We Are Living In A Cartoon

We are a laughingstock. If white volunteers for the military dropped 25-30 percent the whole house of cards would come tumbling down.
OK thanks.
Next time you attend a sporting event and the “color” guard comes out and they salute all of the men and women serving overseas remember that despite what the ridiculous TV ads show, the US military is a white man’s game but we aren’t doing white man’s bidding.

If southern whitey in particular stopped enlisting to be cannon fodder for our most important and bestest ally and best friend and beacon of democracy - maybe our foreign policy might actually change.

You don’t need a 200 iq to realize that we are being played like a two bit fiddle and have been for generations.
The whole "preferred pronouns" crap needs to be put in its place: the trash. And while we're at it, the ones propagating it. If we lose all sense of reality along with the loss of freedom of speech, we are toast. I will not be "toast" in this world they want to create and force on us. I will push back, mock, ridicule and rebuke this crap to whatever means is needed to end it all in my own sphere of influence. I will never stand for it if and when it arises in my presence without pushing back.
The whole "preferred pronouns" crap needs to be put in its place: the trash. And while we're at it, the ones propagating it. If we lose all sense of reality along with the loss of freedom of speech, we are toast. I will not be "toast" in this world they want to create and force on us. I will push back, mock, ridicule and rebuke this crap to whatever means is needed to end it all in my own sphere of influence. I will never stand for it if and when it arises in my presence without pushing back.
Yes sir BeyondFedUp. We need more men to reach between their legs and find their balls if they have any left? Maybe all that fast food,
gmo's and starbucks turned them into shemales. It takes alot of Alpha Male Type Men to regain our country. You can't vote your way out
of this mess we are in. It's fight or live under worldwide communism slavery with only the 1 percent at the top who will have everything. LIke
World Econcomic Forum Leader Klausch Schwaub says, "You will own nothing and you will be happy". They want to take all of our private
property from houses, land and even the cars we drive. If men don't wake up now we are in big trouble.
Yes sir BeyondFedUp. We need more men to reach between their legs and find their balls if they have any left? Maybe all that fast food,
gmo's and starbucks turned them into shemales. It takes alot of Alpha Male Type Men to regain our country. You can't vote your way out
of this mess we are in. It's fight or live under worldwide communism slavery with only the 1 percent at the top who will have everything. LIke
World Econcomic Forum Leader Klausch Schwaub says, "You will own nothing and you will be happy". They want to take all of our private
property from houses, land and even the cars we drive. If men don't wake up now we are in big trouble.
Spot on, WL!!
an adult coach impersonates a 13-year old player in order to win a jv basketball game. talk about “dat upside!”

60k a year at a uppity prep school to be a “drill rapper” :meparto:

Someone else posted a story from the NY Post and made an observation they have a comment section. Might be a good site to drop some truth bombs especially on sports stories and throwing up links to castefootball. And that kid is a clown.
Someone else posted a story from the NY Post and made an observation they have a comment section. Might be a good site to drop some truth bombs especially on sports stories and throwing up links to castefootball. And that kid is a clown.
Drill rappers have a short shelf life. They literally get murdered every week. He better make his shekels and gtfo town ha. Not going to lie though, this kid’s gritting is on another level.
I can't get my mind around the stupidity of someone that would think importing someone from equatorial africa to fridgid Maine makes any kind of sense. It seems to be complete madness on so many levels. I really cannot understand it. I never could and never will. I can only assume that those types of people are functional psychotics and have risen to a level of control that never should have happened. What bugs me more then that is there are so many people who agree with them and encourage it.

Many of those people are religious and use some sort of religious reason to support this kind of social de-evolution. But isn't it obvious that God wanted these people to live in hot weather amongst their own kind of people? It seems a violation of God's will to import them to such a foreign place and put them under so much suffering. In fact it is cruel. How do they rationalze that?
You use the term functional psychotic. Maybe I have to much time on my hands but so many humans seem to fit this mold. My mom fooled people for 45 years that she was normal. I like to go to my local library once a week to read the local paper though I buy my NY Post at least 5 times a week. This guy named Sal comes in and uses the library computers for like a half an hour. He isn't old or decrepit and is in good shape yet he masks up, wears gloves and pre wipes the computer keyboard with sanitizer. Great but this is the same idiot I see getting into his Honda Accord for years and never puts on his seatbelt.In my opinion he is psychotic. How many grocery shoppers wiping down their carts before they shop yet touch countless grocery items that by common sense other people have touched. I have asked several times if they are gonna wipe down every food item they touch just to let them know they are bring idiomatic with the cart thing. Maybe to a lesser extent ad humans we all display traits of functional psychosis. Eff it. Life's to short. Gonna have an 8 am brewsky.
LOL that post you quoted was from nearly 10 years ago! People have not gotten any saner since then that's for sure.

It just boils down to the fact that people are not rational thinking beings but emotional superstitious ones. The pandemic really exposed that. Fear of disease is deep in the human brain, so you can expect a special kind of weird behavior because of it.

I have someone close to me that puts on a mask at various intervals, not seemingly dependant on any rational reason (if there are any). It's a way of coping in a difficult troubled world. Made worse by the fact that modern people have so much time to dwell on things instead of having to concentrate on where the next meal is coming from.

But mask wearers I can excuse, they're indulging their own fantasies, political leaders that import disfunction from the 3rd world need to be.....cured.
I once used to say I excuse mask wearers because they only hurt themselves. The trouble is that 99% of the deluded fools now still wearing masks which were obviously always ineffective are the same people who tend to cause all of our societal issues. I remember when the covid nonsense began I told my wife we can’t wear masks because to do so is going to keep this going on forever. She later told me how right I was. We should have nipped it in the bud.

The mask wearers are the same annoying old people who massively contributed to shutting down the world economy and keeping it closed so they might live forever.

Agree they think emotionally more than rationally but their thoughts had some pretty negative consequences for a lot of people trying to earn livings for their families
The depths of their hatred for White men knows no bounds.

The depths of their hatred for White men knows no bounds.

When your own military strategists think more females and freaks is the answer then you pretty much know your toast. This has to be intentional and by design. That picture the at the top spoke volumes for the sickness being perpetrated on us.
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