We Are Living In A Cartoon

I found this article reprinted on Lew Rockwell.com, which is a serious libertarian-oriented site that is read by a large audience and which runs and republishes articles by many of the best known alternative media writers from most points of the political spectrum outside of the discredited establishment.

I know it’s a divisive topic but the moon landing seems far more likely to be faked than not. The article lays out a lot of serious challenges and no doubt there are more than these even
I found this article reprinted on Lew Rockwell.com, which is a serious libertarian-oriented site that is read by a large audience and which runs and republishes articles by many of the best known alternative media writers from most points of the political spectrum outside of the discredited establishment.

I was expecting to see something really eye-opening but instead have an article by some hack (allegedly a former UK and EU science chief of some sort) that cobbles together a ton of conjecture and some outright lies that can easily be cleared up with some simple Google (or Duck Duck Go) searches. Yawn.
Have you ever thought about why the biggest Financial Company in the World has a certain name? They own everything so
that it's easier to control us. Just like with the media and even the food production. It all goes back to a handul of companies.
Back to this Financial Company, this is why it has that name which I won't say here. Watch & learn gentlemen if your interested.

LOL!!!!!!! Now Black Rock, the company that shan't be named, is as nefarious as this fool alleges, but has nothing to do with a magical magnetic polar black rock that is really Mount Zion over the Garden of Eden - at the North Pole. But hey, you can believe what you want.
I've read some articles on those companies like Black Rock, Vanguard, State Street, and Bain Capital. My vague understanding is that, say for example Black Rock, you can find who the majority shareholders are, the main one being Vanguard, but with Vanguard, the share holder identities are secret. They all own each other, Vanguard being the majority for most of them, but the circular identity search ends at the Vanguard wall of invisibility.
LOL!!!!!!! Now Black Rock, the company that shan't be named, is as nefarious as this fool alleges, but has nothing to do with a magical magnetic polar black rock that is really Mount Zion over the Garden of Eden - at the North Pole. But hey, you can believe what you want.

Not gonna get into a debate but lighthouses only work on a flat earth & they still use them. Antartica Treaty, Why? Get a camera and watch ships as they disapear and then zoom in. It's so obvious to people that think outside of the box. Think how a compass works? Nuff said. Believe what you want and let those of us that don't follow the lieing institutions that run us.

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Not gonna get into a debate but lighthouses only work on a flat earth & they still use them. Antartica Treaty, Why? Get a camera and watch ships as they disapear and then zoom in. It's so obvious to people that think outside of the box. Think how a compass works? Nuff said. Believe what you want and let those of us that don't follow the lieing institutions that run us.

That's a very cool directory. Lighthouses are very scenic. None of the things that you mention are proof of flat earth. Also you can actually read the Antarctic Treaty. Better than that, you can visit Antactica for yourself. Not sure where on the 48,000 mile long Ice Wall you'll end up, but you can see it for yourself!
Again I will try to show you FootballDad even though I know it will be welcomed with laughter. I respect your opinions but I don't gate keep you. Everything is funny. A great way to deflect and draw attention away from my posts about a certain subject. Other posters did the same.
Just wanted to point that out. I enjoy debates but I know it won't be allowed here. If it was I could go for decades and someday the
truth will come out to the world.

Again I will try to show you FootballDad even though I know it will be welcomed with laughter. I respect your opinions but I don't gate keep you. Everything is funny. A great way to deflect and draw attention away from my posts about a certain subject. Other posters did the same.
Just wanted to point that out. I enjoy debates but I know it won't be allowed here. If it was I could go for decades and someday the
truth will come out to the world.

Not going to go into any argumentive detail here, but the folks over at Creation.com and the Creation Museum, you know, the folks who steadfastly believe in the 6,000 or so year-old Earth and the unerring truth of scriptures? They say that this fellow and others who say that the Bible teaches Flat Earth are dead wrong. I figure they know more about scriptural exegesis than you and all of your flat earth friends combined. Interestingly, the list of scriptures that are used to support this teaching was originally compiled by athiests who were trying to mock the Bible. https://creation.com/refuting-flat-earth
The satalloons are not doing their job in the fake space(lower atmosphere). We must have the cables and tell the goyim that it's
the satellites rotating around the earth. Just trust the science. All liars. The whole worlds a stage.


There are Satellites that are ground based and in the lower atmosphere. Just not floating around the stars like we are told. Just wanted
to show this to the open minded members here who might want to learn more.
Can someone stop WL from taking over the thread with flat earth stuff?
Never forget guys. All White People are bad. We didn't invent anything and we must be destroyed according to those in charge.

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Not going to go into any argumentive detail here, but the folks over at Creation.com and the Creation Museum, you know, the folks who steadfastly believe in the 6,000 or so year-old Earth and the unerring truth of scriptures? They say that this fellow and others who say that the Bible teaches Flat Earth are dead wrong. I figure they know more about scriptural exegesis than you and all of your flat earth friends combined. Interestingly, the list of scriptures that are used to support this teaching was originally compiled by athiests who were trying to mock the Bible. https://creation.com/refuting-flat-earth
The globe earth goes hand in hand with the Big Bang theory and evolution. It’s either intelligent design, or a random explosion of nothing creating everything. Trust your senses, or trust “science” or your kindergarten teacher. Nobody in this forum came to an independent conclusion that they lived on a spinning ball earth. They were told they lived on a ball before they were old enough to say “wtf”. I don’t know the shape of the earth, but I know I’m not spinning. I know nothing is created from random explosions. I know that slime doesn’t become anything, no matter how many billion years you imagine it takes. Erase your “education” and start from scratch. See where you end up. It really doesn’t matter. But I think it matters to acknowledge a creator, no specific religion. If we’re just a random explosion and slime, then there’s no karma, ethics, love, respect, empathy, sympathy, or reason to live.
The globe earth goes hand in hand with the Big Bang theory and evolution. It’s either intelligent design, or a random explosion of nothing creating everything. Trust your senses, or trust “science” or your kindergarten teacher. Nobody in this forum came to an independent conclusion that they lived on a spinning ball earth. They were told they lived on a ball before they were old enough to say “wtf”. I don’t know the shape of the earth, but I know I’m not spinning. I know nothing is created from random explosions. I know that slime doesn’t become anything, no matter how many billion years you imagine it takes. Erase your “education” and start from scratch. See where you end up. It really doesn’t matter. But I think it matters to acknowledge a creator, no specific religion. If we’re just a random explosion and slime, then there’s no karma, ethics, love, respect, empathy, sympathy, or reason to live.
I'm sorry that your God isn't powerful enough to create a perfect universe with the Earth being ideal. Mine is.
Do you notice that your the only poster on here who in the last several topics have called Don and the article he posted a farce? Then you did it to me and now you give a crazy reaction to icsept. Maybe you shouldn't get so angry over a topic that you disagree with. I know your strong minded but to try and say all of these articles and videos have no merit is beyond a stretch. I think we get your protecting the official narrative.
I don't "know" for certain that the earth is round, although I certainly believe it is. But what I can tell you with almost complete certainty is that satellites exist, and that belief is based on my personal experience, not what I've read on NASA's website. If satellites are indeed fake, it represents perhaps the deepest and most elaborate con in the history of mankind; a con job that involves tens of thousands of people and virtually every major government on earth.

Either way, this community is designed in part to persuade outsiders through observation and documentation of the Caste System. If a lurker comes here and sees things like "the earth is flat" and "satellites don't exist" in the What's new section, they may very well might write off the entire community and its message. I respect you as a poster and your right to share those positions, but I have to agree with FootballDad that after a certain point the conspiracies can go too far.
Do you notice that your the only poster on here who in the last several topics have called Don and the article he posted a farce? Then you did it to me and now you give a crazy reaction to icsept. Maybe you shouldn't get so angry over a topic that you disagree with. I know your strong minded but to try and say all of these articles and videos have no merit is beyond a stretch. I think we get your protecting the official narrative.
I don't like it when folks bash the power of the Creator. Sorry, he can only manage a frisbee earth with a dome, and electromagnetic sun and a cheese moon. It's absurd and insulting. As for the rest, there is evidence. Not conjecture, mined quotes or dishonest memes.

I would rather talk sports and important world news than to swat down people's personal incredulities.

As for Don's article, I'm glad that he is open-minded. Every point in that article is easily disproven however.

"Official narrative!" From who? The Church has believed in the globe earth from it's earliest history. Many great astronomers verified it eons ago, long before the eeeeeeevil NASA reared it's ugly head.
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