

What has killed Western women’s marketability is the sexual revolution. It has destroyed the feminine. Obliterated their role as the gatekeepers of sex.

Men have an innate desire to protect and provide for. But women have largely killed this instinctual drive by not being worth of provision or protection. Their willingness to engage in sex outside of marriage has killed the Western woman’s value in the sexual marketplace.

A key that can open many locks is a master key. A lock that can be opened by many keys is a worthless lock.

Men don’t want used women. What value is there in protecting and providing for a whore?
The answer is none.
Excellent post. Yeah no Miss Only Fans Types for me. Women need to return to their roots. With really tough times economically over 2024 and 2025 I can see alot of this feminism movement taking a back seat as women will need men to survive! Many women are also geting
tired of being Miss Independent. I see countless videos of attractive ladies saying they wish they didn't buy into the lie that they can do it
all by themselves.
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Interesting to be sure, but I will posit young men, particularly white men, face far more trials and difficulties than women.

Women have always ultimately, been in competition with themselves. For many men, a woman’s attention is enough for them to be interested (unless said woman is a land whale).

What has killed Western women’s marketability is the sexual revolution. It has destroyed the feminine. Obliterated their role as the gatekeepers of sex.

Men have an innate desire to protect and provide for. But women have largely killed this instinctual drive by not being worth of provision or protection. Their willingness to engage in sex outside of marriage has killed the Western woman’s value in the sexual marketplace.

A key that can open many locks is a master key. A lock that can be opened by many keys is a worthless lock.

Men don’t want used women. What value is there in protecting and providing for a whore?
The answer is none.
Oh I agree, but it's important to also try to understand the ways the communists have misled girls and women in order to understand how and why things have become so screwed up. From the time they're born girls now are bombarded with both endless toxic feminist propaganda -- have nothing to do with men and preferably mistrust and outright hate them, be strong and independent, make your sexuality and femininity secondary if not obliterated -- but also with strong messages that they are nothing but hoes to men and to profit accordingly. Men have been manipulated and demonized, but it's obvious women are just as screwed up and I believe more so. So many middle-aged women are on anti-depressants and other drugs, so many women are physically screwed up -- fat, tatted, green hair -- which reflects how unhealthy, unhappy, confused and alienated they are inside.

There's no way one can look at the destruction of the traditional family and the natural harmony between men and women and think women have somehow "won." It's been a tragedy beyond words what's happened and continues to, so I think it's important to take a look at articles like this to better understand what it's like growing up as a young woman and the pressures and often contradictory propaganda messages aimed at them in this fallen land.
I have a 19 a year old daughter (and a seven year old one) and raising them it today’s broken and immoral society scares the heck out of me. We try to do our best, are involved in church and every chance I get I point out the evil nature of leftism.

Women has it just as hard as men when it comes to happiness, both of which are failing in that regard.

But women are constantly celebrated while men, specifically white men, are routinely demonized by media and politicians and academics. There is a reason why men, who are naturally able to handle more stress, have higher rates of suicide than women.

Bottom line: when looking at the death of the Godly nuclear family, suffice to say the Marxists have won.
We would go to the Moon but we've lost the technology and we can't go back. Lmfao.

We would go to the Moon but we've lost the technology and we can't go back. Lmfao.

If they weren't *really* going to the moon, then why the delay? If it's all fake and created on a soundstage somewhere, hell, they could "launch" the next moon mission on Friday. The Artemis project is completely different than the SIX late 60's early 70's missions. It's one thing to land on the moon and come back, different to begin to build a base station. As for earlier technology "lost", it's not necessarily the knowledge, but the physical things, such as the Saturn V rockets. Couldn't just build one of those tomorrow if they wanted to.
It's nice to see some pushback to the MLK lie. More and more are aware of what a fraud he was. As a kid I remember his "dream" being force fed to everyone. The indoctrination certainly started at an early age, I am glad I was able to navigate through it. He was nothing but a communist tool/puppet utilized by the Frankfurt school to push "civil rights" and convince people that "diversity is a strength". We are now in the throes of this marxist vision of America - Whites openly being treated as second class citizens, interracial crime is through the roof with Whites being the victims, tax payer money from the shrinking White majority has been squandered and wasted these past 50+ years on entitlement programs bleeding this country dry.
Martin Luther King Jr. was not even his birth name. His name was Michael King Jr. He was named after the archangel Michael. His father studied Martin Luther in Germany and decided to change their name to Martin Luther.
As long as Zionists control the media and determine who gets press coverage, elections don’t matter. We’d have to be crazy to believe two geriatric shabbos goyim like trump and Biden are the only two people capable of running this country. The GOP primary is the biggest farce I’ve ever seen in all my years following presidential politics
We would go to the Moon but we've lost the technology and we can't go back. Lmfao.

I found this article reprinted on Lew Rockwell.com, which is a serious libertarian-oriented site that is read by a large audience and which runs and republishes articles by many of the best known alternative media writers from most points of the political spectrum outside of the discredited establishment.

American Freedom News