Maher isn't funny at all, he thinks he's an "intellectual" but he's nothing more than a smug sciolist, there isn't a single topic that he tries to discuss that he has more than a finger tip deep level of understanding. He's also a plagiarist, he routinely rips off other comedians namely Bill Hicks without giving credit.
Bill Maher getting destroyed:
Bill Maher, the Godhead of the Neo-White sycophantic sector of western humanity, is nothing but a human-puddle of sweat glad secretion, accumulated from the yellowed, fetid armpit droplets produced by his Tribal Masters. At all times, Maher is pleading for “5 Minutes Alone” with a real man, a white man, so that a morsel of dignity may be imparted unto this JewYork-bred city girl. My fists would need but fleeting moments to splinter the cartilage beneath his rutted, negro-nostriled, gargantuan shylock-esque snout…
CAPTION: And the Award for Ugliest Talk Show Host Goes to…
I remember that unfunny “show” of his on Comedy Central, which was erroneously, almost laughably entitled
“Politically Incorrect” (yeah, right). I’ve only ever seen a few episodes of his new show (
“Real Time with Bill Maher”), which is ever-teeming with his elitist, rich-boy, anti-white curricula in the arena of intolerance. I’ve read that Maher is good chums with Chris “Cuckhold” Matthews, that pencil-necked dork, Keith Olber(wo)mann, the elderly harpy, Joy “Female Chauvinist” Behar, Michael “Lard Ass” Moore, and the lesbian supremacist Jewess that personally attacked Caste Football on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow. A few weeks ago, ESPN
analist, Colin Cowturd, screamed out:
“I Love Bill Maher! I watch his show and buy his books! I think he's great!” That figures, doesn’t it?
Maher claims to loathe all forms of old-fashioned “commitment” to women (exclusive relationships, marriage, kids, etc), but his anti-traditionalist “philosophies” don’t hinder him from fornicating with his bouquet of black girlfriends, one of whom (former playboy model Coco Johnsen) attempted to sue him for verbally abusing her, lying to her about their future, forcing her to quit her modeling jobs, and using racial slurs towards her. Knowing Maher, I’m sure the Negress was telling the truth. Maher has also had several white and hispanic girlfriends that were several decades his junior.
CAPTION: Maher’s Former Black Girlfriend, Coco
CAPTION: Maher’s Other Former Black Girlfriend, Karrine
Controversy creates shekels, and Maher, the money-ravenous corporate-charlatan, is always calculating his next “move” to titillate the hordes of losers who venerate this egomaniacal, nasally little twerp. If inarticulately insulting Tim Tebow on some inane website affords his career more “exposure,” his millionaire-mouth will yammer, or his grubby fingers will begin typing unfunny messages to his pitiful white underling “fans.”