We Are Living In A Cartoon

I forgotten the details but minority immigrants have huge advantages written into law. They get grants, no interest loans, tax advantages for a certain amount of years. When they milked it they sell the place to a relative recent arrival that takes the same grants and loans. That's why we see so many minority owned businesses that would be impossible for Whites to compete with. Cory Booker is writing into law a similar thing for black farmers. They are after every thing we have. I perfect example of why having a majority white country is that all minority groups are willfully participating in bashing whites in every way. Asians are now protesting White Supremacy because Blacks are attacking them in the streets. Everything is always our fault because we have what they want and they are going to just take it if we don't give it away. No matter how nice we are to them all people of color see us as their "real enemy."

"San Francisco diversity activist Michelle Kim offered a similar view, saying Asians have “more work to do to eradicate anti-blackness.” She added that Asians have a “perceived proximity to whiteness,” partly because their “solidarity work with other marginalized communities” was covered up. She wrote an article on the recent spike in hate crimes against Asians, asking, “Who is our real enemy?” Despite acknowledging that the attacks on elderly Asians were perpetrated by blacks, she answered her own question predictably: “White supremacy culture.”"

Maybe a bit off topic but, another advantage: Asians aren't nearly as slighted by affirmative action as is believed:


"After Prop 209 banned affirmative action in public higher education in 1998, the rate of AAPI admissions decreased significantly for all UC campuses except UC Riverside, and diversity levels have never been the same since. "

"Although Asian Americans were not affected as dramatically, their admissions rate also fell at five out of eight UC campuses, with drops of up to 32 percent at UCLA over a 9-year period."

Asian population doubled in California but fell 32% at schools when affirmative action goodies were taken away from them.

"Since California eliminated affirmative action in its public universities, Asian American students have been less likely to get into the UC system than under an affirmative action regime."


Jews approximately match or even outnumber non-Jewish whites at Harvard and most of the other Ivy League schools, which seems wildly disproportionate. Indeed, the official statistics indicate that non-Jewish whites at Harvard are America’s most under-represented population group, enrolled at a much lower fraction of their national population than blacks or Hispanics, despite having far higher academic test scores.
When examining statistical evidence, the proper aggregation of data is critical. Consider the ratio of the recent 2007–2011 enrollment of Asian students at Harvard relative to their estimated share of America’s recent NMS semifinalists, a reasonable proxy for the high-ability college-age population, and compare this result to the corresponding figure for whites. The Asian ratio is 63 percent, slightly above the white ratio of 61 percent, with both these figures being considerably below parity due to the substantial presence of under-represented racial minorities such as blacks and Hispanics, foreign students, and students of unreported race. Thus, there appears to be no evidence for racial bias against Asians, even excluding the race-neutral impact of athletic recruitment, legacy admissions, and geographical diversity.

However, if we separate out the Jewish students, their ratio turns out to be 435 percent, while the residual ratio for non-Jewish whites drops to just 28 percent, less than half of even the Asian figure. As a consequence, Asians appear under-represented relative to Jews by a factor of seven, while non-Jewish whites are by far the most under-represented group of all, despite any benefits they might receive from athletic, legacy, or geographical distribution factors. The rest of the Ivy League tends to follow a similar pattern, with the overall Jewish ratio being 381 percent, the Asian figure at 62 percent, and the ratio for non-Jewish whites a low 35 percent, all relative to their number of high-ability college-age students.

They also have pro-nonwhite bias, being wealthy elite immigrants for the most part, ethnic nepotism, bribery, stealing and cheating on their side in order to ameliorate negative effects where they may actually be harmed by the policy.
I assume the same applies to south asians.


I believe this meme is meant to shutter any white criticisms of affirmative action and is a ploy by a minority group to gain more favorable treatment.
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Idiocracy arrived here hundreds of years before it did in the movie of the same name.

Tucker Carlson: Lawmakers, Media Hyped Imaginary QAnon Invasion in D.C.


it’s hard to understand what is driving the hysterical hallucinations of the left. I thought Trump derangement syndrome was crazy but that was directed mostly at one guy. This continual imagining that there is a White supremicist uprising right around every corner is troublesome. It’s ramped up their insanity to a dangerous level.
it’s hard to understand what is driving the hysterical hallucinations of the left. I thought Trump derangement syndrome was crazy but that was directed mostly at one guy. This continual imagining that there is a White supremicist uprising right around every corner is troublesome. It’s ramped up their insanity to a dangerous level.

It's pure anti-white rhetoric at this point. It's open and accepted hatred of one group of people - that group being white people.

Typically, when I hear references to the movie Idiocracy it's by leftists who use it to attack Trump supporters/white people. They have their delusional heads stuck so far up there asses to realize that the movie is about them. It's the same thing when a leftist tries to use Orwell to legitimize their whacked out beliefs - that really annoys me.
It's pure anti-white rhetoric at this point. It's open and accepted hatred of one group of people - that group being white people.

Typically, when I hear references to the movie Idiocracy it's by leftists who use it to attack Trump supporters/white people. They have their delusional heads stuck so far up there asses to realize that the movie is about them. It's the same thing when a leftist tries to use Orwell to legitimize their whacked out beliefs - that really annoys me.

It's amazing that they don't recognize that Orwell was talking about them. Orwell based 1984 on the Soviet Union.

I sometimes communicate with a liberal. She actually sent me a video of Yuri Bezmenov talking about how the communists brainwashed the American youth. She actually thought that those who had had been brainwashed were those with conservative beliefs! Their minds are disordered and their beliefs make no sense.
Portland: City Of Homeless Tents And Boarded Up Buildings

A couple days ago in LA, people around a historic lake near down town Los Angeles got tired of the homeless setting up tents around the lake. It took the LAPD three days to clear them out. The big mistake was the government of LA not nipping it in the bud, and immediately citing and TELLING the homeless they will not set up a tent. They allowed a cancer to grow with the blessing of idiot Democrat Woke politicians. Red States do not have these problems. I go to various conservative sites and not so conservative sites like the UK Daily Mail. In the comment sections you will see the rage of normies AKA CFers. This gives me hope that normalcy will come raging back.
In the area, I stay in people have started living in utility buildings and tents. They must be at least 150 to 200 people living like this. They also will drive a car into the woods and sleep in the car. They have started building their own border wall since Biden took over.20210206_095205.jpg
Portland: City Of Homeless Tents And Boarded Up Buildings

Disgusting. Portland used to be a beautiful place.

This is what happens when leftists have a supermajority in any particular place. They get into a purity spiral so insane that you end up with anarco-communism, crime, poverty, drug use, filth and blight.
Another White supremacist caught menacing an Asian:

She yelled an anti-Asian slur at a man on the street, police said. He was an undercover NYPD officer.


Another White supremacist caught menacing an Asian:

She yelled an anti-Asian slur at a man on the street, police said. He was an undercover NYPD officer.


Out of all these incidences nation wide, have any actually been perpetrated by a White person? Honest question. And no, I don’t count the Atlanta shooter as he gave his motive (sexual in nature) and killed 2 White people as well.

This has to be one of the largest gaslightings in modern history. And that’s quite an accomplishment considering nearly everything pushed by “the system” is a total lie.
Out of all these incidences nation wide, have any actually been perpetrated by a White person? Honest question. And no, I don’t count the Atlanta shooter as he gave his motive (sexual in nature) and killed 2 White people as well.

This has to be one of the largest gaslightings in modern history. And that’s quite an accomplishment considering nearly everything pushed by “the system” is a total lie.

Yet another crazed White supremacist has assaulted an Asian in New York:

Asian man body slammed by ranting man in broad daylight attack in NYC

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Another White supremacist caught menacing an Asian:

She yelled an anti-Asian slur at a man on the street, police said. He was an undercover NYPD officer.



She was charged with harassment as a hate crime and aggravated harassment as a hate crime, police told The Washington Post.

Since when is yelling at someone a crime? The Constitution, including the 1st Amendment has been completely eradicated by the communist left. Obviously this black was causing a scene but i don't see any crime having been committed. Oh, it's a "hate crime" because the black said something not nice about an asian. Yet whites are subjected to racial verbal harrassment on a daily basis. Insane.

There was no crime committed here.

There may come a time that blacks realize, even though open borders and the cult of multiculturalism felt good to them as a 'get whitey' payback, that diversity has been just as disastrous for their communities as it has been for whites.
I originally caught this story from a hip hop Youtube web channel, but this crazed individual kicked and stomped a 65 year old Filipino inmmigrant. His backstory is a heart warming one of being paroled for murdering his mother and he lives off of the federal governments dime at a 4 star hotel turned flop house in Manhattan.

Having tourists from Peoria can't happen soon enough....
I originally caught this story from a hip hop Youtube web channel, but this crazed individual kicked and stomped a 65 year old Filipino inmmigrant. His backstory is a heart warming one of being paroled for murdering his mother and he lives off of the federal governments dime at a 4 star hotel turned flop house in Manhattan.

Having tourists from Peoria can't happen soon enough....

Until the media has the stones to admit that this is a Black on Asian attack overall, this issue will only get worse. Its almost as if the MSM and elites want this to escalate. Asian people must openly admit that they are under assault from blacks, until they do i have no sympathy for them as they're fear of being seen as racist will cost them more lives.
Black people are so intense about their fast food. I have strict rules when I go through a fast food drive thru: no special requests, order off the menu; if the order is wrong or the food sucks, keep moving and don’t complain. It’s disgusting fast food prepared by teenagers and crackheads: it is what it is.
It is a great thread, meandering with lots of good stuff for a long time and still going strong. Wish we had more of them, it's been over two months now since a new poster has signed up, sad.
It is a great thread, meandering with lots of good stuff for a long time and still going strong. Wish we had more of them, it's been over two months now since a new poster has signed up, sad.

I’ll be doing my best to call out the caste system during the draft on social media and posting links to castefootball as always. I don’t know how much traffic it pulls in but it’s the least I can do
It is a great thread, meandering with lots of good stuff for a long time and still going strong. Wish we had more of them, it's been over two months now since a new poster has signed up, sad.[

The only explanation is that this website has been shadow banned by the search engines.
American Freedom News