Tony Romo must have some black in him

I doubt that any white athlete has ever come out as proud of being 'white.' Irish, Ukrainian, English, Russian.. maybe. But not just 'white.'
White Shogun said:
Michael I think he should be forced to attend diversity training and sentenced to charity work in the Appalachian mountains. And last but not least, ESPN should fire him, and he should be forbidden from ever working in broadcasting again.

In other words, the standard treatment that Whites get everytime we dare say something "not kosher" on the Its a shame that it will never happen to Irvin.
White Shogun said:
I doubt that any white athlete has ever come out as proud of being 'white.' Irish, Ukrainian, English, Russian.. maybe. But not just 'white.'
Francois Botha did it in boxing and Crawford Grimsley an American did. Grimsley who was a clubfighter who fought Foreman for the lineal belt proclaimed he was the white hope who would bring the title back to white America. Nobody took him seriously. Botha did it by saying he was the only white fighter and was the best one. But boxers are viewed as pro wrestlers with their comments as anything outlandish as that they say is viewed to sell tickets. When Grimsley said this he was basically laughed at by the boxing press.Edited by: white is right
White Shogun said:
And last but not least, ESPN should fire him, and he should be forbidden from ever working in broadcasting again.

I agree with you Shogun. Steve Lyons and the announcer in San Franciso were axed at the blink of an eye and given no opportunity to apologize. I don't remember Dan Patrick standing up for them or defending Lyons by saying he was just joking.
JD074, you have some good points. If he joins LaRaza and starts burning American flags let's blacklist him. How about, for now, give him "honorary white" status for being considered a white by Caste supporters. This could change if he is heralded as "a new breed of Hispanic players."
JD074 said:
white is right said:
Romo is essentially white as his native ancestry is probably tiny and he is anglicisized.

Tiny? Two of his grandparents are Mexican. That is not tiny.

He blood wise is no different than many white Americans that are partially native.

Totally disagree.

Freedom said:
Who cares if he is 3rd generation Mexican-American?

Do you mean, who cares if two of his four grandparents are Mexican?

Lance Alworth said:
Who honestly cares if he has some mestizo blood in him?

I do. And it's not "some."

I bet a lot of people on here have native indian blood in them, but no one here is questioning anyone on here's whiteness.

Having some very distant Indian ancestor (and who knows if most of the people who claim to have "Indian blood" actually do or not,) is not the same thing as having TWO Mexican grandparents. And besides, I very much doubt that "a lot of people here" have Indian ancestry. There was never that many of them, so I doubt that they "pervade" our gene pool to the extent that you're implying.

NotreDameIrish said:
we need to stop guessing and wondering about players ancestry etc...

No guessing necessary. We know now.

here we go again... MEXICAN SPANISH are still WHITE! it is not a race! he's not some sort of black/indian mix, he is of a white race. end of story.
Freedom said:
JD074, you have some good points. "

Yes, JD has made some good points.I don't know why we should be afraid of discussing these issues.I enjoy this thread. Should we consider a mulatto white if he acts and considers himself white? Yes, no or maybe? What percentage is acceptable-- 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 or what?If Jason Kidd actswhite, whould he be consideredwhite? What if he was only !/4 Black or !/8?Would 1/4 Asian, Mestizo or even indian be moreacceptable than 1/4 black?
but it's not the thread about who considers whom pure racially. it is about Tony Romo being white, and that he is.

if they consider themselves white and if the system sees them as white, it's good enough for me. Romo is not the case here as he simply is white.
Bart said:
Freedom said:
JD074, you have some good points. "

Yes,  JD has made some good points. I don't know why we should be afraid of discussing these issues. I enjoy this thread.  Should we consider a mulatto white if he acts and considers himself white?  Yes, no or maybe?  What percentage is acceptable-- 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 or what?  If Jason Kidd acts  white,  whould he be considered white?  What if he was only !/4 Black or !/8?  Would 1/4 Asian,  Mestizo or even indian be more acceptable than 1/4 black? 

Personally, more than 1/8th admixture makes me less enthusiastic. His paternal grandparents appear to be mestizo to me. Neither look like pure bred Indians to me, so I would guesstimate that Romo is between 1/4th to 1/6th Amerindian. Would I pull for him against Drew Brees? No. Would I pull for him against Vick? Yes!!!! My personal preferences aside, his success is good for our cause. It sure beats having Quincy Carter in Dallas.
Edited by: KG2422
white is right said:
Do you consider Tommy Morrison, Johnny Bench and Duane Ward white? They have as much native ancestry as Romo.

You mean they have two Mexican grandparents?
Don Wassall said:
The guy's as white looking as any other starting quarterback in the league. 

Who cares if he looks white or not? That's not the point. He has two clearly non-white grandparents.

For us to classify him as non-white [snip]

He has "classified" himself as a proud Hispanic.

Who's our next "non-white" athlete waiting to be discovered? 

There is no "non-white" athlete that I'm waiting to discover. Didn't you notice that I considered him white BEFORE I found out that he's Mexican? I didn't ASSUME that he was Mexican. I was simply exposed to the FACTS, and I changed my opinion accordingly. That's what people do when they LEARN something.

If we don't cut athletes who may not fit Adolf Hitler's ideal Aryan mold some slack we're going to look very silly indeed.

Ah, a Hitler comparison. Classic.

No, Don, sticking our heads in the sand and refusing to pull them out is silly.
I read an article by a boxing critic who mentioned that Morrison was alleged to have some Cherokee ancestry, but nobody was able to prove whether it was true or not.
devans said:
JD074 by your extreme views on what constitutes being white [snip]

Extreme? He has two grandparents who are not white. How is that an extreme view? And besides, isn't that what liberals call us?

don't you think you are backing up what Irvin is saying to an extent? We have a very athletic footballer here. Irvin thinks "no way can he be white - he's too athletic." JD074 says "Hey Mike, you're right. Well spotted. He's half spic".

Bullsh*t. I am not saying that he's athletic because he's non-white. I haven't even seen him play. I'm saying that he's non-white because he has two non-white grandparents.

All this pouring over photgraphs, examining skin tones, investigating ascestry that goes on at this site gets me down. Romo dosn't look Black to me.

Not the point. We're not talking about Anderson Varejao or Hedo Turkoglu. This is not about skin tone or what he looks like. This is about ANCESTRY.
backrow said:
here we go again... MEXICAN SPANISH are still WHITE! it is not a race! he's not some sort of black/indian mix, he is of a white race. end of story.

Dude, did you see his parents? Do you need glasses?
JD074 said:
white is right said:
Do you consider Tommy Morrison, Johnny Bench and Duane Ward white? They have as much native ancestry as Romo.

You mean they have two Mexican grandparents?
No but Morrison's mother considers herself native American she is at least half Otay. Johnny Bench's dad is at least half native American and wore traditional native American clothes many times to Reds games. Duane Ward said he was white but had Mexican ancestry, he stated this to Toronto papers around the time the Blue Jays won the world series when the liberal Toronto media was crowing about the diversity of the Blue Jays(now the bash their whiteness).
Apparently you are white if you have ¼ Choctaw ancestry , as Brett Favre. The reason I know this is that one of his black teammates referenced "White Men Can't Jump" after his "Lambeau Leap" a couple of weeks ago.

Mississippi Choctaw chief to speak at Brett Favre Day[/u]:
Romo looks white to me, and that's all I need for me to know that I should cheer for him. It's not like he's going around speaking Spanish or celebrating Mexican holidays while expressing his pride for Mexico.

I don't care what his ancestry was. Edited by: Sark6354201
Quiet Speed said:
Apparently you are white if you have ¼ Choctaw ancestry , as Brett Favre. The reason I know this is that one of his black teammates referenced "White Men Can't Jump" after his "Lambeau Leap" a couple of weeks ago.

Mississippi Choctaw chief to speak at Brett Favre Day[/u]:
I forgot Brett was part native. His father looked like a dead ringer for Wahoo Mcdaniel one of my favourite old timers from the AFL and wrestling.Edited by: white is right
Ground fighter. Your response was spot on! Thanks for the positive thought that things will get better as we become more of a minority. That's a really positive and logical way of looking at something that seems so demoralizing.
white is right said:
No but Morrison's mother considers herself native American she is at least half Otay.

I would like to see more evidence of that. White Americans are notorious for claiming Indian ancestry. Who knows. And even if she is half Indian, that makes Morrison one-fourth Indian. Romo has two Mexican (and yes, guys, that's NON-WHITE Mexican
) paternal grandparents. That makes him ONE HALF Mexican. And if Bench is one-eighth Indian, he's even more white than Romo. So even if true, they're not the same as Romo.

What's interesting about Morrison is that he has blonde hair (unless he dyed it?) Is it possible for a non-white to have blonde hair? Hmm... I guess.
Yes he dyed it. His natural colour was black to dark brown. When he fought Lennox Lewis he looked very aboriginal looking around his eyes in the promo shots when they were posing beside fighter jets. Not too much was real about Morrison except for his power and womanizing...
Those of you who cheer for Romo are traiters. Cheering for Romo is just as bad as cheering for vick.
Actually, Romo would have no legs to stand on in this argument. He's on
record saying he had to pump himself full of drugs in order to keep up
with the black players.
A lot of Choctaws are in Mississippi because some were allowed to stay rather than going to the territiories in the 1830s. Thats why so many people from the South have some native blood in them, myself included. Any of the Southern states had quite a bit of interaction with natives early on, so it only makes sense that a lot of people claim that ancestry, as a lot of them probably have it.
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