We Are Living In A Cartoon

That vile, demented pedo put his filthy mitts on a few young girls. Deviant wicked devil!

I think the whole media and political establishment's "war" on "fake news" is really to try to discredit stuff like this. The political and establishment elite have been exposed and are trying to discredit alternative news sites that are exposing their evil-doings.
I think the whole media and political establishment's "war" on "fake news" is really to try to discredit stuff like this. The political and establishment elite have been exposed and are trying to discredit alternative news sites that are exposing their evil-doings.
Yep. Getting exposed as satan worshippers who dable in pedophilia would not be good for business.

All this "fake news" propaganda is doing is further delegitimizing the powers that be and their media surrogates.
Cal State San Marco holds "Whiteness Forum" where cultmarx propagandists & sheeplike pantywafer millenials wet their diapers over the always evident, proven & obvious truth that is White supremacy.

'Fake News' and Real Lives

by Jim Goad

Last week, suspected lesbian, part-time exotic jungle dancer, and two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton waddled like a postmenopausal penguin into DC and urged a captive crowd of lawmakers to beware of “fake news”:

The epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year—it’s now clear that so-called fake news can have real world consequences. This isn’t about politics or bipartisanship. Lives are at risk.

OK, Madame Secretary, I think I’m pickin’ up what you’re throwin’ down here—disseminating false information can kill people, is that about it?

Would this include the time you voted for a war based on a lie that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction? Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and about five thousand American soldiers died as a result of such fake news. Would it also include your fake story—widely disseminated at first by a fawning, gullible media—that a video caused four American deaths in Benghazi?

Still, many journalists have joined with Ms. Clinton in decrying this horrid recent ****-tsunami of fake-ass news. Former CBS anchorman Dan Rather warned about “completely false things” that “go viral and worldwide.” (It bears noting that Rather’s journalistic career suffered irreparable harm after it was revealed that he pushed a set of documents attempting to discredit George W. Bush that turned out to be “blatant forgeries.”)

On his new MSNBC show, Brian Williams stated, without a shred of supporting evidence, that “Fake news played a role in this election and continues to find a wide audience.” (It bears noting that Williams no longer hosts NBC’s Nightly News after it was publicized that he’d completely fabricated numerous items about himself and his journalism career.)

This sudden recent moral panic about “fake news” was ramped up by a November 24 Washington Post article called “Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say.”

(The Washington Post is a highly esteemed American journalistic institution. Along with achieving notoriety when one of its reporters won a Pulitzer Prize for a completely fake story about an eight-year-old black heroin addict, its reporters were also members of the 2008 “JournoList” cabal that privately colluded to help elect Barack Obama. Proving that it is indeed an objective and trustworthy news outlet rather than a DNC mouthpiece, the Post recently hired twenty reporters to dig up dirt on Donald Trump during the presidential campaign and apparently zero reporters to investigate Hillary Clinton.)

In their recent attempt at a hard-hitting “fake news” exposé—which The Hill described as “perhaps the shoddiest piece of feature writing since Rolling Stone published its blatantly false story about a campus rape at the University of Virginia” and which Rolling Stone called “Shameful and Disgusting”—predictably geeky-looking writer Craig Timberg cites an anonymous group calling itself PropOrNot, allegedly comprised of “nonpartisan” researchers who just so happen to have an axe to grind with “muthafuckin’ fascists.” The group has compiled a blacklist of 200 or so websites they accuse of being either actively complicit with, or “useful idiots” of, Russian propagandists. No evidence is offered for how or why any of the content that these sites publish would qualify as Russian propaganda, just as none of PropOrNot’s members are identified or their credentials scrutinized. Still, many other MSM outlets ran with the Post’s story like the dupes they are and were apparently born to be.

The venerable New York Times is also up in arms about the “Threat of Fake News” that may, as serial murderer Hillary Clinton suggested, lead to the loss of human lives.

(The New York Times is a highly regarded American daily newspaper. While Joseph Stalin was purposely starving millions of Ukrainians to death, a Times reporter won a Pulitzer for denying that it was happening. More recently, the paper was forced to fire a reporter for “routinely” fabricating his articles. And during the presidential campaign, a Times scribe wondered out loud about whether reporters should dispense with normal constraints such as “objectivity” when dealing with the Rising Orange Monster Named Donald Trump.)

It’s hard to believe that any of these major news outlets care that lives are at risk when their blind pursuit of ideology at the expense of facts has helped push the country to the brink of a violent race war. I lived through the LA Riots of 1992 in which 55 people died, but it wasn’t until a few years ago that I learned Rodney King had two accomplices with him on the fateful night he was beaten. They obeyed police orders to remain on the ground and didn’t get pummeled. If the mainstream media had even dared to mention this fact, the riots might never have occurred.

The lie that Trayvon Martin was an innocent choco-cherub who was only buying Skittles—rather than a thug-in-training who was bashing “white Hispanic” George Zimmerman’s skull into the ground the moment he got shot—led to a wave of violent cross-country revenge attacks against whites. The lie that Michael Brown had his hands up and was pleading with a white cop not to shoot—rather than the fact that he’d just robbed a convenience store and was attacking the cop who eventually shot him—led to months of rioting and violence in Ferguson, MO, and other cities across America. And there are the much more recent serial lies about a mostly fake epidemic of pro-Trump hate crimes and the concomitant silence about actual violent crimes committed against Trump supporters. You blind field mice have gullibly swallowed every hate-crime hoax from Tawana Brawley to Duke Lacrosse to the Phantom Klansman of Mizzou—fabricated mass hysteria which has severely damaged American race relations, if you’re actually concerned about such things—and suddenly you’re worried about “fake news”?

At this late date, anyone who fails to realize that the US government and its media accomplices generate fake news as a matter of course is a dim bulb indeed. The heroic Church Committee of the mid-1970s revealed that the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird had purposely infiltrated and manipulated hundreds of American media outlets. When Hillary Clinton spoke about “fake news” last week, she encouraged as a remedy the passage of the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, which allocates millions in order to “track foreign propaganda and disinformation efforts.”

The American deep state and the media institutions that slavishly prop it up appear to have realized that they no longer have absolute control over the flow of information, and this seems to upset them greatly. All these phony public conniptions about “fake news” are merely a collective case of the vapors among ruling elites alarmed at the fact that they can no longer dictate what everyone thinks.

Sure, there’s plenty of fake news out there, from every deluded fanatic perched at every conceivable ideological angle. But what makes an unregulated Internet great is that if you have even a chipmunk-sized brain, you can sift through multiple sources on any given topic and eventually discern between what’s real and what’s fake.

It would be a grave mistake to allow the Powers that Be to erect some new Ministry of Truth that determines what’s true and what’s a lie. I can’t remember the last war they started that wasn’t based on a lie. These lying creeps know all about fake news—they invented the art form.

Who owns National Geographic? A cultural marxist masterpiece:


I didn't show the full picture. Go see it for yourself if you care to. Its a pedophile's dream. This is really getting sick.
UWM continues the cultmarx propaganda train going with a class entitled "The Problem of Whitness". The sub-title should have been "...in the age of cultural Marxism".

So I'm surfing the channel guide and do the old double-take when I see this showing on one of the Showtime channels: "Running For His Life: The Lawrence Phillips Story." Description: "Documentary (2016). The troubled life and tragic death of the college football talent and NFL running back."

First of all, who has nothing better to do than waste time making a "documentary" about criminal scumbag Lawrence Phillips? Even a liberal should be able to make better use of his time.

And "tragic death"??? The assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey was a tragic death. Phillips' life was an uninterrupted chain of vicious criminality. He even murdered one of his cellmates before his own death. Every day he was in prison was an additional waste of taxpayer money. His death was a blessing, not a tragedy, though we can assume Dick Vermeil wept uncontrollably for several days upon hearing the news.
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"MTV News," a once legitimate news source about 20 years ago that engaged in actual journalism, has has been getting obliterated online in recent days after their outlandishly-hateful (even by Cultural Communist standards) video called "2017 Resolutions for White Guys"...

Even hardcore liberals and certain celebrities (such as the UFC's Joe Rogan) are criticizing this odious and unfunny video, which is so overtly racist and sexist against white men (sorry "white guys," we can never be referred to as "men") that it's creation could cost the company the precious few subscribers it has left. A well-deserved demise for another VIACOM subsidiary (owned by evil billionaire Jew, Sumner Rothstein) that was once at the forefront of "pushing the envelope" for the most far-left politics on TV well before it became commonplace on every network.
"MTV News," a once legitimate news source about 20 years ago that engaged in actual journalism, has has been getting obliterated online in recent days after their outlandishly-hateful (even by Cultural Communist standards) video called "2017 Resolutions for White Guys"...

Even hardcore liberals and certain celebrities (such as the UFC's Joe Rogan) are criticizing this odious and unfunny video, which is so overtly racist and sexist against white men (sorry "white guys," we can never be referred to as "men") that it's creation could cost the company the precious few subscribers it has left. A well-deserved demise for another VIACOM subsidiary (owned by evil billionaire Jew, Sumner Rothstein) that was once at the forefront of "pushing the envelope" for the most far-left politics on TV well before it became commonplace on every network.

No "Music" TV has been the everloving $#1ts for over 20 years now. From what I hear, it's a never ending mix of (scripted) "reality" crapola & cultmarx docu-propaganda. Since their launch in '81, they've always had dose(s) of cultural Marxism, but it's been full bore the last 20+ years. I'd expect nothing less from a vile, globalist tribesman like Murray Rothstein.

Who owns National Geographic? A cultural marxist masterpiece:


I didn't show the full picture. Go see it for yourself if you care to. Its a pedophile's dream. This is really getting sick.

I have been a subscriber to NG for years even though they have a totally leftist slant. I have always been a fan of the maps, the photos and the articles about geographic regions. This sick issue arrived today and went right in the trash. I may have to reconsider continuing my subscription.
US Congressman Hank Johnson is afraid that the island of Guam might become overpopulated and then tip over and capsize. It would be interesting to get Barak Hussein's view on this subject - without a teleprompter in his ear.

It would be politically incorrect to the max to observe that negroes have good speech mimicking skills but a smaller brain than humans.

No "Music" TV has been the everloving $#1ts for over 20 years now. From what I hear, it's a never ending mix of (scripted) "reality" crapola & cultmarx docu-propaganda. Since their launch in '81, they've always had dose(s) of cultural Marxism, but it's been full bore the last 20+ years. I'd expect nothing less from a vile, globalist tribesman like Murray Rothstein.


Nat'l Geo. mag and tv program have been bought up by the Rupert Murdoch media empire. Murdoch is secretly Jewish:

The White Man’s Unbearable Burden

by Jim Goad

Author Nikesh Shukla—afat brown manwho appears to sweat a lot—has just been named one ofForeign Policymagazine’s “100 Global Thinkers of 2016.” He won this award for his work focusing on the “unbearable whiteness of publishing.” Ironically, his surname is a word of Sanskrit origin meaning “white.”

In books such asThe Good Immigrant, the British citizen complains that British society is unfairly dominated by indigenous Britons.

I think I’ll move to India, bitch about how the Indian publishing industry is stacked in favor of Indians, and then expect to receive grants and awards…or maybe not.

I’ve never read a word this chubbysamosahas written and I never intend to, but the mere fact that he cribbed the already severely overused term “unbearable whiteness” suggests to me that he is an unoriginal hack. This play on Milan Kundera’sUnbearable Lightness of Beingis approachingFear and Loathing in _______levels of overuse.

Referring to “whiteness” as “unbearable” is not a bold move if you want a media career these days. In fact, it appears to be a prerequisite.

The Huffington Post—which was started by a woman who’sso white, her eyes appear to be turning into cocaine—is a serial abuser of this term. The publication decries “The Unbearable Whiteness of Trumpistan,” “The Unbearable Whiteness Of Being in China,” “The Unbearable Whiteness of Anti-Intellectualism,” and “The Unbearable Whiteness of Suicide-by-Mass-Murder.” Someone needs to tell the author of the last piece—a beta dweeb namedMichael Kimmelwho has been described as “the world’s most prominent male feminist”—that despite the myth that mass shooters are disproportionately white, a study of mass shooters from 1982 to 2016 reveals that when it comes to this crime, as is the case with nearly all other categories of criminal malfeasance, whites are statisticallyunderrepresented, comprising a mere 57% of the total. Blacks actually perform slightly above their quotient of the population when it comes to mass shootings, but this is to be expected since the subject is crime.

To my knowledge, the quintessentially unbearable writers for the Huffington Post have never referred to blackness or Jewishness as “unbearable.”

Despite the fact that the publishing industry slavishly caters to minoritarian tyrants and routinely bashes the very notion of white people, many insist that this industry, too, is unbearably white. A gay black author whinges about “The Unbearable Whiteness of Science Fiction.” An editor for theIslamic Monthlytakes issue with “The Unbearable Whiteness of Canadian Columnists.” (He notes that “Canadian columnists are predominately white” and designates this as a “problem.”)

A writer forThe American Prospectslams “The Unbearable Whiteness of Liberal Media,” noting that even the staff ofThe Nationhas only “slightly over 4 percent of its staff hailing from racial and ethnic minority groups.” (Apparently he countsJewsas white.) And of course, evenThe Nationitself bemoans the publishing industry’s “unbearable whiteness.”

Writing inTIME, a certain Eliza Berman tut-tuts “The Unbearable Whiteness of the Oscar Nominations.” In the Daily Beast, an Asian woman takes issue with “The Unbearable Whiteness of Cameron Crowe’s ‘Aloha.’” And Think Progress—which is bankrolled byHolocaust enablerGeorge Soros—has a bone to pick with Ridley Scott’sMosesand its “Unbearable Whiteness.”

These hard-hitting, truth-digging articles all point to a cultural crisis, because it is an undeniable statistical fact that Hollywood’s ownership istoo white.

American music, alas, is likewise condemned as unbearably white. We are lectured about “The Unbearable Whiteness of Soft Rock” and read earnestly stupid attempts to explain “Why ‘Indie’ Music Is So Unbearably White.”

In the real world, nine out of the top ten singles currently on the Billboard charts are byblack artists. But I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a barrage of articles about the music industry’s “Unbearable Blackness.”

TV, too, is allegedly so white that it makes people want to scream. AtSalon, a certainScott Timbergslammed David Letterman’s farewell shows for their “unbearable whiteness.” Failed black late-night host Kamau Bell has a problem with “The Unbearable Whiteness of Late Night.” And theAdvocatefeels the need to cry little rainbow tears about the “Unbearable Whiteness BehindOrange Is the New Black.”

Of course, black actors are actuallyoverrepresentedon major network shows—and likelyseverelyoverrepresented on commercials—but let’s not let facts get in the way of an egregiously self-righteous and hyper-emotional narrative, shall we?

Politics? Unbearably white as well! This includesBernie Sanders, theAmerican left,protesters,Congress, andAmerica’s donor class.

Regarding the political donor class,Jewish Business Newsclaims that “US Jews Contribute 50% Of All Donations To The Democratic Party And 25% To The Republican Party.” How unbearably white of them!

Everywhere you look, you’ll see something unbearably white. This includesmarijuana legalization,baseball,brunch,milk,librarians, andcraft beer.

It all reminds me of a brilliantexchangebetween Anthony Jeselnik—that rareNordic-lookingfunnyman—and black comic Patrice O’Neal at the Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen:

Anthony Jeselnik: Besides, what can you say about Mike Tyson that hasn’t already been a title of a Richard Pryor album?
Patrice O’Neal:Oh ****.
Anthony Jeselnik:He got it. Patrice got it.
Patrice O’Neal:Too many white people [in the audience] to get that.
Anthony Jeselnik:Too many white people? You know what no one ever says? Too few black people.

The iron template these days is to complain that ineverything, there are way too many whites and far too few blacks.

You know what’s truly unbearable about white people these days? That they don’t find this nonstop defamation unbearable. I’d honestly like to see a historical antecedent to what’s currently going on in America, where a majority population is broadly slandered every second of every day, but precious few of them are even bold enough to mention it, much less start slandering back.

What puts lie to this notion that “whiteness” is unbearable is the fact that global immigration patterns show nonwhites desperately trying to get into white countries, whereas an inverse phenomenon—say, whites moving to Swaziland in droves—is virtually nonexistent.

If you can’t bear all this whiteness, I suggest you run as far away from white people as your soft brown feet will take you. Failing that, I suggest you show some respect toward your mostly unwilling hosts, because it appears that they are rapidly beginning to find you unbearable.

You need to subscribe to NY Times - ha ha ha fat chance - in order to see it, but it did flash a photo of what appeared to be a female with "gender fluid..."

Gender fluid my ass. There are only two sexes on this planet, throughout the animal kingdom. Just two.
I never realized how "politically incorrect" Norm MacDonald was/is, only have always found him funny most of the time. I didn't follow his career and was not watching SNL much in the 1990s when he had the important anchor position for the "news." It's clearly his material, and surprising to me that he got away with it as long as he did. Lorne Michaels has always been a committed change agent of the Frankfurt School type.

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American Freedom News