We Are Living In A Cartoon

As the feminist geographer Jane Darke has said: “Our cities are patriarchy written in stone, brick, glass and concrete.” In other words, cities reflect the norms of the societies that build them. And sexism is a deep-rooted norm.
As far back as 1977, an American poet and professor of architecture named Dolores Hayden wrote an article with the explosive headline “Skyscraper seduction, skyscraper rape”. Hayden tore into the male power fantasies embodied in this celebrated urban form. The office tower, she wrote, is one more addition “to the procession of phallic monuments in history – including poles, obelisks, spires, columns and watchtowers”, where architects un-ironically use the language of “base, shaft and tip” while drawing upward-thrusting buildings ejaculating light into the night sky.

As the feminist geographer Jane Darke has said: “Our cities are patriarchy written in stone, brick, glass and concrete.” In other words, cities reflect the norms of the societies that build them. And sexism is a deep-rooted norm.
As far back as 1977, an American poet and professor of architecture named Dolores Hayden wrote an article with the explosive headline “Skyscraper seduction, skyscraper rape”. Hayden tore into the male power fantasies embodied in this celebrated urban form. The office tower, she wrote, is one more addition “to the procession of phallic monuments in history – including poles, obelisks, spires, columns and watchtowers”, where architects un-ironically use the language of “base, shaft and tip” while drawing upward-thrusting buildings ejaculating light into the night sky.


These people are completely crazy. And stupid.
Honk! Honk!

Cosmopolitan is featuring multiple “plus-size,” “fat” women in a magazine issue that commends every body size as “healthy.”

The February 2021 edition of Cosmopolitan features women of various body sizes with superimposed text reading “This is healthy! 11 women on why wellness doesn’t have to be one-size-fits-all.”

Cosmo Magazine Runs Series Of Obese Women On February’s ‘This Is Healthy’ Cover | The Daily Caller
I’m getting to the point where I don’t care anymore. If there are people / women who are stupid enough to believe this obvious propaganda, then is it really so bad if they die off young from heart disease or diabetes? We’ve had far too many decades of dysgenic behavior to survive as any sort of society worth living in.

The same thing goes for miscegenation. The amount of evidence that can be understood through observation and researching “racial statistics” is overwhelming and easily accessible. If anyone still doesn’t understand that blacks and browns have lower IQ and a higher propensity to violence and crime, then maybe it’s better they are out of the White gene pool as well. Also, the idea that breeding with more violent racial groups will bring about world peace is too absurd to take serious.

We need to move forward with our best, physically and mentally. Trying to survive what’s coming will be hard enough without dragging along fatties and mudsharks.
I’m getting to the point where I don’t care anymore. If there are people / women who are stupid enough to believe this obvious propaganda, then is it really so bad if they die off young from heart disease or diabetes? We’ve had far too many decades of dysgenic behavior to survive as any sort of society worth living in.

The same thing goes for miscegenation. The amount of evidence that can be understood through observation and researching “racial statistics” is overwhelming and easily accessible. If anyone still doesn’t understand that blacks and browns have lower IQ and a higher propensity to violence and crime, then maybe it’s better they are out of the White gene pool as well. Also, the idea that breeding with more violent racial groups will bring about world peace is too absurd to take serious.

We need to move forward with our best, physically and mentally. Trying to survive what’s coming will be hard enough without dragging along fatties and mudsharks.
I agree completely. This is a refining of our DNA by separating ourselves from the race traitors. Like liberals who don't have kids because they believe humans are bad for the environment, they simply won't pass on their DNA to future whites. I see it as a good thing, but dangerous if our numbers dwindle too far during the refining. Those of us who survive through this narrowing of our ancenstral tree will have to make a conscious effort to have multiple white children. THe big problem is that as our numbers dwindle we lose control of our nations. Where will future generations go so that they can be free to be white?
I’ve felt for a long time that the white race needs a purge. A lot of whites are soft and weak, not fit to run a nation. These are the kinds of blue pilled whites who over eat, don’t exercise or train and don’t question the establishment. They go through their lives placating women and doing what they are told even though they don’t want to most of the time. These whites have got to go. They don’t deserve to stand with us going forward. When whites like this don’t procreate it’s a good thing. We will have to thin our ranks to become strong again.
as if collegiate athletics wasn't already majority-non-white enough ...

to summarize: the West Coast Conference has become the first conference to institute a rule REQUIRING ALL schools to include at least one “traditionally underrepresented community” in the pool of final candidates for EVERY MAJOR JOB in athletic departments.

it’s basically the collegiate version of the nightmarish, obviously racist, Rooney Rule of the NFL.

to quote from the article: “The Russell Rule is the result of the groundbreaking work of the WCC Presidents’ Council and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee,” WCC commissioner Gloria Nevarez, the first Latinx to lead a Division I conference, said in a statement.”
California city removes ‘racist’ ‘White Lives Matter’ banner, declares it ‘despicable act of vandalism’


Officials in a Northern California city on Saturday ordered the removal of a "White Lives Matter" banner that was posted on city property, declaring it "racist" and a "despicable act of vandalism."

The incident happened in Union City, a city of about 75,000 residents, about 20 miles south of Oakland.

"The city is disgusted by this despicable act of vandalism that has occurred on the heels of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol last week
California city removes ‘racist’ ‘White Lives Matter’ banner, declares it ‘despicable act of vandalism’


Officials in a Northern California city on Saturday ordered the removal of a "White Lives Matter" banner that was posted on city property, declaring it "racist" and a "despicable act of vandalism."

The incident happened in Union City, a city of about 75,000 residents, about 20 miles south of Oakland.

"The city is disgusted by this despicable act of vandalism that has occurred on the heels of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol last week
I noticed in the story it said that police are now watching for "hate-fueled" crimes. Although this story doesn't really have anything to do with the police, it's just another example of how at the end of the day they will do what they are told. They depend on a paycheck too and they will do what they have to in order to keep their fantasy football, bud light, pornhub blue pilled lives going. My support for police has diminished greatly over the past few years and I think police departments are rapidly turning more and more leftist anyways. The traditional conservative police officer who doesn't take any crap is being phased out.
My apologies for being a bit of a lurker here,as I dislike posting but have been a regular reader for years.I'm not sure where this belongs,but it's a ridiculous story.


Long story short,a Nigerian moves to the US 2 years ago with his father.The father bails on him,leaving him to live in a shelter.The football coach at his high school sees him during PE class and gets him to play football...he plays one year of JV football.He didn't know anything about football to begin with.The next year covid cancels the season.His coach sends tape of him PRACTICING and in scrimmages to schools around the country.He NEVER played in a single varsity game.A div 2 school gives him a scholarship.Black privilege,I guess.

It's his teammates I feel bad for...no doubt many,if not most of them played football since childhood and never got scholarships...
My apologies for being a bit of a lurker here,as I dislike posting but have been a regular reader for years.I'm not sure where this belongs,but it's a ridiculous story.


Long story short,a Nigerian moves to the US 2 years ago with his father.The father bails on him,leaving him to live in a shelter.The football coach at his high school sees him during PE class and gets him to play football...he plays one year of JV football.He didn't know anything about football to begin with.The next year covid cancels the season.His coach sends tape of him PRACTICING and in scrimmages to schools around the country.He NEVER played in a single varsity game.A div 2 school gives him a scholarship.Black privilege,I guess.

It's his teammates I feel bad for...no doubt many,if not most of them played football since childhood and never got scholarships...

Dat Upside
I know I have mentioned this before but I need to readdress it. I live in a small town of approximately 40,000 people in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Canada, the geographical area is large for these 40,000 people, land area the size of say Vancouver. I have lived in this town since 2002 when it was mostly whites. Fast forward to 2021 and it is now home to many many Asians, Chinese, Thais, Vietnamese, Filipino. Most are hard working but like everywhere else they live they stick to their own race mostly.

Recently in the last 3-5 years there has been a massive influx of Blacks, Middle Eastern and Indians and Punjabi's. They do not assimilate into our local western culture except where it suits them. Most of the males are arrogant and hostile towards all other races, especially Whites. The Blacks are targeting white females for relationships and mixed blood babies. The Indians and Asians have bought up 99% of the gas stations, convenience stores and many of the farms. In the last year the increase has been extremely heavy even with the Lyerus restrictions in place. At the same time there are many homeless(druggies) people coming into our town to the point it is not safe to walk the streets shopping local businesses after 8pm in our downtown core, theft, harassment, violence has skyrocketed whilst the police departments hands are being tied tighter and tighter by stupid cuck politicians. These immigrants are all rich, get a free ride from the Canadian government, the homeless druggies have more rights than law abiding citizens.

Obesity among white women here is prevalent and getting worse, men also but nowhere near the same level as the women.

Violence(racial) is coming and sooner than later. It scares me as I have 3 children, all girls. All three have mentioned more than once of being verbally hit on by the Blacks and followed. The Blacks are mostly Jamaican, Nigerian and Somali. They are different so some the local whites girls are interested.

The local whites are mostly cucked when it comes to standing up for their rights. brainwashed into believing whites are the oppressors, so it is a "lose lose" scenario. The NWO's plan is being played out in small town Canada after taking over the major cities such as Vancouver, Toronto etc. throw in the Scamdemic and it is a proverbial shyte show.

When I open my mouth and try to open some eyes in my town I am told I am racist and crazy lol I have even been told I must be a member of the KKK.

Most whites just dont want to face reality.....

Sorry for the rant.

If this post is too sensitive then I understand of it is deleted by admin.


I know I have mentioned this before but I need to readdress it. I live in a small town of approximately 40,000 people in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Canada, the geographical area is large for these 40,000 people, land area the size of say Vancouver. I have lived in this town since 2002 when it was mostly whites. Fast forward to 2021 and it is now home to many many Asians, Chinese, Thais, Vietnamese, Filipino. Most are hard working but like everywhere else they live they stick to their own race mostly.

Recently in the last 3-5 years there has been a massive influx of Blacks, Middle Eastern and Indians and Punjabi's. They do not assimilate into our local western culture except where it suits them. Most of the males are arrogant and hostile towards all other races, especially Whites. The Blacks are targeting white females for relationships and mixed blood babies. The Indians and Asians have bought up 99% of the gas stations, convenience stores and many of the farms. In the last year the increase has been extremely heavy even with the Lyerus restrictions in place. At the same time there are many homeless(druggies) people coming into our town to the point it is not safe to walk the streets shopping local businesses after 8pm in our downtown core, theft, harassment, violence has skyrocketed whilst the police departments hands are being tied tighter and tighter by stupid cuck politicians. These immigrants are all rich, get a free ride from the Canadian government, the homeless druggies have more rights than law abiding citizens.

Obesity among white women here is prevalent and getting worse, men also but nowhere near the same level as the women.

Violence(racial) is coming and sooner than later. It scares me as I have 3 children, all girls. All three have mentioned more than once of being verbally hit on by the Blacks and followed. The Blacks are mostly Jamaican, Nigerian and Somali. They are different so some the local whites girls are interested.

The local whites are mostly cucked when it comes to standing up for their rights. brainwashed into believing whites are the oppressors, so it is a "lose lose" scenario. The NWO's plan is being played out in small town Canada after taking over the major cities such as Vancouver, Toronto etc. throw in the Scamdemic and it is a proverbial shyte show.

When I open my mouth and try to open some eyes in my town I am told I am racist and crazy lol I have even been told I must be a member of the KKK.

Most whites just dont want to face reality.....

Sorry for the rant.

If this post is too sensitive then I understand of it is deleted by admin.



This all is by design. They are dumping brown and blacks into small towns in the US too. Why the hell are Somalis being imported into Maine? In my small town two of the stores - one a corner market/deli and the other a "package" store have been bought out by Indians over the past few years. You can be in a very rural area and walk into a gas station and the cashier seems to be an indian. It's bizarre how they focus on these types of businesses.
@sprintstar frustrating to hear things are changing for the worse. Hang in there and keep those girls safe from the turd worlders.
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Sprintstar, I see the same thing happening in every city I go to in the U.S. I understand your concern for your daughters and you have every right to be. White women are a trophy to blacks and they will say and do anything to be with a white woman. I don't know if you would do this but, I would buy your girls' pepper spray and an icepick. Teach them to spray anybody that harasses them directly in the eyes and then take the icepick and aim for two targets, under the ribs and their armpits. These are the two easiest ways to puncture the lungs without going through the ribcage and possibly breaking the point of the pick. Yes, I have girls, they are women now, and showed them how to use the pick they didn't have mace around when they were growing up. Sprintstar, they only have to do it once to let them know they are not playing around. Stay Strong.
Sprintstar same here in the small city I live near in Northern California but not near as bad as your situation seems to be. The working and middle classes are getting it from below and above also with this pandemic bullshite. Dark times.
This all is by design. They are dumping brown and blacks into small towns in the US too. Why the hell are Somalis being imported into Maine? In my small town two of the stores - one a corner market/deli and the other a "package" store have been bought out by Indians over the past few years. You can be in a very rural area and walk into a gas station and the cashier seems to be an indian. It's bizarre how they focus on these types of businesses.
I know if Canada the government had a fast track program for investing a half million into Canada and you would become a citizen, now I think they doubled the money to one million. Indians and Chinese immigrants would buy gas stations in small towns and then leave after the minimum requirements for staying.

To be honest if you live in a small town and a new immigrant doesn't buy a business like this your neighborhood gas station might go under.
I know if Canada the government had a fast track program for investing a half million into Canada and you would become a citizen, now I think they doubled the money to one million. Indians and Chinese immigrants would buy gas stations in small towns and then leave after the minimum requirements for staying.

To be honest if you live in a small town and a new immigrant doesn't buy a business like this your neighborhood gas station might go under.

I forgotten the details but minority immigrants have huge advantages written into law. They get grants, no interest loans, tax advantages for a certain amount of years. When they milked it they sell the place to a relative recent arrival that takes the same grants and loans. That's why we see so many minority owned businesses that would be impossible for Whites to compete with. Cory Booker is writing into law a similar thing for black farmers. They are after every thing we have. I perfect example of why having a majority white country is that all minority groups are willfully participating in bashing whites in every way. Asians are now protesting White Supremacy because Blacks are attacking them in the streets. Everything is always our fault because we have what they want and they are going to just take it if we don't give it away. No matter how nice we are to them all people of color see us as their "real enemy."

"San Francisco diversity activist Michelle Kim offered a similar view, saying Asians have “more work to do to eradicate anti-blackness.” She added that Asians have a “perceived proximity to whiteness,” partly because their “solidarity work with other marginalized communities” was covered up. She wrote an article on the recent spike in hate crimes against Asians, asking, “Who is our real enemy?” Despite acknowledging that the attacks on elderly Asians were perpetrated by blacks, she answered her own question predictably: “White supremacy culture.”"
I forgotten the details but minority immigrants have huge advantages written into law. They get grants, no interest loans, tax advantages for a certain amount of years. When they milked it they sell the place to a relative recent arrival that takes the same grants and loans. That's why we see so many minority owned businesses that would be impossible for Whites to compete with. Cory Booker is writing into law a similar thing for black farmers. They are after every thing we have. I perfect example of why having a majority white country is that all minority groups are willfully participating in bashing whites in every way. Asians are now protesting White Supremacy because Blacks are attacking them in the streets. Everything is always our fault because we have what they want and they are going to just take it if we don't give it away. No matter how nice we are to them all people of color see us as their "real enemy."

"San Francisco diversity activist Michelle Kim offered a similar view, saying Asians have “more work to do to eradicate anti-blackness.” She added that Asians have a “perceived proximity to whiteness,” partly because their “solidarity work with other marginalized communities” was covered up. She wrote an article on the recent spike in hate crimes against Asians, asking, “Who is our real enemy?” Despite acknowledging that the attacks on elderly Asians were perpetrated by blacks, she answered her own question predictably: “White supremacy culture.”"

Haha well I guess the Old Asians keep getting stomped out by the at risk youff then! Since no one can ever get to the root of the problem with a certain race, it will be business as usual. Aka blame Whitey.
Tiger woods smashed up another car (one vehicle accident). I'm sure there was a White guy who made him do it of course.
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