Tim Tebow

I tried to post this article but it did not look very clean. Good response to all the Tebow criticism, explains why he's criticized and why there's a double standard. Written for Fox Sports.

Let's all have a little faith in Tebow

That's a great column. My only argument is her use of the word "we", there is clearly a group that is anti-Tebow and it's not all "us". But otherwise well put. Welcome to the site.
Tebow completed 85.7% of his passes last night with a QB rating of 118.8! He bought time with his legs and looked like the prototype "new" NFL QB. He had a game last year with a 100 QB rating and had a 40 yard TD run in a mere 3 starts last year AS A ROOKIE. He's only in his 2nd season and already is showing some glimpses of stardom. All this and "Christian" Tim "the coward" Hasselbeck said on BSPN last night that Tebow raised concerns whether he can effectively play the QB position in the NFL.

Meanwhile Cam Newton is supposed to start from day one this year. The BSPN headline says "Starter Kit"...."Cam Newton's debut wasn't super, but he has the look of a starter for the Panthers" after a 66.6 QB rating after just having a caption of "Unfit to Lead" on Tebow on their homepage a couple days ago. It is night and day (or black and white) how these two FBS champion/ 1st round pick similar style prototype "new" NFL QBs have been treated. Hmmm I wonder why?
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Thanks very much for the stats TJR. I think the media presentation vs. the reality of Tebow and Newton will help us tremendously!
Thanks very much for the stats TJR. I think the media presentation vs. the reality of Tebow and Newton will help us tremendously!

Yeah, they have really gone after Tebow for his one pick that was called back on pass interference two nights ago. Also Tebow completed 50% of his passes on a mere 82 attempts last year and the CM media has been hammering that point home.

Note to the CMs: Tebow was a ROOKIE last year with little running game to help him out and a revamped o-line. Superbowl champs John Elway and Eli Manning had slightly lower completion percentages as rookies with significantly more attempts as rookies. And look at all the black "new" style QBs with low completion percentages as rookies like Michael Vick at 44.2% and Vince Young (slightly better than Tebow) at 51.5%
It is clear that Tim Tebow is being targeted for his Christian faith, just as many of his supporters are being targeted by non-believers in the comments section of that page. Of course, all Christians who take a public stand for Christ are going to face persecution and mockery from a lost and dying world. The Bible makes that abundantly clear.
The fact that so many americans hate Tim Tebow despite him living a life filled with morals and family values is disgusting. It shows how far we have fallen as a nation. I will defend Tebow against everyone I meet. First for his christianity, morals, values and leadership. Second for him being an incredible football player. He was the best player in high school and in college. He won the Heisman and finished in the top 3 a few other times all while helping lead the Gators to 2 National Championships. Now he will do the same thing in the NFL if the powers that be allow him to play. They hate this kid while they love the Pac Man Jones of the world. That says it all right there!
I don't think Tebow is being targeted just for his faith. In fact, I think his faith is an easy out for the real reason Tebow is being targeted; because he is an extremely athletic, strong, talented, 100% WHITE quarterback. White quarterbacks are supposed to be pure pocket passers, nonathletic, and slow. If Tebows given a chance he will undoubtedly succeed and be one the best qbs in the NFL. How would that look in comparison to the failures of Vince Young, Jamarcus Russell, Tarvirius Jackson etc? They hate Tebow like they hate all freakish white athletes that play at forbidden positions. After all, I don't remember Matt Jones being a Bible banger, but the same hatred was there. Nor do I remember any black athletes who constantly praise God being hated for it. Reggie White certainly wasn't hated for being religious. As always this issues and most issues have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with race.
Reggie White took a lot of flak when he spoke out against homosexuality, about as much as a black person is subjected to in this country.

Tebow is seen as a threat because of the combination of his athleticism and his religious beliefs. One can never under-estimate just how much conservative Christians are despised by the decadent Cultural Marxist establishment. Wearing Biblical verses in blackpaint under his eyes during games and lending his name to a commercial by a conservative Christian group are supposed to be no-nos in the "land of the free." Black athletes can praise God, and even Jesus, after a game and it's ignored and forgotten; but it's far different set of circumstances for a White man.
I don't think Tebow is being targeted just for his faith. In fact, I think his faith is an easy out for the real reason Tebow is being targeted; because he is an extremely athletic, strong, talented, 100% WHITE quarterback. White quarterbacks are supposed to be pure pocket passers, nonathletic, and slow. If Tebows given a chance he will undoubtedly succeed and be one the best qbs in the NFL. How would that look in comparison to the failures of Vince Young, Jamarcus Russell, Tarvirius Jackson etc? They hate Tebow like they hate all freakish white athletes that play at forbidden positions. After all, I don't remember Matt Jones being a Bible banger, but the same hatred was there. Nor do I remember any black athletes who constantly praise God being hated for it. Reggie White certainly wasn't hated for being religious. As always this issues and most issues have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with race.

You can't compare the way the MSM looks at black religious beliefs and practice with the way they look at white religious beliefs. Black religion and their churchs make up a quasi-government benefit redistribution center. The govt actually thinks it's okay to give money to black baptist churchs in an attempt to reform black behavior-the seperation of church and state be damned. White baptists on the other hand are the font of all evil as preached by the PTB, they are conservative, republican, anti-abortion, anti-gay, and a force in conventional Republican politics. In other words-the enemy.
On the last Sunday of every Presidential election year, the Democratic candidate goes to black churches in several locations such as Los Angeles and Chicago. The MSM never objects.

If a Republican shows up in churches, the cry "Church and State are supposed to be separate" goes up from the MSM.
You can't compare the way the MSM looks at black religious beliefs and practice with the way they look at white religious beliefs. Black religion and their churchs make up a quasi-government benefit redistribution center. The govt actually thinks it's okay to give money to black baptist churchs in an attempt to reform black behavior-the seperation of church and state be damned. White baptists on the other hand are the font of all evil as preached by the PTB, they are conservative, republican, anti-abortion, anti-gay, and a force in conventional Republican politics. In other words-the enemy.

That's my point - its about race not religion. I'm sure Tebow would be bashed if he were an All American atheist too. The non-Hagee version of Christianity I'm sure adds to his bashing, but fundamentally it has more to do with race and his superior athleticism IMO.
No doubt race is part of it, but that he is a strong Christian makes it that much worse. If he were anything else, he wouldn't be receiving as much criticism as he is. I don't remember any hit pieces on Lance Armstrong's atheism.
That's my point - its about race not religion. I'm sure Tebow would be bashed if he were an All American atheist too. The non-Hagee version of Christianity I'm sure adds to his bashing, but fundamentally it has more to do with race and his superior athleticism IMO.

No it's not your point. Your point is that it is about race, I agree with that, we all know it's at least partly about race, that is why we have this site, but Tebow hate goes beyond that and the reason for that is religion.
Kaptain, Reggie White also took heat for his light and innocent statements comparing and contrasting different races and talking about the grains of truth to stereotypes.

He said something about how: God loves all of us, but that he believes that different races have slightly different tendencies for positives and negatives...and that's what makes us interesting. He said something about blacks being spiritual, whites being business oriented etc. etc. I recall lots of talk and heat originally came from these statements- although it didn't last as long as it would have if a white sports analyst had said it on t.v.
Look on the bright side. Denver has THREE outstanding WHITE QBs fighting it out for playing time. Low-key Orton who was run out of Hatie Smiff's Bears team on a rail, the hated Brady Quinn, who was among the QB's that DWFs loved to hate before he became a "rival" to the even more hated Tim Tebow.
Look on the bright side. Denver has THREE outstanding WHITE QBs fighting it out for playing time. Low-key Orton who was run out of Hatie Smiff's Bears team on a rail, the hated Brady Quinn, who was among the QB's that DWFs loved to hate before he became a "rival" to the even more hated Tim Tebow.

Footballdad, that is so true. Quinn used to be the target of so much bust talk without even getting a fair shot in Cleveland. Once Tebow entered the league he became the new white QB "bust" the media DWFs loves to hate. By all accounts Quinn is having a very good training camp, hopefully his development will help him land a starting job when he becomes a free agent. He is a very hard worker much like Tebow and is a high character person. The worst case scenario is that one of these three is the starting QB. If Tebow is not, I think he will still get playing time in specific packages or if Orton is injured or struggles.

I can only hope Quinn and Tebow have a good working relationship and are pushing to make each other better players.
I agree with the last two posts. Tebow will eventually get his chance to shine. I don't think it will hurt him to be behind Orton another year. Orton is very intelligent and Tim can learn a lot from him. I've also always liked Quinn and he has definitely been yet another of the highly drafted White QBs proclaimed "busts" by the anti-White corporate media and mindless masses without ever having had much of an opportunity. I can see all three being starters in the league down the line, though Quinn may never get another chance.
I think Quinn has the ability to be a solid NFL QB if he's ever given a legit chance. I think he had all of 13 starts while being jerked around in Cleveland.

How can Tebow be so bad in practice yet look so good in games?
geez... this from rotoworld:

Some members of the Broncos organization tell Mike Silver of Yahoo! Sports that Tim Tebow is the fourth-best QB in training camp.

"If everything was totally equal, and this were a competition based only on performance at this camp, Tebow would probably be the fourth-string guy," one source said. "Kyle [Orton] is far and away the best, and Tebow's way behind [Brady] Quinn, too. And I'm telling you, Adam Weber is flat-out better right now." Added another Broncos exec, "Forget about how [Tebow] delivers the ball, or how accurate it is. First he has to know where to go with it." Team officials are now relieved that the Dolphins opted against meeting Denver's third-round asking price on Orton. Tebow was always expected to be a developmental project, but this year's camp has been a blow to his long-term outlook.
Related: Kyle Orton, Brady Quinn, Adam Weber

Source: Yahoo! Sports
backrow, that kind of crap has to be purposive, meant to destroy Tebow's chances in the future and his image in the public eye. I wish I knew how to hack because rotorooter would be one of my first choices.
Playing great in camp and playing great in a game are 2 very different things. Tebow has played SO bad that he only has the highest QB rating in the preseason for the Broncos...

If Tim were really SO far behind why isn't it showing when he plays?
Sorry, at this point the campaign against Tebow is so blatant that I seriously doubt any of the observations from "journalists" regarding his performance in camp/practice. These guys, like all msm reporters, lie all the time. They're good at it. Why should we believa anything they say?

The fact is Tebow had the 4th highest QB rating for any rookie in the modern era. He had the 3rd most productive rushing season for a rookie QB, despite playing so sparingly. He wasn't "sloppy" or "inconsistent" or "inaccurate" as a rookie- he was in fact one of the most succcessful rookie QBs of all time. Yet Merrill Hoge, Mike and Mike, Boomer Esiason (the latest disgraceful ex-player to publicly declare Tebow "can't play") continue to spout the big lie. Why?

Tebow has "struggled" so much this preseason that his QB rating is only 113. Meanwhile, Cam Newton, whom these same "journalists" claim deserves to be the opening day starter, has completed 43% of his passes and led his team to zero TDs.

What is it about Tim Tebow that scares these jock sniffers so much? Why are they working so hard to destroy his career?
Sorry, at this point the campaign against Tebow is so blatant that I seriously doubt any of the observations from "journalists" regarding his performance in camp/practice. These guys, like all msm reporters, lie all the time. They're good at it. Why should we believa anything they say?

The fact is Tebow had the 4th highest QB rating for any rookie in the modern era. He had the 3rd most productive rushing season for a rookie QB, despite playing so sparingly. He wasn't "sloppy" or "inconsistent" or "inaccurate" as a rookie- he was in fact one of the most succcessful rookie QBs of all time. Yet Merrill Hoge, Mike and Mike, Boomer Esiason (the latest disgraceful ex-player to publicly declare Tebow "can't play") continue to spout the big lie. Why?

Tebow has "struggled" so much this preseason that his QB rating is only 113. Meanwhile, Cam Newton, whom these same "journalists" claim deserves to be the opening day starter, has completed 43% of his passes and led his team to zero TDs.

What is it about Tim Tebow that scares these jock sniffers so much? Why are they working so hard to destroy his career?

On yesterday’s broadcast of ESPN’s “Sports Nation,â€￾ Merrill Hodge was a guest “anal-ystâ€￾ for NFL-related topics. The lispy little waif, Colin Cowturd, asked him: “how are you today, Merrill?â€￾ Then, to my chagrin, the very first words escaping from Merrill’s poisonous little voice box were something that I’d only expect from the most effeminate of white nerds. Merrill gleefully stated: “I’m feeling great; I just benched 185 lbs today, which is my lifetime best!â€￾ [Commence hysterical laughter from Merrill, Cow-Turd and his brain-dead co-whore, Michelle Beadle].

Of course, anyone who’s ever used a bench-press knows that 185 lbs is little more than a warm-up weight, even for the most wimpy of middle-schoolers (let alone a former professional athlete). Merrill, like so many others, was voluntarily playing the “emasculated white manâ€￾ character.

Then, Bill Cowher’s former water girl, Merrill, suggested that the Broncos “trade Tim Tebow immediatelyâ€￾ because “he’s becoming a huge distraction.â€￾ Then he began seeding this ludicrous rumor by saying that: “several teams around the league have expressed interest.â€￾

Trading Tebow after three fantastic starts last season would be a rare feat, even for the white-abhorring 32-Team Affirmative Action Corporation.

John Elway, the little caste-ulcer, already expressed his cynicism for the idea of Tim Tebow becoming the Bronco’s franchise quarterback. I suppose little Johnny listened to one too many rap songs and befriended one too many “homiesâ€￾ in the locker room during the late 1990’s.

One thing is quite clear…Tim Tebow is already the most media-loathed white football player in the history of this nauseating league. Conversely, Tebow may have the strongest fan base for any individual professional athlete in the history of American sports. ESPN’s recent documentary, entitled “Tim Tebow: Everything In Between,â€￾ was proof of this.
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