We Are Living In A Cartoon

But take the 4th jab and White Supremacy is the Nations greatest threat!

Get your booster to get you into the Afterlife. I would not want to be any of these rich people who do this to humanity
for a few shekels. You can't take it with you. Just ask the Egyptian Mummies if they could talk. All their gold, silver and
jewels are laying next to their bones. For what so ever should a man gain the whole world but lose his own soul.
Must say I enjoyed that, lol. Reminds me of the type of people who shell out $500 for some athletic shoes and their whole apple cart gets over turned by someone running barefoot.

There is a growing list of politicians on "both sides of the aisle" who seem to be planning to work through senility straight until death.

The other annoying aspect of this dynamic is how partisans on "the other side of the aisle" will pounce on these cases as some sort of own. The average conservative private citizen would be happy to see McConnell put out to pasture, just like the average Democrat would be fine replacing Diane Feinstein with any random tranny or Zulu nationalist. My guess here is that because these geriatric lifers are already bought and paid for, the (((powers that be))) have no issue riding them until the wheels fall off completely. Any replacement candidate requires vetting, probably some blackmail leverage, and a whole new set of lifetime assurances (money, appointments, status). And who has time for any of that?

Great video. The stupidy of people who think that money can buy happiness. I've worn payless shoes and they are ok for casual, work
or dress shoes. Just don't buy their athletic shoes. No good unless it's changed. So funny the rich snobs got fooled.

Interesting take on things, agreed. It’s probably possible to find similar trajectories in other long running series like James Bond. M became a woman, etc
Thanks for posting this Don. Yes we are witnessing the Fall of an Empire. It makes me sick to my stomach as the same thing
is happening in all Western Nations. No white country is safe and it's all by design. An inside job by people, groups, corporations,
govt, banks, and media not to mention others to destroy this once great nation and all of the white nations on earth.

People often talk about the Fake News and they should. What they don't talk about is the Fake History and Fake Science which has
led most to not know our past anymore. HIStory is written by the victors and they can write whatever they choose.
Sure, an occasional post or video is fine. But not a wholesale onslaught of them. I appreciate your passion and desire to spread what you believe in, but when you overdo it, it has a negative effect on a lot of posters who aren't on the same page. There are a lot of smart people here with a wide array of opinions about many topics and they are as strong-minded as you, so keep that in mind. This is mainly a sports site, and on the Caste System we're all in agreement and it's best to keep that the main focus.
Sure, an occasional post or video is fine. But not a wholesale onslaught of them. I appreciate your passion and desire to spread what you believe in, but when you overdo it, it has a negative effect on a lot of posters who aren't on the same page. There are a lot of smart people here with a wide array of opinions about many topics and they are as strong-minded as you, so keep that in mind. This is mainly a sports site, and on the Caste System we're all in agreement and it's best to keep that the main focus.
I'm saying nothing. ;)
Said it before, but that clown gets his apparel from the same outlet patronized by Zelensky, the Viet Cong Pajama Fatigue Collection at Ross Dress For Less.
Meanwhile in england:

Regarding Certain parts of ethnic British youth, their delinquency is nothing less than reprehensible, but their attitude of going around in groups is interesting, I recently saw that in the United States, a alone young white teen was beaten to death by 3 negroes in Akron, Ohio, A tragedy.
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