Toby Gerhart

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So even if Peterson does get injured Gerhart will not be the man. Just can't have a white man as your sole feature back no matter what.
KP, I agree! BTW, I think Ian Johnson should be kept as the third back. Albert Young has looked lousy and has less as a resume (as far as I can recall) to IJ. IJ has a great resume from his days at Boise State (this is only his second year trying to make the NFL). Ian Johnson is also 3/4 white I believe. To the caste system though- 1/4 is enough to get a solid shot to play tailback. I think with the caste system, IJ is considered black for the most part.
More from our "friends" at Rotoworld:

The Vikings are likely to use a committee of running backs on third down this season, with Adrian Peterson, Albert Young and Toby Gerhart all getting a shot.
"We've got to find a third-down back," quarterback Brett Favre said. "Are we going to use Toby, Albert or Adrian? One more than the other? I really don't know." The team would like Young or Gerhart to step up, because Peterson's pass protection skills are sub-par, but so far neither player has. The Vikes could be missing Chester Taylor more than they thought.
Here's our good friends on Albert Young. Notice not a mention of Gerhart and his relative good production:

"Albert Young has reportedly emerged as the Vikings' best running back in blitz protection, earning the nickname "Little Chester (Taylor)."
The problem is that Young isn't an NFL-caliber rusher, managing 16 yards on 13 preseason carries. If he's in the game, it will be obvious to defenses that the Vikes are going to pass. The job is there for Adrian Peterson to take, and we expect him to. He's the team's smoothest receiving back, and improved his blitz pickups in last week's game against the Seahawks."

Gerhart hasn't missed a single pass protection block. He's absolutely stoned every blitzer he has picked up.
I was just scanning the stats for the games currently being played, and at halftime, Toby has no stats. Apparently, they've had the outstanding Albert Young taking carries the entire first half. He's managed 42 yards on 13 carries, with a touchdown. A long gain of 8 yards. Hopefully "#2A" Gerhart will get action in the 2nd half.
Doesn't look like Gerhart is going to play at all in this game. Not sure it's a bad thing necessarily. None of the Vikings' first teamers played while Young and all the other backup RBs on the team did so maybe they think Toby is good to go for the regular season. Either that or he has an injury (or he's about to be waived; only a slightly ridiculous possibility given his taboo skin color). Denver's announcers are doing the game so no insight on his absence was given. Edited by: Don Wassall
It's a good thing & positive sign! No sense in Toby playing in a meaningless game...if AP did not play; then neither should Toby. Albert Young still has more to prove...I'm not hanging on every wordwhat some liberal pansy sportswriter from roto rooter has to say.
Young again didn't have a good game. I think the media was enforcing their usual propoganda with all the anti- Toby crap.
Gerhart has a knee injury of some kind (though Weenieworld claims today that it's an ankle injury) and is questionable for tomorrow night's game. I'm curious as to how Toby got this injury -- did it occur in a preseason game, or during practice as the result of a hit by one of his black alleged "teammates"?
Some sites say it happened in the preseason finale, which he didnt play, others say he was injured in game 3. I don't recall him showing any problems in that game. I suspect something happened in practice. Childress said it was a knee injury but nothing serious , just limiting him to be on the safe side. It was bound to happen when your own "teammates" are coming at you like a real game every practice.
I sure hope it is nothing serious. Was thinking, if alot of affelets, shy away from tackling, or do not correctly know to tackle as posters correctly point out in the past, why would they put forth real vicious effort in practice? I don't think they go out of their way to mame Toby, for the simple reason it would hurt and take effort to tackle or lay a hit on him. Affelets are for the most part lazy and avoid pain, stupid yes, retarded no.
I think you are underestimating the hatred some black people have towards whites. I have witnessed it, they will put forth the effort. A cheap shot to the knee wouldn't hurt the afflete delivering the blow. I am not saying all of the black players on the Vikings are willing to do this, but it appears the Williams tub of lard wall and Ray Edwards dislike Gerhart.

Most of the black players for the Vikings would rather see Young back up Peterson over Gerhart, even though it doesn't even look like Albert belongs in the NFL. We have already seen that some of them would rather Tavaris Jackson over Favre as the qb even if it means losing every game, and that is at quarterback. Gerhart is playing a position they feel that they "own"
Edited by: snow
Snow, I have lived amoungst them for 20 years from my youth to early adulthood. I know them quite well. Your second paragraph is right on.

The point I was making is they will avoid effort and pain, if they can. Its in their mental make up. They for the most part want everything easy. Plus I am sure the coaches tell all players to avoid the knees. Is there going be one or two affelets who want to injure Toby, sure, but I think its minority. Maybe in the beginning days of camp they wanted to "welcome" him to the affeletic league.
The last preseason game the announcers starting talking about how even Jasper Brinkley, a bubble player, laid a hit on Gerhart in practice that could be heard across the field. It doesn't take a lot of effort to hit a guy after the play is dead or when he isn't expecting it (non-contact drills) and that is what is documented that they did to Gerhart - as a group. I wouldn't doubt at all this was from practice.
Lets see, Sage is traded making Turdvaris the #2 quotablack.Toby is sucker punched throughout training camp and gets an anomalous injury of unknown origin making Young the #2 runningblack.Yeah, this team is going all the way under great coaching and ownership.

Prediction, Brett gets hurt, Turdvaris will suck and Toby never sees significant play. except for limited,end of the game charity carries.

Edited by: WHITE NOISE
i am not sure what's worse, unchecked optimism or black pessimism... let's just see how it plays out.
I could conjure Pollyanna again, but I'm not quite ready yet. Too many pre-season disappointments, cuts and outright screwing of good,White players to fill AA positions(Turdvaris over Sage for instance.)

BTW, backrow, I think you meant to write "bleak" rather than " black" pessimism.Edited by: WHITE NOISE
According to CBS SportsLine, Toby got nicked in the Seattle pre-season game, and that's why he didn't play in the final game with Denver. He's listed as "questionable" for the Saints game tonight.
Yeah, we know a couple of the players were rough with Toby (Williams, Brinkley) and he may have had exaggerated rookie hazing. Williams comments showed jealousy towards Gerhart. He said something about how he thought Toby was "overpaid" or "over hyped" and hadn't proven "nothin" yet.

Let's not be so quick to blame the injury on his teammates because of a few clowns though- as Football Dad has shown the injury- which isn't too serious- was sustained in the 3rd pre-season game. I doubt too many black teammates will take cheap shots at a white RBs knees, when coaches can bench them, it could affect their reputations if found out by the media- and could be risky to their own health, during an easy non-contact drill.

Lastly, simply being bumped into lightly in practice while running fast, twisting or turning etc. when you don't have solid footing can cause a hyper-extention of the knee. Actually Wes Welker, for instance, simply was running full speed ahead on an uneven turf and propelled his foot on the ground with a completely straight leg which caused a bad injury to him- in his last season game last year- when he wasn't hit at all.

I predict Gerhart becomes the second back before long. Gerhart was given a pretty big contract for a rookie, since he is a mid-second round pick and Albert Young looked pretty bad this pre-season and clearly lacks the talent of Gerhart. We should be happy that Gerhart was drafted higher than the previous Doak award winner, Shonn Greene, was the year before- because Toby showed better athleticism at the combine than Greene. Toby was basically the 4th back drafted this year- because McCluster will be used mostly as a slot WR by Kansas City.
Trying to understand or keep up with the workings of the Negrophile Football League would turn a young man's hair gray. Here's to hoping Toby somehow ends up as the number 2 or starting RB this year. I don't really care what it takes for it to happen either.
Im hoping the Vikings crap the bed this year which leads to Childress getting sh*tcanned and Tavaris getting cut and a new coach comes in and drafts Mallet or Locker to pair up with Toby.
I love what Brett Favre has done by setting NFL records so far out of reach for certain pigmented individuals that the obvious conclusion may easily be reached, but I want the Vikings to crash and burn.

Turdvirus Jackson will show exactly what A.A. will get you in the quotablack position. Like I said, Toby will get screwed just like all the other White running backs have of late.

P.S., sorry for my pessimism, I will try to get more positive and hopefully, things will get better this year.Edited by: WHITE NOISE
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