Tyson Fury

Shame the Fury-Boystov fight is off, though. That would have been very interesting. I hope that Boystsov isn't having more injury-health issues and that its just some problem with his crap Universum management.
Shame the Fury-Boystov fight is off, though. That would have been very interesting. I hope that Boystsov isn't having more injury-health issues and that its just some problem with his crap Universum management.
Universum declared bankrupcy a few days ago.

I think Rakhim Chakhkiev may be getting free of them, but Boytsov is still stuck in a contract.
Universum declared bankrupcy a few days ago.

I think Rakhim Chakhkiev may be getting free of them, but Boytsov is still stuck in a contract.

How can he possibly be stuck in a contract with a company that has declared bankruptcy? A contract is a legal agreement, not slavery. If the agent no longer is functioning as his agent that is the end of the contract.

But then I'm not a stinking lawyer so what do I know?
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Im actually a huge fan of Tyson Fury, at heavyweight, other than the Klitschko brothers he is probably my favourite of the rest of them! I'm also a fan of Boytsov, but his career is at a standstill (and has been for a while now).

What I like about Fury is that he is very entertaining in and out of the ring. His interviews are always hilarious (if any of you have seen the "challenge" he issued to David Price lol) and he always makes it a point to try and intimidate his opponent. Part of boxing is showmanship and Fury is great in that respect.

Fury also has solid skills, maybe not quite world class, but he is very solid and certainly improving every fight and slowly getting to that level. I don't think he will ever have the skill of the K Brothers, Povetkin, or Price, but Fury does have notable toughness, heart, mentality and that does account for something!

Either way, I'm a big supporter of Fury and I'm happy to see his fight is being shown live, at 4PM on Canadian television on The Super Channel (2), generally known as "Channel 335". I'll definitely make it a point to watch his fight on Saturday afternoon!

Kevin Johnson will be a good test for him (great matchmaking btw), but I think he will come out on top! Afterwards I'd love to see Fury/Price, thats a fight that needs to happen. The winner of that is unquestionable top5 at HW and probably the #4 guy after K Brothers and Povetkin.
I found this thread about Boytsov-Universum:


Boytsov has been a pro for eight years now, is 31-0 with 25 KO's...and going nowhere fast.

The good thing about Boytsov is that he is still relatively young, He is 26 years old. He still has time (even 4 or 5 years) to "mess around" before there is a precise need for him to advance his career. Many heavyweights don't make a serious titlerun until the age of 30 or even up to 33. Yes, it is frustrating to see him plagued by inactivity. But, it might work out well in the longterm considering that when Boytsov does hit championship level, the Klitschko's will have possibly both retired by then.

It would be great to see him fighting regularly though. I thought his last fight (W UD Dominick Guinn) was an impressive result.

Video of the Kevin Johnson / Tyson Fury Press Conference.

Fury calls Johnson an "idiot" several times and laughs at him in his face, lol. Totally disrespects and discredits him. This guy's antics are just hilarious and I'm a big fan of someone who can "sell fights", he also says no one is in his league! A bit delusional when he calls out Klitschko, but still very entertaining and enjoyable.

I just think Tyson Fury is awesome! lol. Ultra confident and ultra disrespectful.
Fury is a humorous guy. The Negro's ranting there - as opposed to Fury's ranting - needs subtitles under it to translate it from the Ebonics into English.
Fury is a humorous guy. The Negro's ranting there - as opposed to Fury's ranting - needs subtitles under it to translate it from the Ebonics into English.
He is also delusional as he stated that the heavyweight champion must be tall dark and handsome and American. I guess when he froze and ran like a sparring partner giving the champion rounds in his title shot that he "won" the fight....:thumbdown: I will have to see weigh in photos to see if Johnson is fit and trying to win. I will say this when Australian based Samoan Alex Lepai lost to Johnson he looked huge but muscular and Johnson took Lepai to school with his jab. Here he looks fat more than muscular.
Kevin Johnson is regarded as one of the better trash talkers in boxing but was pretty much owned by Fury for alot of that conference,it also helps that Fury was taller.Both guys enjoy the trash talking side of the game but its a big step up for Fury.I hope Fury isnt exposed,another heavy i had hopes for was the 6'7 Ukranian Dimitrenko but he was beaten when he took a similar step up against Chambers.
Kevin Johnson is regarded as one of the better trash talkers in boxing but was pretty much owned by Fury for alot of that conference,it also helps that Fury was taller.Both guys enjoy the trash talking side of the game but its a big step up for Fury.I hope Fury isnt exposed,another heavy i had hopes for was the 6'7 Ukranian Dimitrenko but he was beaten when he took a similar step up against Chambers.

We all had big hopes for Tye Fields but we know what happened to him when he fought better competition. I sure hope that is not the case with Fury. I think Price is much better than Fury, but Fury should still be able to beat quite a few heavyweights.
This fight snuck up on me. I like Fury and hope he wins but wouldn't be surprised if he has problems with Johnson's boxing skills. One thing I like about Fury is he never seems overawed by any situation. He'll go in there relaxed and just give 'er a go.
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