We Are Living In A Cartoon

Yes, in the current gynocracy, any suggestion by anyone that someone should actually take care of there body is sexist and body shaming. Further proof that the communist left that controls all social media is led by Old Scratch (not the esteemed poster here on CF).
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

No, no, no. Become fat ugly pigs and be happy with your misery! That is the message and encouragement.
Most of the whiners thought it was "insulting" for a husband or male to give a fitness item to his wife. It "insinuates" that she doesn't look good enough for him they say. Maybe she wanted it. She seemed grateful. The snowflakes complaining are likely unmarried (90%) or insecure or both. The feminazis don't like anything to do with a female having any inclination to please her husband or boyfriend, look good for him, and even better her own health in the process. These rats hate anything wholesome, like that commercial. They are truly lost, by choice.
It's incredible that such an innocuous commercial could cause such a negative reaction. We're living in an insane world.
BeyondFedUp, it's a bull$hit and meaningless honor for these black woman (and black women in general worldwide) and anyone with half-a-brain knows this. I bet if you give 1,000 black males "truth serum" and ask them which Miss Iceland (photo below) they'd prefer to have as a mate or wife, I believe between 900 and 945 (or more) would take the absolutely gorgeous blue-eyed blonde Miss Iceland 2018 over the Mulatto Miss Iceland of 2019. Turn the Mulatto girl into a dark-skinned black girl and that number would probably swell to 945 to 995 black males preferring the blond over the Negro female.

In contrast, give 1,000 white males "truth serum" and ask them which Miss Iceland they'd prefer to have as a mate or wife and I believe between 995 and 999 would take the absolutely gorgeous blue-eyed blonde Miss Iceland 2018 over the Mulatto Miss Iceland of 2019. It's plain as day, white men love and cherish white woman. Black men clearly dont feel the same about their own females.

The virulently anti-white Jewish media can push the myth of beautiful black women all day and all night, but it means almost nothing when black men that have attained any kind of status mostly desire non-black women. Even outspoken, rabidly anti-white blacks like Jalen Rose, Keyshawn Johnson and Warren Moon have white wives. Moon and Keyshawn left behind their black wives and families for white women. Steve McNair tore apart his black family for a light-skinned Arab woman that murdered him.

And my guess is, if you take away social pressure to "keep it real" and stay with a black women, the overwhelming majority of all black men (rich and poor) would shun their own women, even favoring a very average looking white, Latin or Asian woman over a beautiful black women. I guess in Kosher Fantasyland, we are supposed to believe that black women are suddenly the symbol of worlwide beauty, when their own men are not impressed (or completely reviled) by the looks of females that resemble their sisters and mothers?

Caption: In Kosher Fantasyland, these are Equal Beauties?

P.S: Miss Puerto Rico Madison Anderson, a white woman, was a runner up.
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Clearly, the (((media))) did not get the memo of over 70% of black children are born out of wedlock or are "cared" for by single black mothers, and most likely black grandmothers. Pathetic.
BeyondFedUp, it's a bull$hit and meaningless honor for these black woman (and black women in general worldwide) and anyone with half-a-brain knows this. I bet if you give 1,000 black males "truth serum" and ask them which Miss Iceland (photo below) they'd prefer to have as a mate or wife, I believe between 900 and 945 (or more) would take the absolutely gorgeous blue-eyed blonde Miss Iceland 2018 over the Mulatto Miss Iceland of 2019. Turn the Mulatto girl into a dark-skinned black girl and that number would probably swell to 945 to 995 black males preferring the blond over the Negro female.

In contrast, give 1,000 white males "truth serum" and ask them which Miss Iceland they'd prefer to have as a mate or wife and I believe between 995 and 999 would take the absolutely gorgeous blue-eyed blonde Miss Iceland 2018 over the Mulatto Miss Iceland of 2019. It's plain as day, white men love and cherish white woman. Black men clearly dont feel the same about their own females.

The virulently anti-white Jewish media can push the myth of beautiful black women all day and all night, but it means almost nothing when black men that have attained any kind of status mostly desire non-black women. Even outspoken, rabidly anti-white blacks like Jalen Rose, Keyshawn Johnson and Warren Moon have white wives. Moon and Keyshawn left behind their black wives and families for white women. Steve McNair tore apart his black family for a light-skinned Arab woman that murdered him.

And my guess is, if you take away social pressure to "keep it real" and stay with a black women, the overwhelming majority of all black men (rich and poor) would shun their own women, even favoring a very average looking white, Latin or Asian woman over a beautiful black women. I guess in Kosher Fantasyland, we are supposed to believe that black women are suddenly the symbol of worlwide beauty, when their own men are not impressed (or completely reviled) by the looks of females that resemble their sisters and mothers?

Caption: In Kosher Fantasyland, these are Equal Beauties?

P.S: Miss Puerto Rico Madison Anderson, a white woman, was a runner up.
Notice how non-African her features are? Looks like a lot of white admixture. You never see an ultra black straight outta Africa female win these events. Like 0zero the first black* president
We men overwhelmingly prefer white women and that's they way it's always been. Most black men who achieve success in the world end up with white women. It's undeniable.
The Machines Have Us Trained for Obedience

by Paul Craig Roberts

Many decades ago there was an issue of Mad comics that portrayed a future time when everything was done by robots and humans had no function. One day the system failed. As it had been eons since humans had to do anything, no one knew how to fix the system. It was Mad comics version of Armageddon.

I think that is where the digital revolution is taking us. I remember when appliances and cars responded to humans, and now humans respond to them. When I grew up cars and home appliances did not go “beep-beep” to remind you of the things you were supposed to do, such as turn off the car lights and take the keys out of the ignition, or turn off the oven and shut the fridge.

Cars, except for British sports cars, didn’t have seat belts. Today a car doesn’t stop beeping until you fasten your seat belts. I hear that soon the cars won’t start until the seat belts are fastened.

When the electric company’s outsourced crew failed to connect the neutral line to my house and blew out all appliances, sprinkler system, and garage openers, the electric company replaced everything on a prorated depreciated basis that cost me thousands of dollars. The worst part of it is that the new appliances boss me around.

The old microwave would gently beep three times and stop. The new one beeps in the most insistent way—open the door you dumb human right this second, immediately—and keeps on insisting until I obey. The fridge refuses to let me leave it open for cleaning. The oven insists that I open it immediately, despite my habit of cutting the on time short and leaving whatever it is to cook awhile longer in the hot oven.

Here is an explanation of how our electric meters spy on us and pass on the information. to interested parties. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/20...destroyed-privacy-and-made-everyone-insecure/

Self-driving cars seem to be our future, and robots are taking our jobs away even faster than global corporations offshored them to Asia.

What exactly is it that humans are going to be good for? Nothing it seems.

Why will we need a driving license when cars drive themselves? If there is an accident, who is to blame? The company that made the car? The company responsible for the softwear? What is the point of car insurance when drivers have no responsibility?

Perhaps it is true that aliens are living among us. Their language is “beep-beep” and they are using our machines and cars to train us, like Pavlov’s dogs, to respond to their command.

I can remember when telephones were a convenience before they became a nuisance. When my land line rings, 95% of the time it is a scam or a telemarketing call, usually robotic. Now, a man will listen to a sexy female voice, for a time, and a woman will listen to a courtly gentleman’s voice, but until sex doll robots catch on, no one wants to listen to a machine’s voice. So why the calls? Why do the telephone companies permit their customers to be scammed and their privacy to be constantly invaded? How do the phone companies benefit from permitting unethical people to destroy the value of phone service?

The same thing, I am told, happens to cell phone users. Recently I finally had to acquire a smart phone, because two people I need to reach only respond to text messages. They refuse to answer any phone, and email is so invaded by scammers, malware, and marketeers that they do not use email. They do not even set up the message system on their cell phones. If you try to call them, you get instead of an answer the message that the person you are attempting to call has not set up their message box.

So there you have it. Except for texting, which can’t (yet) be done with a land line, telephones are a nuisance.

Growing up in Atlanta during the 1940s and into the early 1950s, you could not yourself place a call from your telephone. When you picked up the receiver, an AT&T operator answered and asked: “number please.” You gave her the number, and she rang it and connected you if there was an answer. If you did not know the number, you asked her for information. If you knew the complete name and perhaps the street address, you were provided with the telephone number.

In those halcycon days even in a city such as Atlanta, Georgia, there were party lines. That meant that you shared a telephone line with a neighbor. If you picked up the receiver to make a call through the operator and heard voices speaking, you knew the line was in use and decency required that you hang up immediately. As the talking parties heard the click when you picked up the line, if they didn’t hear the click when you hung up they asked you to get off their call.

In that system, there was no anonymity. Anonymity appeared with dial phones, which allowed you to make your own calls. From a public telephone, the call was not traceable to you. This technology was the beginning of our downfall.

Dial phones, something youths have seen only in antique shops or old movies are still with us in everyday language. We still say “dial the number” when we are punching buttons.

Today thanks to technological “progress,” it is much easier to invade privacy.

Technology is destroying us and the planet. The pollution from technology is phenomenal. 5G itself may do us in. The destruction of privacy, identity, and freedom by the digital revolution is far beyond George Orwell’s imagination. Insouciant humans delight in the gadgets that are turning themselves into unfree people who are under control but who themselves control nothing.

This outcome is easily seen in China where the government uses universal spying to construct for each person a social credit score. It that person is a dissident, has bad habits, etc., that person gets a score too low to qualify for a loan, university admission, employment, etc., and becomes a non-being. Here is Soren Korsgaard’s explanation of our future. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/20...created-for-humanity-and-it-is-close-at-hand/

Minding Your Mood

by Eric Peters

Memory seats are nice. But how about mood minders? In-car sensors that assess your state of mind via eye movements, facial expressions, gestures – even your rising (or falling) heartbeat – and adjust the car accordingly?

Some of this is already here.

A number of new cars come standard with “drowsy driver” monitoring systems. Cameras embedded in the dash watch you as you drive; if the system thinks you’re getting heavy-lidded or distracted, a chime will sound and a warning light (it’s often a coffee cup symbol) comes on.

Soon, it’ll be much more than just a light and a chime.

At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the next Great Leap Forward was on display. In addition to cameras watching you, infra-red sensors will soon register your metabolic rate as an indicator of agitation and if the car decides you’re too angry to drive, it pulls itself over.

For saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafety!

Be sure to maintain a vapid smile of contentment at all times – like Winston in Orwell’s 1984 – though even that might not be enough if the car can tell how you’re feeling inside, something even Orwell thought impossible back in 1948, when the novel was written.

This isn’t a dystopian vision. It’s actuality.

A number of new cars know it’s you – specifically – behind the wheel. Not just Driver A. Facial recognition tech scans and identifies you – and then adjusts the seats and so on accordingly.

The car keeps track of your preferences – and probably also your opinions. Think twice about what you say because there may be more than just you and your passenger in the car – and in on the conversation.

Soon, everything that goes on in a new car will be open source.

And so much more.

At CES, evolutions of the tech already deployed were on display. In addition to adjusting the seats, in-car AI can also adjust the drive – mellowing out the suspension settings for more comfort if the car senses your fatigue, increasing or decreasing airflow to perk you up – even auto-shading parts of the windshield to reduce glare on you, specifically.

It can make recommendations about where to eat – when it senses you are hungry – and which route is best (according to its judgement).

All of this is being presented – spoon fed – to “consumers” (a contemptuous term that ought to have aroused anger when it oleaginously began to replace buyers some 30 or so so years ago) as just another convenience. BMW’s i Interaction EASE, for instance.

Yes – but for who?

It is certainly convenient for the corporate-government nexus (which includes the insurance mafia but so much more) to be able to easily watch and hear and take note of everything you’re doing in your car – and to know how you’re feeling about it.

Don’t get mad, now!

It is the same sort of convenience parents desire to have with regard to keeping track of their children at all times – and prison guards of their inmates.

It doesn’t seem to occur to the vapid-smilers reporting on all the latest wonders that a car that can pull itself over because it’s decided you’re too drowsy – or angry – to drive can also pull you over for other reasons.

For any reason.

And whenever it likes.

It can also adjust your driving – regardless of your mood. This is also coming – is already here. Many new cars have speed limit “reminders” that will soon become speed limit enforcers. Right now, it’s only a flashing light in the dash. In the near future, it will be an accelerator pedal that pushes back – or an engine that doesn’t respond to you pushing down on the accelerator.

Also for ssssssaaaaaaaafety!

This has already been mandated for cars sold in Europe. It will not be confined to Europe.

Why do suppose almost all new cars are Internet connected? 4G now – and 5G soon. Not optional. It is all very . . . convenient. You’ll be able to look up the weather . . . and the car will be looking up you.

All of that valuable data collected, transmitted – and sold.

They want to know everything, control everything and make a buck off everything they collect about you. They say the data collected is “secure” – and won’t be “shared” – in the manner of your Social Security number that will never be used “for purposes of identification.”

Look upon that thing in your garage as a kind of self-imposed passive interrogation suite with comfortable seats, a nice stereo and ambient mood lighting.

It doesn’t beat you with truncheons, 1984 style. That is too obvious, so old school. People give up more when they’re entertained and infantilized. Give them a “free” app – that comes with a trap. Pretty things to look at, soothing lights – and voices that tell them how very safe they’re being kept.

Cars – which once incarnated autonomy – are becoming the incarnation of its opposite. Which may be why so many people no longer like new cars – especially car guys.

Movement is lately confused with autonomy but they are not the same things. A Soviet bread line moved. A parade of goose-stepping North Korean soldiers moves. The bus – whenever it arrives – moves, too.

They all move without regard to your wishes. You get from A to B, certainly. Eventually. But you have no say over the how you get there – and the when is entirely out of your control.

Might as well be entertained.

The autonomous cars which existed until recently were different because their movements were autonomous. They were autonomously controlled by the driver – not the car.

Nothing was monitored. If you couldn’t sleep and decided to go for a midnight drive, no one knew about it – including the car. It simply took you wherever you pointed it, as fast or as slow as you wanted to go.

The inconvenience one paid for this was having to adjust the seats oneself.

I recently rented a Toyota minivan while out in SoCal and it had an annoying speed limit reminder. When traffic opens up on an L.A. area freeway, if you are going the speed limit you will be promptly blown off of the road. It also refused to obey when I would set the cruise control for a speed higher than the limit. It was maddening.
"Many decades ago there was an issue of Mad comics that portrayed a future time when everything was done by robots and humans had no function. One day the system failed. As it had been eons since humans had to do anything, no one knew how to fix the system. It was Mad comics version of Armageddon."

I think PC Roberts is confusing Mad comics (I was a fan of it in its Harvey Kurtzman days) with E.M. Forster's 1909 science fiction story, "The Machine Stops", a common error.... :)


Mad parody of the Johnson Smith Co. comic book ads, from the Mad Harvey Kurzman days:

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Minding Your Mood

by Eric Peters

Memory seats are nice. But how about mood minders? In-car sensors that assess your state of mind via eye movements, facial expressions, gestures – even your rising (or falling) heartbeat – and adjust the car accordingly?

Some of this is already here....


Left off knowing exactly where u go and where u r via GPS (of which I have been a devotee since its early days, namely Garmin Model 2).

George Orwell didn't write 1984 as an instruction manual.
Don, It's just like you said in another thread. Something like that there is not a single corporate elitist entity that is not fully onboard with the anti-white, anti-christian, anti-heterosexual agenda. No one in their right mind wants all this leftist nation-wrecking crap, except those who want to wreck the nation!
A Light in the Darkness

by Paul Craig Roberts

Diana Johnstone’s just published book, Circle in the Darkness: Memoir of a World Watcher, is the best book I have ever read, the most revealing, the most accurate, the most truthful, the most moral and humane, the most sincere and heartfelt, and the best written.Her book is far more than a memoir.It is a history that has not previously been written.If you want the truth of the last 60 years in place of the contrived reality constructed for us by controlled explanations, it is in this book.

This book is so extraordinary in its truthfulness and conciseness that it is difficult for a less gifted writer to do it justice.It is a book without a superfluous sentence.

Herein I will provide some of the books message.In future columns I hope to present some of the history in the book.

In the Western World the legitimate national interest of people has become identified with racism and fascism.Corporate globalism requires open borders, and the left has aligned with globalism and has become the most zealous enforcer of open borders, which has come to mean the right of refugees with victim status to other peoples’ countries.The left has abandoned the working class and anti-war activity.Today the left is pro-war in order to enforce “human rights” on alleged dictators by bombing their peoples into oblivion, thus producing refugees and tag along opportunistic immigrants that flock to the Western aggressor nations.

Self-styled moral censors, such as Antifa, denounce hate while violently hating those they denounce. Everything is settled by controlled explanations that cannot be questioned or examined in debate.Those who engage in critical free thinking are censored, shouted down, beaten up, fired, and cancelled.The cancel culture permits no debate, only enthusiastic acquiesce to explanations that have been settled in advance.

Antifa by shutting down open debate actually serves to protect the authoritarian center consisting of “the Clintonian Democratic Party, mainstream media, the military industrial complex and globalized neoliberal finance capital.”Antifa turns the left into a support group for the authoritarian center.

In the European Union’s so-called constitution, private corporate interests take precedence over—indeed do not permit—the socialized elements of European mixed economies that made the societies livable communities. Today people are sacrificed to the greed of the global elite as social services are curtailed and privatized.

In the “Western democracies,” democracy–that is, rule by the people and a rule of law– has been extinguished. European peoples were forced into the European Union at the expense of their national sovereignty despite having voted down EU membership.The French people voted 54.7% against EU membership and 45.3% for.The Dutch people voted 61% against the EU and 39% for.Faced with an unacceptable democratic outcome, the ruling elites removed the question from the people by turning EU membership into a “treaty” that could be signed by governments without input from the peoples.When the French Constitutional Court ruled that the “treaty” was contrary to the French Constitution, the French Constitution was changed to accommodate the “treaty.”Only the Irish government gave the people a choice by putting the “treaty” to a referendum, and the people rejected it. Chastised for allowing the people to decide their own fate, the Irish government collapsed under elite pressure and after a period of intense propaganda in favor of the “treaty” forced it through on a second referendum.The Western “democratic” media were principal agents of the elite in stripping European peoples of any control over how they are governed.

In the West lies and orchestrated deceit have replaced truth in government and media. Instead of spreading facts and mutual understanding, media have deceived the public in order to gain support for unjustifiable wars.Deceit “reached an extravagant new peak of danger with the campaign of calumny against Russia” culminating in the preposterous charge investigated by a “special prosecutor” that Hillary Clinton’s defeat was caused by a Putin/Trump plot involving Russian interference in the US presidential election.

“Western values” are constantly invoked, but what are these values?They are not the values that made the West what it is, or rather was.These values are rejected.Free speech is out if it challenges official explanations whether the government’s or the left’s or uses any words that can be misrepresented as “hate speech.”Democracy is out as demonstrated by the anti-democratic formation of the European Union. Truth is out as it is “offensive.”Rational inquiry is regarded as denial of emotion-based proclamations.It goes on and on.Diana Johnstone notes that government repression is most significant not against violent acts of rebellion but against Julian Assange for exercising press freedom to convey information to the public.

Where does this leave us?We have the West against the world, the West against itself, and the people against themselves.Washington is unable “to view the world other than as a field for exercising US ‘leadership,’ and all who balk are considered deadly enemies.”The diplomacy of the US and its NATO vassals consists of dropping sanctions and bombs on those who refuse to submit to Washington’s will, while the West itself dissolves into “diversity” and the mutual hatred of Identity Politics, which has progressed to the point that the transgendered are busy at work hating feminists. Diana Johnstone puts it best:

“When individuals are bunched into groups assigned intrinsic qualities—from victimhood to racism—normal human ties of mutual concern, shared purpose, comprehension and compassion are severed. In a grotesque development, new gender identities are invented, whose ‘cause’ overshadows the real problems of genuinely disadvantaged people. Economic issues are forgotten as groups mobilize solely to police attitudes.Billionaires prosper more than ever before, while down below people bicker over safe spaces and toilet use.”

Hubris has destroyed humanity:

“The countries of the Western world are in a state of schizophrenic overconfidence and self-doubt. Their leaders persist in proclaiming ‘our values’ as the model for the rest of humanity, while their own people are increasingly divided and disillusioned.

“The 18th century was the century of the liberated mind. The 19th century was the century of Great Men. The 20th century was the century of the common man. And the 21st century’s looks like it may become a negation of all of them. The century of nobody at all.

“Irrationality and censorship restore chains to thought. Great Men are only statues to be demolished. The common man, once hailed as the hero of a radiant future, has been degraded to a superfluous nuisance, probably racist and homophobic. Ordinary folks have been reassigned from the glorious concept of ‘the people’ to their derogatory redefinition under the rubric of populism’ [and Trump deplorables].

People are reduced to ‘consumers,’ while being told that by consuming, they are destroying the planet. Identity Politics has not only turned people against each other by group, but its late manifestation, Vegan speciesism, even turns people against people altogether, for being an overprivileged life form.”

What will our future be? Currently we live in a dystopia of deceit. But the failure of our leaders to deal adequately with a health crisis and their hostility to an economic system that serves people rather than the wealth of elites are marking the Western world as a massive failure. Will realization of this failure cause the people to revolt as the Yellow Vests have, or will it break the people and further diminish them?

As we are confined at home in an effort to avoid infection and to limit the spread of infection, now is a good time to read a clear explanation of what has happened to us in our time, assess the failures that have undermined our existence as a united and free people, and prepare for reconstructing a livable and humane society. Diana Johnstone’s book is available from Clarity Press https://www.claritypress.com/book-author/diana-johnstone/

The Divine Black Jogger in Us All

by David Cole

Journalists never accept gray areas where race is concerned. Flawed black men never get shot; there’s never an apportionment of blame. If a white kills a black, it’s always Hitler vs. Jesus.

Why does Ahmaud Arbery have to be an “innocent jogger” when it’s clear he was anything but? The case would still raise the same complex legal questions regarding how far citizens can or should go in taking crime prevention matters into their own hands. This is an important issue for many of us; with “progressive” DAs refusing to prosecute property crimes (as I’ve written about in previous columns), if you’re a property owner, it’s increasingly likely that at some point you’ll face this dilemma: “What do I do about burglaries when the cops won’t come?” Now, that goes for property owners of all races and ethnicities, but only whites will face the added risk that the act of confronting a suspected burglar might result in a public crucifixion courtesy of the press, activists, and careerist public officials.

As far as leftists, journalists, politicians, and mainstream conservatives are concerned, incidents like the Arbery shooting are as black and white as their protagonists. The Panglossian “future filled with promise” Sears portrait of the victim provides exactly the visual aid to suit the narrative.

It’s easy to write off the obsession with idealized photos of dead black guys as just another example of racial guilting on the left and virtue signaling on the “we all bleed red” right. And it is indeed both of those things. But there’s more to it, something very human that’s not exclusive to any one particular ideology. It’s what I call the “soul of a poet” fallacy. Most of us dearly want to believe that, deep down, every person has an inner genius, an inner artist, an “inner light.” No one is “just” a thug, no Third Worlder is “just” a ditchdigger. It’s the Homo sapien iteration of the infinite monkey theorem; given enough time, love, and charity, every human could write Shakespeare.

The dead thug is reality; the senior photo is our idealized reality.

For my leftist friends, almost all of whom are in “the arts,” this belief in an innate and universal inner poet is the prime reason they don’t want the lockdowns to end (indeed, why they don’t understand why they should end). You may not recall this, but back in 2010, Nancy Pelosi told Americans that they need to be freed from the burden of having to work for a living so that they can “be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passions, your aspirations.” This wasn’t one of her drunken offhanded comments; it was a manifesto. Most leftists believe that “jobs” do nothing more than suppress our inner artist. So of course the lockdowns are not only good but necessary. By forcing people to not have jobs, by literally padlocking workplaces, we can “free” Americans to unleash the prodigy within.

Ryan George, the popular YouTuber whose “pitch meeting” videos are actually quite funny, did a skit last week excoriating as not just dumb but “evil” those people who find it impossible to “stay home” 24/7 because of Covid. To George (who refused my requests for comment), this makes perfect sense. He’s earning money staying home doing videos in front of a green screen; surely everyone can!

Now, obviously this nonsensical worldview is inextricably intertwined with standard leftist egalitarianism coupled with ignorance of how the world actually works (i.e., the mass starvation and deprivation that would occur if everyone devoted their lives to wacky videos) meshed with an inflated ego (a refusal to acknowledge that the world would be fine without YouTube stars, but not without, say, truckers and farmers). At least with old-school communists, their vision of a “workers’ paradise” acknowledged the necessity of factory jobs; they didn’t foresee a world of “influencers” who (to quote Marc Almond) lie around like Byron and write verses to the moon.

“Be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passions, your aspirations.” I’m certain that cretins like Pelosi, AOC, and Bernie are puzzled that people are actually complaining about being forced to “leave their work.” Why aren’t we all just rockin’ out “or whatever”? It never occurs to leftists that not everyone has grand aspirations beyond working hard and having a family. Unlike leftists, some folks see the value in those things; they see them as preferable to monetizing funny videos.

And then you have the people who are by nature thugs and ne’er-do-wells. The “grand aspiration” of these bottom-feeders is to be a blight. They are capable of nothing else, held back by low intelligence, self-control issues, and cultures that breed for the lowest common denominator. Cursed by nature and nurture, these are the people I’ve referred to as the unsalvageables.

Leftists don’t believe unsalvageables exist. Sadly, neither do many rightists. And here’s where conservatives find their minds bedeviled by the “soul of a poet” fallacy too. Thanks largely to a combination of Christian ethics and patriotic fervor, rightists see everybody foreign or domestic as redeemable and beneficial.

How many times has this fallacy led to disaster for conservatives? “The people of [fill in Third World nation] have a yearning to be free, just like us! They have a genius that is being crushed by their oppressive rulers. We must liberate these Shakespeares-in-waiting so that their inner light can shine as a beacon of hope to the world!”

Yep, so many Iraqi Shakespeares. So many Afghan Mozarts. Walk through Kabul these days, it’s like Florence in the Renaissance.

And of course it’s the “soul of a poet” fallacy that prompts so many on the right to oppose restricting the type of immigration that is fast condemning us to a demographic dystopia. Third World immigrants are a bunch of suppressed Michelangelos who just need a few flag pins and a citizenship oath to unleash their genius! Some conservatives genuinely believe this…others cynically pretend to. Like the neocons. Privately, many Jews (and I speak from a lifetime of experience here) obsessively discuss the importance of culture, race, and IQ. But they want to make sure you don’t. So it becomes necessary to pollute the discourse with lies about how with enough green cards and scholarships, Australian aborigines could totally run a majority of American media corporations.

It’s merely a random coincidence that Jews are so influential and prominent! It could just as easily be Bushmen.

Even some far-rightists who flirt with nativism and nationalism fail to grasp the hard truth that not everyone is “creative, skilled, and passionate.” Several weeks ago, when Tucker Carlson grilled former McKinsey & Company senior partner Peter Walker (who is strongly pro-Chinese), Carlson zeroed in on Walker’s suggestion that the Chinese are not “wired” like Westerners when it comes to individual achievement. Carlson reacted with shock and outrage over the suggestion that there’s a “genetic question” regarding Chinese conformity. Carlson slammed Walker as an “apologist for fascism.”

“Genetic differences” between whites and Asians? Gimme a break! That’s Nazi talk!

Okay, but surely there are cultural differences. I mean, that’s not Nazi, right? Think again, Himmler! On a recent edition of China superfan Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast, cohost Jack Maxey declared that it’s a communist myth that the Chinese people “eat from wet markets” and “eat the wrong food” and have “disgusting” culinary practices. According to Maxey, the Chinese government invented those lies to defame its own people (for reasons Maxey neglects to elucidate).

So no, there are no negative racial or cultural differences. Nothing that would make the Chinese, or Third Worlders in general, incompatible with Western civilization.

Under the right conditions, most high-profile rightists will give Third Worlders the Ahmaud Arbery makeover. They’re just innocent joggers, “framed” by evil racists and fascists. They’re incapable of despoiling a good neighborhood…or a good nation. When they “jog” through, it’s only to bring joy and benevolence. So let them wander freely through your yards and houses.

Let them…or else.

Deep down, we know the reality behind the idealization. Locking people out of their jobs will not turn them into amazing artists “being creative or whatever.” Most folks don’t have an inner Shakespeare (and most who think they do are actually quite untalented). Ahmaud Arbery wasn’t sinless, and in most cases “people of color” who find themselves confronted by property owners, cops, or concerned neighbors are not saints and cherubs. And the Third World is the Third World because it’s composed of Third Worlders. Green cards don’t change people’s nature, or the nature of a people.

We know these things. We recognize the fallacies.

But the fallacies are winning, because angelic yearbook photos are so much more comforting than the stark, ugly images that remind us of a reality we’d rather not confront or accept.

The Divine Black Jogger in Us All

by David Cole

Journalists never accept gray areas where race is concerned. Flawed black men never get shot; there’s never an apportionment of blame. If a white kills a black, it’s always Hitler vs. Jesus.

Why does Ahmaud Arbery have to be an “innocent jogger” when it’s clear he was anything but? The case would still raise the same complex legal questions regarding how far citizens can or should go in taking crime prevention matters into their own hands. This is an important issue for many of us; with “progressive” DAs refusing to prosecute property crimes (as I’ve written about in previous columns), if you’re a property owner, it’s increasingly likely that at some point you’ll face this dilemma: “What do I do about burglaries when the cops won’t come?” Now, that goes for property owners of all races and ethnicities, but only whites will face the added risk that the act of confronting a suspected burglar might result in a public crucifixion courtesy of the press, activists, and careerist public officials.

As far as leftists, journalists, politicians, and mainstream conservatives are concerned, incidents like the Arbery shooting are as black and white as their protagonists. The Panglossian “future filled with promise” Sears portrait of the victim provides exactly the visual aid to suit the narrative.

It’s easy to write off the obsession with idealized photos of dead black guys as just another example of racial guilting on the left and virtue signaling on the “we all bleed red” right. And it is indeed both of those things. But there’s more to it, something very human that’s not exclusive to any one particular ideology. It’s what I call the “soul of a poet” fallacy. Most of us dearly want to believe that, deep down, every person has an inner genius, an inner artist, an “inner light.” No one is “just” a thug, no Third Worlder is “just” a ditchdigger. It’s the Homo sapien iteration of the infinite monkey theorem; given enough time, love, and charity, every human could write Shakespeare.

The dead thug is reality; the senior photo is our idealized reality.

For my leftist friends, almost all of whom are in “the arts,” this belief in an innate and universal inner poet is the prime reason they don’t want the lockdowns to end (indeed, why they don’t understand why they should end). You may not recall this, but back in 2010, Nancy Pelosi told Americans that they need to be freed from the burden of having to work for a living so that they can “be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passions, your aspirations.” This wasn’t one of her drunken offhanded comments; it was a manifesto. Most leftists believe that “jobs” do nothing more than suppress our inner artist. So of course the lockdowns are not only good but necessary. By forcing people to not have jobs, by literally padlocking workplaces, we can “free” Americans to unleash the prodigy within.

Ryan George, the popular YouTuber whose “pitch meeting” videos are actually quite funny, did a skit last week excoriating as not just dumb but “evil” those people who find it impossible to “stay home” 24/7 because of Covid. To George (who refused my requests for comment), this makes perfect sense. He’s earning money staying home doing videos in front of a green screen; surely everyone can!

Now, obviously this nonsensical worldview is inextricably intertwined with standard leftist egalitarianism coupled with ignorance of how the world actually works (i.e., the mass starvation and deprivation that would occur if everyone devoted their lives to wacky videos) meshed with an inflated ego (a refusal to acknowledge that the world would be fine without YouTube stars, but not without, say, truckers and farmers). At least with old-school communists, their vision of a “workers’ paradise” acknowledged the necessity of factory jobs; they didn’t foresee a world of “influencers” who (to quote Marc Almond) lie around like Byron and write verses to the moon.

“Be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passions, your aspirations.” I’m certain that cretins like Pelosi, AOC, and Bernie are puzzled that people are actually complaining about being forced to “leave their work.” Why aren’t we all just rockin’ out “or whatever”? It never occurs to leftists that not everyone has grand aspirations beyond working hard and having a family. Unlike leftists, some folks see the value in those things; they see them as preferable to monetizing funny videos.

And then you have the people who are by nature thugs and ne’er-do-wells. The “grand aspiration” of these bottom-feeders is to be a blight. They are capable of nothing else, held back by low intelligence, self-control issues, and cultures that breed for the lowest common denominator. Cursed by nature and nurture, these are the people I’ve referred to as the unsalvageables.

Leftists don’t believe unsalvageables exist. Sadly, neither do many rightists. And here’s where conservatives find their minds bedeviled by the “soul of a poet” fallacy too. Thanks largely to a combination of Christian ethics and patriotic fervor, rightists see everybody foreign or domestic as redeemable and beneficial.

How many times has this fallacy led to disaster for conservatives? “The people of [fill in Third World nation] have a yearning to be free, just like us! They have a genius that is being crushed by their oppressive rulers. We must liberate these Shakespeares-in-waiting so that their inner light can shine as a beacon of hope to the world!”

Yep, so many Iraqi Shakespeares. So many Afghan Mozarts. Walk through Kabul these days, it’s like Florence in the Renaissance.

And of course it’s the “soul of a poet” fallacy that prompts so many on the right to oppose restricting the type of immigration that is fast condemning us to a demographic dystopia. Third World immigrants are a bunch of suppressed Michelangelos who just need a few flag pins and a citizenship oath to unleash their genius! Some conservatives genuinely believe this…others cynically pretend to. Like the neocons. Privately, many Jews (and I speak from a lifetime of experience here) obsessively discuss the importance of culture, race, and IQ. But they want to make sure you don’t. So it becomes necessary to pollute the discourse with lies about how with enough green cards and scholarships, Australian aborigines could totally run a majority of American media corporations.

It’s merely a random coincidence that Jews are so influential and prominent! It could just as easily be Bushmen.

Even some far-rightists who flirt with nativism and nationalism fail to grasp the hard truth that not everyone is “creative, skilled, and passionate.” Several weeks ago, when Tucker Carlson grilled former McKinsey & Company senior partner Peter Walker (who is strongly pro-Chinese), Carlson zeroed in on Walker’s suggestion that the Chinese are not “wired” like Westerners when it comes to individual achievement. Carlson reacted with shock and outrage over the suggestion that there’s a “genetic question” regarding Chinese conformity. Carlson slammed Walker as an “apologist for fascism.”

“Genetic differences” between whites and Asians? Gimme a break! That’s Nazi talk!

Okay, but surely there are cultural differences. I mean, that’s not Nazi, right? Think again, Himmler! On a recent edition of China superfan Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast, cohost Jack Maxey declared that it’s a communist myth that the Chinese people “eat from wet markets” and “eat the wrong food” and have “disgusting” culinary practices. According to Maxey, the Chinese government invented those lies to defame its own people (for reasons Maxey neglects to elucidate).

So no, there are no negative racial or cultural differences. Nothing that would make the Chinese, or Third Worlders in general, incompatible with Western civilization.

Under the right conditions, most high-profile rightists will give Third Worlders the Ahmaud Arbery makeover. They’re just innocent joggers, “framed” by evil racists and fascists. They’re incapable of despoiling a good neighborhood…or a good nation. When they “jog” through, it’s only to bring joy and benevolence. So let them wander freely through your yards and houses.

Let them…or else.

Deep down, we know the reality behind the idealization. Locking people out of their jobs will not turn them into amazing artists “being creative or whatever.” Most folks don’t have an inner Shakespeare (and most who think they do are actually quite untalented). Ahmaud Arbery wasn’t sinless, and in most cases “people of color” who find themselves confronted by property owners, cops, or concerned neighbors are not saints and cherubs. And the Third World is the Third World because it’s composed of Third Worlders. Green cards don’t change people’s nature, or the nature of a people.

We know these things. We recognize the fallacies.

But the fallacies are winning, because angelic yearbook photos are so much more comforting than the stark, ugly images that remind us of a reality we’d rather not confront or accept.


Thanks for posting that. Excellent article. Very much a realist view of, well, reality. I wish more of our people would face it.
The Divine Black Jogger in Us All

by David Cole

Journalists never accept gray areas where race is concerned. Flawed black men never get shot; there’s never an apportionment of blame. If a white kills a black, it’s always Hitler vs. Jesus.

Why does Ahmaud Arbery have to be an “innocent jogger” when it’s clear he was anything but? The case would still raise the same complex legal questions regarding how far citizens can or should go in taking crime prevention matters into their own hands. This is an important issue for many of us; with “progressive” DAs refusing to prosecute property crimes (as I’ve written about in previous columns), if you’re a property owner, it’s increasingly likely that at some point you’ll face this dilemma: “What do I do about burglaries when the cops won’t come?” Now, that goes for property owners of all races and ethnicities, but only whites will face the added risk that the act of confronting a suspected burglar might result in a public crucifixion courtesy of the press, activists, and careerist public officials.

As far as leftists, journalists, politicians, and mainstream conservatives are concerned, incidents like the Arbery shooting are as black and white as their protagonists. The Panglossian “future filled with promise” Sears portrait of the victim provides exactly the visual aid to suit the narrative.

It’s easy to write off the obsession with idealized photos of dead black guys as just another example of racial guilting on the left and virtue signaling on the “we all bleed red” right. And it is indeed both of those things. But there’s more to it, something very human that’s not exclusive to any one particular ideology. It’s what I call the “soul of a poet” fallacy. Most of us dearly want to believe that, deep down, every person has an inner genius, an inner artist, an “inner light.” No one is “just” a thug, no Third Worlder is “just” a ditchdigger. It’s the Homo sapien iteration of the infinite monkey theorem; given enough time, love, and charity, every human could write Shakespeare.

The dead thug is reality; the senior photo is our idealized reality.

For my leftist friends, almost all of whom are in “the arts,” this belief in an innate and universal inner poet is the prime reason they don’t want the lockdowns to end (indeed, why they don’t understand why they should end). You may not recall this, but back in 2010, Nancy Pelosi told Americans that they need to be freed from the burden of having to work for a living so that they can “be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passions, your aspirations.” This wasn’t one of her drunken offhanded comments; it was a manifesto. Most leftists believe that “jobs” do nothing more than suppress our inner artist. So of course the lockdowns are not only good but necessary. By forcing people to not have jobs, by literally padlocking workplaces, we can “free” Americans to unleash the prodigy within.

Ryan George, the popular YouTuber whose “pitch meeting” videos are actually quite funny, did a skit last week excoriating as not just dumb but “evil” those people who find it impossible to “stay home” 24/7 because of Covid. To George (who refused my requests for comment), this makes perfect sense. He’s earning money staying home doing videos in front of a green screen; surely everyone can!

Now, obviously this nonsensical worldview is inextricably intertwined with standard leftist egalitarianism coupled with ignorance of how the world actually works (i.e., the mass starvation and deprivation that would occur if everyone devoted their lives to wacky videos) meshed with an inflated ego (a refusal to acknowledge that the world would be fine without YouTube stars, but not without, say, truckers and farmers). At least with old-school communists, their vision of a “workers’ paradise” acknowledged the necessity of factory jobs; they didn’t foresee a world of “influencers” who (to quote Marc Almond) lie around like Byron and write verses to the moon.

“Be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passions, your aspirations.” I’m certain that cretins like Pelosi, AOC, and Bernie are puzzled that people are actually complaining about being forced to “leave their work.” Why aren’t we all just rockin’ out “or whatever”? It never occurs to leftists that not everyone has grand aspirations beyond working hard and having a family. Unlike leftists, some folks see the value in those things; they see them as preferable to monetizing funny videos.

And then you have the people who are by nature thugs and ne’er-do-wells. The “grand aspiration” of these bottom-feeders is to be a blight. They are capable of nothing else, held back by low intelligence, self-control issues, and cultures that breed for the lowest common denominator. Cursed by nature and nurture, these are the people I’ve referred to as the unsalvageables.

Leftists don’t believe unsalvageables exist. Sadly, neither do many rightists. And here’s where conservatives find their minds bedeviled by the “soul of a poet” fallacy too. Thanks largely to a combination of Christian ethics and patriotic fervor, rightists see everybody foreign or domestic as redeemable and beneficial.

How many times has this fallacy led to disaster for conservatives? “The people of [fill in Third World nation] have a yearning to be free, just like us! They have a genius that is being crushed by their oppressive rulers. We must liberate these Shakespeares-in-waiting so that their inner light can shine as a beacon of hope to the world!”

Yep, so many Iraqi Shakespeares. So many Afghan Mozarts. Walk through Kabul these days, it’s like Florence in the Renaissance.

And of course it’s the “soul of a poet” fallacy that prompts so many on the right to oppose restricting the type of immigration that is fast condemning us to a demographic dystopia. Third World immigrants are a bunch of suppressed Michelangelos who just need a few flag pins and a citizenship oath to unleash their genius! Some conservatives genuinely believe this…others cynically pretend to. Like the neocons. Privately, many Jews (and I speak from a lifetime of experience here) obsessively discuss the importance of culture, race, and IQ. But they want to make sure you don’t. So it becomes necessary to pollute the discourse with lies about how with enough green cards and scholarships, Australian aborigines could totally run a majority of American media corporations.

It’s merely a random coincidence that Jews are so influential and prominent! It could just as easily be Bushmen.

Even some far-rightists who flirt with nativism and nationalism fail to grasp the hard truth that not everyone is “creative, skilled, and passionate.” Several weeks ago, when Tucker Carlson grilled former McKinsey & Company senior partner Peter Walker (who is strongly pro-Chinese), Carlson zeroed in on Walker’s suggestion that the Chinese are not “wired” like Westerners when it comes to individual achievement. Carlson reacted with shock and outrage over the suggestion that there’s a “genetic question” regarding Chinese conformity. Carlson slammed Walker as an “apologist for fascism.”

“Genetic differences” between whites and Asians? Gimme a break! That’s Nazi talk!

Okay, but surely there are cultural differences. I mean, that’s not Nazi, right? Think again, Himmler! On a recent edition of China superfan Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast, cohost Jack Maxey declared that it’s a communist myth that the Chinese people “eat from wet markets” and “eat the wrong food” and have “disgusting” culinary practices. According to Maxey, the Chinese government invented those lies to defame its own people (for reasons Maxey neglects to elucidate).

So no, there are no negative racial or cultural differences. Nothing that would make the Chinese, or Third Worlders in general, incompatible with Western civilization.

Under the right conditions, most high-profile rightists will give Third Worlders the Ahmaud Arbery makeover. They’re just innocent joggers, “framed” by evil racists and fascists. They’re incapable of despoiling a good neighborhood…or a good nation. When they “jog” through, it’s only to bring joy and benevolence. So let them wander freely through your yards and houses.

Let them…or else.

Deep down, we know the reality behind the idealization. Locking people out of their jobs will not turn them into amazing artists “being creative or whatever.” Most folks don’t have an inner Shakespeare (and most who think they do are actually quite untalented). Ahmaud Arbery wasn’t sinless, and in most cases “people of color” who find themselves confronted by property owners, cops, or concerned neighbors are not saints and cherubs. And the Third World is the Third World because it’s composed of Third Worlders. Green cards don’t change people’s nature, or the nature of a people.

We know these things. We recognize the fallacies.

But the fallacies are winning, because angelic yearbook photos are so much more comforting than the stark, ugly images that remind us of a reality we’d rather not confront or accept.

Thanks! Enjoyed and shared.
Where Did My World Go?

by Paul Craig Roberts

I remember when there was no tamper-proof and child-proof packaging.That was before multiculturalism and Identity Politics when we could still trust one another and parents accepted responsibility for their children without fobbing it off on a company with a liability claim.

I remember also when there were no state income and sales taxes.States were able to meet their responsibilities without them.

A postage stamp cost one cent. A middle class house was $11,000 and an upper middle class house went fot $20,000.One million dollars was a large fortune. There were no billionaires.

The air museum on the naval base in Pensacola, Florida, has a street reconstructed from the 1940s. The restaurant’s memu offers a complete evening meal for 69 cents.

I was thinking about that as I reviewed a recent Publix supermarket bill:a loaf of bread $3.89, a dozen organic eggs $4.95, a package of 6 hot dogs $5.49, 8 small tomatos $5.19, a package of baby spinach $4.19, a half gallon of milk $4.59, a package of two paper towel rolls $5.99.When I was 5 or 6 years old, my mother would send me to the bakery with a dime for a loaf of bread or to the market with 11 cents for a quart of milk. The Saturday afternoon double-feature at the movie house was 10 cents.A case of Coca-Colas (24 bottles) was one dollar. Ten cents would get you a Pepsi Cola and a Moon Pie, lunch for construction crews. Kids would look for discarded Pepsi Cola bottles on construction sites. In those days there was a two cent deposit on soft drink bottles. One bottle was worth 4 pieces of Double Bubble gum.Five bottles paid for the Saturday double-feature.

Dimes, quarters, and half dollars were silver, and there were silver dollars. The nickle (five cent coin) was nickle, and the penny was copper. FDR took gold away in 1933. The silver coins disappeared in 1965.Our last commodity money, the copper penny, met its demise in 1983.Now they are talking about getting rid of the penny altogether.

Many of us grew up with paper routes for spending money.Other than a paper route, my first employment was the high school summer when I worked the first shift in a cotton mill for $1 an hour.And work it was.After the withholding tax my takehome pay for the 40 hour week was $33.

When I was five years old I could walk safely one mile to school and home by myself without my parents being arrested by Child Protective Services for child neglect and endangerment.

In school we could draw pictures of fighter planes, warships, and guns without being regarded as a danger to our classmates and sent for psychiatric evaluation.Fights were just a part of growing up. The police weren’t called, and we weren’t handcuffed and carted off to jail. Today kids who play cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians and point fingers at one another as pretend guns end up in police custody. A fight means an assault charge and possibly a felony record.

The kind of freedom I had as a child no longer exists except in remote rural areas. When I think about this I wonder if kids today even notice.They live in the virtual world of the video screen and do not know the real world.Catching crawfish in the creek while watching out for cottonmouth moccasins, playing capture the flag over acres of expanse without getting a bad case of poison ivy, organizing a neighbohood ball game, damning up a creek and making a swimming hole. Today these are unknown pleasures.

When it rained we read books. I remember reading Robert Heinlein’s Puppet Masters when I was 12 years old. Do 12 year olds read books today?Can science fiction compete with video games?

I remember when a deal rested on a handshake.Today lawyers tell me even contracts are unenforceable.

We were taught to behave properly so that “you can look yourself in the mirror.”Today you can’t look yourself in the mirror unless you have upstaged or ripped off someone.Character is a thing of the past, as are habits that are today regarded as inappropriate.An older person hoping to get a point across to a younger one would put his or her hand on the younger person’s arm or thigh for attention purposes.Do this today and you get a sexual charge. Both of my grandmothers would probably be locked up as sexual offenders.

Being a tattle-tale was an undesirable and discouraged trait. Today we are encouraged to be tattle-tales.You will hear the encouragement several dozen times while awaiting your flight to be called.Neighbors on quiet cul-de-sacs will call Child Protective Services to report one another’s unsupervised children at play.

I remember when black Americans said they just wanted to be treated like everyone else.That was before racial set-asides in federal government contracts that only black-owned firms can bid on. Once you have special privileges, you don’t want to be like everyone else.Blacks say being white is a privilege.If so, it wasn’t enough privilege for Celeste Bennett’s firm Ultima.Her white privilege and her gender privilege were trumped by black set-aside privilege.

If my parents and grandparents were to be resurrected, they would require a year’s training before it would be safe for them to go about with being arrested.They would have to be educated out of their customary behavior patterns and taught the words and phrases that are today impermissable.They would have trouble comprehending that there are no-go areas in cities.Reading Diana Johnstone’s masterful book, Circle in the Darkness, I remembered the safety of my own youthful years as I read that as a 12 year old she could walk alone around the wharfs of southwest Washington, D.C., in the 1940s unmolested.

I received my new homeowners policy yesterday.It arrived with 89 pages of warnings, definitions, and liability explanations.One can’t really tell if one is insured or not.

I have a 54-year old Jaguar that I have had for 47 years. The owner’s manual tells how to operate and repair the car. A friend showed me the owner’s manual on his 21-year old Porsche. It has more pages of warnings to protect the manufacturer from liability claims than the Jaguar manual has pages of instruction. Today any tool or gadget you buy has more pages of warnings than instruction.

My AARP Medicare supplement insurance policy arrived explaining my meager and expensive covering.It came with a notice letting me know that language assistance services are available for the policy in Spanish, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Russian, Arabic, Haitian Creole, French, Polish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Japanese,Hmong, Llocano, Somali, Greek, Gujarati, and that there is no discrimination because of sex, age, race, color, disability or national origin. The notice provides access to a Civil Rights Coordinator in the event I feel discriminated against.AARP even provides a number to call for help with filing a discrimination complaint.

I do feel discriminated against. But it is not a covered discrimination. I feel like my country has been stolen or that I have been kidnapped and placed in some foreign unknown place that I don’t recognize as home.

I feel the same when I get fundraising appeals from Georgia Tech and Oxford University. Georgia Tech was an all male school consisting primarily of in-state Georgia boys.The Oxford colleges were segregated according to gender—male and female—and the vast majority of the members were British.Today all the colleges except the women’s are gender integrated. White males seldom appear in the photos in the fundraising materials that arrive from Oxford and Georgia Tech.I see lots of women and racial diversity and wonder what university it is.An improvement or not, they are not the schools of which I have memories.The schools I knew have simply been taken away.Something else is there now.

Perhaps it has always been true, but today if you live very long you outlive your world. As your friends die off, no one remembers it correctly but you as you watch your world disappear in misrepresentations to serve present day agendas.

Better to Stay – or Go?

by Eric Peters

Almost twenty years ago, I did what many people have done and moved from a high-tax/high-tyranny area (Northern Virginia) to a low-tax/lower-tyranny area (rural SW Virginia).

The new place was still in the same state but in many meaningful ways, it was an entirely different place. One could, for example, obtain a concealed-carry permit just by filling out a form – a minor tyranny compared with the major tyranny of being effectively denied the right to carry up north because in Northern Virginia, one had to jump through so many constantly moving hoops it was almost impossible to “qualify” for the permission slip.

The people were less busybodyish, too. You leave me alone, I leave you alone – an ancient Southern thing – still applied, more or less. Or at least, a lot more than it did 240 miles up the road in Northern Virginia, where everything you did was somehow some busybody’s business.

Government was unavoidable up there. Here, it was generally avoidable. One could fill one’s lungs and breath in a way that was denied the people up north.

Now the south is a lot like the north and the question arises: Where to next?

Is it worth moving somewhere else? Is there anywhere left within the United States that is still free enough relative to wherever we are now to justify the ordeal of selling one’s home, saying goodbye to one’s friends and all the familiar places in order to try again, somewhere else?

Liberty minded people have become as the native peoples of this country once were. A kind of pariah class, constantly on the move – perpetually ceding ground – hoping that, perhaps, in the new place they’ll be left in peace at last.

A peace that never comes. Because they keep coming. They are unrelenting in their demands, the chief one being that everyone live the same way even if the way some people are living causes no harm to anyone. It’s the difference itself that cannot be allowed because it implies another way, perhaps better. Which is an implicit criticism – as well as a beckoning alternative. A choice – and above all, that cannot be allowed.

This pathological urge to force-fit everyone into the same template, no matter how much blood (and tears) squeezes out in the process manifests in the declaring of the Amish to be living in “violation” of various codes because they have privvies rather than sewers; it eructs and emulsifies most currently in the hysterical demands – always enforceable – that everyone Fear Mask, even if they themselves aren’t fearful (there being no reason for them to be fearful) and dislike the idea of being made to live in fear.

Soon, the force-fitters will be force-vaccinating, using a toolkit that amounts to the digital age equivalent of an Inquisitor’s array of torture devices. First, humiliate the victim; shame him. Incessantly browbeat him. Yell, call him names. If he does not bend, then the rack – only today it will be an electronic one that denies him food and the money to buy it with. A system that locks him out of life – as the punishment for not submitting.

So – where to go?

As recently as 50or so years ago, America – any part of it – was the place to go. People came here from all over the world, to get away from what America has become. California, in those days, was among the freest places on earth. So also New York City. Either was the place to go if you wanted to be free to do your thing – as an individual, as a businessman.

As a human being.

For all the unctuous prattle about “diversity” America is now the least actually diverse place on earth. There are people of many ethnic/racial backgrounds and sexual habits but beyond these superficial things, everyone is fundamentally the same. Or pressured to be the same. To pay obeisance to the same pieties; to mouth the same slogans – even if they secretly despise them.

It is dangerous to be meaningfully different in America.

So where does one go to be meaningfully different? To be free to live one’s life free of “guidelines” imposed by those who believe they own everyone else’s life?

To just be let alone, for once.

These are questions urgently in need of answers as America morphs almost before our eyes into a loathsome, slouching thing consuming life even as it feigns being the protector of it.

The calls for whiteys money grow ever louder

this “plan” would equate to each basketball-American getting about a staggering $378,000

BET founder Robert Johnson calls for $14 trillion of reparations for slavery

  • “Now is the time to go big” to keep America from dividing into two separate and unequal societies, Robert Johnson said in a CNBC interview Monday.
  • Johnson said reparations would send the signal that white Americans acknowledge “damages that are owed” for the unequal playing field created by slavery and the decades since.
  • The wealth divide and police brutality against blacks are at the heart of protests that have erupted across the nation following last week’s killing of George Floyd during an arrest in Minneapolis.

BET founder Bob Johnson calls for $14 trillion of reparations for slavery

Robert Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television, told CNBC on Monday the U.S. government should provide $14 trillion of reparations for slavery to help reduce racial inequality.

The wealth divide and police brutality against blacks are at the heart of protests that have erupted across the nation following last week’s killing of George Floyd during an arrest in Minneapolis.

“Now is the time to go big” to keep America from dividing into two separate and unequal societies, Johnson said on “Squawk Box.”

“Wealth transfer is what’s needed,” he argued. “Think about this. Since 200-plus-years or so of slavery, labor taken with no compensation, is a wealth transfer. Denial of access to education, which is a primary driver of accumulation of income and wealth, is a wealth transfer.”

Johnson, 74 made history as America’s first black billionaire when he sold BET to Viacom in 2001. Shortly after the sale, he started the investment firm The RLJ Cos. He’s no longer on the Forbes billionaires list.

Calling reparations the “affirmative action program of all time,” Johnson said they would send the signal that white Americans acknowledge “damages that are owed” for the unequal playing field created by slavery and the decades since with a “wealth transfer to white Americans away from African Americans.”

“Damages is a normal factor in a capitalist society for when you have been deprived for certain rights,” he said. “If this money goes into pockets like the [coronavirus] stimulus checks ... that money is going to return back to the economy” in the form of consumption. There will also be more black-owned businesses, he added.

Johnson said the need for reparations has been on his website since last year. “I’m not new to this challenge.” He said he’s not advocating “more bureaucratic programs that don’t deliver and don’t perform.” He stressed, “I’m talking about cash. We are a society based on wealth. That’s the foundation of capitalism.”

Later on “Squawk Box” MerckChairman and CEO Ken Frazier, who is black, expressed doubts about whether reparations would be possible. “I don’t believe we’ll be able to get anything like that through our political system.” However, he said, “Leaders in the business community have to be a unifying force. They can be a source of opportunity. They can be a source of understanding.”

“We as business leaders can step up and solve many of these economic problems for people,” Frazier added, saying that education, particularly financial literacy, is the “great equalizer
American Freedom News