We Are Living In A Cartoon

Thanks to Incogman (an anonymous blogger), and our friend Werewolf for finding the blogger, for this. Think more than twice before doing anything for the Armed forces for the country you're in my fellow White men!

Thanks to Incogman (an anonymous blogger), and our friend Werewolf for finding the blogger, for this. Think more than twice before doing anything for the Armed forces for the country you're in my fellow White men!

Everything accurate and more, except the image of the White soldier in the lower right should say "WHITE MEN", not 'WHITE GUYS". This itself is another bias that the (((media))) uses as propaganda to question masculinity (heck, girls use the term "guys" now when referring to themselves in plural) and that even the creator of this image must have unfortunately become subconscious to.
Everything accurate and more, except the image of the White soldier in the lower right should say "WHITE MEN", not 'WHITE GUYS". This itself is another bias that the (((media))) uses as propaganda to question masculinity (heck, girls use the term "guys" now when referring to themselves in plural) and that even the creator of this image must have unfortunately become subconscious to.

It's unfortunate how often racially aware Whites who should know better are oblivious to many of the ways the anti-White cultural communists have distorted (perverted) English to serve their agenda.
Western Washington University pushes a "course" on how to 'reduce the impact of white privilege'. These faux-academic, pompous, sanctimonious windbags are equally mentally & spiritually unstable .


This "education" mostly just backfires on the producers and recipients as they all end up dumber and stupider than when they started before becoming stupid...
Everything accurate and more, except the image of the White soldier in the lower right should say "WHITE MEN", not 'WHITE GUYS". This itself is another bias that the (((media))) uses as propaganda to question masculinity (heck, girls use the term "guys" now when referring to themselves in plural) and that even the creator of this image must have unfortunately become subconscious to.

Ah well, don't be too picky. ;)That blogger just uses a casual, conversational tone all the time in his articles. I see so much of that even here on this site but i don't mention it. If we really wanted to be perfect we wouldn't even write men, we write man, because man is the perfect plural of man.

But as of this day, and from here on, i no longer write "the White race"; i will only write "The Great Race".

But as of this day, and from here on, i no longer write "the White race"; i will only write "The Great Race".


I write "the Great White Race". :)
I'm surprised the CF'ers didn't pick up on this...



P.S. Since CF doesn't have a motorsports board, I posted this here since I thought it fit here best.

It's just another scalp claimed by the Cultural Marxists. The sportswriter had been in the business for 30 years, you figure he would have gotten the memo. I guess a Jap winning instead of some South American is worse? How about the fact that the Indy 500 is no longer much of an American event. Americans don't follow the sport and the drivers are not that well know at all. Years ago Indy drivers were household names, guys like Andretti and Foyt, now the race is hardly followed.
Ontario, Canada makes it illegal for parents to deny their young children's choice of gender. If they do so, the state of Ontario can remove the child or children from the home and charge the parents with "child abuse"; and, I would expect, the next "logical" step would be to then carry out the young children's wishes via taxpayer dollar expense.

Ontario passed a law Thursday that gives the government the right to take away children from families that don’t accept their kid’s chosen "gender identity."

Parents who oppose or criticize the LGBT agenda will be considered potential "child abusers" and may have their children taken away by the state, according to the new bill. If the parents are ruled to be abusers by failing to wholeheartedly support their child’s gender choice, that child "can be removed from that environment and placed into protection where the abuse stops."

It passed overwhelmingly by a 63-23 vote.

Over the past several years I've read about how Ontario has almost perfected cultural Communism (extreme radical feminism, LGBTQ rights, etc.) on sites like Heartiste and various MRA and MGTOW sites and channels, so (sadly) I'm not really surprised.
The Genetic Dead Ends Who Rule Europe

by Jim Goad

When France decided to slit its own throat last week and elect the childless Emmanuel Macron as its president over the bustier and more fecund Marine Le Pen, it made him the ninth current European leader whose loins have borne no fruit.

In addition to France, childless men and barren women currently rule Italy, Germany, the UK, Scotland, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, has likewise never fathered nor raised a seedlin’. (And it’s not as if he has a face that inspires female lubrication, so it’d be an uphill climb for him under any circumstances.)

At this point, the 39-year-old Macron will likely never become a father, seeing as his 64-year-old wife’s vagina stands a high statistical chance of having fossilized by now. Macron has described colonialism as a “crime against humanity,” although he apparently has no qualms about France being colonized by Muslims. He has also stated that there is no such thing as “French culture.” He is also persistently dogged by rumors that he’s had a long-lasting, rump-wrangling, man-on-man relationship with Radio France chief executive Mathieu Gallet.

Days before Macron debated Le Pen on French TV, Le Pen’s father
told a crowd, “He talks to us about the future, but he doesn’t have children!” The elder Le Pen described his own vision of France as “a past from where we come, and without which we would not have existed biologically, physically, morally, or spiritually.”

Responding to Le Pen’s comments, Macron said:

Mr. Le Pen told me, ‘You don’t have the right to talk about the future, because you don’t have children.’ Mr. Le Pen, I have children and grandchildren of the heart. It’s a family that you have to build, it’s a family you have to conquer, a family that doesn’t owe you anything, and that you will never have!

In other words, it’s a family that doesn’t really exist.

During the campaign, Marine Le Pen accused Macron of being the lapdog of Angela Merkel, the former communist and nude sunbather who has never given birth but has handed Europe over to be killed. Under Merkel’s frumpy rule, Germany can currently claim the dubious bragging right of being the nation with the highest quotient of childless women in the world. An estimated 30% of German women have spawned no offspring; among female college graduates, it’s 40%.

Current UK Prime Minister Theresa May also has a womb that might as well be a tomb, but at least it’s not from a lack of trying. Same goes for Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon—she gave up after suffering a miscarriage.

Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who looks like Merkel with maybe a half-shot of testosterone and without the Grecian Formula, has likewise never used his genitals to generate a child. According to the latest results from a highly unscientific online poll, 100% of respondents think he’s gay.

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has never seen a boy or girl call him “daddy.” The only thing mentioned in the “Personal life” section of his Wikipedia page is that he “enjoys sports.”

I cannot confirm whether or not Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte is gay or not, but look at this picture and tell me he isn’t. What I can confirm is that a woman has never carried his sperm to term.
When it comes to Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel (pictured at right with his partner), there’s no denying it—he’s as gay as a fresh sprig of mistletoe pinned to a red-velvet winter’s vest. He currently bears the distinction of being the “only openly gay world leader” at the moment. And we can all safely assume that his life partner isn’t going to start poppin’ babies out of his rectum anytime soon.

In stark contrast to the gaggle of unfruitful fruits who currently rule Western Europe, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Viktor Orban—who form a Triumvirate of Evil for anyone dumb enough to believe globalism’s a good thing—have graced the planet with a dozen children between them, which will undoubtedly lead to climate change and starvation in Africa, which will then force 100 million or so African refugees northward in search of freedom, social justice, and a better life.

Speaking of climate change and Africa, 24 out of the 25 nations on Earth with the highest birth rates all come from that vibrant and prosperous continent. I remember back in the 1970s when ZPG (Zero Population Growth) was a huge plank in the leftist platform—a plank that was slowly and silently withdrawn when people started realizing it would be “racist” to notice where all the population growth was occurring. So instead of trying to squash population growth in the areas where it actually needs squashing, the left has changed strategies and is cheering for demographic extinction in European nations where the indigenous population isn’t even breeding at replacement levels. That way, they can bring in all those prodigiously breeding, non-racist brown people and harmony will finally be achieved.

Under monarchy, it was assumed that a nation’s leaders descended from well-established bloodlines. Even in the Preamble to the US Constitution, it was understood that a nation that was something to be preserved for one’s “posterity.”

When I searched the word “posterity” on Google, the first definition to pop up was telling: “all future generations of people.” The idea that “posterity” meant “the descendants of a person” was described as “archaic.” Still, Merriam-Webster refuses to get with the program and still defines “posterity” as primarily meaning “the offspring of one progenitor to the furthest generation.” I highly suspect that this is the sort of “posterity” that the Founding Fathers intended. But under the Macronian definition, since there is no such thing as French culture, there is really no such thing as an ancestral French people who created it, so any Somalian or Algerian who seeks refuge in France is every bit as French as the linear descendants of Charles Martel.

The cobwebbed wombs and the blank-shooting scrotums that currently rule Europe obviously have no personal genetic stake in what happens to Europe after they die. To them, the Europeans of the future will be “all future generations” that inhabit Europe, not the biological descendants of those who’ve inhabited Europe for dozens of millennia.

A continent ruled by the sterile and inhabited by those who’ve been brainwashed or demoralized into choosing sterility themselves will have no posterity in the classical sense. Instead, they will be overrun by people from alien cultures who may not have developed much in the way of technology or philosophy but who at least possess the genetic wisdom to be fertile.

I know that, technically, Ireland is not part of "Europe", but it's about to elect the first "gay" PM, so yet another genetic dead-end for a Western leader to add to the list. Perhaps he and his future "husband" will adopt either a full-blooded Nigerian baby from Ireland or a half-breed Nigerian baby born of an Irish whore.
Western civilization is done - all governments are filled with sick twisted Marxist, commie **** faces. Only pockets of rational people exist these days and we will be the ones looked at to get everyone else out of this mess when the **** hits the fan.
Western civilization is done - all governments are filled with sick twisted Marxist, commie **** faces. Only pockets of rational people exist these days and we will be the ones looked at to get everyone else out of this mess when the **** hits the fan.

...Just as the protocols of zion so clearly stated as the goal of the "chosen".
Ontario, Canada makes it illegal for parents to deny their young children's choice of gender. If they do so, the state of Ontario can remove the child or children from the home and charge the parents with "child abuse"; and, I would expect, the next "logical" step would be to then carry out the young children's wishes via taxpayer dollar expense.

Ontario passed a law Thursday that gives the government the right to take away children from families that don’t accept their kid’s chosen "gender identity."

Parents who oppose or criticize the LGBT agenda will be considered potential "child abusers" and may have their children taken away by the state, according to the new bill. If the parents are ruled to be abusers by failing to wholeheartedly support their child’s gender choice, that child "can be removed from that environment and placed into protection where the abuse stops."

It passed overwhelmingly by a 63-23 vote.

Over the past several years I've read about how Ontario has almost perfected cultural Communism (extreme radical feminism, LGBTQ rights, etc.) on sites like Heartiste and various MRA and MGTOW sites and channels, so (sadly) I'm not really surprised.

If the agents of the state ever entered my home to take my children away, especially over something as clearly evil and satanic as that, at that point I would shoot them and be ready to kill or die. At that point you have to be willing to destroy your enemy and make the ultimate sacrifice.
If the agents of the state ever entered my home to take my children away, especially over something as clearly evil and satanic as that, at that point I would shoot them and be ready to kill or die. At that point you have to be willing to destroy your enemy and make the ultimate sacrifice.

Some things are worth dying for....other things are worth killing for...and some things are worth both. Every real man lives by this precept.
Bill Maher Is Being Attacked By The Deranged Leftist Cult He Helped Create

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For those of you who somehow missed it, on the June 2, 2017, edition of Real Time with Bill Maher, the HBO host dropped the dreaded “n-word” during an interview with Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse.

It is not without some Schadenfreudist relish that I greet the great Bill Maher “house ******” debacle. After all, Maher has long been one of the most irritating ambassadors of Hollywood ultra-leftism, complete with a weekly television program that’s effectively an hour-long, Orwellian anti-Trump circle jerk interspersed with weed jokes.

And considering Maher—the person responsible for 2008’s vehement anti-theism agitprop Religulous—as an atheist, his public crucifixion (at the hands of his leftist brethren, no less) can’t be considered anything less than divinely poetic.


He thinks that dating black women will give him a pass

That a militant progressivist culture warrior and Obama financier like Maher can be cannibalized by the new wave left as a “racist” lends further credence to the hypothesis that today’s embodiment of liberalism has indeed stopped being a political ideology and transformed into a genuine religious orthodoxy. The hydra of multiculturalism, feminism and political correctness has fused into a syncretic moral dogma that leaves no room for ideological deviation of any kind. To refuse one plank of the Church of the Left’s holy doctrines is to betray the whole faith, and it was only a matter of time until a heretic like Maher was going to be excommunicated.

Heretical views

Yes, Maher has been a champion for gay marriage and globalization and socialism and climate change regulation, but on the issues of Islam and identity politics, he has long refused to toe the party line. He’s been one of the few mainstream liberal icons to pick up on the inherent hypocrisy of feminists and Islamists breaking bread, and rather than loudly and proudly support the theatrical hyperbole of today’s campus social justice warriors, he’s called them out on their hysterical childishness.

But today’s liberalism is not a’la carte. If you’re going to go all in, you have to agree with the entirety of the progressivist Tao. You have to think white privilege exists, that illegal immigration is good for society and that carbon taxes are essential to save the environment. You have to think policemen are nothing more than black child-slaying Nazis, that abortion should be publicly subsidized and that Islamic refugees should be embraced instead of shunned. You have to think marijuana should be legal and hate speech punishable by imprisonment and honestly, genuinely believe that more than 50 gendersexist.

In the eyes of today’s hyper-liberals, to reject one holy pillar is to reject the entire canon. Perhaps Maher should have suspected the rest of the flock would turn on him sooner or later. After all, he did represent—in most regards—the embodiment of the New Left’s sworn enemy: the white, wealthy, and successful heterosexual male.

Frankenstein’s (liberal) monster

BLM has been given carte blanche to destroy cities and attack police, like they did in this scene in Baltimore

How ironic is it that the same people Maher stood beside as ideological bedmates are now the ones leading the charge to destroy him? The poetic justice of Maher’s career being derailed at the behest of Black Lives Matter figureheads like Deray McKesson—and not the sundry right-of-center groups Maher has made millions of dollars vilifying and demonizing over the years—is almost beautiful, and in some ways, rather befitting.

Maher should have seen it coming. For years, they’ve been preaching a self-deriding gospel that posits the straight, Caucasian male as the nefarious source of all inequalities throughout history. They’ve labeled themselves as undeserving beneficiaries of the system and, at their own expense, supported policies and programs to “level the playing field” for women, minorities and LGBT individuals. They’ve spent their whole lifetimes preaching to others that THEY are the big problem with society, with the hopes that minorities, gays and women would do the “social justice” dirty work for them while they lived lives of hedonistic leisure and conflict-free comfort.

Of course, Maher and his kindred wanted their pawns to only equate white privilege with those who fostered conservative and libertarian ideologies. However, alike Dr. Frankenstein, Maher and his ilk now have to watch the monster they created rampage against them. They inspired an entire generation of young people to despise whiteness, maleness and heterosexuality as symbols of oppression, and now the protective talisman of liberalism is no longer enough to ward off their Creature’s bloodlust. The New Left wants fresh meat, and sacrificial offerings like Maher are now a necessity.

The sin of simply existing

Not even disavowed whiteness or ashamed maleness is tolerated by today’s progressivist horde. The party of FDR and Kennedy has come to hate everything about their ideology’s most important founders, instead embracing a bizarre, open-borders socialist jihad that demands the straight white male fade into the background to usher in the next era of liberal idealism.

Perhaps Maher’s career will recover from his notorious gaffe. More than likely, however, he will not, and public pressure—or to be a little bit more accurate, party pressure—will eventually lead to his ouster from the airwaves. All it takes is one six-lettered word to derail his career, his profession and livelihood, sending him into the abyss of obscurity heretics like Michael Richards, Dog the Bounty Hunter and Anthony Cumia, who have likewise been sentenced.

Even if Maher does rebound, he’s destined to spend the rest of his life apologizing for his sin. Every positive thing he’s done for the liberal cause and culture war has been erased in the blink of an eye. His entire existence is now destined to become nothing more than a lifelong effort to make amends for that one regrettable second of live television.

Of course, secular-progressivist types like Maher are well aware the price they must pay for blasphemy. “For the wages of sin is death,” Romans 6:23 famously states. Unfortunately for Bill, his political orthodoxy isn’t as merciful – under the decree of the Cult of Modern Liberalism, his punishment will be nothing less than a lifetime of perpetual atonement for simply being himself.

Bill Maher Is Being Attacked By The Deranged Leftist Cult He Helped Create

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For those of you who somehow missed it, on the June 2, 2017, edition of Real Time with Bill Maher, the HBO host dropped the dreaded “n-word” during an interview with Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse.

It is not without some Schadenfreudist relish that I greet the great Bill Maher “house ******” debacle. After all, Maher has long been one of the most irritating ambassadors of Hollywood ultra-leftism, complete with a weekly television program that’s effectively an hour-long, Orwellian anti-Trump circle jerk interspersed with weed jokes.

And considering Maher—the person responsible for 2008’s vehement anti-theism agitprop Religulous—as an atheist, his public crucifixion (at the hands of his leftist brethren, no less) can’t be considered anything less than divinely poetic.


He thinks that dating black women will give him a pass

That a militant progressivist culture warrior and Obama financier like Maher can be cannibalized by the new wave left as a “racist” lends further credence to the hypothesis that today’s embodiment of liberalism has indeed stopped being a political ideology and transformed into a genuine religious orthodoxy. The hydra of multiculturalism, feminism and political correctness has fused into a syncretic moral dogma that leaves no room for ideological deviation of any kind. To refuse one plank of the Church of the Left’s holy doctrines is to betray the whole faith, and it was only a matter of time until a heretic like Maher was going to be excommunicated.

Heretical views

Yes, Maher has been a champion for gay marriage and globalization and socialism and climate change regulation, but on the issues of Islam and identity politics, he has long refused to toe the party line. He’s been one of the few mainstream liberal icons to pick up on the inherent hypocrisy of feminists and Islamists breaking bread, and rather than loudly and proudly support the theatrical hyperbole of today’s campus social justice warriors, he’s called them out on their hysterical childishness.

But today’s liberalism is not a’la carte. If you’re going to go all in, you have to agree with the entirety of the progressivist Tao. You have to think white privilege exists, that illegal immigration is good for society and that carbon taxes are essential to save the environment. You have to think policemen are nothing more than black child-slaying Nazis, that abortion should be publicly subsidized and that Islamic refugees should be embraced instead of shunned. You have to think marijuana should be legal and hate speech punishable by imprisonment and honestly, genuinely believe that more than 50 gendersexist.

In the eyes of today’s hyper-liberals, to reject one holy pillar is to reject the entire canon. Perhaps Maher should have suspected the rest of the flock would turn on him sooner or later. After all, he did represent—in most regards—the embodiment of the New Left’s sworn enemy: the white, wealthy, and successful heterosexual male.

Frankenstein’s (liberal) monster

BLM has been given carte blanche to destroy cities and attack police, like they did in this scene in Baltimore

How ironic is it that the same people Maher stood beside as ideological bedmates are now the ones leading the charge to destroy him? The poetic justice of Maher’s career being derailed at the behest of Black Lives Matter figureheads like Deray McKesson—and not the sundry right-of-center groups Maher has made millions of dollars vilifying and demonizing over the years—is almost beautiful, and in some ways, rather befitting.

Maher should have seen it coming. For years, they’ve been preaching a self-deriding gospel that posits the straight, Caucasian male as the nefarious source of all inequalities throughout history. They’ve labeled themselves as undeserving beneficiaries of the system and, at their own expense, supported policies and programs to “level the playing field” for women, minorities and LGBT individuals. They’ve spent their whole lifetimes preaching to others that THEY are the big problem with society, with the hopes that minorities, gays and women would do the “social justice” dirty work for them while they lived lives of hedonistic leisure and conflict-free comfort.

Of course, Maher and his kindred wanted their pawns to only equate white privilege with those who fostered conservative and libertarian ideologies. However, alike Dr. Frankenstein, Maher and his ilk now have to watch the monster they created rampage against them. They inspired an entire generation of young people to despise whiteness, maleness and heterosexuality as symbols of oppression, and now the protective talisman of liberalism is no longer enough to ward off their Creature’s bloodlust. The New Left wants fresh meat, and sacrificial offerings like Maher are now a necessity.

The sin of simply existing

Not even disavowed whiteness or ashamed maleness is tolerated by today’s progressivist horde. The party of FDR and Kennedy has come to hate everything about their ideology’s most important founders, instead embracing a bizarre, open-borders socialist jihad that demands the straight white male fade into the background to usher in the next era of liberal idealism.

Perhaps Maher’s career will recover from his notorious gaffe. More than likely, however, he will not, and public pressure—or to be a little bit more accurate, party pressure—will eventually lead to his ouster from the airwaves. All it takes is one six-lettered word to derail his career, his profession and livelihood, sending him into the abyss of obscurity heretics like Michael Richards, Dog the Bounty Hunter and Anthony Cumia, who have likewise been sentenced.

Even if Maher does rebound, he’s destined to spend the rest of his life apologizing for his sin. Every positive thing he’s done for the liberal cause and culture war has been erased in the blink of an eye. His entire existence is now destined to become nothing more than a lifelong effort to make amends for that one regrettable second of live television.

Of course, secular-progressivist types like Maher are well aware the price they must pay for blasphemy. “For the wages of sin is death,” Romans 6:23 famously states. Unfortunately for Bill, his political orthodoxy isn’t as merciful – under the decree of the Cult of Modern Liberalism, his punishment will be nothing less than a lifetime of perpetual atonement for simply being himself.

Great article. I've said this for a while now that the modern-day political left would start cannibalizing itself. It's now entering the stage of purging, just like Mao's Red China, Stalin's USSR, or Pol Pot's Cambodia. God-forbid they should ever control all three branches of the Federal Government again here in the US, but it's probably just a matter of time now as us older folks die off and these "Progressive" Millenials ultimately take over...scary.
Great article. I've said this for a while now that the modern-day political left would start cannibalizing itself. It's now entering the stage of purging, just like Mao's Red China, Stalin's USSR, or Pol Pot's Cambodia. God-forbid they should ever control all three branches of the Federal Government again here in the US, but it's probably just a matter of time now as us older folks die off and these "Progressive" Millenials ultimately take over...scary.

Agree completely.

PSA: “Sanity” is Now Defined by an Inability to Recognize Insanity

Andrew Anglin

The headline is the entire PSA.

This last week was, I believe, the most insane week in recorded history. And I believe that every week following this week will make that same achievement for the foreseeable future.

What is happening right now – on every single level of existence, from your private, secret life, to the scale of the global – is all completely insane.

In your private life, if you are an average young man in the West, you can check about 7 to 10 of these:

  • Your mother abandoned your father because she was bored and destroyed your family. Because she was bored.
  • You are a bastard.
  • You are addicted to internet pornography.
  • You have been diagnosed with a mental illness and prescribed psychotropic drugs.
  • You have an immediate family member that is an open homosexual.
  • You struggle with some form of substance abuse.
  • You fought in a war for Israel against a civilian third world population.
  • You have considered suicide at multiple points in your life.
  • You were abused as a child.
  • You have an immediate family member that is in a mixed-race relationship.
  • You engage regularly in semi-anonymous sex.
  • You cannot get a woman to have sex with you at all.
  • You cannot make a relationship work.
  • You are in your twenties or thirties, and still feel like a teenage boy.
  • You are under-employed or unemployed.
  • You have “student loan” debt that you cannot imagine ever paying off.
  • You have no “career path” whatsoever.
  • You were raised without religion or without good religion and struggle with the concept of God.
  • You do not believe you will ever have a family or children.
  • You have gotten a girl pregnant, and she murdered your child before he or she was born.
  • You have bastard children.
  • You are overweight.
  • You are living with a woman and some other man’s child.
  • You have immediate family members you are estranged from.
  • You will never own your own home.
  • You are an adult, and cartoons and/or video games are the most exciting part of your life.
  • You do not feel as though you have any future whatsoever.
This is all insane.

No generation in history has been forced to deal with these types of combined life factors, or anything even remotely close to it.

Meanwhile, in the wider world:

  • People are getting murdered randomly on the streets by foreigners every day, we are told not to worry.
  • American blacks are murdering white people every day, the government is covering it up while claiming blacks are victims of invisible racism that is somehow everywhere.
  • Women are parading through the streets naked, attacking people, for unclear reasons.
  • Governments are purposefully replacing their populations with unevolved primitive barbarians, claiming that to not do that would be “hatred for the color of the skin.”
  • We have collectively agreed that our entire history was evil.
  • Women rule over men, by state mandate.
  • Entire Western economies are based on debt.
  • Infanticide is being committed on a mass scale, to the point where it has become “a routine medical procedure.”
  • We are being told, with a straight face, that neither race or gender actually exist. That they are illusions.
  • The West is funding terrorists to overthrow stable governments.
  • People are fat.
  • History-altering political decisions are being made based on the media repeatedly showing images of dead children.
  • It is a generally accepted assumption that that life came from nonliving matter for no reason, then managed to turn into people.
  • The defining event of modern history, the Holocaust, has not been proven to have actually happened, and there is no evidence to support the claim that it did.
  • The West is attempting to incite a World War with Russia, for reasons that are unclear.
  • One in sixty-seven children born in the United States is diagnosed with autism. This has not been declared a crisis. No government authority has attempted to explain why it is happening.
  • Wars are started in the name of “human rights.”
  • The only ethnic group on the planet with an apartheid state is the same ethnic group that goes to other countries and accuses them of “racism.”
  • Russia is being blamed for all kinds of things that make no sense by every government in an attempt to incite conflict with them.
  • Major Western governments are run by (usually childless) women.
  • We are subsidizing the third world to breed completely out of control – in 80 years there will be 4 billion people in Africa – and there is absolutely zero plan to deal with it.
  • Germany and the Netherlands both have legal bestiality brothels.
  • We have replaced our entire religion, formerly the core of our cultural identity, with hedonistic nihilism, claiming that the decision to do so had something to do with science.
  • Donald Trump is being crucified based on a conspiracy theory of which not a single piece of evidence exists to support.
  • A Jewish pedophile, who published documentation of his sexual contacts with toddlers, is serving in the European parliament and being given awards.
  • The Canadian government is taking people’s kids away from them if they refuse to inject them with the hormones of the opposite sex.
  • Ariana Grande is being hailed as an international hero for singing a song about “dick bicycle” in memory of victims of a terrorist attack.
  • James Comey just testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee about a vast Russian conspiracy, his entire evidence for which was that “his guys” talked to “their guys” (referring to CrowdStrike, the private company hired by the DNC to examine their server after they claimed it was hacked) and that they were “certain” it was the Russians. That is what we are talking about impeaching Trump over, and attempting to incite a World War over – “our guys talked to their guys and they were sure.”
This is all insane.

In the world we presently inhabit, “sanity” is defined as the inability to recognize how insane all of this is.

We cover this stuff every day. This insane stuff.

And we are being classified as irrational and abnormal and unironically (still) called “Neo-Nazi White Supremacists” simply for pointing it out.

That is where we are at right now, as a society.

We are not winning at reality.

June 08, 2017

by Duns Scotus
Rule number one: never predict what you want to happen. Because it is simply not going to happen. You are not God and the world can be brutally callous about your special-snowflakeism. This was the mistake that Paul Mason made when he wrote PostCapitalism (published in 2015), which he then pimped with an overlong article in the Guardian, Britain's leading trade rag for sociologists and social workers.

Everything about Mason is “Guardianista” – a Trotskyist media type and "academic," proud of his Jewish and mining roots (two separate strands obviously), who proclaims an affinity for Northern Soul, a Northern British working-class dance movement centred on worshipping the absent Black man... Pass the sick bucket!

Your average Guardian reader, now in his late 50s or 60s, has lived a life in which leftist economics has been taken down a dark alley and had its head severely kicked in on at least several occasions, by a big nasty, thug called Reality.

He has lived through the Thatcher years, the vacuousness of New Labour and the death of the Labour Party, which is now in the process of jumping into the dustbin of history by electing Jeremy Corbyn (same demographic as Mason) to its top job; and most recently he has seen the last great hope of Socialiasm, SYRIZA pushed down on its threadbare knees and forced to grovel before the parsimonious and quietly arrogant Germans.

caption: Mason: a believer in
postmortem socialist utopia

When it comes to “dildos up the ass,” the Leftist economist has suffered almost as badly as the White nationalist, who has seen his country turned into a Pakistani rape camp. We feel your pain, bro, but not at all for the same reasons.

This leftist pain is the animus behind Mason’s book, which is essentially a re-parcelling of the utopian balderdash of Marxism in order to send it off to a location in the far distant future, at which none of us, least of all the Guardianista generation, will ever arrive. More than anything, Mason’s book can best be interpreted as a Guardianista secular form of heaven beyond the grave.

On to the pathetic substance of Postcapitalism (available from Amazon for $20.25 LOL). Here is the thin slice of vegan tofu beef-substitute in this unnutritious Ryvita sandwich:

"Postcapitalism is possible because of three major changes information technology has brought about in the past 25 years. First, it has reduced the need for work, blurred the edges between work and free time and loosened the relationship between work and wages. The coming wave of automation, currently stalled because our social infrastructure cannot bear the consequences, will hugely diminish the amount of work needed – not just to subsist but to provide a decent life for all.

Second, information is corroding the market’s ability to form prices correctly. That is because markets are based on scarcity while information is abundant. The system’s defence mechanism is to form monopolies – the giant tech companies – on a scale not seen in the past 200 years, yet they cannot last. By building business models and share valuations based on the capture and privatisation of all socially produced information, such firms are constructing a fragile corporate edifice at odds with the most basic need of humanity, which is to use ideas freely.

Third, we’re seeing the spontaneous rise of collaborative production: goods, services and organisations are appearing that no longer respond to the dictates of the market and the managerial hierarchy. The biggest information product in the world – Wikipedia – is made by volunteers for free, abolishing the encyclopedia business and depriving the advertising industry of an estimated $3bn a year in revenue."Essentially, he is talking about an economy run on blogging with magic factories, run by kindly robots, supplying everything else. This would be like Karl Marx pointing to philately and philanthropy as refutations of capitalism. A hobby that people do because they enjoy it is not a repudiation of a monetary economy.

caption: Post-Marxism in action: new welfare recipient
arrives in the West and takes a selfie

Narratives like Mason’s will continue to have traction, not because they are perspicacious, but because they stem from a widespread sense of malaise that is generated by global capitalism and its original Faustian bargain. But this is not anything the Left has a handle on, nor indeed the fake Right. Those two are simply aspects of the problem (see illustration above). It is only here, in the alternative right, that any true sense of the problem can be grasped.

In the last two-hundred-and-fifty years the world has seen enormous growth in the economy, in living standards, and in wealth. We have broken free from the Malthusian Trap that imprisoned all former economies. But this economic miracle has also seen massive growth in poverty, degradation, and dissatisfaction. It is a phenomenon that has both good and bad sides. But to understand why capitalism is doomed in its present form, you have to understand how it actually worked during its past golden age.

There are three points to consider, which can be organized under the following rubrics: MOTIVES, MODES, and MEANS

The MOTIVES can be defined as the animal spirits that have driven capitalism, in other words, hunger, greed, sexual desire, and family feeling. The desire in these basic human drives are what has driven the spirit of enterprise and the power of labour.

The MODES can be defined as the manner in which this economic miracle has unfolded. Central to the essence of this post-Malthusian expansion has been growth and credit. Because the economy was always able to grow – through massive new technical breakthroughs and plugging in new vast markets and demographics to the system – it could run on an increasingly credit-driven system, which externalized the risk of investment in future growth and profits.

The MEANS can be defined as those elements of the global population that were able to be transformed into the kind of high productivity people necessary to keep the system growing, essentially this means high-IQ, high-trust, industrious, conscientious populations of the type formally found in Northern Europe, and to a lesser extent Southern Europe and East Asia.

caption: Endless growth

Combined together, these three aspects produced the miracle whose fleeting form we now inhabit. But, just to identify these fundamental aspects of capitalism is to realize how broken the system now is.

Firstly and most importantly, the MEANS are in decline. While there are much more Whites and East Asians than there were 250 years ago, as a proportion of the global population, these groups are plummeting, while less, non-, and anti- productive populations, like Africans, are soaring.

The MODE is also under attack. Technology continues to advance, but a rule of diminishing returns has set in. While our grandparents or great grandparents saw their lives completely revolutionized by technology – with enormous economic impacts – we have merely seen ours tweaked a bit. Think: electricity and jet travel vs. wind turbines and Facebook.

We have entered upon a phase of technological and economic stagnation. Growth is no longer as possible as it once was, and what growth there is, is over-leveraged, and has deleterious effects both on both MOTIVE and MEANS.

caption: Our dynamic modern economy

Finally, the MOTIVES are under attack. Hunger, greed, sexual desire, and family feeling have all been brutally undermined by capitalism, especially among the naturally most productive members of the world population. The proof if it is needed is in the demographics of these groups.

We live in an age of bloated obesity, mass pornography (a form of anti-sexualism), and gender deconstruction, in which the traditional family structure is collapsing; an age of sneering atomized cynicism and increasing selfishness (and self-loathing), where the responsibilities and once potent loyalties of the family have been co-opted by the debt-addled welfare state.

We have little to work for now except crass egoism or the declining habits of a past culture that linger on, and we exist in constant conflict with our remaining emotions. The healthy, strong, life-affirming emotions of the past, and the discipline they inculcated, are objects of ridicule and snark.

When they talk about the structural and long-term problems of the global economy, these are the factors they should be talking about. Rather than the Pollyannas of intellectually dead Marxists like Mason, we are heading for much darker and dystopian times. The alt-right is a short seller.

General Lee Speaks: Had it Figured Out

“The consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.” Robert E. Lee

The man was perceptive. Amalgamation of the states under a central government has led to exactly the effects foreseen by General Lee.

In, say, 1950, to an appreciable though imperfect extent America resembled a confederacy. Different regions of the America had little contact with each other, and almost no influence over one another. The federal government was small and remote. Interstates did not exist, nor of course the internet, nor even direct long-distance telephone dialing. West Virginia, Alabama, Massachusetts, New York City, Texas, and California had little in common, but little conflict arose since for practical purposes they were almost different countries. They chiefly governed themselves. The proportion of federal to state law was small.

It is important to note that regional differences were great. In 1964 in rural Virginia, the boys brought shotguns to school during deer season. Nobody shot anybody because it wasn’t in the culture. The culture was uniform, so no one was upset. It is when cultures are mixed, or one rules another, that antagonism comes. Such shotgun freedom would not have worked in New York City with its variegated and often mutually hostile ethnicities.

Regions differed importantly in degree of freedom, not just in the freedom of local populations to govern themselves but also in individual freedom. It made a large difference in the tenor of life. If in Texas, rural Virginia, or West Virginia you wanted to build an addition to your house, you did. You didn’t need licenses, permits, inspections, union-certified electricians. Speed limits? Largely ignored. Federal requirements for Coast Guard approved flotation devices on your canoe? What the hell kind of crazy idea was that?

Democracy works better the smaller the group practicing it. In a town, people can actually understand the questions of the day. They know what matters to them. Do we build a new school, or expand the existing one? Do we want our children to recite the pledge of allegiance, or don’t we? Reenact the Battle of Antietam? Sing Christmas carols in the town square? We can decide these things. Leave us alone.

States similarly knew what their people wanted and, within the limits of human frailty, governed accordingly.

Then came the vast empire, the phenomenal increase in the power and reach of the federal government, which really means the Northeast Corridor. The Supreme Court expanded and expanded and expanded the authority of Washington, New York’s store-front operation. The federals now decided what could be taught in the schools, what religious practices could be permitted, what standards employers could use in hiring, who they had to hire. The media coalesced into a small number of corporations, controlled from New Yorkbut with national reach. More recently we have added surveillance of everything by Washington’s intelligence agencies.

Tyranny at home, said said General Lee . Just so. This could happen only with the consolidation of the states into one vast empire.

Tyranny comes easily when those seeking it need only corrupt a single Congress, appoint a single Supreme Court, or control the departments of one executive branch. In a confederation of largely self-governing states, those hungry to domineer would have to suborn fifty congresses. It could not be done. State governments are accessible to the governed. They can be ejected. They are much more likely to be sympathetic to the desires of their constituents since they are of the same culture.

Aggressive abroad, said General Lee. Is this not exactly what we see? At this moment Washington has the better part of a thousand military bases around the world, unnecessary except for the maintenance of empire. America exists in a state of constant war, bombing Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Somalia, recently having destroyed Iraq and Libya. Washington threatens Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China. Its military moves deeper into Africa. Washington sanctions Cuba, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, to no effect. It constantly tries to dominate other nations, for example adding to NATO.

None of these wars and little if any of the imperial aggression interests more than a tiny fraction of the country’s people. To whom can the war against Afghanistan matter? Libya? Few people have heard of Montenegro. Does its membership in NATO or lack of it affect Idaho?

In a confederacy, states would have to approve a war. Few would unless the United States itself were threatened. They might well refuse to pay for wars not in their benefit, or to allow their sons, daughters, and transgenders to be conscripted.

But with a central government, those benefiting from war can concentrate money and influence only on that government. For example, military industry, Israel, big oil, Wall Street. Wars might carry the votes of states with arms factories. Other states would decline.

In principle, the Constitution should have prevented the hijacking of the military that we now suffer. As we all should know, and some do, America cannot under the Constitution go to war without a declaration by Congress, the last one of which occurred in 1941. But a single central government can be corrupted more easily than fifty state governments. A few billionaires, well-funded lobbies, and the remoteness of Washington from the common consciousness make controlling the legislature as easy as buying a pair of shoes.

And thus, just as Marse Bob expected, the federals are out of control and make war without the least reference to the nation. If America attacks North Korea, or Russia, or China, we will read of it the day after. The central government, and only the central government, decides. A few days ago I read that the Pentagon contemplates sending thousands of additional troops to Afghanistan. This combines tyranny at home and aggression abroad. Who wants to send them? A few neocons in New York, the arms industry, a few generals, and several senators. It could not happen in a confederacy.

Will this, as General Lee predicted, prove “the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.? Wait.

American Freedom News