Tony Romo must have some black in him

White Shogun said:
We're taking this 'who is white' stuff a bit too far if we have to question the heritage of every Caucasian because he has brown hair or brown eyes.

For the record, he looks white to me.
and the QB crisis should be ended in Miami by a great performance by Joey Harrington. If there is any justice in this world, Joey Harrington will be the official starter and Culpooper will be riding the pine. But alas in todays in NFL, its all about being the right shade of brown rather than ones performance on the field

The Big Lead talks about it.

Apparently, this isn't the first time Irvin stated that Romo's ancestor ran with some brothers. Read Rob's comment in the link.Edited by: Deacon
Freedom said:
Notice Irvin implied an affair between a white woman and a black man. Not a rape of a black woman by a white man which was a much more common way of antebellum race mixing.

I wonder if black women ever willingly had sex with white men. I think it's highly possible.
They may not be hiding his ethnicity, but since this is the first time we have known of this, its not exactly being pushed. I really don't see a problem in rooting for him though. Its not like his Mexican genes are dominant, plus he is being treated as a white.
also, dont forget that there are white people of pure Spanish descent living in Mexico. Something like 10% of their population
I watched some of the Dallas game last evening at my in-laws and had a better look at him. I don't think the average person would suspect he's anything other than white.One of the high school aged kids told me Romo had grown up in Burlington. I live only 35 miles from the center of that town and before his recent notoriety had never heard of him.Which tells me eitherI haven't paid that much attention or the press was not aware of the Mexican link or we would have seem more stories about him. I would like to see pictures of his father and grandparents from Mexico. I wonder if they look Spanishor Mestizo or Indian? Probably not Indian.

So, he speaks little Spanish, doesn't have an accent, conducts himself and looks lke a typical white man. Parcell's has not given him any kisses on the cheek or love taps, but has in fact down played his accomplishments. During his press conferences, he points outhis near mistakes or plays he didn't make, which tells meTony is perceived as white. Edited by: Bart
As far as Irvin's comments go, he may well be right. Mexico at one time had a ten percent African population that seems to have disappeared. With interbreeding those genes have been absorbed and dispersed throughout the Mexican population.

At least that's what I read. So drop those stones.
Hockaday said:
As far as Irvin's comments go, he may well be right. Mexico at one time had a ten percent African population that seems to have disappeared. With interbreeding those genes have been absorbed and dispersed throughout the Mexican population.

At least that's what I read. So drop those stones.

So you agree with Irvin? The only reason Tony Romo is any good is because he has some black ancestry in his gene pool?

Are you part black, too, Hockaday?
Hockaday said:
As far as Irvin's comments go, he may well be right. Mexico at one time had a ten percent African population that seems to have disappeared. With interbreeding those genes have been absorbed and dispersed throughout the Mexican population.

At least that's what I read. So drop those stones.
Yes that's true escaped slaves from the US and slaves brought in from Africa by the Spanish made the up the population. They still have a few small villages where the people are still black or mulatto. Otherwise you will just see some Mexicans with slightly black features or coarse hair. Romo is essentially white as his native ancestry is probably tiny and he is anglicisized. He blood wise is no different than many white Americans that are partially native.Edited by: white is right
Hockaday said:
As far as Irvin's comments go, he may well be right. Mexico at one time had a ten percent African population that seems to have disappeared.

At least that's what I read. So drop those stones.

Oh, I see. Irving the scholar that he is, was just giving us a little history lesson. Not hardly. I don't think he could even spell Mexico much less know it's history. Anyway,his point was that if Tony had a measure of athelticism it was due to black genes.It was aracist statement plain and simple. If any commentator made the claim that former running back Robert Smith's intelligence was most likely due to an infusion of white genes, what do you suppose would happen?
"I wonder if black women ever willingly had sex with white men. I think it's highly possible."-KG2422

Yeah. But either way a white man with a black woman would seem to empower whites, where the other way around empowers blacks.

Who cares if he is 3rd generation Mexican-American?
Like what Lumsdenpower said, if you meet him in the street, you'd say he's white. Besides, in the game of football, I'd consider a white mexican(criollo?) a white. In baseball, that would be another story.

Secondly, he's not that fast. He ran a 4.9 40 at the combine. It goes to show how the 40 yard dash doesn't really measure football speed.Edited by: Freedom
Enrique Romo was a major league pitcher in the late 70's who left the Pittsburgh pirates team,and was not heard from again.He was from Mexico and his appearance and speech left no doubt as to his heritage.

Are we seeing now non whites entering sports who are more easily accepted because of their skin tone?
wow... his Mexican heritage doesn't mean he's not WHITE!

i think we've been through this with Tony Gonzalez, WR
He's not black, and he's damned good QB. If he were anything but white, the NFL would shove him down our throats faster than you can say Vince Young. His mobility is about what I want in a QB as well; he can pick up some yards if no ones open, but better, he can keep the play alive and throw the run. Give him another season, we could be looking at a Pro Bowler.
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
He's not black, and he's damned good QB. If he were anything but white, the NFL would shove him down our throats faster than you can say Vince Young. His mobility is about what I want in a QB as well; he can pick up some yards if no ones open, but better, he can keep the play alive and throw the run. Give him another season, we could be looking at a Pro Bowler.
His maternal lineage is definitely white American as that would be talked about too.
Bart said:
I would like to see pictures of his father and grandparents from Mexico. I wonder if they look Spanish or Mestizo or Indian? Probably not Indian.
You can watch an interview with Romo's grandparents and judge for yourself.


Just scroll and click the link entitled...

"Two of Tony Romo's Biggest Fans in East Texas: His Grandparents"
Who honestly cares if he has some mestizo blood in him? I mean this is the kind of crap that leads to alienation amongst white people. I bet a lot of people on here have native indian blood in them, but no one here is questioning anyone on here's whiteness. Its the same story on other white nationalist message boards, especially ones that have subforums pertaining to Balkan countries. You have Serbs, Albanians, Croatians, etc... all insulting each other while questioning each others whiteness. I have been called a middle-eastern Turk by several of these people on those forums (not here) because I am half Albanian, nevermind the fact that i have light skin, and blue eyes. Sorry if it seems like I'm going off on a tangent, but these kind of things really bother me
KG2422 said:
Freedom said:
Notice Irvin implied an affair between a white woman and a black man. Not a rape of a black woman by a white man which was a much more common way of antebellum race mixing.

I wonder if black women ever willingly had sex with white men. I think it's highly possible.

Not really that likely of a scenario.
Black women in the antebellum era saw white men as alpha males. Many
blacks who were light skinned because of intermixing (by white men)
were held in high regard and were socially favored. The vast majority of
black women did sleep willingly with white men. Black men just can't
accept that. They also can't accept that white men may be just as good
athletically as they are, or even superior in some cases. Because they all
know that they are intellectually inferior to the vast majority of white
men. It hurts the self-esteem. The light skin racial preference exists in
black society to this day. We here all know why.

The reason why the black male/white woman scenario is more common
than the white male/black female scenario is that white men generally
don't find black women as attractive as other women, period. So they
don't run after black women. To a black man, a white woman is a big
step up. To a white man, a black woman is a big step down. White men
will generally step out of their race for a desirable woman, but that is
rarely a black woman.

Michael Irvin is an idiot and a drugbag. I don't know why he was even
given the position he has. Its just another indication of how most blacks
hate and envy whites. I don't know why some people can't see this. If
any moron should be fired and humiliated for his big mouth, its Irvin.
We'll see what happens.
Lance Alworth said:
Its the same story on other white nationalist message boards, especially ones that have subforums pertaining to Balkan countries. You have Serbs, Albanians, Croatians, etc... all insulting each other while questioning each others whiteness.

Do you know why that is? Because to them it's not just a petty little topic ona message board. There is a long history of extreme violence, killing and shed blood. Race, religion and culture are major factors of dissension.It is true that most of the ethnic groups are fervently opposed to the Turks. Why would that be? Simply because the region was at one time under the domination of the Ottoman empire. The Turks have quite the reputation for extreme savagery and cruelty. Albanians are not well respected for other reasons. I am not here to condemn or justify. It's not easy to resolve conflicts that have been in existence for centuries.
First, I am ethnically 100% Serb (Jugoslav), racially (of course) 100% White.

On the one hand, it deeply distresses me to see Croats, Serbs and Slovenes attacking each other with such vitriol. In essence, Jugoslavs are of one ethnicity, only due to brutal occupiers (Turks and Austrians/Hungarians who favored the mahommedans over Christian Jugoslavs) that the three even became "distinct". As a member of the White Races, we will go extinct if we do not realize that we are brothers.

On the other hand, albanians and bosnian mahommedans have betrayed their race for the moslem overlords (Turks, more recently iranian and afgan mujahideen who brutally raped and murdered innocents among the Serbs and even Croats in Bosnia). I have absolutely no sympathy for traitors and I pray that the day shall comewhen Serbs, Croats and Slovenes unite to destroy the real enemy of Jugoslavija. If that upsets someone, so be it. They, not we, chose betrayal. Let them reap the bitter fruit. I know this is unlikely to happen, but if I give up hope what is left?Edited by: son of Radovan
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