We Are Living In A Cartoon

Something like this would never happen if we still had healthy nations with a strong culture. Absurd and tragically sad that a White would rather die than be seen by others as racist.


They are destroying us - our nations, our civilizations, and the race itself, with that one little word that they invented in 1933, the first year it was known to be used in the English language, "racist".

First the softened up the white people with decades of all-races-are-the-same" "racist,racism, anti-racism" brain washing...and then came the invasions.
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Gregory Hood strikes again!


by Gregory Hood

Sun Tzu famously advised leaving a line of retreat to your enemies even when you have them surrounded. After all, you don’t want them fighting to the bitter end. You want them to see there is an alternative to death.

Hillary Clinton has provided us no such option. Her recent comments should not be a subject for laughter or mockery. They are a deeply ominous warning to every one of us.

Everyone’s having a good time snickering at her speech about half of Trump’s supporters being a “bucket of deplorables.” It’s so awkward and cringe-inducing it reminds you of Mitt Romney complaining about “trickle down racism,” another case where a politician tried to express moral indignation through a term obviously conjured up by a committee of political consultants. Clinton can’t even be outraged without seeming utterly fake.

Yet Hillary Clinton has a soul of a sort. We got a glimpse into the black pit residing within this infernal crone when the cameras caught her laughing about the torture and slaughter of Muammar Gaddafi, who was stupid enough to trust the word of the U.S. Government. The consequences of Clinton’s policy in Libya have been an utter catastrophe, unless it really was her goal to deliberately destabilize the Middle East and flood Europe with mass Third World immigration.

Where Hillary really showed her hand was in characterizing “some of those folks” as “irredeemable.” “Irredeemable” means there is nothing they – we – can do to be regarded as part of American society, to be citizens like everyone else with certain inherent rights. As Clinton put it, we are “not America.” We are simply an enemy to be destroyed.

At some level, we already know this. The National Press Club is willing to host anyone in the entire world, except White people who don’t hate themselves. To the American government and the corporations which control the Internet,we are on par with the Islamic State. Throughout the “free world,” patriots are arrested for what they say online or attacked in the streets by pro-System thugs. Stating the fact – the indisputable, undeniable reality that race is real and that people are not equal – is career ending, regardless of your prestige or accomplishments.

We are hated for who we are, for our immutable, unchangeable characteristics. We aren’t just the Alt Right, we are the only alternative to the entire System, the one group which can never be assimilated or accepted by them. Unless you consciously decide to work for your people’s destruction, you are an enemy, a kulak, an unperson. All Whites are racist, all non-white failings can be blamed on racism, andthere is no salvation in this new theocracy. That is the essence of what it is to be “irredeemable.”

But there’s a contradiction at the heart of this new anti-White American creed, the rot which threatens to break apart the whole System. The one group characterized as “not America,” Trump supporting European-Americans, are also the group which keeps the whole failed experiment limping along. The group most likely to support Trump, the Scots-Irish, are also the one group who identify simply as “American.” Those whom the elite call “not American” are the most American in any meaningful cultural sense. And the non-white “new Americans” fetishized by Hillary and her media don’t want any part of the historic American nation.

Even with a black president, outrageous government benefits, and an all but official state ideology of multiculturalism, nonwhites feel less patriotic towards America than whites. Whites disproportionately bear the costs of America’s wars. Whites are not the ones offended by the American flag, who want the Founding Fathers’ names taken off schools, who see American history as a long Narrative of shame and oppression.

As the white majority decreases, nonwhites will feel less pressure to make even token gestures of solidarity with the American nation. Increasing black and Hispanic political power won’t increase American unity, but further the centrifugal process already underway.

Even if American founding principles are defined entirely in terms of the “struggle towards equality,” it’s not going to win anybody over. Why should blacks or Hispanics feel loyalty towards a Republic founded by men who today would be called “irredeemable” by Hillary Clinton? It makes far more sense for them to feel loyalty to their own race and to pay rhetorical tribute to some universal ideal of equality which transcends American identity. They also have more to gain in terms of material benefits by claiming continuing oppression. If a specifically American identity survives, it will be because the “new America” of non-whites will be framed as a victory over the old European-America. Black South Africa is the obvious model for what is on the way.

Rotted as we are by both spiritual and material poisons, our people could probably be coaxed to acquiesce to our extermination, as long as it was done gradually. But it’s unclear the American Left can allow this. The only thing holding the Democrats’ coalition together is hatred of the core European-American population. This hatred has to be kept at a fever pitch to ensure black and Hispanic voter turnout and support for the Democratic Party.

Thus, White identity is a political necessity not for the American Right, but for the Left. It will be forced on Whites whether they like it or not. Issues like reparations, apologies for slavery (and, someday, immigration laws), demands to remove “problematic” historical symbols and memorials, alleged racial bias in law enforcement, and racial disparities in income and education will constantly be sources of agitation. They will always be portrayed in frankly racial terms, with whites pressured for more redistribution of wealth and resources even as the American economy grows more unstable and debt dependent.

And this is, gradually, inevitably, turning into hatred for Whites as such. The undercurrent of Hillary’s “irredeemable” comment, something now explicitly defended by the media, is that racially aware whites deserve no political representation, no place in polite society, nothing but contempt and hatred. At the same time, the racial identity of every other group is to be praised. Nothing is even offered to defend this double standard anymore except snark and signaling.

This is a suicidal strategy. It increases the expectations among nonwhites to unrealistic levels. As we see with the carnage in the cities and attacks on police officers, it constantly threatens to spill out of control into violence and rioting. There’s also the threat White and Jewish leftists will lose political control of their black and Hispanic pets, who will refuse to vote for the likes of Hillary Clinton much longer. If not united by a common foe, the militant left cannot coexist with Clintonian corporate liberalism for long, as we saw in the 2016 Democratic primaries.

The only tactic they have is to double down on incitement against the European-American population. What Raspail called the conflict between “the Fatherland and the Republic” in France, the contradiction between the egalitarian premises of the System and the reality that whites created and sustain the West, will define the politics of the next century in America and Europe.

The foundational principle of the modern anti-West is the idea you can replace the entire population of a country without cost to its institutions, social stability, and level of civilization. This principle, as we see every day, is wrong. And just as failed socialist regimes turn to outlandish theories about “wreckers” and saboteurs to explain the failure of their system, so will Cultural Marxists turn on us. The more “White racism” is pathologized, the more unhinged and hysterical will be the witch hunts for the racial dissidents ostensibly ruining everything.

Some Whites will cuck, some whites will collaborate, but an ever greater number will begin to realize they have no choice but to fight or die. As we are seeing with the current media surge for the Alt Right, we are ideally placed to take advantage of the Left’s strategic necessity for a White boogeyman. We will serve their short-term interests until the precise moment we can either take power or break free of their filthy System.

We face an opportunity, but also a terrible danger. Leftists used to bemoan the so-called “eliminationist” rhetoric of the American Right as inherently immoral because characterizing electoral opponents as enemies to be destroyed is a sanction for political violence. Now, characterizing half of all Trump supporters as de facto enemies of the state is taken as a self-evident good, and the only quibbling is about just how many undesirables need to be purged.

Even the “redeemable” half of Trump’s supporters are, according to Hillary, desperate for change but it “doesn’t really even matter where it comes from.” Their views are also not really worth consideration.
Do not underestimate what is coming if Hillary Clinton is president. As “Decius” predicted in his widely circulated “Flight 93 Election” piece, an extreme policy agenda “will be coupled with a level of vindictive persecution against resistance and dissent hitherto seen in the supposedly liberal West only in the most ‘advanced’ Scandinavian countries and the most leftist corners of Germany and England.”

The law is always just a reflection of power, not power itself. The First Amendment or the Constitution will not save us.

Hillary has put us on notice. From the street level antifa to the shitlib journalists, from the plutocrats to the current President, we are the enemy. No tactics are off the table.

Yes, it is White genocide. Yes, they really do want to destroy us. And yes, you are going to have to decide which side are you on.

My favorite quote from the article above:

"And this is, gradually, inevitably, turning into hatred for Whites as such. The undercurrent of Hillary’s “irredeemable” comment, something now explicitly defended by the media, is that racially aware whites deserve no political representation, no place in polite society, nothing but contempt and hatred. At the same time, the racial identity of every other group is to be praised. Nothing is even offered to defend this double standard anymore except snark and signaling."
My favorite quote from the article above:

"And this is, gradually, inevitably, turning into hatred for Whites as such. The undercurrent of Hillary’s “irredeemable” comment, something now explicitly defended by the media, is that racially aware whites deserve no political representation, no place in polite society, nothing but contempt and hatred. At the same time, the racial identity of every other group is to be praised. Nothing is even offered to defend this double standard anymore except snark and signaling."

More and more you hear "White" used as an insult. THEY are the masters of brain washing. I remember on one of Dr William Pierce's radio programs he was talking about their incredible skill in the field, miraculously turning bull negroes into desirable sexual partners. He said that fifty years ago a normal American white college co-ed would rather people thought she was having sex with her pet dog than a negro.

Dr. William Pierce Audio Archive (308 Radio Broadcasts)

The hatred for Whites and traditional values (Christianity in general) by the Left is unequaled and shameless now. It's nearly impossible and actually it's outright painful for me to even read comments of lost Leftist liberals in blogs and comments sections. The mindless demonic followers of the attitudes and soul of the elites is evident among them and their rhetoric online, in blogs, on campuses, and everywhere is utter contempt for anything and everything considered traditional or related to White people and their history.
They are brainwashed and hopeless it seems. The damage and poison of the anti-White Left is everywhere you look now and expanding.
The otherwise outstanding writer Gregory Hood shows ignorance of the Caste System in this article though he's aware of the cultural communist sports writer Dave Zirin; unfortunately so do all of the commenters as well. The "alt-right" has gained a lot of traction this year but remains unaware of affirmative action in sports and how the media uses it as an extremely effective weapon against White masculinity. Hard to believe. How do we reach more of them? A few comments, including mentioning this site, might be a start.

In the Arena

by Gregory Hood

There’s a reason Bane started his war on decadent Gotham by blowing up the football stadium immediately after the national anthem. The circuses part of the equation has always been as important as bread. And as the System increasingly fails to deliver a lifestyle previous generations could take for granted, circuses become even more critical to keeping everything going.

But there’s always an implicit threat to the social order presented by such spectacles. Dominant athletes tend to come from groups outside the core demographic of the society. Gladiators in ancient Rome could become huge celebrities and, supposedly, objects of sexual desire for aristocratic women. However, they were still slaves. And when slaves, usually recruited from the ranks of defeated enemies, are informally at the top of the social ladder despite being legally at the bottom, a deep perversion sets in.

In American sports, many of the top football players, basketball players, and other athletes are simply thugs. The fate of every team, no matter how skillfully assembled by the front office, partially depends on which player is going to commit some inexplicably stupid crime during the off-season despite being paid millions of dollars. These are the exact people European-Americans have to arrange their entire lives trying to avoid. And yet even though men work jobs they hate and waste hours commuting every day just to live away from diversity, they spend their weekends and money watching mostly black teams throw a ball.

Sports, of course, are a natural and healthy part of anyone’s upbringing, for both men and women. And it’s always a good thing to watch people from your community compete. But any connection to community has long since been severed. Not only are professional teams simply assemblages of random individuals from around the world but college and even Olympic and world cup teams have no connection to the peoples they ostensibly represent.

It’s useless to bemoan the frivolity of “sportsball” and just tell people to stop. After all, it was the rivalry between the “Blues” and the “Greens” which plunged Constantinople into chaos and almost overthrew the Emperor Justinian 1,500 years ago. Like the poor, the superfans will always be with us.

Anyone reading this already knows the costs. The desire of White South Africans to participate in international rugby tournaments was one of the factors which broke their resistance. Now, White players are being forced out of sports where they traditionally dominate in the name of “diversity,” i.e. eliminating Whites. Southern college football coaches are notoriously contemptuous of Whites and integration for the sake of winning football games is partly what broke the White South. Boosters at a number of these Southern schools essentially pimp out White girls for visiting black athletes. The feminist hysteria about “rape culture” would be beneficial if it had the inadvertent side effect of destroying college football. Unfortunately, just as feminists didn’t care about Rotherham, they're still mostly concerned with going after White fraternity members rather than black rapists.

It seems like a lifetime ago, but it was only 2006 when The Boondocks aired “Return of the King,” an episode about what would have happened if Martin Luther King had lived. Aaron McGruder was heavily criticized for Lèse majesté against America’s King, as the episode featured King cursing out his frivolous and degenerate people. Though King says he is “moving to Canada,” McGruder imagines King’s tirade finally getting through to American blacks, who become dedicated left-wing activists whom Whitey can no longer buy off with trinkets. Angry blacks organize politically, protesters surround the White House and Oprah is elected President of the United States (in 2020). Perhaps most importantly, McGruder’s closing montage features NBA players refusing to take the court “until the troops are brought home.”

Having turned on the White working class as part of the problem, progressives have always thought American blacks would serve as the foot soldiers of their revolution. Black athletes have been regarded as especially promising propaganda tools if only they could be lured away from the pleasures of money and fame. From Mohammed Ali to the Black Power salute at the 1968 Olympics, journalists are eager to celebrate the politicization of sports. Dave Zirin, who made a career of this, is practicallygiddy at what is happening in the NFL with blacks refusing to stand for the national anthem.

It is already beyond Colin Kaepernick. As this is written, it’s being reported entire teams may decline to stand on the anniversary of September 11. High school teams are joining the protests. And unlike in the case of John Rocker, few will pay any real price for this, aside from losing an endorsement here and there. After all, the President has defended Kaepernick even as Hillary Clinton condemns a huge chunk of the American population as “irredeemable.”

Ostensibly, the justification for the protest is the same thing we always hear – America not living up to its “founding ideals,” police brutality against blacks, etc. Leave aside for a moment that these “founding ideals,” at least the modern egalitarian interpretations of them, are garbage. There is no scenario where African-Americans will achieve on the same levels as Whites.

Race is a biological reality and the complaints and screams of a hundred thousand parasitic journalists and academics won’t change that any more than the fasts of Glenn Beck will make Ted Cruz the Republican nominee. This protest movement, could, in theory, go on forever as “equality” will always be unrealized. And it doesn’t bode well for the stability of The Republic when athletes can’t even make the pro forma gestures of respect towards the symbols of state.

Leftists are smirking at White discomfort about this, with Zirin specifically claimingthe “Alt Right” is enraged at Kaepernick. He’s got it backwards. Come the Revolution, we’ll name a street in the ethnostate after him. Probably the one with the most crime, the way America does with MLK.

Contra Zirin, we don’t want business as usual when it comes to professional sports. We don’t want the multimillion dollar subsidies for stadiums given to plutocrats pushing degeneracy. We don’t want our children looking up to scum as role models. We don’t want the only form of tribalism and identity practiced in White America to revolve around whether “our Negroes can beat your Negroes.” And we do want White people to understand blacks will continue to regard you as a kind of enemy, even if you raise them within your own home as White goobers did with Kaepernick.

Yet there’s more to it than that. It’s easy to snicker at blacks complaining that they are essentially high paid slaves when it comes to professional sports. But in some ways they are right. Why should they be stuffed into suits for post-game press conferences instead of dressing like they normally would? Why should they be penalized for trash talking and swearing on the field when that really is a celebration of their culture? Why should we continue to pretend college football players at Division I universities are actually “scholars?” Most importantly, why should black athletes feel anything but contempt and resentment towards the fat businessmen in the luxury boxes who pay their salaries or the White carb-cucks wearing their names on their backs? Incidentally, Kaepernick’s jersey is now the top selling jersey in the NFL.

What’s more, the mostly White people who can afford to go to these games and order the expensive cable channels really do regard black athletes as a form of property. In the past, you could imagine being loyal to a franchise which has some tie to a community. At least then you would have some kind of tie to individual players, at least until they were traded. That has long since passed.

Today, people build fantasy teams composed of different players on different franchises, with players regarded as interchangeable, their only value being their stats. Instead of young White males dreaming of becoming a professional ballplayer, many now seem to be acting as if they want to be the guy in the front office dealing with players as property. The general manager is higher in the power structure than the athlete, but he has less dignity and certainly less heroic appeal to most people.

It’s been said as a society declines, its heroes change. Initially, heroes are military, political or spiritual leaders. Then they become great athletes. Finally, they become celebrities or artists of uncertain accomplishments. Sports, whatever else one may say about it, is not about egalitarianism. An athlete is still more admirable than Kim Kardashian or some other living justification for nuclear winter.

Competition, athleticism and yes even fandom are important elements of our social life. We can’t do without them. We need to seek new outlets for them. Sports provides the one context where a modern average American can meaningfully talk about concepts such as victory and defeat, struggle and sacrifice, achievement and glory. As a substitute for war, it has sublimated the heroic virtues and in a healthy culture, it can enhance them. In our society, much like public service, it’s just a racket preying on our decadence.

Because we recognize this, we want professional sports, as constituted today, to utterly collapse. We want the culture to crack. We want White superfans to constantly be lectured about Black Lives Matter by affirmative action sociology majors on ESPN, to feel embarrassed about the athletes they are paying for their kids to see, to stop donating to their damn college athletics programs, to feel ashamed of themselves for wearing a jersey like a six-year-old boy.

Obviously certain sports like hockey (a kind of last stand of implicit whiteness) or attending your son’s high school football games are far less harmful than shoveling money to the NFL. In the long run, the ideal solution would be segregated sports, the same as we had throughout most of American history. If Black Lives Matter continues on its current trajectory, they’ll be advocating for that the same way there are calls from blacks for segregated college housing.

Fandom can be healthy when it’s aspirational – just like you have to actually know something about music to really appreciate a concert, you tend to most enjoy watching the sports you have some experience playing. But when it’s an excuse for inaction, when it’s a subsidy for people who despise you, when you are literally outsourcing your manhood in the same way some financier outsources American jobs, it’s despicable.

Yet our rebellion can’t just be about turning off the TV or watching sports that are more politically correct to the Alt Right. One of the trends which should be most encouraged in our broad cultural scene is the push for fitness, combat training, and learning to fight, using physicality as first step to spiritual and mental discipline. If the stereotypical conservative is some fat low T cuck with bad facial hair in a cheap suit, we need to look and act differently. The whole point of the Alt Right isn’t just to be an alternative policy program or political philosophy but to become a subculture which can eventually become the mainstream culture. Rejecting mainstream culture, turning away from the “porn and football” cucked consumerism of outsourced masculinity and building or adapting alternatives is a necessary step. But if we really want to become who we are, we need to put ourselves in the arena and build an athletic underground.

(Besides, considering how the Alt Right articles which get the most clicks tends to be about infighting, I’ve often half-seriously proposed we should start broadcasting MMA fights between feuding movement figures via subscription. Revenue from religious arguments alone could fund us for years.)

More importantly, we need to crack the culture. Let’s push this movement. Let this whole rotten edifice break apart. Let the cultural fragmentation of this media-saturated Third World disaster accelerate. Let these White men trudging to some stadium named after some corporation every Sunday reclaim their masculinity and their identity.

The spectacle of sports, especially pro football, is one of the few things holding the Hollow Empire together. And the sooner it splits culturally, the sooner we can reconquer it or break it apart, and reclaim a destiny for ourselves.

I've noticed on Twitter how dismissive the Alt Right is to sports in general especially football and basketball.. They would rather boycott compared to us wanting equal rights for whites playing.

Interesting situation they do have a point. Since being in Louisville I've noticed how cucked some of these sports fans are. Their football team trots out 21 negroes and 1 white and 40,000 fans cheer with glee! I've also noticed almost every HS down here has a black QB. Pretty screwed up considering the metro area is 75% white.. I'm guessing most of the HS basketball teams around here will be black as well.
Google's Agenda


by Alex Fontana

Google is at it again pushing their PC inclusive agenda down our throats.

Here's a little game my friend showed me. Go to Google.com type in "American inventors," notice anything unusual? Look at the horizontal row of pictures.

There you have it folk, America is not just the land of contemporary black geniuses like Kayne, Oprah and Colin Kaepernick. It is also the land of historic black inventor and innovator geniuses like George Washington Carver, the guy who brought you peanut butter, and Madam C.J. Walker who put together a company to sell blacks beauty products (Afro Sheen?) Or Garrett Morgan who worked on a chemical for hair-straightening (did he work with Walker?).

prolific inventor, holding 1,093 US patents in his name, as well as many patents in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. More significant than the number of Edison's patents was the widespread impact of his inventions: electric light and power utilities, sound recording, and motion pictures all established major new industries world-wide. Edison's inventions contributed tomass communication and, in particular, telecommunications. These included a stock ticker, amechanical vote recorder, a battery for an electric car, electrical power, recorded music and motion pictures.
His advanced work in these fields was an outgrowth of his early career as a telegraph operator. Edison developed a system of electric-power generation and distribution to homes, businesses, and factories – a crucial development in the modern industrialized world. His first power stationwas on Pearl Street in Manhattan, New York. He has been described as America’s greatest inventor."Pretty generous for Google to put this cracker at number seven if you ask me.

The other White guy who affirmative action’d through to the list is someone I had heard before, because Alexander Graham Bell is given credit for the invention of the telephone. But Bell also invented the photophone, the phonograph, metal detectors, hydrofoils and hydroplanes as well as many other inventions and innovations.

Now you might be thinking what I am, these white inventions and innovations hardly have the same world changing revolutionary applications as those of Lonnie Johnson who invented the Super Soaker water gun and the other black science revolutionaries, and that it was nice and all of Google to include these token wannabe White inventors in the first ten, but it feels a bit contrived. I wonder how far they carried this politically correct charade, if Whites made up 20% of the first ten what about in the next ten (swipe to the right)?

Norbert Rillieux and Jan Ernst Matzeliger are half breeds, so we can expect their inventions and innovations to be less world defining and revolutionary as full Blacks equipped with their phenomenally Afro-centric-rational-scientific minds. Matzeliger invented a machine to help make shoes attach the upper part of the shoe to the sole, nice try for a half black. While Rillieux invented something called a multiple-effect evaporator. Whatever, Oreo.

In the next ten two more Whites a guy named Benjamin Franklin who apparently invented the lightning rod, bifocals and the Franklin stove amongst other crap. And somebody named Samuel Morse, who invented a single-wire telegraph and some useless code thing that, like the arrogant narcissist Franklin, he also named after himself. These guys are surrounded by the towering geniuses of Sarah E. Goode who invented a folding cabinet bed and Benjamin Banneker wrote a series of commercially successful almanacs and worked on a clock amongst other black prodigies. We've seen how shamelessly Google has tried to include these token Whites into a list of American inventors for the sole purpose of pushing their PC agenda. Giving Whites 20% of the first twenty showcased inventors however seems a little bit overgenerous if not sinister.

Now imagine you did not know any better. Imagine you were a foreigner looking to expand your knowledge of America. What impression would this make compounded with the widespread one that American police agencies are indiscriminately murdering black males? That’s right America is the land of soaring black geniuses and their jealous white oppressors who murder them in paroxysms of envy every chance they can get thus retarding the civilizational achievements possible for the world. What the media does not tell you is that Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown were working together on a secret project and were just months away from patenting their revolutionary sun fusion generator – the Solar Kinetic Isotope Thermal Testing Light Energy Source – that would give the world free renewal energy for all eternity. But Evil Whitey stopped that utopian vision and now the world is hoodwinked and S.K.I.T.T.L.E.S. is nothing more than a dream.

The next game is to Google “Black man black woman” and “White man white woman.”

Originally published at AlexFontana.wordpress.com
Google's Agenda


by Alex Fontana

Google is at it again pushing their PC inclusive agenda down our throats.

Here's a little game my friend showed me. Go to Google.com type in "American inventors," notice anything unusual? Look at the horizontal row of pictures.

There you have it folk, America is not just the land of contemporary black geniuses like Kayne, Oprah and Colin Kaepernick. It is also the land of historic black inventor and innovator geniuses like George Washington Carver, the guy who brought you peanut butter, and Madam C.J. Walker who put together a company to sell blacks beauty products (Afro Sheen?) Or Garrett Morgan who worked on a chemical for hair-straightening (did he work with Walker?).

prolific inventor, holding 1,093 US patents in his name, as well as many patents in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. More significant than the number of Edison's patents was the widespread impact of his inventions: electric light and power utilities, sound recording, and motion pictures all established major new industries world-wide. Edison's inventions contributed tomass communication and, in particular, telecommunications. These included a stock ticker, amechanical vote recorder, a battery for an electric car, electrical power, recorded music and motion pictures.
His advanced work in these fields was an outgrowth of his early career as a telegraph operator. Edison developed a system of electric-power generation and distribution to homes, businesses, and factories – a crucial development in the modern industrialized world. His first power stationwas on Pearl Street in Manhattan, New York. He has been described as America’s greatest inventor."Pretty generous for Google to put this cracker at number seven if you ask me.

The other White guy who affirmative action’d through to the list is someone I had heard before, because Alexander Graham Bell is given credit for the invention of the telephone. But Bell also invented the photophone, the phonograph, metal detectors, hydrofoils and hydroplanes as well as many other inventions and innovations.

Now you might be thinking what I am, these white inventions and innovations hardly have the same world changing revolutionary applications as those of Lonnie Johnson who invented the Super Soaker water gun and the other black science revolutionaries, and that it was nice and all of Google to include these token wannabe White inventors in the first ten, but it feels a bit contrived. I wonder how far they carried this politically correct charade, if Whites made up 20% of the first ten what about in the next ten (swipe to the right)?

Norbert Rillieux and Jan Ernst Matzeliger are half breeds, so we can expect their inventions and innovations to be less world defining and revolutionary as full Blacks equipped with their phenomenally Afro-centric-rational-scientific minds. Matzeliger invented a machine to help make shoes attach the upper part of the shoe to the sole, nice try for a half black. While Rillieux invented something called a multiple-effect evaporator. Whatever, Oreo.

In the next ten two more Whites a guy named Benjamin Franklin who apparently invented the lightning rod, bifocals and the Franklin stove amongst other crap. And somebody named Samuel Morse, who invented a single-wire telegraph and some useless code thing that, like the arrogant narcissist Franklin, he also named after himself. These guys are surrounded by the towering geniuses of Sarah E. Goode who invented a folding cabinet bed and Benjamin Banneker wrote a series of commercially successful almanacs and worked on a clock amongst other black prodigies. We've seen how shamelessly Google has tried to include these token Whites into a list of American inventors for the sole purpose of pushing their PC agenda. Giving Whites 20% of the first twenty showcased inventors however seems a little bit overgenerous if not sinister.

Now imagine you did not know any better. Imagine you were a foreigner looking to expand your knowledge of America. What impression would this make compounded with the widespread one that American police agencies are indiscriminately murdering black males? That’s right America is the land of soaring black geniuses and their jealous white oppressors who murder them in paroxysms of envy every chance they can get thus retarding the civilizational achievements possible for the world. What the media does not tell you is that Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown were working together on a secret project and were just months away from patenting their revolutionary sun fusion generator – the Solar Kinetic Isotope Thermal Testing Light Energy Source – that would give the world free renewal energy for all eternity. But Evil Whitey stopped that utopian vision and now the world is hoodwinked and S.K.I.T.T.L.E.S. is nothing more than a dream.

The next game is to Google “Black man black woman” and “White man white woman.”

Originally published at AlexFontana.wordpress.com

Excellent article, sharing with anyone I come across today!
I hope that the people that read this will understand that i was raised in the south in the late 50's & early 60's. This is EXACTLY what our Klan leaders was telling would happen if we allowed blacks and whites to mix together for any reason. The first thing to be brought down would be the school system, by having to dumb down subjects so blacks could try to keep up. Then the race mixing of the two races would led to a half-breed race of people who could not hold down jobs,and this would lead to a welfare state. I was also told that GOD would be totally remove from the schools, courts and any public function. This was in 1959 or 60 we were told this. We were told that the values we held then would be used against us in our life time. They called us hicks with cow manure on our shoes, the media did, a bunch of dumb farmers,well I guess they were right cause look how great things are now.
Excellent article, sharing with anyone I come across today!

I posted it on American Freedom Union.com and The Nationalist Times' Facebook page today. It does need to be spread far and wide to anyone who still doesn't think there's an agenda. It can't be anymore blatant than what Google's doing, in partnership with Big Business, Big Media and Big Government.

Every day I marvel at how blacks have been foisted more and more on Americans through the media as though they're 60% of the population rather than barely more than 10%, and are shown as incredibly gifted in all fields and walks of life. It's the Caste System in football, track and basketball, except now it's being expanded to cover everything the masses see through the media.
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by Paul Craig Roberts

Washington Leads the World to War

What must the world think watching the US presidential campaign? Over time US political campaigns have become more unreal and less related to voters’ concerns, but the current one is so unreal as to be absurd.

The offshoring of American jobs by global corporations and the deregulation of the US financial system have resulted in American economic failure. One might think that this would be an issue in a presidential campaign.

The neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony is driving the US and its vassals into conflict with Russia and China. The risks of nuclear war are higher than at any previous time in history. One might think that this also would be an issue in a presidential campaign.

Instead, the issues are Trump’s legal use of tax laws and his non-hostile attitude toward President Putin of Russia.

One might think that the issue would be Hillary’s extremely hostile attitude toward Putin (“the new Hitler”), which promises conflict with a major nuclear power.

As for benefitting from tax laws, Pat Buchanan pointed out that Hillary used to her benefit a loss almost as large as Trump’s and during the Arkansas years Hillary even took a tax deduction for itemized pieces of used clothing donated to a charity, including $2 for one of Bill’s used underpants.

The vice presidential “debate” revealed that the Democratic Party’s candidate is so ignorant that he thinks Putin, who is democratically elected and has enormous public support, is a dictator.

Here is what we know about the two presidential candidates. Hillary has a long list of scandals from Whitewater and Vince Foster to Benghazi and violation of national security protocols. She is bought-and-paid-for by the oligarchs on Wall Street, in the mega-banks, and in the military-security complex as well as by foreign interests. The proof is the Clinton’s $120 million personal fortune and the $1,600 million in their foundation. Goldman Sachs did not pay Hillary $675,000 for three 20-minute speeches for the wisdom they contained.

What we know about Trump is that the oligarchic establishment cannot stand him and has ordered the Ministry of Propaganda, a.k.a., the US media, to destroy him.

Clearly, Hillary is the candidate of the One Percent, and Trump is the candidate for the rest of us.

Unfortunately, about half of the 99 percent is too dumb to know this.

Moreover, if Trump were to end up in the White House, it doesn’t mean he could prevail over the oligarchy.

The oligarchy is entrenched in Washington with control over economic and foreign policy positions, think tanks and other lobbyists, and the media.

The people control nothing.

What does the world think when they see Donald Trump damned because he doesn’t want war with Russia or the American economy moved offshore?

Where in American politics do Washington’s European, British, Canadian, Australian, and Japanese vassals see leadership worthy of their sacrifice of sovereignty and independent foreign policy? Where do they even see a modicum of intelligence?

Why does the world look to the most stupid, vile, arrogant, corrupt and murderous government on the planet for leadership?

War is the only destination to which Washington can lead.

A lot of truth in that article. I'd rather slow things down though. He'd rather speed them up. Not so fast, I say. Defiance is my stance to all the Left does, not passivity.
I read that article earlier today when you posted it Don. I agree with BeyondFedUp. For as much as the author wants a breakdown of society and a Clinton presidency to expedite that it will be at the cost of white american servicemen and whites in general as her saber rattling against Russia last night was on full display. I would rather have Trump in there any day of the week just for the sake of world stability, pulling us out of foreign countries we have no reason to be at in the first place. I can't argue with his demographic argument as it is totally true but Trump seems to be bringing white men together. I can't really agree with his friends who state how they want a Trump presidency just to enjoy the show and for entertainment value. Seems like a real limp wristed mindset.
I read that article earlier today when you posted it Don. I agree with BeyondFedUp. For as much as the author wants a breakdown of society and a Clinton presidency to expedite that it will be at the cost of white american servicemen and whites in general as her saber rattling against Russia last night was on full display. I would rather have Trump in there any day of the week just for the sake of world stability, pulling us out of foreign countries we have no reason to be at in the first place. I can't argue with his demographic argument as it is totally true but Trump seems to be bringing white men together. I can't really agree with his friends who state how they want a Trump presidency just to enjoy the show and for entertainment value. Seems like a real limp wristed mindset.

I agree. I like to post a variety of thought-provoking articles even though I don't always agree with everything in them.
Yeah, what BFU said, me too. But then the frog in the water theory says it is better if things gets worse faster. Either way something has got to give. The planet can't support the exponential growth of bipeds forever. The four horsemen are waiting in the wings...
Obama and his inept administration which are the reason for the Syrian civil war in the first place are now contemplating US military intervention and or funding the "rebels" who are actually ISIS - the group that is killing white westerners in Europe and is supposed to be the terrorist group we are fighting against.

If we did it in an "official" capacity by sending in our own ground troops or bombings with our military aircraft (as opposed to our proxy armies there (both ISIS and the fake "rebels")) then we'd be in violation of International Law.

Assad is the democratically-elected leader of the sovereign country of Syria, with their election being recognized as valid by many countries and certified by the UN. The only way that a foreign country can violate another country's air space with their military is at the invitation of that country. Assad has given Russia and Putin that authority. They have not given the United States that authority; therefore, the US would be in violation of International Law and arrest warrants should be immediately issued for our leaders and they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
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