Tim Tebow

good point, Bear Backer. i'll remove it.

you didn't have to quote the whole piece to tell me that, though.
if you would, would you click on the button to the top right of your post called "post options" then go to edit post and remove the quoted article? thanks, man.

and thanks for the helpful suggestion, as well.
Another great piece, Jimmy C! I'll have to add this to the CF myspace blog, along with your article on Blake Smolen. Seriously man, really awesome writing!
thanks, Colonel. on the suggestion of Don, i'm gonna start a new thread on Tebow with this article.

i suppose the best place for it will be in the NFL forum.
Don Wassall said:
Akili Smith has to be in the conversation if the topic is biggest QB busts. As far as biggest busts at any position, there's a huge number of black contenders, but the vast majority have been long forgotten, unlike Mandarich, Bosworth and Mamula (and Mamula wasn't even a bust), who are endlessly reviled.


And Mandarich ended up being a solid player with the Colts. Perhaps not living up to the expectations of a second overall pick - but not a top 10 bust either.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
good point, Bear Backer. i'll remove it.
<div>you didn't have to quote the whole piece to tell me that, though.
 if you would, would you click on the button to the top right of your post called "post options" then go to edit post and remove the quoted article? thanks, man. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>and thanks for the helpful suggestion, as well.

It was an accident, I hit quote instead of reply, and then was simply to lazy to change it until you shamed me.
Looks like the PTB empowered femi-fascists are pressuring (MSM) CBS to 86 Tebow's anti-abortion/pro-life SuperBowl ad.

CBS urged to scrap Super Bowl ad with Tebow, mom


The Associated Press

NEW YORK â€" A national coalition of women's groups called on CBS on Monday to scrap its plan to broadcast an ad during the Super Bowl featuring college football star Tim Tebow and his mother, which critics say is likely to convey an anti-abortion message.

A national coalition of women's groups on Monday, Jan. 25, 2010, called on CBS to scrap its plan to broadcast an ad during the Super Bowl featuring college football star Tim Tebow andhis mother which critics say is likely to convey an anti-abortion message. A national coalition of women's groups on Monday, Jan. 25, 2010, called on CBS to scrap its plan to broadcast an ad during the Super Bowl featuring college football star Tim Tebow andhis mother which critics say is likely to convey an anti-abortion message.

"An ad that uses sports to divide rather than to unite has no place in the biggest national sports event of the year â€" an event designed to bring Americans together," said Jehmu Greene, president of the New York-based Women's Media Center.

The center was coordinating the protest with backing from the National Organization for Women, the Feminist Majority and other groups.

CBS said it has approved the script for the 30-second ad and has given no indication that the protest would have an impact. A network spokesman, Dana McClintock, said CBS would ensure that any issue-oriented ad was "appropriate for air."

The ad â€" paid for by the conservative Christian group Focus on the Family â€" is expected to recount the story of Pam Tebow's pregnancy in 1987 with a theme of "Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life." After getting sick during a mission trip to the Philippines, she ignored a recommendation by doctors to abort her fifth child and gave birth to Tim, who went on to win the 2007 Heisman Trophy while helping his Florida team to two BCS championships.

The controversy over the ad was raised Sunday when Tebow met with reporters in Mobile, Ala., before beginning preparations for next weekend's Senior Bowl.

"I know some people won't agree with it, but I think they can at least respect that I stand up for what I believe," Tebow said. "I've always been very convicted of it (his views on abortion) because that's the reason I'm here, because my mom was a very courageous woman. So any way that I could help, I would do it."

Thirty-second commercials during the Super Bowl are selling for $2.5 million to $2.8 million. Gary Schneeberger, a spokesman for Focus on the Family, said funds for the Tebow ad were donated by a few "very generous friends" and did not come from the group's general fund.

Schneeberger said he and his colleagues "were a little surprised" at the furor over the ad.

"There's nothing political and controversial about it," he said. "When the day arrives, and you sit down to watch the game on TV, those who oppose it will be quite surprised at what the ad is all about."

The protest letter from the Women's Media Center suggested that CBS should have turned down the ad in part because it was conceived by Focus on the Family.

"By offering one of the most coveted advertising spots of the year to an anti-equality, anti-choice, homophobic organization, CBS is aligning itself with a political stance that will damage its reputation, alienate viewers, and discourage consumers from supporting its shows and advertisers," the letter said.

However, Schneeberger said CBS officials carefully examined Focus on the Family's track record and found no basis for rejecting the ad.

"We understand that some people don't think very highly of what we do," Schneeberger said. "We're not trying to sell you a soft drink â€" we're not selling anything. We're trying to celebrate families."

The idea for the ad came from an employee in Focus on the Family's film department, Schneeberger said, and the Tebows "were thrilled" when it was proposed to them. The Tebows, including Tim, have been outspoken in discussing their Christian faith and their missionary work.

All the national networks, including CBS, have policies that rule out the broadcast of certain types of contentious advocacy ads. In 2004, CBS cited such a policy in rejecting an ad by the liberal-leaning United Church of Christ highlighting the UCC's welcoming stance toward gays and others who might feel shunned by more conservative churches.

CBS was criticized for rejecting that ad â€" and perhaps might have worried about comparable criticism from conservatives if it had rejected an ad featuring such a charismatic and well-known figure as Tebow.

CBS noted that it had run some advocacy ads in recent months, including spots taking conflicting sides in the debate of a national health care overhaul.

Terry O'Neill, the president of the National Organization for Women, said she had respect for the private choices made by women such as Pam Tebow but condemned the planned ad as "extraordinarily offensive and demeaning."

"That's not being respectful of other people's lives," O'Neill said. "It is offensive to hold one way out as being a superior way over everybody else's."

A national columnist for CBSSports.com, Gregg Doyel, also objected to the CBS decision to show the ad, specifically because it would air on Super Sunday.

"If you're a sports fan, and I am, that's the holiest day of the year," he wrote. "It's not a day to discuss abortion. For it, against it, I don't care what you are. On Super Sunday, I don't care what I am. Feb. 7 is simply not the day to have that discussion."

***Reference article... Edited by: DixieDestroyer
The same feminazis have no problem with the NFL employing dozens and dozens of wife and girlfriend beaters, some of a serial and depraved nature. That's not "divisive"because the perpetrators are almost always black.
Don Wassall said:
The same feminazis have no problem with the NFL employing dozens and dozens of wife and girlfriend beaters, some of a serial and depraved nature. That's not "divisive" because the perpetrators are almost always black.

If the Tebow's were black would the feminists make a stink? I doubt it.
Yesssss! Florida's pro day is here, and Tebow is wowing the scouts and coaches with his pinpoint accuracy, and improved mechanics. His drops are precise, he holds the ball high, and he's hitting his receivers in stride. All of the haters are groaning. It's a beautiful thing.
The following is pasted from the Fox Sports blog site
1:07 p.m. -- The last word from Steuber: "It's only been a couple of hours since Tebow wrapped up his Pro Day performance, but I've already had conversations with a couple of scouts who attended today's festivities in Gainesville. One NFC scout told me, 'I was blown away by the confidence he displayed in the new release and how effective he was delivering the ball. I was most impressed with his footwork and how quick he got rid of the ball; very impressive.' " <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1"><STRONG itxt="1">1:01 p.m.[/b] -- More final reaction, from Tim Yotter (covers the Vikings at Scout.com), who covered Tebow at the Senior Bowl and Combine: "Having followed Tebow for Scout.com and FOXSports.com throughout his week of practice at the Senior Bowl, I can tell you that he was easily the most popular player there. He wasn't the best quarterback there, but he drew fans like no else in the history of the college all-star game, according to Senior Bowl public relations director Kevin McDermond. The event sold out quickly and Florida and Alabama fans were prevalent lining the fences surrounding the playing surface, with fans all over talking about Tebow, his popularity. <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">"The question was, could he be an NFL quarterback? Sounds like he's starting to answer some of those questions with a change in his delivery."<BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1"><STRONG itxt="1">12:53 p.m.[/b] -- My final take: I talked to a few scouts and to them, the most impresssive thing they took away from Tebow's performance was his ability to take away a lot of coaching in a short period of time. They felt his footwork was much improved, and because of that, they think both his short and long passing was very good ... and better than expected. <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">One scout made the point that a lot of the negative stuff that's been said about Tebow is way overblown, and the things he needs to improve upon are secondary to the fact that he does everything else right to win football games. By all accounts that I've heard, Tebow had an impressive performance here today at The Swamp.<BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1"><STRONG itxt="1">12:36 p.m.[/b] -- Biggest News of the Day (in order):<BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">
<UL itxt="1">
<LI itxt="1">Tebow's footwork
<LI itxt="1">Haden's low time in the 40 (4.4)
<LI itxt="1"><STRONG itxt="1">Hernandez runs a 4.5 40[/b]
<LI itxt="1"><STRONG itxt="1">6'5 David Nelson runs a 4.45 40 and surprises a lot of people[/b]</LI>[/list]<BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">12:30 p.m. -- Hernandez, Nelson and Cooper smoked the 60 yard shuttle.<BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">12:04 p.m. -- Reflects Scout.com National Recruiting analyst Scott Kennedy: "In 2003, I got a highlight video in the mail of a pretty good receiver from Nease High School in Jacksonville. Will Oakley ended up signing a scholarship with Alabama in the Class of 2004, but it was the big lefty quarterback that was really the star of the highlight film. He was a sophomore named Tim Tebow, a member of the Class of 2006. I get asked all the time, 'When do you start scouting players?' The answer is usually pretty simple - as soon as I see them. It was apparent at an early stage in his career that Tim Tebow was a player that had star power written all over him."<BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:57 a.m. -- Markihe Anderson slipped in the 3-cone with a sloppy field from too much work. He came up limping. <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:46 a.m. -- Cooper, Hernandez, Wondy, Nelson, Doe and Mirkihe are all doing 3-cone drill now. <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:43 a.m. -- Looks like Tebow is done. Crowd is chanting "First Round Draft Pick!" <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:40 a.m. -- There hasn't been a misfire yet. Scouts ask for more work, and boom! Another perfect bomb to Hernandez. <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:36 a.m. -- Tebow to Hernandez on deep seam route ... Great route by Aaron ... Mike Holmgren had a great seat for that throw. <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:35 a.m. -- Tebow hits Cooper on a 45 yard post ... Cooper never breaks stride. Then, right away, he hits Nelson on the same route but opposite side of the field ... in stride. <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:33 a.m. -- Crowd appears to be 3,000 now, and they are cheering every throw. Tebow is really hitting the long out routes. I have to think this is an impressive performance following up a great combine showing. <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:29 a.m. -- He has been on the money on every throw so far. He's hitting the receivers in stride. Tebow is clearly holding the ball higher. He hasn't changed his delivery so much but he's not looping down to his waist on his throws. Tom Coughlin is front and center to watch. <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:28 a.m. -- Tim has obviously done a lot of work on his backpedal, and he looks like a total different player dropping back. Very quick with his feet. Very impressive. <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:25 a.m. -- And so it begins. Tebow is already doing very well in his throws. I heard one scout say "Wow" when Tebow improvised a run after a fake pass rush and threw on a dime 30+ yards down the field. <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:22 a.m. -- Reflects Scout.com Recruiting analyst Bill Green: "My first introduction to Tim Tebow came when a player I covered in recruiting, current Kentucky quarterback Mike Hartline, was going through the recruiting process. Hartline attended a camp on the East Coast, and when he returned he told me 'I just saw the greatest athlete I've ever seen, and he happens to be a quarterback. All the other quarterbacks at the camp were in awe of Tebow. I've never seen anything like this guy at quarterback.' Turns out Mike Hartline was right on the money in his evaluation."<BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:15 a.m. -- It's almost Tebow Time. Hearing sirens in the background, and the clouds are starting to part. <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:10 a.m. -- Scout.com NFL analyst Adam Caplan on Tebow: "Everyone wants to know where Tebow ends up. I could see the Eagles having some interest in him, especially if they end up trading Michael Vick. If they do, Tebow could slide into Vick's role in the offense.<BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">"The New England Patriots have never been shy about using players at different positions, and so I could see them having some interest in running Tebow at TE or H-Back.<BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">"There's always been discussion about the Jacksonville Jaguars having some interest due to their proximity to Gainesville and the built-in Tebow fan base." <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:03 a.m. -- Major Wright is the biggest ham on the team. He has a beaming smile, and loves to sing, dance and rap. Back at the Army Game four years ago, it was easy to entice him to interview fellow 5-star recruits, Aaron Hernandez and Deonte Thompson, and as you can imagine, it was a great interview session. <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">11:00 a.m. -- Tebow is warming up with receiver Riley Cooper, who decided not to run today. Tebow will have a compliment of receivers to work with today in Cooper, David Nelson and Brandon James. <BR itxt="1"><BR itxt="1">10:58 a.m. -- Elvis has entered the building. Tebow stepped out to explosive applause from the sizable crowd which continues to grow in size. <BR itxt="1">Edited by: FootballDad
They're still hatin' at SI:

<DIV style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; OVERFLOW: ; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; : transparent; TEXT-ALIGN: left; TEXT-DECORATION: none">Scouts are walking away from the workout with a better feeling about Tim Tebow than they did two months ago at the Senior Bowl. His accuracy was better and he was completing passes, but receivers found it necessary to reach backwards or bend to the ground to grab his throws. He also under-threw a lot of passes. The general feeling is while Tebow improved he still needs a lot of work on his game.
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Tim Tebow's passing workout is still going on. There is a crowd of approximately 1,000 people on hand cheering his every move. Tebow started slow in the early going then picked up the pace. The consensus is, while he's showing a good amount of accuracy and is completing his passes, he has thus far shown poor arm strength and his passes do not come in the form of tight spirals.http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/football/nfl/03/11/pro.days.draft.news.tracker/index.html?xid=si_nfl
Don Wassall said:
Tim Tebow's passing workout is still going on.
Considering that his throwing session wasn't very long (see timeline above), and this was written/posted during the session, it looks like the contributor had already written this BEFOREHAND, thinking that Tebow couldn't possibly be any good. Even caste-whore Todd McShay at ESPN was giddy about Tebow's performance, so that says a lot about this SI lackey's article.
The knocks on Tim Tebow have more to do with his christianity than is talents on the football field. The guy is and always has been a winner. He will work harder than any qb to ever come into the nfl to get to the top. No one is going to stop this kid. For any team that doesn't want to draft them, I hope they regret their decision for the next decade!
white lightning said:
The knocks on Tim Tebow have more to do with his christianity than is talents on the football field. The guy is and always has been a winner. He will work harder than any qb to ever come into the nfl to get to the top. No one is going to stop this kid. For any team that doesn't want to draft them, I hope they regret their decision for the next decade!

WL, exactly! The PTB doesn't want a legit Christian sports icon. They want a shill who'll be co-opt'd by the cultural marxist agenda...a puppet if you will. I hope Tim absolutely tears it up next season & shuts the critic's (pro-caste) mouths!
Here's what Todd McShay
wrote for ESPN Insider:

Tebow still has work to do

There was much anticipation about the unveiling of Florida QB Tim Tebow's retooled throwing motion at the Gators' pro day workout, and from that perspective, he exceeded expectations.

Tebow looked more like an NFL quarterback in his pro day workout than in his college career, and from the tempo of his drops to his improved footwork to his more compact release, he showed he is pouring himself into becoming successful at the next level despite having to strip his delivery down and rebuild it from the ground up.


In terms of accuracy, Tebow threw with noticeably more touch on vertical routes. He has a tendency on film to drive the ball down the field on a low trajectory, but in his workout, Tebow put more air under the ball and let it drop in to his receivers. He did put zip on the ball when necessary, though, and his most impressive throw of the day came on a comeback route to the field side when he set his feet quickly, stood tall in the pocket and drove off his back foot. Tebow followed through nicely, and the ball was on the spot with some steam on it.

For all the positives, though, there were still some negatives and glimpses of his old delivery. We counted four times when Tebow clearly went back to his old windmill motion and dropped the ball near his hip when winding up to throw. Two of those instances came late in the session when he was tiring, the other two when he was trying to put some extra heat on intermediate throws.

Still, all of the approximately 20 NFL personnel evaluators we talked to agreed that this was a good showing for Tebow. Possibly the greatest college quarterback ever has bounced back after an embarrassing Senior Bowl week and worked hard to improve his deficiencies, and that should be encouraging to teams. Those that are considering him in the second round area likely feel good that he came so far in a five-week span and good about his ability to continue to improve with concentrated coaching in his first couple of years in the league.

It's important to note, though, that Tebow was not facing pressure, was not wearing pads, was throwing against air and throwing to receivers running routes against air. He still has a long way to go in terms of mechanics, and his accuracy was just adequate in his workout. And one of the biggest obstacles he will face -- being able to make reads and go through progressions while standing tall against pressure -- was not presented to him in this setting.

So does this change Tebow's draft value? Those teams that see Tebow as an eventual starting quarterback are hopeful, but those who rate him as no better than a third- or fourth-round pick did not see enough to change their opinion of him. Tebow showed unexpected athleticism at the combine and eventually could contribute at another position if quarterback doesn't work out, but when grading him strictly as a quarterback, he remains a third-round pick on our board.

Tebow simply has too much developing to do and too many obstacles to overcome to be worth taking any higher.

Todd McShay is the director of college football scouting for Scouts Inc. He has been evaluating prospects for the NFL draft since 1998.
I was watching ESPN Sportscenter this morning. They had a piece on Tebow. One of the reporters said that he has improved his throwing mechanics in just 5 weeks and if he can show that much improvement in so little time then he will be a good NFL qb.
Tebow is filled with upside, plain and simple.

every single negative thing being said aboutTebow is nothing more than a visible display of the overwhelming hatred towarda dominant White athlete whois so good already yet can improveso muchmore. i'm sure this hatred has nothing to do with him being an outspoken White Christian male. 'tis pure coincidence, i'm certain.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
Tebow is filled with upside, plain and simple.
<div></div>every single negative thing being said about Tebow is nothing more than a visible display of the overwhelming hatred toward a dominant White athlete who is so good already yet can improve so much more. i'm sure this hatred has nothing to do with him being an outspoken White Christian male. 'tis pure coincidence, i'm certain.

Completely true.
I've spent a bit of time on a certain high-profile website defending Tebow with facts, facts, and more facts, and even with that it's hard to overcome the sheer, unadulterated hate that many mainstream fans have for Tebow. It's not based at all in logic, just plain hate. Over there, I wear my "negative reputation" as a badge of honor!!
Here's some good news (sans Henne's jealous comments)...

Analyst: Tim Tebow shows 'ridiculous' improvement at pro day workout

11:29 AM

Tim Tebow showed marked improvement in his pro day workout on Wednesday, analysts said, far out-performing his lackluster Senior Bowl.

"From the Senior Bowl to now, the improvement is ridiculous," NFL Network analyst Mike Mayock told the Sporting News. "I was blown away."

HENNE NOT IMPRESSED: Dolphins QB says Tebow 'not an NFL quarterback'

The Sporting News reported that Tebow has an individual workout scheduled with at least five teams -- the Bills, Seahawks, Patriots, Browns and Redskins.

Tebow was knocked for bad mechanics at January's Senior Bowl. Since then, he's been working with NFL-veteran coaches to improve his throwing motion and his skills under center. The result, coaches and scouts said, was a quarterback who might be able to thrive as a pro.

MORE TEBOW: NFL invites Florida QB to attend draft

"He didn't revert to any of his old habits today; he really had a nice day," Zeke Bratkowski, who's been working with Tebow, told the Sporting News. "People are talking about other positions with him. He's a quarterback. He's where he should be right now." -- Sean Leahy

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Another way they are trying to knock him now is saying he isn't "dynamic" enough to create plays with his legs in the NFL. Such a joke.
DixieDestroyer said:
HENNE NOT IMPRESSED: Dolphins QB says Tebow 'not an NFL quarterback'

I'd wager Chad Henne would never say such a thing about, say, Vince Young, Jason Campbell, David Gerard, Byron Leftwich, Jamarcus Russel...or any of the many hundreds of loser black QBs with poor machanics that have started in the NFL over the past few decades.

This comment shows that Henne buys into the caste system....you know, the unwritted rule which states that athletic white college QBs must always change positions (Scott Frost, Eric Crouch, Matt Jones, etc). Their worst nightmare would be a white version of Mike Vick (who could also throw and make good decisions).

I hope this was taken out of context"¦if not, Henne should be inducted into the "White Players Who Hate Themselves"Â￾ hall of shame.
Here is another pre-draft article on Tebow that focuses on his unusual marketability. Whoever drafts this kid is not only going to get all of this prime marketability (translated: $$$), but is going to get a fantastic player who will lift the team. If it weren't for all of the Tebow hate, he would be a low first-round pick. Hopefully, the GM's aren't as dumb as the draftniks out there.

<DIV style="BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none; TEXT-ALIGN: left; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; COLOR: #000000; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; TEXT-DECORATION: none; transparent: " id=Tixyy>
<H1>Tebow's marketability an unusual NFL Draft quality</H1>
<DIV ="byline_creditline">
<H4>Associated Press Writer</H4>
<DIV id=story_right>
<DIV id=storyAssets>
<DIV id=main>
<DIV ="">
<DIV ="Byline">John Raoux
<DIV ="Caption">In this March 19, 2010 photo, EA Sports creative director Larry Boltutis, left, goes over some poses with Tim Tebow during a photography shoot in Orlando, Fla. The former Florida quarterback will appear on the cover of EA Sports' NCAA Football 11 video game. It's one of the many marketing opportunities now that he's a professional.
<DIV id=additionals>
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<DIV id=storyAssets>
<H6>Tim Tebow marketing power is already reaching its potential, even if his NFL future isn't quite so certain.</H6>

When Tebow strolled through a gym recently with a five-man entourage for an EA Sports video game photo session, the polarizing figure drew stares from people and clicks from cell-phone cameras. Toddlers jumped when he passed the day care center, nudging their noses against the windows. Even they seemed to recognize his appeal was something special.

This is the Heisman Trophy winner who some called the greatest college player ever. Now he is an NFL enigma, a big question mark when it comes to Thursday's draft because of his throwing motion and the offense he ran at Florida.

Still, he is easily the most marketable player in his draft class, which offers a rare but intangible quality that reaches beyond sports - and could improve his draft stock.

Tebow said in an interview with The Associated Press that one NFL team, expressing concern about his pro potential, even asked him, "Would I rather be the quarterback of their organization or the governor of the state of Florida?" Tebow just laughed.

Maybe one day.

The former Florida quarterback will appear on the cover of EA Sports' NCAA Football 11 video game. It's one of the many marketing opportunities now that he's a professional.

"It's a blessing that people want to have me around," he said. "You always want to be wanted."

Companies are lining up for Tebow to be their pitchman. Religious and advocacy groups want Tebow, the son of missionaries, for commercials and speeches. Some owners believe he would increase ticket sales.

And with good reason.

The Davie-Brown Index, an independent marketing research tool, found Tebow to be more appealing and more of a trendsetter than New England's Tom Brady, Minnesota's Brett Favre and Dallas' Tony Romo among others. The index is popular among brand marketers and agencies, presenting 1,000 respondents around the country with a name and a face of athletes and celebrities.

Tebow scored off the charts.

"He is probably the most unusual case, because somebody that has that kind of public awareness is usually going to be one of the top five picks, and he's not even expected to be in the first round," said Darin David, account director for The Marketing Arm agency.

"Nobody seems to have popped out quite like Tebow."

Tebow's too-good-to-be-true image was padded with more than 700 hours of community service in 2009. That was highlighted with stops around the globe in hospitals, poor villages and prisons - even visiting death row inmates - to help charitable causes and talk about his Christian faith.

His giving attitude combined with his two national titles make him an easy choice for companies. Tebow already has signed a deal with Nike that will reportedly pay him $300,000. He's made paid appearances for Gatorade, pitched a much-talked-about Super Bowl commercial and is the cover boy for EA Sports' trademark college football video game - no split covers necessary.

"Tim was an obvious choice this year, and the selection process is not usually an obvious choice," said Tom Goedde, EA Sports vice president of marketing. "Frankly, that's why we switched to a one-athlete cover across all the game systems. There was nobody else who could do what he could do for us."

And if Tebow could gobble up so much attention in college, why not the NFL? That's a question swirling around NFL front offices.

Since his pro day workout, Tebow has had individual sessions several teams, including Buffalo, Minnesota, Cleveland, Seattle, New England, Washington, Kansas City and Denver. But not every team is willing to bite just on his appeal.

Philadelphia Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie, for instance, said he would never draft a player strictly for marketing purposes because "only players that are playing at a Pro-Bowl level have that capability" of boosting a franchise.

That's a sharp contrast to Jacksonville Jaguars owner Wayne Weaver, who called Tebow "iconic" last fall. He said Tebow's "star power is incredible" and made it clear the quarterback could help his struggling hometown team.

Tebow's leadership, durability and determination to be an NFL quarterback might be hard to overlook. And there are few athletes who create a buzz like Tebow does.

After he decided to play in the Senior Bowl, ticket sales took off. More than 5,000 were purchased in the three days following his announcement.

Crowds across Florida have waited by the hundreds for Tebow's appearances. He has charged $160 for an autograph and $75 to pose in a photo at such events. The quarterback said the money goes toward the Tim Tebow Foundation, which donates to orphanages and Boys &amp; Girls Clubs.

Tebow understands some might disagree with his personal views.

No longer restricted by the NCAA, he has ventured into the marketplace. Just don't expect to see him pitching beer or male-enhancement pills anytime soon. But he said he won't shy away from his beliefs.

Tebow will stick to companies that he deems have a positive message.

"I'm very relational based," he said. "So if I feel great with the people that I'm working with, if I feel that we're on the same page and that they have the same interests as me, that they're high character, that they're loyal and they believe in a positive message, then that's the type of people that I want to work with."

Tebow has spent his short post-college career capitalizing on his business opportunities.

The type of future endorsements that come his way could depend largely on where he's drafted. He's projected to be drafted anywhere between the second and fourth rounds. So with the possibility that he could begin as a backup - or maybe even a bust - in the NFL, there's no time to waste.

Life as a professional already has opened up windows for Tebow to takeoff.

"It's kind of exciting. It's a new chapter. It's a new road ahead of me. And that's exciting, that's fun," Tebow said.

"It's a new adventure. It's very fresh to me. I'm taking everything in, just being happy about and excited about and being passionate about my life and these opportunities."
Yes, even possibly a mid 1st round pick w/o a caste system. I just moved him ahead of Clausen to my #2 QB! He's got some work to do on rebuilding his throwing motion, but he has a great work ethic & he's come a long way already. And boy does he have upside!
All I have to say is that I'll be shocked if Tebow isn't a starter in the league for years to come. Look at black qb's like Michael Vick who were starters for years despite being half as talented as Tim. Good luck to Tebow!!
American Freedom News