We Are Living In A Cartoon

There aren't any movies that you can see anymore that are not filled with either degenerate filth or mind numbing PC propaganda. So I am not surprised this was your reaction. You should have done what the "good Christians" in the audience do, ignore your morality and wallow in the filth with everyone else. In a society as disbased as ours there is little choice between that and a cabin in the woods.

It's also unfortunate that Russell Crowe as he ages has given up the role of strong moral characters and is now playing typical hollywierd anti-hero scum.

Very true. Russell Crowe has been one of my favorite actors for years. His portrayal of James Braddock in Ron Howard's Cinderella Man is an all time great performance. His performance as Maximus in Gladiator was inspiring, as was his role of the British naval officer in Master and Commander. Hopefully his appearance in this piece of excrement film you saw was an anomaly and he goes back to playing roles that have redeeming value.
Katy Perry’s Illuminati and Engineered Modern Art

By: Jay Dyer

If you haven’t heard, Katy Perry told Rolling Stone she wants in! The hallowed halls of the Illuminati elite are wide open for the rising stars, just fill out a form and sign on the dotted line…with blood!

For most, the development of the arts is an organic, random process that just happens to occur, with the latest weirdo upping the ante and making a hefty profit for his “genius” work, usually involving some form of actual litter, feces, urine or corpses. What the unknowing public and its masses of “artsy” trendy wanna-bes who inhabit metropolises and immerse themselves in this sordid arena are unable to fathom or grasp, is that the movement of art itself in the 20th and 21st centuries is engineered to take the track it has. While the internet has exploded over the last few years with sites that maximize hits based on finding the “Illuminati” in every image of an eye, stone, dove or butt, most of these sites are not worth your time for serious analysis, as the mythology they promote about the “Illuminati” is inaccurate and ahistorical. Ironically, as a form of revelation of the method, the meme of Illuminati symbolism has become a self-replicating style trend, where the iconography of pop culture has adopted pseudo-Illuminati symbology.

The engineering of art was a decision made by the Rockefeller Foundation workers, the Guggenheim family, the Frankfurt School working with British Fabians like Bertrand Russell, and the intelligence agencies like the CIA, which the Rockefellers were instrumental in establishing. Concomitant with the rise of garbage “art” was the rise of feminism and its Rockefeller funding, as well, so they can be seen as connected movements, that culminate in the phony drug and sex “revolution” of the 1960s. I have detailed this elsewhere, focusing on the Marxist elements behind the above movements, but it is crucial to see that the Marxists were merely one level of this social engineering, as the funding for these Marxists and Frankfurt School degenerates came from international capitalists and their close cousins, the Fabian Socialists. Bertrand Russell and the Critical Theorists of Frankfurt openly stated how all of society would be reengineered, and a crucial aspect of that change involved the complete control of the arts. In fact, the arts are one of the most powerful, important arms of the machine, as the arts have a much deeper, more powerful impact on the mass consciousness than any Marxist or socialist books ever could.

Ke$ha is not in the “Illuminati”

MOMA and its whole ethos are nothing but intentional subversion, and the clearest evidence of this isn’t even the numerous sources and documents, but one simple indicator – the lack of talent. In the good olden days, artists could not make a living unless they actually learned their skill from a master. Nowadays, actual skill is a joke, while the most successful “artists” are those that are the best at creating a character persona for themselves that concocts absurd stories about what deep meanings their piles of **** have. I know from direct experience about this, because my ex girlfriend’s sister attended one of the most prestigious schools in the nation, obtaining her master’s in “fine art.” Her “art” consisted of huge vaginas and wombs that you could walk into, where the inside was covered in hundreds of nails. The meaning of all this colossal waste of time and effort? I’ll give you one guess. You got it – female oppression! I recall meeting her thesis advisor too, one night at a dinner at her place. As is usually my fashion, I pounced onto subjects considered socially taboo by this ridiculous crowd – meaning in art, objectivity in aesthetics, and other fantastical topics sure to get you uninvited to these gala events. The result? After an hour of inquisitorial questioning, the instructor was so offended she threatened to leave her own dinner. I must admit, I do at times enjoy ruffling the burlap panties these creatures don.

Ke$sha’s occultic “Die Young”

And so popular art has dissolved into nothing more than rehashed versions of the crap from two decades ago. Nihilistic hipsterism becomes a parody of itself, functioning like a self-replicating cookie cutter advertisement for the next product of lesser caliber. With meaning adrift, advertising is synonymous with both art and parody. Because this was engineered from the era of Bernays on, you see the eventual merging of the couple minute ad into the couple minute song. The song and its video are an ad for itself, and the next meaningless carbon copy reflection that will come, fresh out of the digital press. It’s as if you are in a Mall, Wal-Mart or Target everywhere you go, including when you’re watching a music video. And the same goes for film, as Hollywood has given up on all creativity, opting instead for the infinite replicator machine. The reason for all this is beyond the mere “making of money,” which is a crucial factor.

Rehash of rehash. Patrick Nagel meets MOMa.

No, the oligarchs already own the Federal Reserve printing presses and digital flash trade computers. Instead, the goal has been the Fabian model of gradual social engineering to destroy aesthetics. However, the killing of aesthetics comes at a price, as the artist becomes instead the moronic fool who is the best at being weird. The source for this misplaced belief lies in the assumption that inspiration and the arts themselves are only about emotion. The dumbing down of the populace at large through mass media and mass drugging has had the cumulative effect of creating the most programmed slaves amongst the circles of creative. It is entirely possible that many of these proles would have been talented artists, but we’ll never know, as the apotheosis of the weird came at the price of talent. The social engineers and technocrats have known this all along, and willed instead to annihilate these armies of drones with their own field of focus – a masterful Sun Tzu-style move. Because the arts are associated with emotion, it was easy to alter this crowd into submission by eradicating reason from the arts, and equating art with pure passion and emotion, devoid of any objectivity. Whatever one thinks of Ayn Rand, her Romantic Manifesto made this point brilliantly in regard the degeneration of the arts. Another indicator of the social engineering aspect of all this – to be accepted into this idiot crowd, you must be pro-feminist and pro-gay, and oppose objectivity.

Gaga’s Crowleyan-ish concert imagery.

At the point of self-annihilation, the only path left for the art of modern man is the vile, and from the vile, the fetishization and worship of death. Man reduced to pure passion, giving free rein to and worship of feminism in art, ends in death. This is not to say men aren’t degenerate, untalented artists, but rather that the rise of the feminine in the arts is also correlated to the rise of death art. I don’t blame individual women for this, but rather the establishment oligarchs who are corrupt beyond belief, who insist on foisting on everyone else their fixations with death and the vile. Death really is the overarching concept by which to classify all this, as the same oligarchy that wants to kill the earth’s population down 500 million is the same oligarchy that promotes death art. What a telling example of this we see in the soooooavant-garde vomiting chick. What a revealing image! Her performance art itself exemplifies her subconscious reaction to what she does and what she is about – a war with herself, with art and meaning. I’m reminded of the excellent Italian film La Grande Bellezza (2013) that chronicles the decline and decadence of Italy, particularly in regard to the scenes with the Soviet performance artist and the hilarious young girl who creates the “screaming art” at the party.

You go girl!

So when these tools of the industry talk about joining and being in the “Illuminati,” it’s more of a joke than it is actually running the globe. In one sense they are members, insofar as they serve the oligarchies wishes. Their own art pictures them as mind-controlled slaves and tools, not real witches or geo-political masters. Much closer to reality, these stars are tossed about by various fads and cults which appeal to the eccentric, so when Katy Perry says she wants to join the Illuminati, she means some Hollywood sex cult, much like what Peaches Geldoff found herself in. She’s not joining an ancient order of Masonic deists from the Enlightenment. How much do you think Voltaire and Katy Perry have in common, really? However, the Eyes Wide Shut-style sex magick cults are very real, and do have influence, but to think this is somehow linked to the rationalist Jacobins is a stretch. Satanism and witchcraft have been around for a long time, and there are elite families involved, but the top of the pyramid is run by technocratic socialists (the brains) and the top families (the bloods) who laugh at these goofballs, who have neither blood nor brain. Katy is saying, yeah, I’m up for some sex magick. The “Illuminati” oligarchs running things see all this obvious garbage merely as a weapon, nothing more. I will give Katy props for her improve skills, though.

See also Dave McGowan on Covert Ops and The Hippie Dream detailing the intelligence connections to revolutionary art.

Tragic and disgusting, but true.
Went to watch "The Nice Guys" today. It starts out with a adolescent sneaking into his parents bedroom to steal a dirty magazine (I presume to jerk off to) and it shows him ogling the porn star centerfold. As he walks down the hall a car leaves the freeway above and crashes through the house and continues down the hillside. He makes his way down to the car and low and behold it's the same porn star he was ogling, bloodied, with her big silicon tits staring at him. I suppose it was a grab your attention we're in for a heck of a ride scene.

Not long after the Russell Crowe character visits a guy who likes to pick up a thirteen year old girl after school, get her stoned then have his way with her. He catches the two together smoking pot. Does Crowe call the cops? No, he just punches the guy with brass knuckles and sends the girl on her way. This was getting weird.

So anyway after thirty minutes of more lame flat humor the Ryan Gosling character's 15ish daughter manages to accompany him and Russell Crowe to a lavish party hosted by a porn producer. Everybody becomes separated, and when Russell Crowe finally finds the daughter she is watching porn with a woman. After a couple of witty exchanges the women informs him that she is the actor in the movie they are watching. By this time I'm in total WTF mode.

I've been thinking of bailing for a while (I went mainly to escape the 100 degree heat outside) when the porn woman says something about anal sex. A girl behind me had been watching me get agitated and giggled nervously when I stood up to leave. I was sickened. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I stopped and looked over the crowd (maybe 40 people) and said HAW HAW HAW very loudly and derisively. I was ready to kick everybody in the face for not leaving with me. I refrained from that and just muttered loudly to myself as I left the theatre.

I've heard that Hollywood is full of pedos and they are bent on normalizing pedophilia. This movie (first one in five years I've attempted to watch in a theatre) proves they are well on their way.

And by the way the movie got a lot of positive revues. :confundio1:

You did right by walking out. There's a hard push on pornography now to degenerate the values in The West by the Illuminati stooges. As the near future doesn't look better, you may wish to seek alternatives to Hollywood films?
Unreal. This is why we have to fight back to the powers at large. **** like this boils my blood.


Title of this thread is "We Are Living In A Cartoon"; a correct title. Most men do not comprehend what they are living in and who they are. In the matter above that is linked, the accused has made so many errors it makes my head spin. It should be obvious by now that some Illuminati stooges (some are known as "The" government) see their ability to control the minds of men and women slipping because of the internet and now seek to stem the slide by scaring men and women into opposing official speak.

The accused firstly erred in using Twitter. Only twits use Twitter. That's why it's called Twitter. Secondly, the accused erred in using the same name as on his "official" Canadian identification. Doing so identified his -presumptive only- as a "Canadian" and "officer". Officer means "you" hold a "position" in a society. There are millions of societies in Canada. There are many Canadas. Thirdly, the accused attached his "personal" information to the Twitter account. This further linked him to the account's name. Fourthly, the accused admitted to the writing in question on the account. Did anyone see him write anything other than himself? No. So he agreed to testify against himself? Stupid. Fifthly, the accused never asked how "Twitter" is "in" Canada. If the act took place outside of "Canada", how could the rules of "Canada" apply?.

I can keep on going but the idea here should be clear: hold any opinion you want, don't use "you're" (no, not a typo) name on the internet if you think your opinions will cause the hounds to chase you, but always remember the one rule all of our societies have in common: do not threaten another man or woman with a harm.
french politician (leftist extremist) who can be seen here with makeup in support of women rights:


was recently caught for sexual abuse on a lot of women: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...icians-activists-denounce-harassment-of-women

these women said there was a "Mafia-style code of silence" to protect him
french actress on public TV saying that she has eaten human flesh, joking about it:

no problem, she's a leftist so everything she does is right
She's proof that degeneracy will eventually combine with age to tell on a person's countenance.

from wikipedia:

"Dalle's personal life has been somewhat controversial. She has been arrested on several occasions for shoplifting, drug-possession and assault.[4] In January, 2005, while making a film about prison-life in Brest, Dalle met Guenaël Meziani, who was serving a 12-year prison sentence for assaulting and raping his ex-girlfriend. She married him after 24 one-hour visits, and spoke on his behalf at hearings for his early release.[4][5]

Interviewed on the French TV programme Divan in 2016, Dalle said that, when she used to work in a morgue, she and friends sold body parts from corpses. She also admitted that, whilst on acid, she once ate a dead man's ear."

she has also dated joey starr who has been convicted for punching women amongst other things (one of the worst thing you could do from a leftist point of view since they are feminists) yet he is closer than ever to the government and the president himself http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-actress-Hollande-involved-damn-good-rum.html
Truly demonic. And yet she is still hailed as a "star". I had never even heard of her but that means nothing since I live in a cave and pay "0" attention to which people are considered stars in today's world.
Isis Muslim shot up a gay night club in Orlando killing 53 people. It will be interesting to see the narrative the govt and media try to create as they negotiate the truth - a radical Muslim attacks the gay community. It will most likely come down to Islam is not a religion of terror and it's the 2nd amendment and nra's fault.
It's a nightmare for the media vermin. Why couldn't the shooter have been a Christian heterosexual white male? Now, they are stuck in a difficult place as they try to sort out how deal with two different members (Muslims, gays) of the victim industrial complex.

One thing is for sure. Obama will not be holding a press conference from a mosque telling us what a wonderful religion Islam is. Somehow, the white man will get the blame for this one.

Throughout the West, the "escape zones" from racial diversity are dwindling in number. Those that retain their original European character face many foes. Unfortunately, most of those foes aren't as transparent in their bloodsucking as the Rougely family and their self-appointed Black Power spokesmen.

Live Oak Classical School is a fine private school in Waco, Texas. It calls itself Christian, but like most "Christian" institutions, it more closely follows the Church of Be Nice and Don't Judge, in which Jesus is demoted from Divine Judge to mascot. Academically rigorous yet holistic, Live Oak has become a refuge for upper-middle-class Whites who are fleeing Waco Independent School District, which isonly 10.5% White.

The girl's injuries which according to the school were caused by an accident on a rope swing.

Just as Waco, Texas was blowing up yet again over a mostly Black-perpetrated sexual assault scandal at Baylor, a 12-year-old black student at Live Oak suffered a rope burn on her neck during a field trip seemingly from an accident. She was treated by staff and her mother, Sandy Rougely, was notified a couple days later. The student completed the field trip without further incident.

Although the incident occurred back in April, the rent-seeking didn't begin in earnest until mid-May, just as the local paper was re-printing 100-year old lynching photos of convicted interracial murderer Jesse Washington. As with the police-involved shooting at the Waco Twin Peaks in 2015, the lying press is again sending the local Churchian imagination in the wrong direction.

The Rougely family retained Dallas lawyer Levi McCathern, who threatened to publicly accuse Live Oak students of perpetrating a racist attack if the school did notfork over $2.7 million. The Rougely's brazenly admit basing this figure off of a calculation of "gibs": living expenses [read: mom's rent, utilities, cable, wifi and cell phone] plus private school through 12th grade, college, and law or medical school. This, in addition to the low-interest loan and scholarship that had allowed the 12-year-old to attend the school in the first place.

Stepping up the pressure, someone notified the Dallas-based "Black Women's Defense League," which markets itself like a militia from a black sexploitation film:



Black Women's Defense League is a coalition of women of color from all walks of life on the path to total liberation.
BWDL focus' on self fense through martial arts and other hand to hand combat techniques armed training with various types of artillery including knife fighting ,marksmanship,and weapons of opportunity. BWDL also engages in emergency preparedness , urban suvival training , and battered women's rescue.
...Black Women’s Defense League through physical & educational training will prepare current and future generations to combat and destroy all forms of oppression imposed on the people by fascist, imperialist and capitalist regimes [sic].

BWDL performs vital public services to the black community, such as holding charity raffles for items essential to urban vibrancy:


BWDL appears to be led by Niecee Cornute, a.k.a. "Niecee X," though she plans to change her name to "Nairobi X Asantewaa."



BWDL literature called for "direct action" to respond to an "attempted lynching." Curnute also posted a video of a vehicle driving menacingly in front of the school.

Faced with the prospect of armed black men and women demonstrating in front of their school, Live Oak decided to cancel the last day of class, dashing the children's hopes for end-of-school parties.


Unsatisfied, the raging mob marched to the home of Alison Buras, the school's dean, whom they blame for the student's injury. There, they broke into frenzied, threatening harrangues against against Live Oak, Dean Buras, and the church affiliated with the school. There they used a bullhorn to demand criminal charges, termination the entire edministration and faculty responsible, and other outrageous things. They threatened to "shut [the school] down" if their demands were not met.


In a moment of unintentional self-parody, one protestor thought he'd found tiles arranged into a swastika (video here) in Buras' driveway because, in his mind, little old white schoolteachers in Texas are a core constituency of Nazism.

Without even having a single witness corroborating the "attempted lynching" narrative, others stated on Facebook that Blacks should retaliate by killing Whites.


Now, Nelson Hackworth (a.k.a. "Nelson X-Unknown" and "Nelson IamVision Negus"), founder of the 007 villain-inspired P.O.W.E.R (People Openly Working for Equality and Reform) is trying to use the incident to have the school's accredidation revoked. He believes he saw that driveway swastika, too.


Hackworth blatantly admits to exploiting the incident for his own ends, telling the Waco Tribune-Herald, "The incident at Live Oak was definitely the spark, I have had a vision for a while now that we need to be in a better position." In other words, Hackworth had a plan to get the gibs from whitey all along. Having found a target, he held a very serious, unironic public meeting a mere stone's throw from the White-built, Black-occupied East Waco housing projects.


Live Oak's largely female administration probably felt that offering scholarships to minority children would make the school seem virtuous and tolerant. Better to give them something up front to avert a crisis later, they reason. Yet no concession is ever enough for the contemporary black activist. When the opportunity appears, facts be damned: the routine is to spew innuendo, accusations, suspicion, paranoia, and outright lies until the opposition is simply too exhausted to continue. Once the allies seeking their cut of the loot have all been fought off, find a new target and repeat.

Black "separatists" love to LARP about strength, independence, and Africa. Yet after 60 years they are still shaking down the White man for another meal. Hopefully, the leadership of Live Oak will learn the lesson that the Alternative Right has been trying to teach them all along: that we are targeted as White people, not for what we do or don't do, but for being White. You can move one more exit down the highway. You can pay for a better school, or go to work for a more homogenous company. But they will follow you because, despite their rhetoric, they know they cannot survive without you. Eventually, they will come, demanding more and more until they haveturned your life into everything you were fleeing.

Face the truth. Stop apologizing, stop negotiating, stop running, and start fighting back.

Only a brain with poor visual-spatial skills would interpret that as a swastika.

These people are incapable of living as we live and doing as we do.

This Mau-Mau crap is pretty much an admission on their part that they know they can't.
Might be worth a try if these creatures show up to toss a few hundred dollars in, say, twenties, not tens, in the air and watch them fight over it.

These types always end up turning on each other and someone ends up dead.

But till then the damage they can do...
At this rate all of the women in sports and politics will be replaced by men in dresses. It's like repealing women's suffrage. If only those freaks weren't even worse then women on most issues.
It bears repeating...that where I come from, we used to take freaks like this.. lock 'em in an outhouse, feed 'em 3 times a day & not let 'em be seen in public! Deviant weirdos like this ought not be walking the streets (much less in public office).
American Freedom News