Tony Romo must have some black in him

GreatLakeState said:
Actually, Romo would have no legs to stand on in this argument. He's on
record saying he had to pump himself full of drugs in order to keep up
with the black players.

WTF are you talking about?
Actually, Romo would have no legs to stand on in this argument. He's on
record saying he had to pump himself full of drugs in order to keep up
with the black players.

I'm not too sure about that. Maybe Romo had good cause to expectorate on Michael Irvin the way he did in that Monday night game, after Irvin insulted his great great great great great great grandma the way he did.

JD074 said:
I assume he's referring to Romanowski, not Tony Romo.

My grade-school and high school hero. I modeled my style of play and attitude after Romanowski, except for the roids, I never, ever did a single cycle. As I've said before, I've been "racially conscious" my entire life, and the guy stood out to me. Because he let it be known that he wasn't going to take any crap from blacks. Everyone has this theory that he's insane. Well, how do you think you would end up after a 16 year career, playing against a race of people that hate you because you're White and you stand up for yourself? I'd be a little nuts too. Great player, just got a bad wrap. Just my two cents.
For all those keeping track of Romo's DNA, the cameras just panned the proud mama and papa in the crowd: Dad = Mexican, mom = white.
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