Tyson Fury

I had Fury winning 11 of 12 rds. Great performance. Excellent condition and generalship. Loved his jab and movement. Overall a great outing. I would argue he was more effective against capable Johnson than Vitali.

I heard the announcer say that Johnson took this fight on 3 weeks notice. He looked in shape.

Fury is progressing!
The telling part of the ringside interviews was when Johnson stated that Fury fought tall and wouldn't engage the shorter man unless he had to. He is ready for anybody in the division aside from the K brothers. I would like for him to fight Povetkin and if he can win that maybe he could milk that junior world belt for a bit before he steps up to either Klitschko.
Fury has great speed and movement for a guy his size.I thought there was a big chance he would lose this fight but he proved me wrong.What was odd is that despite the pre fight trash talk Johnson and Fury seemed to get along.Fury also should choose a nationality as in one interview he's English and in another Irish and one thing the Irish dont like are 'plastic paddys' Brits claiming to be Irish because they have an Irish grandparent.Some douchbags in the audience were roundly booing him when he's in with a world class opponent.He should concentrate on building his fan base in Manchester where Hatton became big,much more educated boxing audience.
Fury has great speed and movement for a guy his size.I thought there was a big chance he would lose this fight but he proved me wrong.What was odd is that despite the pre fight trash talk Johnson and Fury seemed to get along.Fury also should choose a nationality as in one interview he's English and in another Irish and one thing the Irish dont like are 'plastic paddys' Brits claiming to be Irish because they have an Irish grandparent.Some douchbags in the audience were roundly booing him when he's in with a world class opponent.He should concentrate on building his fan base in Manchester where Hatton became big,much more educated boxing audience.

I wasn't afraid of him losing this fight. Johnson is too defensive minded and doesn't throw many punches. I would have like to see him be the first guy to knock Johnson out whose always on the defensive.
I wasn't afraid of him losing this fight. Johnson is too defensive minded and doesn't throw many punches. I would have like to see him be the first guy to knock Johnson out whose always on the defensive.

I thought there was a good chance that Johnson could win as he can hit when he opens up as he showed when knocking out Lepai another prospect.If Petkavic could floor Fury then Johnson was certainly capable of doing it but he showed better defense than previously and anticipated Johnsons right hand.
Johnson is a guy who just doesn't get knocked out, and in the end that will probably be his only claim to fame, especially if Fury goes on to greater things.

As far as nationality, I've heard some say that Fury is of Irish Traveller descent. They are an interesting bunch of people who are known for creative ways of raising quick cash that don't endear them to their neighbors of the moment. They also have a bareknuckle fighting tradition for settling differences among themselves. So if he is of Traveller ancestry, Fury is of some fighting stock for sure.

Give him credit for finding a way to do it in the ring for good money and not in the street for YouTube fame.
Watched the fight today, and I was very impressed with Fury! This is a good, credible win for him against the best opponent he has faced so far in his career. Great stuff from Tyson Fury tonight! :)

As mentioned by other posters in this thread. Tyson showed excellent movement for a big man, very speedy, and he was punching in combinations, sometimes 6 or 7 punches at a time. Very effective jab as well. Actually, I think in the whole fight, Tyson Fury's jab was the most effective punch by far. You could almost say he won the fight on his jab, he was landing 10-15 per round, controlling distance, and winning rounds.

I thought Johnson arguably won 2 rounds in the fight at the most. Clear win for Tyson. I also felt the referee (I believe it was Howard John Foster) was on poor form tonight. His point deduction from Tyson for hitting at the break was ridiculous. Poor performance from the referee.

Overall, tremendous win for Fury! With this win I think he has really put himself in the mix for a titleshot and definite top8ish guy at HW. I thought it was awesome in round 8 when Tyson hit Johnson with about 6 punches in a row then began showboating and raising his arms as though he won the fight! Lol, truly spectacular showmanship.

I'm a big fan of Tyson Fury, and although I support all European boxers, and I am a fan of David Price, I'd have to say I'd have to support Tyson in a fight with David Price. Fury/Price would be an awesome matchup and it needs to happen for British Boxing. It has the potential to be legendary on the British scene.

Tyson Fury is awesome! What a great fight tonight.
I like David Price better than Fury. I would really like to see Fury fight someone like Wach who I think would give him problems. Tony Thompson may be the 11th ranked heavyweight in the world according to Boxrec, but he shouldn't be that high. He's another guy that won't give Fury much of a challenge. Pulev, Boystov, and Povetkin are too dangerous fighters for him to face now. Wach makes sense.
I like David Price better than Fury. I would really like to see Fury fight someone like Wach who I think would give him problems.

Yes, I am also a big supporter of David Price, and his fight yesterday with Skelton was great. Tremendous bodyshot KO. However, my personal preference lies with Tyson Fury just because I find him more entertaining, funny, and charismatic. But if someone else prefers Price, that's totally fine! They're both two great European fighters.

Price/Fury is an extremely delightful matchup and I don't care to predict a winner. They're both great fighters and I could see either guy winning, I might give a slight "advantage" to Price based on his amateur background, but its very much a tossup fight. Fury has been improving and is always looking better! I could see it going either way.

Wach/Fury would be great and I'd love to see that, great suggestion. Wach would no doubt last and probably stage an assault in the later rounds. It'd be interesting to see how that fight plays out and I agree with you that Wach could give him some problems, probably more so than Johnson did tonight.

However, I am dying to see Price/Fury, its a fight that has been building for years, and they both have history having already fought each other in the amateurs (What Ive read is that Price won a close decision but was knocked down and hurt badly in the fight). It would be a Massive fight in the UK, and both guys would probably be making 1Million Euros Minimum (there was an offer a few weeks ago for Tyson to make 500,000 Euros to fight Price, but now, after this weekend Im assuming that offer would be substantially higher, perhaps doubled, but you'd figure atleast 750,000).

An alternative scenario would be to even delay the fight a bit longer, perhaps till next year and presumably the fight would be even bigger and more financially lucrative then.

I just feel like the fight could be legendary
, and the rivalry between two undefeated British heavyweights is impossible to pass up. I also feel it would elevate one of these guys to superstar status, and the loss wouldn't be so bad for the other one. Price has already defeated all the possible Negroes in the British heavyweight scene, so from here on, the only domestic fight for him is Fury (Haye is effectively retired, and has said he will only fight Klitschko's, no one else). It would be a great fight for both guys and move one of them into superstar status.
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Yes, I am also a big supporter of David Price, and his fight yesterday with Skelton was great. However, my personal preference lies with Tyson Fury just because I find him more entertaining, funny, and charismatic. But if someone else prefers Price, that's totally fine! There both two great European fighters.

Wach/Fury would be great and I'd love to see that, great suggestion.

However, I am dying to see Price/Fury, its a fight that has been building for YEARS, and they both have history having already fought each other in the amateurs (Price won a close decision but was knocked down and hurt badly in the fight apparently). It would be a Massive fight in the UK, and both guys would probably be making 1Million Euros Minimum (there was an offer a few weeks ago for Tyson to make 500,000 Euros to fight Price, but now, after this weekend Im assuming that offer would be substantially higher).

I just feel like the fight could be legendary
, and the rivalry between two undefeated British heavyweights is impossible to pass up. I also feel it would elevate one of these guys to superstar status, and the loss wouldn't be so bad for the other one.

Price has already defeated all the possible Negroes in the British heavyweight scene, so from here on, the only domestic fight for him is Fury.

If that fight happens, the winner should go after Povetkin. That's a winnable fight for either of these two guys. Neither is beating Wladimir.
Furys younger cousin Hugh Fury recently won super heavy gold at the world youth championships[u19].The event in the upper weight classes was dominated by white boxers mainly from Eastern Europe.
Furys younger cousin Hugh Fury recently won super heavy gold at the world youth championships[u19].The event in the upper weight classes was dominated by white boxers mainly from Eastern Europe.

Interesting. Their very favorite thing is fighting, Irish Travelers. Check out the Youtube.
Fury looked as good as ever in this fight. In his best shape ever, moving amazingly well for a man his size, and very disciplined with his jab to keep the shorter man at range. I think he has moved ahead of Price, who did not imress me by allowing a 45 year old has been to get in range and bully him into the ropes.

I'll go against the grain here and say Fury beats Price at this point.
"I'll go against the grain here and say Fury beats Price at this point."

Even odds fight, I think. The two giants are similar size. Price is five years older. Price beat Fury twice in the amateurs.
They are an embarrassment even to regular gypsies when people mistake them for being one and the same, and that is saying something!
Visited BoxingScene today (where I usually go to check up-to-date news in boxing) and saw this article:


Tyson Fury statement to Steve Cunningham, his next opponent for his fight on April 20 in NYC:

“I`m going to retire you Steve. You are not a heavyweight. You`re a cruiserweight. You`re a little guy. I want to ask you and Kathy (Duva), are the bottom of your shoes sponsored? There will be a lot of cameras and you`re getting knocked out, so I would like to put my Twitter page on the bottom of your shoes to get more Twitter fans. I`m going to hurt you serious, I hope you understand that. I mean business. I didn`t come here to play around, I came here to do demolition jobs to cruiserweights. You`re not in the same league as Kevin Johnson, you`re chinny and you`re getting knocked out,”


I always find Tyson`s comments hilarious, he is totally confident and arrogant and its awesome!

Cunningham is a good boxer, but he is going to be painfully undersized in this match. Fury is also very fast, throws a lot of punches, and has great experience (his wins over Johnson, Chisora, and Rogan are all commendable). I do like Fury in this fight, probably by decision, but it is true what Tyson is saying that Cunningham is chinny. If he could KO Steve that would be an amazing result. Tyson Fury is also training in Canada (Gatineau, Quebec) for this fight and thats awesome, Quebec has some great fighters and he will have good sparring partners here.

Can`t wait to see this `demolition job` on April 20!
Cunningham was already writing his excuse at the press conference. "The only reason this guy has been winning fights is because he is big."
Cunningham was already writing his excuse at the press conference. "The only reason this guy has been winning fights is because he is big."
Fury should grind down the game but undersized Cunningham. If it were just size that won fights Julius Long, Mike White and Tye Fields all would have been champions. Boxing is won more on skills rather than size, size is the tipping point when both boxers are of a similar skill level. Also this fight should further illustrate why you will never see a 205 pound linear champion again as the elite 240 pound+ fighters are just as skilled and nearly as athletic as the old 205 pound champions were.
I expect no less than a signature demolition of the game Cunningham with the end result a highlight reel KO of him. I am just going by their most recent fights and the big game Fury is projecting. Tyson needs to start creating real buzz. He has the mouth and ability, now he needs to put it all together.

I believe Wlad has at least 3 more years at the top. Tyson could start building his case and a super fight with Wlad by dispensing with all the affelets. Starting with Haye, Chimpsora etc.
Here's a video of the press conference. Fury didn't pull any punches in what he said, and neither did Cunningham.


Ive noticed black coaches and managers aswell as hangers on like to get involved in the trash talk.I always remember the Maskiev v Rahman fight where one of Rahmans hangers on kept yelling out to Maskaev calling him a 'pussy' from the crowd.Nazm Richardson the trainer of Cunningham is talking more than his fighter.Whats wrong Richardson your fighter getting psyched out by Fury so you have to step in?Leave the talking to the fighters as they are the ones that are gonna exchange puches.Ive yet to see white coaches or managers do this.
Actually I think Cunningham has been conducting himself more like a civilized white man than has the Irish Traveler Fury.
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