There is no contradiction between being socialist and being right wing. Zero. The right wing movements of the 30s-40s were socialists, but nationalistic/traditionalist socialists, not marxists. They were for the family and for the nation, but also primarily for the peasant and the worker (although they did encourage the existence of a nation-advancing entrepreneurs - i.e. the worker and the owner had to work together for the nation, not against each other).
Mussolini in Italy was the director and the best journalist of the Socialist newspaper "Avanti!" and a leading socialist politician before founding fascism. If Italians have a national pension system, a disability insurance program, paid vacations, a national health system etc. - they have to thank for that to the Fascists, not to the corrupt "free market" types who preceded them and who left the average man/worker/peasant in appalling conditions. Same for Germany, where they had NationalSOCIALISM, and whose social programs were the envy of the World (that's why Adolf had such absolutely huge support). Today the Oligarchic Elites are trying to dismantle these programs, so the fat cats don't have to pay for it, and this would live the little guy in even more in the dust. If someone is doing something abut it, rioting, attacking the regime, not letting their rights being trampled - that's OK with me. Maybe they are socialists, communists, alien invaders, whatever, but they are doing something right. It would be fantastic if they also protested against mass migration (and many of them are because FN is full of ex-communists/socialists). Even so it is better than the apathy I see in other countries. The French have a history of rioting and overthrowing governments that are trying to go against the people (1789, 1830, 1848, 1871, 1958, 1968...) and I respect that.
Mussolini in Italy was the director and the best journalist of the Socialist newspaper "Avanti!" and a leading socialist politician before founding fascism. If Italians have a national pension system, a disability insurance program, paid vacations, a national health system etc. - they have to thank for that to the Fascists, not to the corrupt "free market" types who preceded them and who left the average man/worker/peasant in appalling conditions. Same for Germany, where they had NationalSOCIALISM, and whose social programs were the envy of the World (that's why Adolf had such absolutely huge support). Today the Oligarchic Elites are trying to dismantle these programs, so the fat cats don't have to pay for it, and this would live the little guy in even more in the dust. If someone is doing something abut it, rioting, attacking the regime, not letting their rights being trampled - that's OK with me. Maybe they are socialists, communists, alien invaders, whatever, but they are doing something right. It would be fantastic if they also protested against mass migration (and many of them are because FN is full of ex-communists/socialists). Even so it is better than the apathy I see in other countries. The French have a history of rioting and overthrowing governments that are trying to go against the people (1789, 1830, 1848, 1871, 1958, 1968...) and I respect that.