Tyson Fury

I was enjoying the fight but that was indeed a terrible stoppage.

Fury didn't need that despicable referee to help him, he would have stopped Firtha anyway.
It was an early stoppage but Firtha was taking a beating,his nose looked to be broken after the 1st round and a referee's job first and foremost is to ensure the safety of the fighter, he probably felt he was taking too many big shots.Fury showed power in taking out a guy who took Povetkins best.
Two big time fights yesterday with two crooked referees. Disgusting. Boxing is so corrupt.
Fury slid by his Canadian opponent. He was dropped and badly shaken in the 2nd round, in the 3rd round he took it up a notch and finished off his opponent.
I didn't see it, but from from what I'm reading it sounds like the usual crooked ref jumping in. Boxing in the US and UK is very corrupt. What do you fellers who did see it think?
It was one of the worst stoppages I've ever seen.

Pajkic wasn't hurt, in fact he had just hit Fury.

He had dropped Fury with a good punch in round 2, hurting him badly.

Then in round 3 Fury did a lot of holding and knocked Pajkic down as he held Neven's right arm so he would stay still and hit him on the back of the head. The ref didn't say anything.

Later, with not much time remaining in the round, the referee stopped the fight and awarded Fury with a TKO.

Up until now, I've been a Fury supporter but I'm not happy with the behavior of his home referees. The sport of boxing is ruined by shady stuff like this.
Watched it - and yep, second BS crooked ref stoppage in a row for the Irish Traveler, both versus white men.
It was an early stoppage and robbed a potentially exciting ending but Fury was on top at that point and would knocked him down again imo.Fury has good power which bailed him out but unless he gets a world class trainer he wont go much further.
It was an early stoppage and robbed a potentially exciting ending but Fury was on top at that point and would knocked him down again imo...

Maybe maybe not. The round was almost over and Fury himself had just come back from a knockdown and Pajkic was willing and able to continue fighting...and that's not the way the game is supposed to work. Each competitor is supposed to get a fair shot, even if the referee and the judges are on the payroll.
Fury knocked Rogan down with a body punch in the 5th. Although in pain, Rogan managed to just barely beat the count, but then his trainer came in the ring and stopped the fight.

Fury wins a very entertaining fight by TKO 5.
Good win but he needs another step up in class. Would not mind seeing Fury fight Haye or Seth Mitchell.
Good win but he needs another step up in class. Would not mind seeing Fury fight Haye or Seth Mitchell.

He's already beat up Chisora who's a long step up from Mitchell, and Rogan is always a tough guy.
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How refreshing to see sportsmanlike white men instead of chest pounding spitting apes.
How refreshing to see sportsmanlike white men instead of chest pounding spitting apes.
Fury's career is coming along nicely. No need to force ripen this guy in a losing title fight to either K brother. With him turning 24 and his size he has 3 or 4 years before he might hit his peak. People forget Wlad looked "shot" at 28 and now where is he.....
"No need to force ripen this guy in a losing title fight to either K brother."

Who's saying he should fight either of the great K brothers? Though actually he already has much better credentials than many of their recent opponents, like Chisora who he beat up both in and out of the ring.
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