We Are Living In A Cartoon

I wasn’t sure if this post belonged in this thread or commercials we hate since modern day music is nothing more than a never ending ad for globohomo

Eleven years ago Taylor Swift released one of her most well known songs, Love Story, with an accompanying music video in a classical Romeo and Juliet type setting


Fast forward to present day globohomo where she released a similarly titled song, Lover. The screen cap of the associated music video looks slightly different


This comes on the heels of her previous cringeworthy single, You Need To Calm Down, a preachy single that lambasts those against pedophilia, homosexuality, and transgenderism and paints them as backwards uneducated white trailer trash that need to get with the times


I wasn’t sure if this post belonged in this thread or commercials we hate since modern day music is nothing more than a never ending ad for globohomo

Eleven years ago Taylor Swift released one of her most well known songs, Love Story, with an accompanying music video in a classical Romeo and Juliet type setting


Fast forward to present day globohomo where she released a similarly titled song, Lover. The screen cap of the associated music video looks slightly different


This comes on the heels of her previous cringeworthy single, You Need To Calm Down, a preachy single that lambasts those against pedophilia, homosexuality, and transgenderism and paints them as backwards uneducated white trailer trash that need to get with the times


Globohomo definitely got to Swift. She’s just an empty, soulless puppet like all the rest now. Sad.
Surprised this thread has been unused for almost a month. We need a laugh. Guess what? It's Trump's and all you White racists fault that Black women are FAT!! Here's the proof:

Merriam Webster definitions are excellent:

I never knew that the show "The Young Turks" was named after the group that committed genocide of 1.5 million Christians in Armenia. Wow, just wow. If someone not on the Left didn't know the Jewish-controlled media hated Christians, there's no denying it now:
The new "Charlie's Angels" movie totally flops. The "angels" include, get this: a Black, a Latina, and a White Lesbian. Nah, no SJW crap agenda going on. It's men's fault according to the producer because we are just sexist, hate-filled chauvinists.

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There are two branches (at least) of the Lutheren Church in the USA. Not all Lutheren Churches are apostate. Some are quite decent. The satanic ones make the headlines.
There are two branches (at least) of the Lutheren Church in the USA. Not all Lutheren Churches are apostate. Some are quite decent. The satanic ones make the headlines.
Somehow, I don't think Martin Luther would be amused at how his church has turned out.
Data shows that American left-wing white people are the only group who view their own race negatively.

Data shows that American left-wing white people are the only group who view their own race negatively.

Academia and media. Whites sure are paying attention and following orders like good little sheeple.
Somehow, I don't think Martin Luther would be amused at how his church has turned out.
He would definitely be sickened by it as he was no cuck, as evidenced by his book On the Jews and Their Lies written in 1543.

From wiki:
In the treatise, he argues that Jewish synagogues and schools be set on fire, their prayer books destroyed, rabbis forbidden to preach, homes burned, and property and money confiscated. They should be shown no mercy or kindness,[2] afforded no legal protection,[3] and "these poisonous envenomed worms" should be drafted into forced labor or expelled for all time.[4] He also seems to advocate their murder, writing "[W]e are at fault in not slaying them".

He would definitely be sickened by it as he was no cuck, as evidenced by his book On the Jews and Their Lies written in 1543.

From wiki:

LOL! I guess ol' Martin would violate YouTube's Terms of Service...
McDonalds needs to be slapped with a huge lawsuit over this incident. Total non-training of employees right in a downtown Pittsburgh restaurant. This happened 11/6 and I was unaware of it until now. Watch the third video in this news report, though gotta warn you it's really sickening. A White couple goes out and is first attacked on the street, then by McDonalds employees when they seek shelter from the attack, with the man ending up paralyzed from the neck down and unable to speak. This will of course remain covered up locally, but there's no way McDonalds the corporation should be allowed to walk away from this unscathed for its negligence in training personnel.

Don, I hope the man and his girlfriend can fully recover. This goes on in every state every day and whites keep turning their heads and looking the other way. I honestly don't understand the lack of revenge that whites show. Payback is the only thing these hoodrats understand. I know people will say it's easy to sit at a keyboard and write this but if those people hit my mother or father their asses would be in the same hospital as the white man. Wake up Whitey grow a pair.
I didn't watch the videos Don posted accompanying the story of the assault on the White couple leaving the man paralyzed. I've found that it's better for me nowadays to be aware but not see violent crimes against innocent people like that. To each his own but it's just not good for me. I agree though, I'm disappointed beyond words how Whites don't do more to stand up for their own interests and well-being. I'm not saying anything at all against that poor couple, just mourning the lack of racial solidarity.
When I saw this commercial I liked it. An attractive woman (more and more a rarity as ugly is now in in advertising), likable, nice husband, etc. But it's been attacked as "sexist" and kowtowing to the "patriarchy" (feminists still don't realize this country became a gynocracy years ago). Apparently Peloton's stock dropped significantly due to the negative reaction of the communist snowflakes. Clown World just keeps getting more and more absurd.

When I saw this commercial I liked it. An attractive woman (more and more a rarity as ugly is now in in advertising), likable, nice husband, etc. But it's been attacked as "sexist" and kowtowing to the "patriarchy" (feminists still don't realize this country became a gynocracy years ago). Apparently Peloton's stock dropped significantly due to the negative reaction of the communist snowflakes. Clown World just keeps getting more and more absurd.

It's disturbing that a commercial as innocent and well meant as that one can cause an outrage big enough to drop the stock price.
American Freedom News