We Are Living In A Cartoon

Brainwashed lemmings in Seattle openly promote & crusade for deviant lunacy.


***You know...down here where I come from, we used to take freaks like "Bruce Gender" & lock 'em in an outhouse, feed 'em 3x a day & never let 'em be seen in public! Nowadays, instead of being locked in an outhouse (or padded cell) these vile demented nuts are (artificially) lauded & championed in this crazed cesspool we call Amerika 2.0. >:-(
I've started watching Jeopardy again occasionally. I still do pretty well even though I have zero interest in "pop culture." The answers on Jeopardy have been dumbed down somewhat over time to reflect a dumbed down population.

Tonight the contestants were celebrities, playing for charity. The three were Anderson Cooper, blonde reporter Lara Logan, and black former Maryland governor and head of the Republican Party Michael Steele. CIA asset Cooper had the most correct responses, but he also bungled quite a few, leaving Logan the "winner" among the three bubbleheads. Village idiot Steele only had two correct responses the entire game.

Take "authority figures" away from their scripts and they usually come across as the ditzes they are. That applies even to Presidents -- Bush Sr. and Jr. could barely speak a coherent sentence, while Obama is lost without his ever present teleprompter telling him what to say.

Nothing new there, but still it was amusing to see the curtain pulled back on the three stooges who were on Jeopardy to show just how ill-informed they are.
Today's Google homepage is celebrating the birthday of black dancer, Frankie Manning. Who? It's almost as if the Marxist goons who run Google, Inc. simply look at Wikipedia's "date" page (in this case, for May 26) and choose the first non-white, militant feminist, homosexual, slavery abolitionist, or civil rights activist they come across...


Bram Stoker's fantastic classic novel, "Dracula," was published on this day in 1897. But who cares, right? He was just some old, dead, privileged white guy, probably a racist, too...
Today's Google homepage is celebrating the birthday of black dancer, Frankie Manning. Who? It's almost as if the Marxist goons who run Google, Inc. simply look at Wikipedia's "date" page (in this case, for May 26) and choose the first non-white, militant feminist, homosexual, slavery abolitionist, or civil rights activist they come across...


Bram Stoker's fantastic classic novel, "Dracula," was published on this day in 1897. But who cares, right? He was just some old, dead, privileged white guy, probably a racist, too...
I noticed that this morning also when I was on Google also. I had no idea who this Frankie Manning character was. I'm sure hardly anyone else had heard of him before either.
Today's Google homepage is celebrating the birthday of black dancer, Frankie Manning. Who? It's almost as if the Marxist goons who run Google, Inc. simply look at Wikipedia's "date" page (in this case, for May 26) and choose the first non-white, militant feminist, homosexual, slavery abolitionist, or civil rights activist they come across...


Bram Stoker's fantastic classic novel, "Dracula," was published on this day in 1897. But who cares, right? He was just some old, dead, privileged white guy, probably a racist, too...

When share it means more than merit: classic communism.
I despise Google doodles, they're the product of this modern fad that every day is a holiday.
Callout Culture

by Gregory Hood

The role of a journalist is to restrict speech. In an age where culture is a product and morality a marketing scam, reporters are the commissars of the cultural regime. They conceal information, reinforce phony Narratives, invent artificial controversies, and promote deliberate lies.

And the laziest, most pathetic practice of this degraded profession is the Callout Content aggregators such as the Huffington Post, who publish almost nothing but Callouts. Bernie Sanders gets “called out” for being insufficiently eager to confiscate Americans’ guns. Piers Morgan gets “called out” for criticizing well-known hair weave saleswoman Beyoncé. Ted Cruz “calls out” Donald Trump for attacking “strong women,” and is in turn “called out” by Elizabeth Warren in an “epic” run of, uh, tweets.

And Elizabeth Warren is also “calling out” the lack of diversity at the Federal Reserve. (The Jewish publication Tablet notes that “Jews will have occupied the Fed’s top post for three decades straight – an unprecedented run of Jewish power and influence.” But that’s not the lack of diversity Warren means.)

In a normal context, to “call out” someone is to issue a challenge. In the most extreme example, this means a duel or a fight. To call out someone is the precursor to the battle. However, as with the word “badass”, social networking and clickbait journalism is changing the meaning of vocabulary. Now, to “call out” someone is to highlight some violation of the Narrative. Identifying such an act constitutes a victory in itself.

Melissa Cronin, who is not a person but a soulless bundle of flesh animated by electrical signals emanating from the “Trending” section of Facebook, takes this to its logical conclusion with a post on (who else) Donald Trump. “Donald Trump has never been one to speak kindly of women, particularly women who have the gall to call him out on his egregious transgressions,” she simpers at Gawker, which for some reason has not yet been transformed into a Hulk Hogan tribute site. Cronin is further triggered because Trump likes the Washington Redskins, an “awful term.”

The schoolmarmish language of “egregious transgressions” is revealing, as it shows the premise of this entire technique. No information is conveyed; no analysis is presented. We’re just being shrieked at by emotionally crippled harpies enforcing the official ideology. Luckily, most are so frenzied about their “reproductive rights” that they will end up being evolutionary dead ends.

We are told in the Post that Trump was “absolutely [destroyed]” by Warren on Twitter. If you add up every time some content aggregator told me Trump has been ANNIHILATED, DESTROYED, HUMILIATED, and OBLITERATED, you’d probably be close to the number of votes Trump has won in the primaries. Of course, Trump actually won his exchange with Goofy Elizabeth Warren, first, because Warren and her supporters are still whining about the Cambridge squaw being given an Indian nickname, and secondly because there’s actually substance to Trump’s charge.

Warren’s career benefited because she went beyond cultural appropriation and was a #transracial pioneer. If she hadn’t been caught already, maybe Rachel Dolezal could have copied her and made her way to the Senate.

This example is typical of the entire profession. A lazy outlet like Jezebel will find some random Tweet to use as an excuse to start bleeding out of their… whatever. A more pretentious outlet like Salon gives us long-form pieces about “White Privilege” in Westeros. And Vice will travel the world looking for interesting people so once they are found, journalists will scream and wail they be shut down so they can be turned into worthless and boring SJWs just like them. The end result is that cute girl you knew from high school is now a divorced single mom posting in all capital letters on Facebook about how gender-segregated bathrooms are a crime against humanity.

Comedy has already been reduced to purely an exercise in signaling, not just lame but unwatchable unless you are part of the ingroup. As annoying as it is to pretendChuck Schumer’s fat cousin is attractive, it’s far worse having to pretend she’s a comedian. The Ghostbusters remake looks about as amusing as a mandatory sexual harassment seminar. And we’re all now familiar with supposed comedians who mock people for a living spending their nights “calling out” people for opinions which hurt their fragile feelings.

Callout culture is official culture. If you are in the official bubble, you can get access, notoriety, and funding. You can move seamlessly from one industry to another, one endorsement to another, one source of income to another.

That is, as long as you stick to the Narrative. If you slip up, you are cast into the outer darkness and cut off from these resources. Donald Trump can survive these kinds of attacks, but if you are a normal person caught in a hurricane of shitlib hysteria, it means social, political, and financial death.

As Saul Alinsky pointed out in "Rules for Radicals" so many years ago, normal people don’t care if you are right or wrong, they just don’t want to have to deal with any trouble. They don’t want to be the collateral damage of a Callout. This is whyantifascists are, correctly, obsessed with policing music and artistic subcultures. It’s also why Gamergate was so deeply important, even if you haven’t played a video game since Battletoads. Leftists know they can’t break a truly dedicated activist, but they can increase the costs for casual involvement in any movement or subculture they deem “problematic.” They can also choke off the access to markets and resources their enemies need to survive.

Those inside the official culture cannot be “called out.” For example, it is now a news story of several weeks duration that (((Julia Ioffe,))) a Russian Jewish immigrant who fled to America because of “anti-Semitism,” is being called mean names after writing a hit piece on Melania Trump. Objectively, she has nothing to complain about. Her career will benefit because “Nazis” are mad at her. But because a Callout only works one way, instead of this journalist’s bias being highlighted, there is now a coordinated media campaign across a host of outlets to pressure Melania Trump to denounce random people on Twitter because they made some leftist reporter have a feel.

Ioffe’s chutzpah is especially evident considering what she’s written about in the past. Like another Russian Jewish immigrant born in Moscow, (((Cathy Young))), Ioffe specializes in hunting down normal White people and trying to whip up crazed mobs to destroy their lives. After our black fellow citizens decided to burn down Ferguson in solidarity with Gentle Giant Michael Brown, Ioffe found whites in a nearby suburb and wrote an article calling them out for complaining about black crime in St. Louis. The problem is not that the federal government turned Ferguson into a disaster; it’s that white people complained about it. And the obvious intent of the article was to shame (and hopefully dox and punish) Whites for the crime of wanting to live peaceful lives in functional communities.

Can you break out of the controlled culture? Well, you need certain information to know there’s even a problem. And that information can be denied. The best example of this is Facebook, which, as we already knew, is carefully manipulating its “Trending” news in order to promote only progressive viewpoints. We already knowTwitter is using shadowbans, stopping autocompletes of certain words and removing trending topics it doesn’t like in order to limit the exposure of ideas coming from the Alt Right. Meanwhile, footage of prematurely aging amateur porn star Jennifer Lawrence swearing at Donald Trump feels like it’s been trending for a week.

Cuckservative pundits, rather than challenging this setup or trying to build an alternative, beg for scraps (usually by writing at The Daily Beast) and try to find a way in. The best way to do that is to “call out” everyone to your right. This is nowJack Hunter’s life. He was duly rewarded with an appearance on Bill Maher along with Michael Moore. S.E. Cupp cries about how great poopdick marriage is and complains about the “fringy Alt-Right” backing Trump, even though that “fringe” just took over the whole party. Kat Timpf is upset that people use the term “cuckservative” because an actual right wing might do something about the “political correctness” she pretends to be upset by. These and other figures depend on the Left running the system and controlling access to media. If you had a real culture and society, their novelty and function would not exist.

What would they even say?

The Alt-Right will never have a space in the Callout Culture and each insufferable piece of shitlib clickbait is simply a reminder that we are an occupied people. But the faux moralism and phony outrage preached by the insentient denizens of this electronic wasteland are ripe for deconstruction and mockery. Within that space, this is all we can do as we pave the way for something new. A postmodern culture built upon signaling can’t survive both mockery and sincere opposition from those dedicated to a higher morality.

Obviously, we have to set up our own network and institutions and those are being developed, slowly, painfully. But don’t count on getting those commissions from Amazon or donations from PayPal. Don’t expect to be able to monetize that YouTube account.

There’s no shortcut to liberation. The revolution will not be online. It will be in the shadows, in the small gatherings taking place around the country from the woods of Cascadia to conspiratorial meetings in the capital of the Hollow Empire. And if we can just build a large enough subculture that it no longer matters when you are “called out,” Your Jaw Will Drop and You Won’t Believe What Happens Next.

It was hilarious when I clicked to the last post of this thread "We are living in a cartoon" and I see a cartoon she-ape jumping up and down in the quote box of someones reply, probably wanting a banana.:roflmao:
Elizabeth Warren does nothing but "call out" people. The only thing she does better than calling people out is lying about her heritage. I should note that she doesn't do either of those well, she's just awful at everything.
Elizabeth Warren does nothing but "call out" people. The only thing she does better than calling people out is lying about her heritage. I should note that she doesn't do either of those well, she's just awful at everything.
"Pocahontas" Warren was supposed to be a "champion" of the "regular folk", taking on Big Banks, Wall Street cronyism, Federal Reserve policies, etc., but has been all talk, like you say, all the while embracing Hillary, someone who personifies the corruption that she's always "calling out", which makes her a hypocrite as well.
They're just so deficient. If some random Romanian hacker was able to gain access to her server then you can be certain that the Russians, Chinese and North Koreans did. The security on her server was non existent. It was so lax that you could randomly pick an OS out of a hat and install a mail server to it and it'd probably have more stringent security.
Mexicans violently protesting in San Jose tonight jumping Trump supporters. Time to build the wall and kick the violent beaners and anchor babies back south.
Mexicans violently protesting in San Jose tonight jumping Trump supporters. Time to build the wall and kick the violent beaners and anchor babies back south.

Filthy mexcrement vermin have NO business on our soil! Who told the law dogs to 'stand down' when those folks were attacked?! The cops should have been stomping the ever loving guts out of those worthless pukes! >:-(
Filthy mexcrement vermin have NO business on our soil! Who told the law dogs to 'stand down' when those folks were attacked?! The cops should have been stomping the ever loving guts out of those worthless pukes! >:-(
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Filthy mexcrement vermin have NO business on our soil! Who told the law dogs to 'stand down' when those folks were attacked?! The cops should have been stomping the ever loving guts out of those worthless pukes! >:-(

Agreed doubt any of the "protesters" get charged with hate crimes despite acts of violence against white folks.. Don't you dare write"whites only" above a water fountain like the 2 Texas teens mentioned prior in this thread, So ridiculous.
I've started watching Jeopardy again occasionally. I still do pretty well even though I have zero interest in "pop culture." The answers on Jeopardy have been dumbed down somewhat over time to reflect a dumbed down population.

Tonight the contestants were celebrities, playing for charity. The three were Anderson Cooper, blonde reporter Lara Logan, and black former Maryland governor and head of the Republican Party Michael Steele. CIA asset Cooper had the most correct responses, but he also bungled quite a few, leaving Logan the "winner" among the three bubbleheads. Village idiot Steele only had two correct responses the entire game.

Take "authority figures" away from their scripts and they usually come across as the ditzes they are. That applies even to Presidents -- Bush Sr. and Jr. could barely speak a coherent sentence, while Obama is lost without his ever present teleprompter telling him what to say.

Nothing new there, but still it was amusing to see the curtain pulled back on the three stooges who were on Jeopardy to show just how ill-informed they are.

Trebek has been tossing easy clues on Jeopardy's charity celebrity weeks for some time. Back when TV Guide was digest size and had the weeks local and cable TV listings, they had a department called "Cheers and Jeers". One week TV Guide gave a jeer to Jeopardy for those easy answers. ("What is laying it on a bit too thick, Alex?" was TV Guide's comment.)

BTW Michael Steele was never governor of Maryland. He was *lieutenant* guv when Bob Ehrlich was governor.

Went to watch "The Nice Guys" today. It starts out with a adolescent sneaking into his parents bedroom to steal a dirty magazine (I presume to jerk off to) and it shows him ogling the porn star centerfold. As he walks down the hall a car leaves the freeway above and crashes through the house and continues down the hillside. He makes his way down to the car and low and behold it's the same porn star he was ogling, bloodied, with her big silicon tits staring at him. I suppose it was a grab your attention we're in for a heck of a ride scene.

Not long after the Russell Crowe character visits a guy who likes to pick up a thirteen year old girl after school, get her stoned then have his way with her. He catches the two together smoking pot. Does Crowe call the cops? No, he just punches the guy with brass knuckles and sends the girl on her way. This was getting weird.

So anyway after thirty minutes of more lame flat humor the Ryan Gosling character's 15ish daughter manages to accompany him and Russell Crowe to a lavish party hosted by a porn producer. Everybody becomes separated, and when Russell Crowe finally finds the daughter she is watching porn with a woman. After a couple of witty exchanges the women informs him that she is the actor in the movie they are watching. By this time I'm in total WTF mode.

I've been thinking of bailing for a while (I went mainly to escape the 100 degree heat outside) when the porn woman says something about anal sex. A girl behind me had been watching me get agitated and giggled nervously when I stood up to leave. I was sickened. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I stopped and looked over the crowd (maybe 40 people) and said HAW HAW HAW very loudly and derisively. I was ready to kick everybody in the face for not leaving with me. I refrained from that and just muttered loudly to myself as I left the theatre.

I've heard that Hollywood is full of pedos and they are bent on normalizing pedophilia. This movie (first one in five years I've attempted to watch in a theatre) proves they are well on their way.

And by the way the movie got a lot of positive revues. :confundio1:
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Went to watch "The Nice Guys" today. It starts out with a adolescent sneaking into his parents bedroom to steal a dirty magazine (I presume to jerk off to) and it shows him ogling the porn star centerfold. As he walks down the hall a car leaves the freeway above and crashes through the house and continues down the hillside. He makes his way down to the car and low and behold it's the same porn star he was ogling, bloodied, with her big silicon tits staring at him. I suppose it was a grab your attention we're in for a heck of a ride scene.

Not long after the Russell Crowe character visits a guy who likes to pick up a thirteen year old girl after school, get her stoned then have his way with her. He catches the two together smoking pot. Does Crowe call the cops? No, he just punches the guy with brass knuckles and sends the girl on her way. This was getting weird.

So anyway after thirty minutes of more lame flat humor the Ryan Gosling character's 15ish daughter manages to accompany him and Russell Crowe to a lavish party hosted by a porn producer. Everybody becomes separated, and when Russell Crowe finally finds the daughter she is watching porn with a woman. After a couple of witty exchanges the women informs him that she is the actor in the movie they are watching. By this time I'm in total WTF mode.

I've been thinking of bailing for a while (I went mainly to escape the 100 degree heat outside) when the porn woman says something about anal sex. A girl behind me had been watching me get agitated and giggled nervously when I stood up to leave. I was sickened. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I stopped and looked over the crowd (maybe 40 people) and said HAW HAW HAW very loudly and derisively. I was ready to kick everybody in the face for not leaving with me. I refrained from that and just muttered loudly to myself as I left the theatre.

I've heard that Hollywood is full of pedos and they are bent on normalizing pedophilia. This movie (first one in five years I've attempted to watch in a theatre) proves they are well on their way.

And by the way the movie got a lot of positive revues. :confundio1:

There aren't any movies that you can see anymore that are not filled with either degenerate filth or mind numbing PC propaganda. So I am not surprised this was your reaction. You should have done what the "good Christians" in the audience do, ignore your morality and wallow in the filth with everyone else. In a society as disbased as ours there is little choice between that and a cabin in the woods.

It's also unfortunate that Russell Crowe as he ages has given up the role of strong moral characters and is now playing typical hollywierd anti-hero scum.
No Google "Doodle" depicting or honoring the 70th anniversary of D-Day today, June 6th. Just a few thousand White casualties, so I guess there's "nothing really to see here, please move along..." Knowing now that so many of them died to help establish the Global Zionist State that we have now, helping Google to ascend to the dominant position they're in, I'm actually really surprised they didn't have a "Doodle" commemorating it.

In other Amerikan news, Deshauna Barber is crowned the 2016 Miss USA.
American Freedom News