We Are Living In A Cartoon

I too checked it out on the Nordstrom website, Hock. I think they are simply adorable and I don't mind a bit paying a little extra for something that is so delightfully chic. I ordered two pair. I'm going to wear them to the next protest. But will they color coordinate with my black mask that is the question that torments me. Oh...I love the button fly closure. One might forget to button them all, if you know what I mean wink wink.





The kids that will buy these don't make that money in a week. They are paid by parents who have deep pockets and shallow values.
The kids that will buy these don't make that money in a week. They are paid by parents who have deep pockets and shallow values.

But now they need a shirt and workboots to match.

I still can't believe this is a real story.

But then again, we are living in a cartoon.
Another atrocious video from Bill Nye.

Ice Cream Sexuality
But now they need a shirt and workboots to match.

I still can't believe this is a real story.

But then again, we are living in a cartoon.

The links to the Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstroms online catalogs were posted above. All those things were for sale there when I posted it last week. Yep it's real. Yep you're living in a cartoon.
This Washington compost article addresses 'black branding'... that is, marketing/pushing colored neighborhoods to snowflake millennials . A key "selling point" is for these creampuff maggots to be able to brag of how "edgy" their new 'diverse' neighborhood is.....well, at least until they get robbed + beaten and/or their girlfriend gets gang raped by the local "welcoming party". :roto2palm: :shakehead:

The Exponential Growth of Insecurity

by Paul Craig Roberts

There is no such thing as cyber security. The only choice is more security or less security, as the recent hack of the National Security Agency demonstrates.

Hackers stole from NSA a cyber weapon, which has been used in attacks (at time of writing) on 150 countries, shutting down elements of the British National Health Service, the Spanish telecommunications company Telefonica, automakers Renault and Nissan, Russia’s Interior Ministry, Federal Express, the energy company PetroChina, and many more.

The news spin is to not blame NSA for its carelessness, but to blame Microsoft users for not updating their systems with a patch issued two months ago. But the important questions have not been asked: What was the NSA doing with such malware and why did NSA not inform Microsoft of the malware?

Clearly, NSA intended to use the cyber weapon against some country or countries. Why else have it and keep it a secret from Microsoft?

Was it to be used to shut down Russian and Chinese systems prior to launching a nuclear first strike against the countries? Congress should be asking this question as it is certain that the Russian and Chinese governments are. As I previously reported, the Russian High Command has already concluded that Washington is preparing a nuclear first strike against Russia, and so has China.

It is extremely dangerous that two nuclear powers have this expectation. This danger has received no attention from Washington and its NATO vassals.

Microsoft president Brad Smith likened the theft of the NSA’s cyber weapon to “the US military having some of its Tomahawk missiles stolen.” In other words, with cyber weapons, as with nuclear weapons and short warning times, things can go wrong in a big way. http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-39915440

What if the hackers had successfully attacked the Russian Ministry of Defense or radar warning systems, would the Russian High Command have concluded that the cyber attack was Washington’s prelude to incoming ICBMs?

The fact that no one in Washington or any Western government has stepped forward to reassure the Russian government and demand the removal of the US missile bases surrounding Russia indicates a level of hubris or denial that is beyond comprehension.

In my May 12 posting I wrote: “The costs of the digital revolution exceed its benefits by many times. The digital revolution rivals nuclear weapons as the most catastrophic technology of our time.” In response, Robert Henderson wrote to me from England that he had addressed the enormous costs of the digital revolution in 2010. Here is the link to his article, “Men and Machines: Which is Master Which is Slave?” https://livinginamadhouse.wordpress.com/2010/09/08/men-and-machines-which-is-master-which-is-slave/

Reading his article will raise your awareness. When you add up the vast financial costs, the depersonalization of human relationships, and the complete loss of individual privacy and security, the benefit of being connected is vastly outweighed by the costs.

Paper files are far more secure. Malware cannot be introduced into them. To steal a person’s information required knowing the location of the information, breaking into the building, searching file cabinets for the information, and copying the information. To intercept a voice communication required a warrant to wiretap a specific telephone line.

People born into a world where the ease of communication comes at the price of the loss of autonomy never experience privacy. They are unaware that a foundation of liberty has been lost.

In our era of controlled print and TV media, the digital revolution serves for now as a check on the ruling elite’s ability to control explanations. However, the same technology that currently permits alternative explanations can be used to prevent them. Indeed, efforts to discredit and to limit non-approved explanations are already underway.

The enemies of truth have a powerful weapon in the digital revolution and can use it to herd humanity into a tyrannical distopia. The digital revolution even has its own Memory Hole. Files stored electronically by older technology can no longer be accessed as they exist in an outdated electronic format that cannot be opened by current systems in use.

Humans are proving to be the most stupid of the life forms. They create weapons that cannot be used without destroying themselves. They create robots and free trade myths that take away their jobs. They create information technology that destroys their liberty.

Dystopias tend to be permanent. The generations born into them never know any different, and the control mechanisms are total.

And the digital screen serves as Soma.

Years ago there were those instant photo booths in NYC. They only took head shots though. Four shots for 50 cents, something like that.
The Genetic Dead Ends Who Rule Europe

by Jim Goad

When France decided to slit its own throat last week and elect the childless Emmanuel Macron as its president over the bustier and more fecund Marine Le Pen, it made him the ninth current European leader whose loins have borne no fruit.

In addition to France, childless men and barren women currently rule Italy, Germany, the UK, Scotland, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, has likewise never fathered nor raised a seedlin’. (And it’s not as if he has a face that inspires female lubrication, so it’d be an uphill climb for him under any circumstances.)

At this point, the 39-year-old Macron will likely never become a father, seeing as his 64-year-old wife’s vagina stands a high statistical chance of having fossilized by now. Macron has described colonialism as a “crime against humanity,” although he apparently has no qualms about France being colonized by Muslims. He has also stated that there is no such thing as “French culture.” He is also persistently dogged by rumors that he’s had a long-lasting, rump-wrangling, man-on-man relationship with Radio France chief executive Mathieu Gallet.

Days before Macron debated Le Pen on French TV, Le Pen’s father
told a crowd, “He talks to us about the future, but he doesn’t have children!” The elder Le Pen described his own vision of France as “a past from where we come, and without which we would not have existed biologically, physically, morally, or spiritually.”

Responding to Le Pen’s comments, Macron said:

Mr. Le Pen told me, ‘You don’t have the right to talk about the future, because you don’t have children.’ Mr. Le Pen, I have children and grandchildren of the heart. It’s a family that you have to build, it’s a family you have to conquer, a family that doesn’t owe you anything, and that you will never have!

In other words, it’s a family that doesn’t really exist.

During the campaign, Marine Le Pen accused Macron of being the lapdog of Angela Merkel, the former communist and nude sunbather who has never given birth but has handed Europe over to be killed. Under Merkel’s frumpy rule, Germany can currently claim the dubious bragging right of being the nation with the highest quotient of childless women in the world. An estimated 30% of German women have spawned no offspring; among female college graduates, it’s 40%.

Current UK Prime Minister Theresa May also has a womb that might as well be a tomb, but at least it’s not from a lack of trying. Same goes for Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon—she gave up after suffering a miscarriage.

Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who looks like Merkel with maybe a half-shot of testosterone and without the Grecian Formula, has likewise never used his genitals to generate a child. According to the latest results from a highly unscientific online poll, 100% of respondents think he’s gay.

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has never seen a boy or girl call him “daddy.” The only thing mentioned in the “Personal life” section of his Wikipedia page is that he “enjoys sports.”

I cannot confirm whether or not Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte is gay or not, but look at this picture and tell me he isn’t. What I can confirm is that a woman has never carried his sperm to term.
When it comes to Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel (pictured at right with his partner), there’s no denying it—he’s as gay as a fresh sprig of mistletoe pinned to a red-velvet winter’s vest. He currently bears the distinction of being the “only openly gay world leader” at the moment. And we can all safely assume that his life partner isn’t going to start poppin’ babies out of his rectum anytime soon.

In stark contrast to the gaggle of unfruitful fruits who currently rule Western Europe, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Viktor Orban—who form a Triumvirate of Evil for anyone dumb enough to believe globalism’s a good thing—have graced the planet with a dozen children between them, which will undoubtedly lead to climate change and starvation in Africa, which will then force 100 million or so African refugees northward in search of freedom, social justice, and a better life.

Speaking of climate change and Africa, 24 out of the 25 nations on Earth with the highest birth rates all come from that vibrant and prosperous continent. I remember back in the 1970s when ZPG (Zero Population Growth) was a huge plank in the leftist platform—a plank that was slowly and silently withdrawn when people started realizing it would be “racist” to notice where all the population growth was occurring. So instead of trying to squash population growth in the areas where it actually needs squashing, the left has changed strategies and is cheering for demographic extinction in European nations where the indigenous population isn’t even breeding at replacement levels. That way, they can bring in all those prodigiously breeding, non-racist brown people and harmony will finally be achieved.

Under monarchy, it was assumed that a nation’s leaders descended from well-established bloodlines. Even in the Preamble to the US Constitution, it was understood that a nation that was something to be preserved for one’s “posterity.”

When I searched the word “posterity” on Google, the first definition to pop up was telling: “all future generations of people.” The idea that “posterity” meant “the descendants of a person” was described as “archaic.” Still, Merriam-Webster refuses to get with the program and still defines “posterity” as primarily meaning “the offspring of one progenitor to the furthest generation.” I highly suspect that this is the sort of “posterity” that the Founding Fathers intended. But under the Macronian definition, since there is no such thing as French culture, there is really no such thing as an ancestral French people who created it, so any Somalian or Algerian who seeks refuge in France is every bit as French as the linear descendants of Charles Martel.

The cobwebbed wombs and the blank-shooting scrotums that currently rule Europe obviously have no personal genetic stake in what happens to Europe after they die. To them, the Europeans of the future will be “all future generations” that inhabit Europe, not the biological descendants of those who’ve inhabited Europe for dozens of millennia.

A continent ruled by the sterile and inhabited by those who’ve been brainwashed or demoralized into choosing sterility themselves will have no posterity in the classical sense. Instead, they will be overrun by people from alien cultures who may not have developed much in the way of technology or philosophy but who at least possess the genetic wisdom to be fertile.

Goal To Replace Whites Made Obvious In Miss USA 2017 Pageant
Replacement is now fashionable and fun.

  • miss-usa-2017-contrast-750x375.png

    Submitted by Eftrom

    The Miss USA 2017 pageant recently concluded, and it was one that the progressives who follow such events will recall fondly as the best pageant ever for its overwhelmingly brown color. I didn’t watch the show, nor did I know it was even occurring until the winner, a black woman, was announced, and social media went nuts for this victory for “women of color.”

    The pageant opened with the song “Black or White,” by the black and white Michael Jackson. “It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white,” goes the song, but the obvious theme of the pageant, diversity, seemed to contradict that sentiment. The racial makeup of the top ten finalists was such an extreme statistical improbability that it could only have been the result of the judges’ belief that it matters very much indeed whether you’re black or white.

    Not one woman in the top five was white, which, in itself, is not the issue. (One might feel compelled to consider Meredith Gould, the third-place contestant, to be white, but I’m fairly certain she’s Jewish—Gould—and since neither DNA nor Jews themselves classify Jews as white, I’d like to stop you from making that mistake. Besides, if we were to consider Miss Gould white, that would mean the top ten still only had four whites in it, and my forthcoming point stands.) To understand the issue, we must first consider the facts:

    People who make up 62% of the US population (whites, excluding whomever the US Census Bureau means by “Hispanic whites”) made up only 30% of the top ten Miss USA 2017 finalists; people who make up only 14% of the population (blacks) made up 50% of the top ten; and an Asian-Indian and a Jew placed at all, which alone is highly improbable, considering they make up only 1% and 2% of the population, respectively.

    I’m being generous by counting one of these women as white, by the way—one of the actual white ones, not Gould. Alyssa London likes to consider herself a Native American, but because she appears to have as much Injun in her as Elizabeth Warren, and because I don’t want to be accused of setting too high a bar for white racial purity, I’m calling her white.

    It used to be considered a silly notion that beauty pageants were about more than just outer beauty. Everyone knew that although the contestants had to pretend to be smart, ambitious, moral, talented, and to have hobbies, such demonstrations were just filler for the pageant; it really was all about physical perfection, as the name “beauty pageant” implies. But the judges for the 2017 Miss USA Pageant have, it seems, truly considered at least one value other than beauty, placing perhaps even more importance on it than on anything else.

    As People Magazine put it, and as the judges made absolutely clear, the contestants were there to represent diversity. Entertainment Weekly characterized the top ten as “beautifully diverse.” Not long ago, white women dominated these pageants, but gradually the white women have been replaced by non-whites. No longer do we have to suffer seeing whites make up the majority of American beauty-pageant contestants. It’s “beautifully diverse” now. Bustle.com praised the night by saying that putting “seven women of color” into the top ten—i.e., replacing whites in formerly and traditionally white positions—was “a huge achievement.”

    Let’s look at the core point being made by such accolades. Diversity is good, I’m hearing, and it can be achieved by adding more and more “color.” Now let’s imagine a top ten made up entirely of whites. Is that a diverse lineup? No. And diversity is good? Yes. So this lack of diversity in the finalists is bad? Yes. However, it can become more diverse, and therefore it can become more good, by replacing one white person with a colored person. Now you have a situation where nine of the top ten are white, and one is, let’s say, Hispanic. We’ve headed in the right direction, obviously, because we’ve added more “color” to the finalists. We’re approaching diversity, but we’re not there yet. How can we add more color? How can we make them more diverse? Swap out another white person for another colored person. In other words, every white person you replace with a non-white brings it closer to being more diverse. Remember,

    In other words, every white person you replace with a non-white brings it closer to being more diverse. Remember, diversity is good; therefore, the fewer white people, the better. Replacing whites is “a huge achievement.” If you think I’m being dramatic, let me illustrate it another way.

    Imagine the judges are considering putting only non-whites into the top ten. They haven’t officially decided on it yet, but they’re about to, and somehow this fact gets leaked to the public. The leak reveals no names, only that they’re considering exclusively women “of color.” Naturally, this leak causes some hubbub, particularly among blacks and the self-loathing whites, so the judges announce they are going to replace three of the colored women with three white women. Would such a change make the top ten more diverse? Yes, obviously, of course. Instead of ten coloreds, you’d have seven coloreds and three whites. That is definitely more diverse than the top ten being all brown. Now ask yourself, and answer honestly: Would the worshipers of diversity like this idea?

    Not one—damn—bit.

    Having ten white contestants, as in beauty pageants of old, reducing them down to only three, and replacing the rest with non-whites is beautiful because brings us diversity (seven dark, three light); but having ten non-white contestants and replacing three of them with whites (still, seven dark, three light) would not be celebrated, even though the racial demographics would be the same. Doesn’t this demonstrate that it is not actually the diversity that is being praised, but that it is simply the lack of whites? (And by the way, don’t for a second believe that this applies only to beauty pageants. Diversity always means adding brown to white populations, never adding white to brown populations.) This is why we say, correctly, that “diversity” is just a codeword for “anti-white.” A diverse world is the progressives’

    A diverse world is the progressives’ ideal; fewer whites means a more diverse world; therefore, a world with fewer whites is their ideal. We whites would do a great existential service to ourselves and our people to simply listen to what the non-whites and progressives are telling us and demonstrating for us, not just in beauty pageants, but in all areas of society: they want us replaced.

  • https://altright.com/2017/05/21/goal-to-replace-whites-made-obvious-in-miss-usa-2017-pageant/
Right now they are deleting from history anything to do with the Confederacy and the Civil War and making negresses into miss americas. It's just the beginning. Next will come the presidents, except of course for Barak Hussein. They have already held demonstrations at the Museum of Natural History in NYC demanding that the statue of Teddy Roosevelt be removed. He was no slave holder, but he was of course a "dead white male". Then names will have to be changed, Washington DC and Washington state to RevDr ML King City and Mohammed Ali State or something. Mohammedan takeovers will require name changes as well, including renaming Germany and France. All Dead White Males will have to be erased from history.

George Orwell:
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
Why Has Judah Benjamin’s Monument Not Been Removed?
A (((conundrum))), indeed
  • Judah_P_Benjamin_crop.jpg

    In all the hysteria surrounding the removal and desecration of Confederate monuments in New Orleans, Louisiana, one is hard pressed to find any mention of Judah P. Benjamin. Although lauded as the “Brains behind the Confederacy”, and with his visage (dis)gracing the face of the Confederate $2 bill, many Southerners do not know who he was. Yet despite his prominent role in New Orleanian society and the Confederacy, a monument to him still stands just 10 miles Southeast of New Orleans outside the public library in Belle Chasse, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana.


    Judah P. Benjamin Memorial

    Born in 1811 to Sephardic parents in St. Croix, Benjamin emigrated to Charleston, South Carolina which was then the epicenter of merchant activity in the United States. After attending both Fayetteville Academy and Yale, Benjamin abruptly left the latter for New Orleans where he began working at a law firm. Because French was practically a requirement for working in law in the area, Benjamin hired himself out to teach English to French speakers on the condition that they teach him, French. During this time he developed a love affair with one of his students, Natalie Bauché de St. Martin, a daughter from a prominent, local, Catholic family whom he soon wed.

    “Benjamin was virtually suborned to marry [Natalie], and did so without hesitation in order to further his ambitions”. – Winston De Ville, The Marriage Contract of Judah P. Benjamin and Natalie St. Martin, 1833.

    Eventually, Benjamin’s success in law earned him considerable wealth which he used to purchase Bellechasse Plantation, as well as at least 140 slaves to work it. He went on to become a member of the Louisiana State House of Representatives and then a United States Senator, being appointed by the Whig Party both times. During this time he was sent as a New Orleans delegate to a legislative convention where he successfully argued against counting slaves as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of representation in state elections.

    On December 31, 1860, as secession drew near, Benjamin gave a farewell speech to the United States Senate and swiftly left Washington for New Orleans. Two months later, he was appointed as Attorney General of the Confederate States of America by Jefferson Davis. Benjamin was later to be appointed as War Secretary that same year and as Secretary of State in 1862.

    As defeat loomed over the Confederacy in 1865, President Davis, Judah Benjamin, and other cabinet members boarded a train bound for Texas. Confederate forces remained active in there and Davis was determined to fight on. But Benjamin was busy making plans for an escape. While in Abbeville, South Carolina, Benjamin told Davis that he would like to travel to the Bahamas in order to be better able to communicate with foreign agents and that he would eventually rejoin Davis in Texas. Even historians admit that this was a lie.

    “The pragmatic Secretary of State almost certainly never had any intention of returning to the South once gone.” – William C. Davis

    Benjamin, being the pragmatist coward that he was, rode straight into Florida, evading Union capture by pretending to be either a Frenchman who spoke no English or a farmer from South Carolina. From Florida, he boarded a ship due for the Bahama’s. During inspections by American soldiers, he feigned to be the ship’s cook, with inspectors remarking that it was the first time they had seen a Jew doing menial labor.

    He caught a ship in the Bahamas bound for Havana, and from there made it to Southampton, England where he reunited with his family and lived out the rest of his life writing and practicing law.

    Despite Benjamin’s history of owning slaves, arguing successfully against their humanity, and serving the Confederacy in three different positions, historians and tribesmen seem to have mostly kind words for dear Judah.

    “He was the architect of the government of gentlemen…He just sort of exemplified the kind of brains and ambition that poured into the city in those glamour days before the Civil War…before the war, he was really almost running the state.” – Lawrence Powell, Professor of History, Tulane University

    “Benjamin’s political ventures in the U.S. Senate and in the Confederacy of Southern States were bracketed by two discrete but equally remarkable legal careers, the first here in New Orleans and the second in Britain,” – SCJ Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    “He really was an extraordinary figure because he was so brilliant, because he was so competent, and because he chose as much as he could to remain in the background because it was safer there, to remain somewhat aloof — that constant smile he wore, which I think was a way to set himself apart and not engage” – Eli Evans, Judah P. Benjamin: The Jewish Confederate.

    “But whether or not Benjamin practiced Judaism overtly or contributed to Jewish causes, to the Jews of the South, he was a symbol of a coreligionist who was a man among men” – Myron Berman, Richmond’s Jewry, 1769-1976

    “We can easily prove that Benjamin was the only genius in the Confederate cabinet. We can demonstrate that his career, with its American and English phases, was more glamorous than that of any other prominent Confederate.” – Robert D. Meade,The Relations Between Judah P. Benjamin and Jefferson Davis: Some New Light on the Working of the Confederate Machine

    Rather than the typical slurs such as “racist,” “bigot,” and “supremacist,” used to describe his Confederate counterparts, Benjamin is instead remembered as an extraordinary figure, brilliant, competent, remarkable, the only genius in Davis’ cabinet, and a man among men. Here we have a man with all the same qualifications anti-Whites use to condemn Whites Southerners, save for one apparently redeeming fact; he was Jewish.

    Given this single attribute, is it a coincidence that Judah Benjamin’s memorial still stands? Is it sheer luck that his name and reputation as a slave-owning Confederate cabinet member hasn’t crossed the lips of the vocal, anti-White left? Is it by fluke that his monument remains unmolested by vandals while the names of our Southern forefathers are slandered, and the monuments dedicated to their memory have been dismantled?

    Or could it be that a certain globalist coterie, with a vested interest in dismantling White Identity via erasure and denigration of their history, would rather Benjamin’s reputation not be brought to light for fear that they, too, might suffer the same fate reserved for White people?

  • https://altright.com/2017/05/23/why-has-judah-benjamins-monument-not-been-removed/
Similarly, how often do you hear of Emil Maurice, the founder of the German SS and one of the original members of the NSDAP (the "Nazi Party")? He was Jewish. He passed away peacefully in occupied Germany in 1972.

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Why Has Judah Benjamin’s Monument Not Been Removed?
A (((conundrum))), indeed
  • Judah_P_Benjamin_crop.jpg

    In all the hysteria surrounding the removal and desecration of Confederate monuments in New Orleans, Louisiana, one is hard pressed to find any mention of Judah P. Benjamin. Although lauded as the “Brains behind the Confederacy”, and with his visage (dis)gracing the face of the Confederate $2 bill, many Southerners do not know who he was. Yet despite his prominent role in New Orleanian society and the Confederacy, a monument to him still stands just 10 miles Southeast of New Orleans outside the public library in Belle Chasse, Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana.


    Judah P. Benjamin Memorial

    Born in 1811 to Sephardic parents in St. Croix, Benjamin emigrated to Charleston, South Carolina which was then the epicenter of merchant activity in the United States. After attending both Fayetteville Academy and Yale, Benjamin abruptly left the latter for New Orleans where he began working at a law firm. Because French was practically a requirement for working in law in the area, Benjamin hired himself out to teach English to French speakers on the condition that they teach him, French. During this time he developed a love affair with one of his students, Natalie Bauché de St. Martin, a daughter from a prominent, local, Catholic family whom he soon wed.

    “Benjamin was virtually suborned to marry [Natalie], and did so without hesitation in order to further his ambitions”. – Winston De Ville, The Marriage Contract of Judah P. Benjamin and Natalie St. Martin, 1833.

    Eventually, Benjamin’s success in law earned him considerable wealth which he used to purchase Bellechasse Plantation, as well as at least 140 slaves to work it. He went on to become a member of the Louisiana State House of Representatives and then a United States Senator, being appointed by the Whig Party both times. During this time he was sent as a New Orleans delegate to a legislative convention where he successfully argued against counting slaves as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of representation in state elections.

    On December 31, 1860, as secession drew near, Benjamin gave a farewell speech to the United States Senate and swiftly left Washington for New Orleans. Two months later, he was appointed as Attorney General of the Confederate States of America by Jefferson Davis. Benjamin was later to be appointed as War Secretary that same year and as Secretary of State in 1862.

    As defeat loomed over the Confederacy in 1865, President Davis, Judah Benjamin, and other cabinet members boarded a train bound for Texas. Confederate forces remained active in there and Davis was determined to fight on. But Benjamin was busy making plans for an escape. While in Abbeville, South Carolina, Benjamin told Davis that he would like to travel to the Bahamas in order to be better able to communicate with foreign agents and that he would eventually rejoin Davis in Texas. Even historians admit that this was a lie.

    “The pragmatic Secretary of State almost certainly never had any intention of returning to the South once gone.” – William C. Davis

    Benjamin, being the pragmatist coward that he was, rode straight into Florida, evading Union capture by pretending to be either a Frenchman who spoke no English or a farmer from South Carolina. From Florida, he boarded a ship due for the Bahama’s. During inspections by American soldiers, he feigned to be the ship’s cook, with inspectors remarking that it was the first time they had seen a Jew doing menial labor.

    He caught a ship in the Bahamas bound for Havana, and from there made it to Southampton, England where he reunited with his family and lived out the rest of his life writing and practicing law.

    Despite Benjamin’s history of owning slaves, arguing successfully against their humanity, and serving the Confederacy in three different positions, historians and tribesmen seem to have mostly kind words for dear Judah.

    “He was the architect of the government of gentlemen…He just sort of exemplified the kind of brains and ambition that poured into the city in those glamour days before the Civil War…before the war, he was really almost running the state.” – Lawrence Powell, Professor of History, Tulane University

    “Benjamin’s political ventures in the U.S. Senate and in the Confederacy of Southern States were bracketed by two discrete but equally remarkable legal careers, the first here in New Orleans and the second in Britain,” – SCJ Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    “He really was an extraordinary figure because he was so brilliant, because he was so competent, and because he chose as much as he could to remain in the background because it was safer there, to remain somewhat aloof — that constant smile he wore, which I think was a way to set himself apart and not engage” – Eli Evans, Judah P. Benjamin: The Jewish Confederate.

    “But whether or not Benjamin practiced Judaism overtly or contributed to Jewish causes, to the Jews of the South, he was a symbol of a coreligionist who was a man among men” – Myron Berman, Richmond’s Jewry, 1769-1976

    “We can easily prove that Benjamin was the only genius in the Confederate cabinet. We can demonstrate that his career, with its American and English phases, was more glamorous than that of any other prominent Confederate.” – Robert D. Meade,The Relations Between Judah P. Benjamin and Jefferson Davis: Some New Light on the Working of the Confederate Machine

    Rather than the typical slurs such as “racist,” “bigot,” and “supremacist,” used to describe his Confederate counterparts, Benjamin is instead remembered as an extraordinary figure, brilliant, competent, remarkable, the only genius in Davis’ cabinet, and a man among men. Here we have a man with all the same qualifications anti-Whites use to condemn Whites Southerners, save for one apparently redeeming fact; he was Jewish.

    Given this single attribute, is it a coincidence that Judah Benjamin’s memorial still stands? Is it sheer luck that his name and reputation as a slave-owning Confederate cabinet member hasn’t crossed the lips of the vocal, anti-White left? Is it by fluke that his monument remains unmolested by vandals while the names of our Southern forefathers are slandered, and the monuments dedicated to their memory have been dismantled?

    Or could it be that a certain globalist coterie, with a vested interest in dismantling White Identity via erasure and denigration of their history, would rather Benjamin’s reputation not be brought to light for fear that they, too, might suffer the same fate reserved for White people?

  • https://altright.com/2017/05/23/why-has-judah-benjamins-monument-not-been-removed/

Most sheep have no idea who he was. He most certainly was not the only brains of President Davis' cabinet...as men like Alexander Stephens & (Roddy Piper's ancestor) Robert Toombs were stalwarts of the Confederacy.
Benjamin was widely hated in the South.
Most sheep have no idea who he was. He most certainly was not the only brains of President Davis' cabinet...as men like Alexander Stephens & (Roddy Piper's ancestor) Robert Toombs were stalwarts of the Confederacy.

Judah Benjamin was only a little over five feet tall. He was probably homosexual. He was disliked in the Confederacy. He was the representative of the House of Rothschild. The Rothschilds financed both sides of the American Civil War.
Here you go right here.

LOL. Sounds like "Earl Pitts" & looks like a jacked up, 20 something "Opie Taylor". I'd advise him to try a good ol' pair of bib overalls.... & hit the squat rack a lot more. ;-)

Not an actual mother.

by Alt-Right News

The problem with having free speech taboos is that sooner or later you are forced to back them up with Draconian laws that stifle all speech. This process is now well underway in the increasingly dysfunctional German state where, on Friday (19th May), new censorship legislation passed its first reading in the German parliament.

The key point of the legislation is that creates heavy fines for social media companies that fail to remove anything the German government deems "hate speech." Experience shows that this would include some pretty mild stuff, such as revising minor historical details of WWII, mentioning that a girl was raped or beaten up, and alluding to the racial replacement of ethnic Germans by mass immigration.

But even worse than that, the new law also cracks down on actually posting links to news stories on the internet.

If the stories do not come from news sources "approved by the German government," they will be deemed "fake news" and therefore considered de facto "hate speech."

That would mean that even posting a link to this story would therefore be illegal, with Facebook, Twitter, or whichever social media platform you use to spread it, being forced, under pain of massive fines, to take it down.

We can only imagine what they will do to
people who create memes like this one.

The obvious calculation here is that those profit-oriented sites will not want to employ the resources to carefully monitor accounts and purge such content, but will simply ban anyone who posts "problematic" links.

To get a picture of the future of free speech on social media in Merkel's Germany, just imagine that it is a Jew in Hitler's Germany.

Elsewhere in Europe, the drive to clamp down on freedom has even reached the UK, where another childless female leader, Prime Minister Theresa May, is overseeing yet another attempt to clamp down on free speech, in order to paper over the chasms in the multicultural mess.

In a ludicrous turn of phrase that would not have looked out of place in George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984, her party's manifesto for next month's general election revealed plans to make Britain “a world leader in regulating the internet.”


by Alt-Right News

The problem with having free speech taboos is that sooner or later you are forced to back them up with Draconian laws that stifle all speech. This process is now well underway in the increasingly dysfunctional German state where, on Friday (19th May), new censorship legislation passed its first reading in the German parliament.

The key point of the legislation is that creates heavy fines for social media companies that fail to remove anything the German government deems "hate speech." Experience shows that this would include some pretty mild stuff, such as revising minor historical details of WWII, mentioning that a girl was raped or beaten up, and alluding to the racial replacement of ethnic Germans by mass immigration.

But even worse than that, the new law also cracks down on actually posting links to news stories on the internet.

If the stories do not come from news sources "approved by the German government," they will be deemed "fake news" and therefore considered de facto "hate speech."

That would mean that even posting a link to this story would therefore be illegal, with Facebook, Twitter, or whichever social media platform you use to spread it, being forced, under pain of massive fines, to take it down.

We can only imagine what they will do to
people who create memes like this one.

The obvious calculation here is that those profit-oriented sites will not want to employ the resources to carefully monitor accounts and purge such content, but will simply ban anyone who posts "problematic" links.

To get a picture of the future of free speech on social media in Merkel's Germany, just imagine that it is a Jew in Hitler's Germany.

Elsewhere in Europe, the drive to clamp down on freedom has even reached the UK, where another childless female leader, Prime Minister Theresa May, is overseeing yet another attempt to clamp down on free speech, in order to paper over the chasms in the multicultural mess.

In a ludicrous turn of phrase that would not have looked out of place in George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984, her party's manifesto for next month's general election revealed plans to make Britain “a world leader in regulating the internet.”

Three years ago, this highly-respected television journalist from Germany went public that the C1A had to authorize every story or article before it could be disseminated by the MSM. This goes for all of Western Europe. He has since passed away.

Western Washington University pushes a "course" on how to 'reduce the impact of white privilege'. These faux-academic, pompous, sanctimonious windbags are equally mentally & spiritually unstable .

American Freedom News