Tony Romo must have some black in him

Leave it to a self-proclaimed teenage black kid to say that there it is 'unlikely' that a black woman would ever be attracted to a white man.

You need to get out more, FutureGohan.

It's interesting that they chose to interview Romo's Mexican relatives instead of his white ones. Then again, it was a local piece on a local news station in the town where Romo's grandparents live.

Much ado about nothing, IMO.
I've encountered more black women who were overtly flirtatious with me than white women. Also, it is obvious that there is less fidelity in their relationships, black men and women, than in white couples' relationships. My previous "wonder" was sarcastic.
I'm not sure if your post was in response to my comments or 'Gohans, but rest assured I knew you were being sarcastic.
White Shogun wrote:

So you agree with Irvin? The only reason Tony Romo is any good is because he has some black ancestry in his gene pool?

Are you part black, too, Hockaday? [/QUOTE]

As for the first question, I'm only saying that with the Mexican contribution to his genetic makeup, with all those African genes drifting through the Mestizo population, Irvin may have stumbled onto something about Romo (half Mexican that he is) having some African ancestry, as minute as it might be.

I am not saying that I agree with Irvin's insinuation that Romo's athletic ability can only be explained by his having African ancestry. I don't agree with that at all. The white race is capable of producing its own athletic QBs, such as Young, Montana, Gannon, Brunell when he was young, among others.

And by the way, it's Michael Irvin, for criminey's sake. Who takes him seriously, anyway? I hear that he now claims the quote wasn't his, it was somebody else's.

As for the second question: No.

Are you part Japanese, White Shogun?

Edited by: Hockaday
weneed tostop guessing and wondering about players ancestry etc...

Tony Romo is very muchwhite and obviously has Italian ancestry...

His field generalship and QB Abilities should tell you hes all White aswell...
Deacon said:
Bart said:
I would like to see pictures of his father and grandparents from Mexico. I wonder if they look Spanish or Mestizo or Indian? Probably not Indian.
You can watch an interview with Romo's grandparents and judge for yourself.


Just scroll and click the link entitled...

"Two of Tony Romo's Biggest Fans in East Texas: His Grandparents"

both don't look white to me. his grandpa looks like a Indian while his grandma is Mestizo.
Mr. Romo's ancestry is not the point in question. He has achieved his atheletic success on his own merits. ( I have never heard anyone in football say they beat us because we did not have enough latinos or American Indians ) . The salient point is that Irving made a racist comment that was also slandorus about Mr. Romo and that his employer thinks it was all just in fun. Ltes face it if he had said a black punter must have a white ancestor somewhere he would have been censured. If his White broadcast partner had said he would have been fired and made unemployable in his profession. The point here is the double standard.

KG2422 said:
I've encountered more black women who were overtly flirtatious with me than white women.

I made a similar statment a few lines up, but no one seems to listen to me. lol. The truth is, black women, if they want something, will be as brazen as possible in getting what they want. I remember being in some bulls#!t general elective class at my school two years ago, and this black girl was flirtatious and aggressive as hell with me. Also, she was not exactly Halle Berry either...but more like the mom from "What's Happenin"
.She got a bit vulgar at times with the things she said as well.

My friends used to bust my balls and be like, "So, whats up with you an Big Momma Jenkins over there?".
I laughed it off for the most part, and responded with, "Come on guys, I'm "white cocoa", you can't resist this."

Ahhh fun times.
Tired old White said:
Mr. Romo's ancestry is not the point in question. He has achieved his atheletic success on his own merits. ( I have never heard anyone in football say they beat us because we did not have enough latinos or American Indians ) . The salient point is that Irving made a racist comment that was also slandorus about Mr. Romo and that his employer thinks it was all just in fun. Ltes face it if he had said a black punter must have a white ancestor somewhere he would have been censured. If his White broadcast partner had said he would have been fired and made unemployable in his profession. The point here is the double standard.


Thanks for bringing us back to what should be the main point of this thread, Charlie. I agree with you.
white is right said:
Romo is essentially white as his native ancestry is probably tiny and he is anglicisized.

Tiny? Two of his grandparents are Mexican. That is not tiny.

He blood wise is no different than many white Americans that are partially native.

Totally disagree.

Freedom said:
Who cares if he is 3rd generation Mexican-American?

Do you mean, who cares if two of his four grandparents are Mexican?

Lance Alworth said:
Who honestly cares if he has some mestizo blood in him?

I do. And it's not "some."

I bet a lot of people on here have native indian blood in them, but no one here is questioning anyone on here's whiteness.

Having some very distant Indian ancestor (and who knows if most of the people who claim to have "Indian blood" actually do or not,) is not the same thing as having TWO Mexican grandparents. And besides, I very much doubt that "a lot of people here" have Indian ancestry. There was never that many of them, so I doubt that they "pervade" our gene pool to the extent that you're implying.

NotreDameIrish said:
we need to stop guessing and wondering about players ancestry etc...

No guessing necessary. We know now.
JD074 said:
white is right said:
Romo is essentially white as his native ancestry is probably tiny and he is anglicisized.

Tiny? Two of his grandparents are Mexican. That is not tiny.

He blood wise is no different than many white Americans that are partially native.

Totally disagree.

Freedom said:
Who cares if he is 3rd generation Mexican-American?

Do you mean, who cares if two of his four grandparents are Mexican?

Lance Alworth said:
Who honestly cares if he has some mestizo blood in him?

I do. And it's not "some."

I bet a lot of people on here have native indian blood in them, but no one here is questioning anyone on here's whiteness.

Having some very distant Indian ancestor (and who knows if most of the people who claim to have "Indian blood" actually do or not,) is not the same thing as having TWO Mexican grandparents. And besides, I very much doubt that "a lot of people here" have Indian ancestry. There was never that many of them, so I doubt that they "pervade" our gene pool to the extent that you're implying.

NotreDameIrish said:
we need to stop guessing and wondering about players ancestry etc...

No guessing necessary. We know now.
Do you consider Tommy Morrison, Johnny Bench and Duane Ward white? They have as much native ancestry as Romo. Romo is probably 1/4 American/Mexican Indian. He looked less than that too me, but it's hard to tell really.Edited by: white is right

the difference between Tony Romo being white or Hispanic is how he himself sees his ethnicity. It appears that Romo is proud of being Hispanic, so that makes him non-white in my opinion. I wonder though, why isn't he as 'proud' of his white grandparents?

Romo is in the same category as De La Hoya. A mestizo who appears to be white, but identifies himself solely as Hispanic.

I take back my earlier rant about questioning every white guy with black hair and brown eyes.
My only regret is that I didn't pick Romo up on the waiver wire to add to my fantasy football teams.

The guy's as white looking as any other starting quarterback in the league. He looks and acts white and is considered white by the media and fans.For us to classify him asnon-white is about as logicalas what Michael Irvin said that ignited the controversy to begin with. Who's our next "non-white" athlete waiting to be discovered? Vinny Testaverde? If we don't cut athletes whomay notfit Adolf Hitler's ideal Aryan mold some slack we're going to look very silly indeed.
Good points Don, the same I often make myself on this board. Does it make a difference though when the athlete in question doesn't think of himself as white?

I wonder what Romo lists on his census forms.
Romo knows how the media works as well as we do. If a reporter comes up to him and asks, "Are you proud of your Mexican grandparents?" we know how he'll answer.Romoknows that under no circumstances may he say anything else. He may be just as proud or prouder of his other grandparents, but the media's not interested in that.

It's not like Romo is walking around like an Aztlan activist. All we've uncovered is a one minute clip from a small Texas TV station on the Mexican part of his background. That hardly makes him an out-front proud hispanic; far from it. And since we know hispanics are not a race, I have no problem even if Romo does identify as hispanic. It's only if he explicitly identifies himself as non-white that should matter, and given his looks that would be a ludicrous way to identify. He's a white kid from a small program who is thriving in a league that wants most of its QBs to be black.It's a great story and let'scheer him on.


Edited by: Don Wassall
Yahoo questions has this topic going on right now. Irvin is taking a a good deal of heat and a few people are calling for his firing.
Don Wassall said:
My only regret is that I didn't pick Romo up on the waiver wire to add to my fantasy football teams. 

The guy's as white looking as any other starting quarterback in the league.  He looks and acts white and is considered white by the media and fans. For us to classify him as non-white is about as logical as what Michael Irvin said that ignited the controversy to begin with.  Who's our next "non-white" athlete waiting to be discovered?  Vinny Testaverde?  If we don't cut athletes who may not fit Adolf Hitler's ideal Aryan mold some slack we're going to look very silly indeed.

very well said.
White Shogun said:
I wonder though, why isn't he as 'proud' of his white grandparents?

Because coming out and exclaiming that in an interview, would be "career suicide" in this dump-of-a-society that we live in. Although, since he is hispanic as well, he can probably get away with it. If he were a 100% White athlete publically expressing pride for his race or even just speaking his mind, his career would end instantly and he would recieve a court order to attend "sensitivity training".

Look what happened to John Rocker, and all he did was tell the truth about what you actually see on the NYC subway. I live a stones throw away from NYC, and believe me, his so called "offensive" description of what the NYC subway looks like, is more than accurate.

-Unwed hispanic mothers with like 8 kids...TRUE.
-Queers with AIDS making out in front of you...TRUE.
-Hearing 15 languages other than English...TRUE.

I don't know why I'm laughing, its not despicable. But if you live here long enough you become kind of numb to all the madness.
Ground Fighter said:
White Shogun said:
I wonder though, why isn't he as 'proud' of his white grandparents?

Because coming out and exclaiming that in an interview, would be "career suicide" in this dump-of-a-society that we live in. Although, since he is hispanic as well, he can probably get away with it. If he were a 100% White athlete publically expressing pride for his race or even just speaking his mind, his career would end instantly and he would recieve a court order to attend "sensitivity training".

Look what happened to John Rocker, and all he did was tell the truth about what you actually see on the NYC subway. I live a stones throw away from NYC, and believe me, his so called "offensive" description of what the NYC subway looks like, is more than accurate.

-Unwed hispanic mothers with like 8 kids...TRUE.
-Queers with AIDS making out in front of you...TRUE.
-Hearing 15 languages other than English...TRUE.

I don't know why I'm laughing, its not despicable. But if you live here long enough you become kind of numb to all the madness.
I think you could say you were proud of whatever ethnic background you are. But whiteness is a bad no-no unless it was something rare like a track sprinter or tailback. The only instance I can think of where guys have come out and said they were proud of their whiteness was boxing and nobody takes boxing seriously anway...
Michael Irvin apologized on the Dan Patrick radio show today. He seemed pretty sincere.

Having said that, I would like to see him apologize to David Duke, Jared Taylor, and every white person in America for his insult. I want to see Taylor on all the talk shows discussing Irvin's sincerity, and what actions need to be taken to protect white Americans from such blatant racism in a public forum in the future. I think he should be forced to attend diversity training and sentenced to charity work in the Appalachian mountains. And last but not least, ESPN should fire him, and he should be forbidden from ever working in broadcasting again.
JD074 by your extreme views on what constitutes being white don't you think you are backing up what Irvin is saying to an extent? We have a very athletic footballer here. Irvin thinks "no way can he be white - he's too athletic." JD074 says "Hey Mike, you're right. Well spotted. He's half spic". All this pouring over photgraphs, examining skin tones, investigating ascestry that goes on at this site gets me down. Romo dosn't look Black to me. Do you think an equivalant site celebrating black athletes will be saying "Jerry Rice looks a bit pale to me", "One of Marvin Harrisons Grandparents was Scottish" and so on...
white is right said:
I think you could say you were proud of whatever ethnic background you are. But whiteness is a bad no-no unless it was something rare like a track sprinter or tailback. The only instance I can think of where guys have come out and said they were proud of their whiteness was boxing and nobody takes boxing seriously anway...

I don't know man, I think that if a White sprinter or tailback went public with their "proud Whiteness", I think they still might have problems.

Also, just our of curiosity, who was the White
boxer(s) who went public with their pride? It had to be a European.
devans said:
JD074 by your extreme views on what constitutes being white don't you think you are backing up what Irvin is saying to an extent? We have a very athletic footballer here. Irvin thinks "no way can he be white - he's too athletic." JD074 says "Hey Mike, you're right. Well spotted. He's half spic". All this pouring over photgraphs, examining skin tones, investigating ascestry that goes on at this site gets me down. Romo dosn't look Black to me. Do you think an equivalant site celebrating black athletes will be saying "Jerry Rice looks a bit pale to me", "One of Marvin Harrisons Grandparents was Scottish" and so on... You would be pretty niave to think that Derek Jeter and Robert Smith haven't experienced the same thing as dark white ethnics.
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