We Are Living In A Cartoon

Enjoyed that video. This is probably opening a can of worms, but did you all see the story on the auction of that shovel used on the Moon? I wondered why, with space and weight of the astronauts and payload being so calculated, why they would want to bring that stupid thing back? After using it, why not just leave it there? It's as mysterious as bringing all that other garbage to the Moon like dune buggies and golf clubs when life sustaining items were so precious.

I admit I am ignorant to this subject but, what is the rationale of faking the moon landing?
To highlight US space dominance at the expense of the USSR? To receive greater funding?
I admit I am ignorant to this subject but, what is the rationale of faking the moon landing?
To highlight US space dominance at the expense of the USSR? To receive greater funding?
Best not to broach this subject on the forums. There have been many unproductive exchanges on this forum in regards to the moon landings. From what I can see, no minds have been changed.
For those of who think humanity isn't waking up to NASA's Lies and Deception this is from this year in Florida. It's a great
way to collect money. 3 Billion dollars anually as of now. They cannot afford to let the masses know the truth. People will
be hated for speaking the truth but I say speak the truth and while the truth hurts it sets you free!

Justin Harvey, citizen hero, confronts the Florida, Brevard County Commissioners about the large-scale NASA fraud taking place in their jurisdiction, known as the International 'Space' Station.

Best not to broach this subject on the forums. There have been many unproductive exchanges on this forum in regards to the moon landings. From what I can see, no minds have been changed.


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Best not to broach this subject on the forums. There have been many unproductive exchanges on this forum in regards to the moon landings. From what I can see, no minds have been changed.
Mine has been changed on the moon landings over time, though I agree that lots of posts about that and the flat earth are not good for the site.

That being said, I was watching Jeopardy last night and "learned" that the Milky Way now supposedly has 100 billion stars and 100 billion planets. Just the Milky Way. That's quite a promotion for "our" galaxy from my younger days when I was a huge astronomy buff, like at least three zeroes worth.

After doing a figurative head shake, I checked the always trustworthy "vetted" parts of the internet this morning and learned that indeed 100 billion is the new "official" number of stars for just the Milky Way, and not only that, there are now supposedly 2 trillion, count 'em, 2 trillion galaxies, each with presumably an average of 100 billion stars and planets.

I know there's now telescopes in space returning wonderful pictures, but an inconceivable 100 billion stars just in the Milky Way? Who's doing the counting and what's the methodology? How do they know the "boundaries" of the Milky Way and has it now been "mapped out"?

As always, the "current knowledge" when it comes to medicine and science is always changing. Much of what was found in the astronomy books of my youth is as comically outdated as medical textbooks from a century or two ago. Yet at the time it's always presented as unquestionable, as if from on high, almost like a religion. Ironic isn't it?

The carbon dating methods from my youth have also been discredited, as has much else. But even after Covid and the weaponized voodoo "science" used to justify the madness surrounding it and how it was handled, we're still not supposed to question "official science"? Count me as an open-minded, free-thinking skeptic who questions everything now more than ever, including the claim that the universe has two trillion galaxies with a hundred billion or so stars and planets each, all moving away from each other at the speed of light. And all this started from a marble-sized super dense chunk of matter that somehow materialized out of nothing and then exploded? lol That's far more ridiculous than the "theory" of evolution and its many holes. The times we're in call for questioning everything "official" that's presented to us by "authorities."
Mine has been changed on the moon landings over time, though I agree that lots of posts about that and the flat earth are not good for the site.

That being said, I was watching Jeopardy last night and "learned" that the Milky Way now supposedly has 100 billion stars and 100 billion planets. Just the Milky Way. That's quite a promotion for "our" galaxy from my younger days when I was a huge astronomy buff, like at least three zeroes worth.

After doing a figurative head shake, I checked the always trustworthy "vetted" parts of the internet this morning and learned that indeed 100 billion is the new "official" number of stars for just the Milky Way, and not only that, there are now supposedly 2 trillion, count 'em, 2 trillion galaxies, each with presumably an average of 100 billion stars and planets.

I know there's now telescopes in space returning wonderful pictures, but an inconceivable 100 billion stars just in the Milky Way? Who's doing the counting and what's the methodology? How do they know the "boundaries" of the Milky Way and has it now been "mapped out"?

As always, the "current knowledge" when it comes to medicine and science is always changing. Much of what was found in the astronomy books of my youth is as comically outdated as medical textbooks from a century or two ago. Yet at the time it's always presented as unquestionable, as if from on high, almost like a religion. Ironic isn't it?

The carbon dating methods from my youth have also been discredited, as has much else. But even after Covid and the weaponized voodoo "science" used to justify the madness surrounding it and how it was handled, we're still not supposed to question "official science"? Count me as an open-minded, free-thinking skeptic who questions everything now more than ever, including the claim that the universe has two trillion galaxies with a hundred billion or so stars and planets each, all moving away from each other at the speed of light. And all this started from a marble-sized super dense chunk of matter that somehow materialized out of nothing and then exploded? lol That's far more ridiculous than the "theory" of evolution and its many holes. The times we're in call for questioning everything "official" that's presented to us by "authorities."
An excellent post. My sentiments echoed exactly.

I do not trust anything our government or scientists say. Both institutions have lost the good will of many people through their layers of deception and outright lies.
A few other things I wonder about:

The only time I ever visited Seattle was in the early 1990s to speak at a political meeting. Like Pittsburgh, Seattle is a very cloudy city but when I was there the weather was good, and every time I was outside I would gaze in awe at Mt. Ranier off in the distance some 90 miles to the east. What a sight that towering, majestic snow covered mountain was to someone from the East. Even flying in I spotted it jutting through the clouds as we got closer to Seattle.

Now if I was an astronaut who had landed on the Moon, I would have spent an inordinate amount of time gazing in pure wonderment and gratitude at the Earth. I can't think of a more amazing sight than to be on another celestial body looking at the Earth. I'd have been looking to see the U.S. and North America and the other continents, especially on days when there weren't enough clouds to obscure the view of them. I certainly would have taken many, many photographs. Yet the astronauts seemed to have no interest in the Earth while they were on the Moon.

And we're told that there were no stars in the lunar sky, just the Earth. No stars, no other planets visible in the jet black sky, just the Sun and the brightly lit Earth. And the few pictures I've seen of Earth allegedly photographed from the Moon, it for some reason looks no bigger than the Moon does in our sky despite being three times bigger than the Moon. It should have been a noticeably much larger presence in the sky. In fact, I've still yet to see some convincing views of the Earth from space, just that same shot over and over again which changes in various ways over time.

Ignoring all the strong arguments about all the logistics involved in the Moon landings that had to be successfully achieved with no room for error, the primitive technology, and the failure to return for over half a century -- with today's rockets both private and from NASA now often blowing up soon after liftoff, how did we go back to 1960 when it comes to rocket technology? -- the demeanor of the Apollo 11 astronauts at their press conference after this historic event has always bothered me. They were glum, especially Armstrong, who looks like he was just informed a close relative had died. They had just very courageously accomplished the greatest achievement in human history and yet there was no joy, no celebrating. It was more like they were trying not to screw up. Yes it was a different time without absurd over the top celebrations over every little thing, but even if they were dead tired, adrenaline alone should have made them eager to excitedly share every detail of their accomplishment. Armstrong was simply a bad actor, which is why he voluntarily or involuntarily became almost reclusive after Apollo 11 instead of the world's leading celebrity.
A few other things I wonder about:

The only time I ever visited Seattle was in the early 1990s to speak at a political meeting. Like Pittsburgh, Seattle is a very cloudy city but when I was there the weather was good, and every time I was outside I would gaze in awe at Mt. Ranier off in the distance some 90 miles to the east. What a sight that towering, majestic snow covered mountain was to someone from the East. Even flying in I spotted it jutting through the clouds as we got closer to Seattle.

Now if I was an astronaut who had landed on the Moon, I would have spent an inordinate amount of time gazing in pure wonderment and gratitude at the Earth. I can't think of a more amazing sight than to be on another celestial body looking at the Earth. I'd have been looking to see the U.S. and North America and the other continents, especially on days when there weren't enough clouds to obscure the view of them. I certainly would have taken many, many photographs. Yet the astronauts seemed to have no interest in the Earth while they were on the Moon.

And we're told that there were no stars in the lunar sky, just the Earth. No stars, no other planets visible in the jet black sky, just the Sun and the brightly lit Earth. And the few pictures I've seen of Earth allegedly photographed from the Moon, it for some reason looks no bigger than the Moon does in our sky despite being three times bigger than the Moon. It should have been a noticeably much larger presence in the sky. In fact, I've still yet to see some convincing views of the Earth from space, just that same shot over and over again which changes in various ways over time.

Ignoring all the strong arguments about all the logistics involved in the Moon landings that had to be successfully achieved with no room for error, the primitive technology, and the failure to return for over half a century -- with today's rockets both private and from NASA now often blowing up soon after liftoff, how did we go back to 1960 when it comes to rocket technology? -- the demeanor of the Apollo 11 astronauts at their press conference after this historic event has always bothered me. They were glum, especially Armstrong, who looks like he was just informed a close relative had died. They had just very courageously accomplished the greatest achievement in human history and yet there was no joy, no celebrating. It was more like they were trying not to screw up. Yes it was a different time without absurd over the top celebrations over every little thing, but even if they were dead tired, adrenaline alone should have made them eager to excitedly share every detail of their accomplishment. Armstrong was simply a bad actor, which is why he voluntarily or involuntarily became almost reclusive after Apollo 11 instead of the world's leading celebrity.
This is a great summary.
This is one of the most important ways in which people are being poisoned:

Am greatness has had some very good articles.. Truly wish more normies read that instead of Con Inc sites like Daily Wire or NRO..

Excellent Article and sadly it's true. Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear can see the destruction of the western morals, values
and traditions. Not all church's have fallen for this but probably the majority. That goes' back to the fact that they are 501C Tax Free
Mini Corporations that have been corrupted and hollowed out for decades now. There are traders leading the church's just like in the
business world and of course the local, state and federal leaders. All have been bought and paid for.

What he said and I agree with 100 percent is that "MONEY" is what has ruined the Western World. It's a very sad state of affairs indeed.
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Am greatness has had some very good articles.. Truly wish more normies read that instead of Con Inc sites like Daily Wire or NRO..
National review has been a complete hoax since Buckley died. It was kinda bad before then too, but it really took a nose dive post WFB era
Lol. That 2023 man mountain. They are sometimes seen in their natural environment in Walmart and come running at the sound of tearing cake wrappers.
Lol. That 2023 man mountain. They are sometimes seen in their natural environment in Walmart and come running at the sound of tearing cake wrappers.
The late great David Dees used to come up with some good ones along that line, such as this:


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American Freedom News