We Are Living In A Cartoon

This ped0 stuff in Hollywood and elsewhere is getting out-of-control. Hard to believe this is the same country I grew up in. Some truly evil stuff going on.

Here's the latest post from NeonRevolt blog. Disturbing, but well worth reading. The "chans" are outing them, like what happened the other day to Hollywood Director, James Gunn.

Sarah is scared now and has resorted to making threats:


Also, check out this video from a "comedy skit" by Sarah Silverman and Patton Oswald, two Hollywood (((liberals))) and staunch anti-Trump zealots. How is this even remotely "funny"? They are just trying to push degeneracy and "normalize" ped0s.

I was watching NBC's fake news tonight and fairly early on they denounced "Q" and his supporters. I went to the Neon Revolt site that Heretic mentioned above and the national fake news in unison went after the phenomenon today. Purely a coincidence I'm sure and anyone who says differently is a conspiracy theorist!

Mockingbird Overdrive! #FakeNews, Meet #StreisandEffect #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening

So-called “parents” sue a judge who refused to allow (the “parents”) mentally disturbed (“transgendered”) kids to change their names. Those debase, warped kids need to be forcibly taken from their (sorry@$$) “parents” & locked in a state mental asylum. Those degenerate people are complete failures as “parents”, as their kids are in dire need of serious psychiatric treatment.

They will take kids away if you express unpopular views but it you mentally pervert your kids and encourage feeding them body altering chemicals to lead to disfiguring surgery, you are a wonderful person.
They will take kids away if you express unpopular views but it you mentally pervert your kids and encourage feeding them body altering chemicals to lead to disfiguring surgery, you are a wonderful person.

Exactly! That’s how “bizarro world” the USSA has became. CPS agencies need a major overhaul & far less power.
Social(ist) media is reducing children to the mindset of 3 year olds. I’d say it also regresses “adults” back to vapid, high school mentality.


When one looks at the mindset of the average celebrity-worshipping, entertainment-addicted, twitter-gazed person you can't help but realize this generation can only be salvaged by faith in Christ and surrender to His word. I've concluded we're all toast without Him and the real instruction manual, the Bible, and rightly dividing the word of truth: law and grace, old covenant vs new covenant truth.

There is no other hope at all...
Conservatives Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens mobbed, harrassed and verbally accosted with near physical violence by Antifa at Philadelphia cafe, requiring Police protection to leave premises:

Antifa attacking normie conservatives like Kirk, Owens, Patriot Prayer, etc is the gift that keeps on giving for us on the far right. Any goodwill Antifa had after Charlottesville has been long since eroded. Now normies hate them just as much as we do.

I hope attacks like this continue. It will only further push decent Whites rightward while shoring up Trump’s power and helping republicans at the midterm. Other than a dindu chimpout like Ferguson or Baltimore, there isn’t a better motivator for getting our people to the polls than commie violence against lawful citizens.
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F@ggotry clothing line for "males" from Walmart...you know, gone mainstream, for us deplorables who don't get all our clothes from Neiman Marcus. Notice the over the top agenda...

Warning: Keep barf bag handy.

All I can say is, "death":

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F@ggotry clothing line for "males" from Walmart...you know, gone mainstream, for us deplorables who don't get all our clothes from Neiman Marcus. Notice the over the top agenda...

Warning: Keep barf bag handy.

All I can say is, "death":

Nothing to add to "death"
Female (AA/PR beneficiary) USMC Lieutenant becomes 1st skirt to “lead” an infantry platoon. What a complete joke! This silly broad should be “leading” KP duty in the mess haul, not playing soldier! POTUS Trump needs to re-implent a DOD order preventing any females from joining combat units.


Amen and amen. A female should never be in combat units. Any other opinion is ANTI-female. Since I actually care about females I don't want them injured.
Charlottesville After a Year: Repression of Unite the Right Rally Just the Beginning — Can Historic America Nation Survive?

by Charlottesville Survivor

It’s surreal to have lived through an event that is even now being mythologized. It’s nothing short of infuriating to see a mythology growing up that is almost an exact opposite of what actually happened. The lies being told about what happened at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville VA a year ago this weekend are so outrageous and so demonstrably untrue that it makes you question all of history.

What other historical events and movements have we been lied to about? And can you prop up an entire failing system based on lies?

Mainstream media coverage throughout the country is being dominated by commemorations of the ill-fated rally [Charlottesville making final preparations for anniversary of deadly rally, by Talya Cunningham, WAVY, August 10, 2018]. The media is also eagerly hyping the second “Unite the Right 2” rally in front of the White House even though few participants in the original rally seem to be going [It’s right there in front of the White House.’: Is D.C. ready for Unite the Right? By Caroline Simon, USA Today, August 10, 2018]. The obvious intention: to claim the Alt Right has been defeated after almost no one shows up.

But it’s more likely that patriots have simply learned their lesson: not to put their trust in the law, the police, or the First Amendment. Flagrantly-biased law enforcement since last August has convinced many on the Dissident Right that they not only will not be defended by police, they will not even be permitted to defend themselves. Since the release of the Heaphy Report on the events in Charlottesville, it has been undeniable that the local police department deliberately fostered a climate of instability and unrest so it would have an excuse to shut down the rally.

This chaos culminated with James Fields driving into a crowd of screaming protesters, an act which led to the death of Heather Heyer, now being celebrated as a martyr. Of course, as Ann Coulter bravely pointed out earlier this week, Fields had good reason to fear for his life. In the end, he may well be acquitted like George Zimmerman or found guilty of a lesser offense—unless, as Coulter half-joked, “his defense lawyer is planning on intentionally throwing the case for the greater good.” Of course, if Fields is acquitted, we can probably expect another riot.

Aside from VDARE.com, no media outlets seem curious about the questionable cases being brought against defendants who are still jailed in Charlottesville—even as “anti-fascist” protesters caught on tape engaged in violence are let off scot free.

Even more serious: this double standard seems to be spreading across the country. Eric Clanton, a college professor caught on tape hitting people with a bike lock in Berkeley last spring, was let go with only probation. Somehow, no one died. He probably would never have been arrested at all if online activists at /pol hadn’t done the job the cops didn’t want to do and actually investigated these assaults.

Establishment reporters seem remarkably uninterested in confronting city and state officials to demand answers about why a climate of violence was deliberately cultivated in Charlottesville—including by Antifa against reporters [Female reporter for The Hill allegedly punched by ‘antifa’ protester in Charlottesville, by Adam Shaw, Breitbart, August 12, 2017]. Instead, the “free press” that constantly brags to us about its role in curbing the powerful is doing things like hunting down pizza delivery guys with far more moderate views than the newest member of The New York Times Editorial Board [When the pizza delivery guy is also ‘Nazi Bob,’ by Matt Viser, Boston Globe, November 18, 2017].

Over the last year, this has also meant a concerted effort to dox and economically destroy people for simply commenting on unapproved websites [Dov Bechhofer Did Nothing Wrong, by Greg Johnson, Counter-Currents, August 1, 2018]. This blunt exercise of power is especially disgusting as journalists continue to pose as martyrs because President Trump has criticized their dishonest tactics [Newspaper calls for war of words against Trump media attacks, by Bob Salsberg, Associated Press, August 10, 2018].

In contrast, as opposed to the hypothetical violence supposedly encouraged by President Trump, reporters seem totally comfortable with the long record of physical attacks on journalists by Antifa in the recent past [Physical assault on journalists’ rap sheet reveal antifa: 10—Trump Supporters: 0, by John Nolte, Breitbart, August 31, 2017].

Indeed, after Portland police used proportionate force to separate the two sides at a recent rally in that city, reporters have responded with a public relations campaign against the cops. Some examples of their agitprop include:

[Violent proto-fascists came to Portland. The police went after the anti-fascists, by Christopher Mathias and Andy Campbell, Huffington Post, August 5, 2018]
[Portland investigating police actions toward antifa protesters at far-right rally, by Molly Olmstead, Slate, August 6, 2018]
[Protester maimed by Portland police: ‘I thought I was going to die’ by Arun Gupta, Daily Beast, August 9, 2018]

Of course, as it is Antifa who create the violent conditions at any patriot protest. Police restraint only fuels chaos, as the antifa then turn their destructive tendencies on the larger community, as they did on Inauguration Day.

Since the tragedy of Charlottesville, America has experienced anarcho-tyranny on a mass scale. In a classic example of victim-blaming, Unite The Right was exploited not just to enable a crackdown on public Alt Right demonstrations, but even on the expression of opinion online. What’s more, as shown by the recent deplatforming of Alex Jones and one-time VDARE.com contributor Gavin McInnes, more recently founder of the explicitly multicultural (and pro-Israel) Proud Boys, the censorship is expanding to targets that have nothing to do with race. The campaign is also being cheered on by System media outlets, most of whom are urging that more targets be taken down [Deplatforming works, Motherboard, August 10, 2018].

Ultimately, it will extend even to “mainstream” hosts with large audiences. CNN, which played a large part in promoting the anti-Jones campaign, is now targeting Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson for supposedly giving a voice to “white anxiety” [White anxiety finds a home at Fox News, by Tom Kludt and Brian Stelter, CNN, August 9, 2018]. It’s no exaggeration to say that most journalists see their job as shutting up other people they disagree with. The line between “journalist” and SPLC apparatchik is practically nonexistent.

It can be expected that most Establishment conservatives will do nothing to oppose this. allegedly because much of the censorship is perpetrated by ostensibly “private” institutions. However, even that may not be true much longer: Senate Democrats, using the excuse of “Russian disinformation” campaigns, are already circulating a memo that would establish more government control over Internet content, including the de facto end of online anonymity [Senate Democrats Are Circulating Plans for Government Takeover of the Internet: Reason Roundup, by Elizabeth Nolan Brown, Reason, July 31, 2018].

Slowly, America is moving toward a system where only favored groups will be allowed to express their opinion. Arguably, America is already at the point where groups such as Antifa simply do not have to obey the law at all, while ruinous lawsuits and “lawfare” are unleashed against conservative groups.

However, because of the nature of far-Left groups, and the high level of frenzy needed to keep the campaign against the Alt Right going, it is practically guaranteed the climate is going to grow more hysterical in the future, regardless of whether patriots continue to take to the streets or not.

The end result: a country that increasingly seems on the brink of madness as it is gaslighted by a media growing ever more shrill. America is being put on a permanent war footing—and the enemy its people are being mobilized against is the historic American nation, those European-Americans who live this country and its heritage.

President Trump, who seems to have far less power over this country than do the media and technology conglomerates, must act forcefully to ensure freedom of speech and the objective rule of law is re-established.

Otherwise, if there is ever a true history of the United States, Unite the Right in Charlottesville will be remembered as the day America truly came under enemy occupation.

Excellent article, Don. Right on point.
Comment Of The Week: American Identity
August 12, 2018 by CH

A worthy COTW winning entry from Jax,

When someone states that “America has no identity” you have to accept you are talking to an ignorant know nothing or conniving jackal. When they say “America is not a nation it’s an idea” you have to accept they are also an idiot and treat them accordingly. Just look at how exporting that “idea” has worked out abroad.

America had an identity. The world knew what an American looked like, sounded like, and even acted like. We had our own culture and lifestyle that was unique to us and both the envy and contempt of our cousins in Europe. Americans were loud, brash, adventurous, and bold. We as a society were conquerors and builders; as a people fearless and courageous. We were given nicknames like “Yankee” and “Gringo,” testaments to that identity Ted and his ilk says doesn’t exist.

Yes, Americans were also defined by their race because the country was in fact mostly white. Do you think over the course of history any foreign people would disagree with that Mr. Lieu?

This Ted Lieu creature knows he spews venomous anti-American poison. He spews it because in his heart he knows he isn’t American and will never be American because he doesn’t meet the definition as defined by precedence. This is why he attacks Laura Ingraham, because he knows she IS an American and in order to redefine “American” so he can be included (and his third world followers) he must conquer and subjugate Laura and her American brethren. Laura’s only crime is that she would dare to stop it.

America, was a collection of all of Europa. The culmination of the adventurous and ambitious diaspora in Europe manifested across the sea as a new distinct people that was forged from the identities of all of Europe. Everyone knew when they had encountered an American, we left a distinct impression wherever we went. That impression was a testament to our identity. And yes, it was real.

America *had* an identity. What is her identity now? A world market bazaar for the barter of goods, services, and virtue signaling. That’s not an identity anyone would cherish, let alone fight to protect.

Make America Great Again implicitly means giving back an identity to America, one that was stolen from her by rapacious Globohomoists. And identity is inextricable from race; recovering American identity necessarily means recovering America’s predominant Whiteness.

An excellent follow-up comment from Moses,

Long time Asia expat here. Asians are unable to separate race from nationality. “Chinese” are, well, Chinese. Japanese, Japanese. Etc.

To Asians, “American” means “White.” Really.

Asian Americans come over here and try to get jobs at English schools, only to be told that Asian parents prefer White faces (even non-native English speakers) teaching English to their children. Then Asian Americans seethe in anger. Their heads explode, and they find a way to blame and hate Whites even more.

Another funny bit.

Remember when Obama appointed former WA governor Gary Locke, Chinese American, as US Ambassador to China? I guess the geniuses in the Obummer administration thought that would help smooth relations with the Chinese, appointing an ethnic Chinese to the post.

Huge mistake. The Chinese hated Locke.

They could never understand how “one of their own” could represent American interests over Chinese. They hated him. To them, he was the worst kind of race traitor.

Are you getting it yet?

Deep down, Ted Lieu is Chinese. And he KNOWS IT.

This whole “America is only an idea, not a people” thing was thought up and pushed by Fellow Whites. Non-Whites have picked it up like a cudgel against Heritage America.

“Idea America” as a cudgel wielded in eliminationist rage against Identity America is a powerful visual.

As vfm#7634 writes,

That’s funny. The East Asians see Asian U.S. citizens as Fake Americans.

Because they are.

Fake News, Fake Americans. The Left is in revolt against Trump because he exposes their fakery, and strikes at the deepest need of Leftists: their unfulfilled quest for authenticity. It’s why the Left has to so heavily lean on equalist boilerplate…they have nothing organic with which to identify.

Amen! Clear, succinct and blunt article...just what I like! :)
Great article, and California itself was a microcosm of this. Whenever an Asian from their country thought of California, it was of blonde Whites, male and female. "Paradise" to them, that's why so many wanted to visit or move there 30-40 years ago. Now that allure is gone.

Keep in mind that Lynyrd Skynyrd video from Oakland Coliseum, CA from 7/77:

Even though they were from Dixie, they were still relatable to Whites in California, Confederate Flag and all. Remember, this was OAKLAND, CA!

Shocking how things are now 40 years later. White minds destroyed by incessant anti-White propaganda, especially the females. Check out all of the beautiful blonde girls...proudly taking in their beautiful culture with nary a fatty or tattoo to be seen.
Wow Heretic!

Great clip from that concert. I can remember '77 and Lynyrd Skynyrd were one of my favs. And that is Oakland, Ca.!!
And look at all those beautiful White girls! I actually had to pause it. Painful to see, and know, the damage...

Skynyrd wouldn't even be allowed to exist in today's world. Some Leftist Antifa wussy would probably blow up their tour bus or something. Good God, help us. And yeah, I know they still do exist, sorta, but they don't really. You understand.
American Freedom News