Tiger Woods

j41181 said:
Woods is NOT even black, he's HALF-Asian!!!!

The baby is actually 50% WHITE, 25% black, and 25% Asian.

So in technical terms, the baby is actually WHITE!!!!!

But many stinking wiggers don't see it that way!

The reason why mixed people are considered black is because being white is rightly considered as being better. Any drop of non-white blood is a sign of genetic inferiority and thus disqualifies one from the exclusive club made up of pure white people. Obama, and Tiger's offspring are NOT white because they are NOT 100% white. End of story.

White people at one time gaurded their racial purity, mainly by guarding the repoductive habits of their women and thus were the envy of the world. Black men and asian man and jewish man and all other men want white women because it's a step up the genetic ladder for their offspring. I'm glad Obama, (and others like him) are not considered white even though he is half and half, because he is not white and will never be white.
There was a "Tiger Watch" on ESPN this afternoon on that stupid scroll telling us how he was doing during his match. It's a joke.
I think Don mentioned before how Tiger stories are so preposterous that they seem phony. Here's another one:

For just $25,000, you can buy Tiger's trash

I originally saw this is USA Today this morning, it said something like a used bottle of Gatorade alledgedly sipped by Wood's was selling on ebay for $1 million dollars but ebay stopped the auction because it might have some of Tiger's mongrel DNA in it. Which is against ebay policy. The linked story just says it was listed at $25,000. Still any amount to buy that mutt's backwash is hard to believe, and if true is just real sad.
All this just to get Tiger's DNA? The world has gone upside down, and white DNA is nothing more than trash.
Special News Bulletin:
Tiger Loses!

by Dick Tigermakesmetingle

Tiger Woods lost in the second round of the Match Play Championship this afternoon to white South African devil Tim Clark.

Following the shocking loss, all 745 of the assembled reporters, all of them white males, ran to the press tent and engaged in a sustained bout of hysterical sobbing. Nick Faldo and Paul Azinger, the captains of last year's Ryder Cup teams who are calling the tournament for The Tiger Channel, jointly proposed three resolutions to the distraught media personnel, who actually outnumbered the gallery on this Thursday afternoon on the course in the Arizona desert.

The first resolution called for all reporters and broadcasters to wear black armbands for the rest of the tournament to symbolize their state of mourning and to show their eternal solidarity with Woods. It passed by a vote of 745 to 0.

The second resolution demanded that Congress pass a law replacing the motto "In God We Trust" on all U.S. coins with the motto "In Tiger We Trust," to take effect immediately. That resolution also passed by a 745 to 0 count.

The third resolution called on the Pentagon to indiscriminately bomb the few remaining White neighborhoods in South Africa,in order to punish Tim Clark, Ernie Els, Retief Goosen, Trevor Immelman, and all other White South Africansfor the evils of apartheid and to promote freedom and democracy. However that resolution was defeated by a close vote of 374 to 371, as opponents were afraid that some innocent black civilians might be killed during the strikes.

Before any more resolutions could beconsidered, the gushing tears of the inconsolable white reporters suddenly reached waist level in the media room, creating a tidal effect that swept all of them from the areaand deposited them in a deep gully that is infested with rattlesnakes and tarantulas. It's not known at this stage how many, if any, survived. The corporate networks all dispatched news crews to the scene, but once there each decided instead to see if Tiger Woods was available to comment on his earth-shaking loss.

How the media cries over a silly defeat!

I will celebrate all year long if he fails to win a Major this year!
HaHaHa! Nice article Don.
The sad thing is, I wouldn't be surprised if the media was actually doing this. Where is all the talk of Tiger being back now, ESPN?
Don, that was hilarious!
it reminded me of Groundfighter's columns, which were also excellent.

i don't know anything about golf, and i care even less. but when i turned on ESPN today and they mentioned that Tiger lost, what happened? they didn't interview the guy who won!

instead, they interviewed the guy who lost: Tiger. i mean, what the crap?!?
That's to be expected, always interview the more famous one, even if he's the loser.
I thought Tiger had saved golf? Is it now dead again? This sure makes a lot of golf people look silly, oh wait they already look like idiots!
"It's just a golf tournament now. Not an attraction." This is from a column by Art Spander that I found. The rest is pretty much as Don describes.
ESPN has been a drunk network after Air Jordan came and left, and they've become even more drunk after Tiger came.
Geoff Ogilvy won the Match Play Championship in convincing style. He's won it twice now and has an 18-3 record in the event, a better percentage than anyone, even the Caste System's godhead.

Ogilvy has two Tour wins already this young season. Padraig Harrington won the two most recent Majors. The fact is that His Lordship does have rivals, but the media is too blinded by its 24/7 Tiger worship to see or acknowledge anything but their hero's every move.
The Future President of the World had the first round lead at the Quail Hollow Championship in Charlotte, which had a very strong field, but ended up fourth. Sean O'Hair won. The mystique doesn't seem to be as strong as it was before his knee surgery. Let's hope it's a continuing trend and not a blip.

This comingweek is The Players Championship, the "fifth major" on the PGA Tour.
Tiger is muddling along behind a bunch of other players starting the 3rd round of the TPC, but all the MSM wants to talk about is how well he is actually doing, while being hampered by his knee problems.
One hole in and Cejka has already given up a shot. Crap.

It would be nice to see this guy be able to weather being paired with the future king of humanity and win this thing.

Well Cejka couldn't do it but he didn't need to as Stenson played crazy good and won it going away.

His majesty was several shots back.
Edited by: Poacher
forty-four said:
We will still be treated to incessant replays of Tiger anyway!
You nailed it.
I just watched the TPC results coverage on ESPN. No word on who won (
), but there was extensive coverage of Tiger's round as well as an exit interview with Lord Tiger himself.
8th place, tisk tisk.

Another loss to inferior white golfers...how embarressing for the Almighty One (again). I suppose it's now time for the requisite "knee surgery" excuses from the official Tiger cheerleaders.

This golf season could be the most humiliating the MSM has ever experienced. They'll weep the way they did when Tiger Woods' father died...which will one day become a national holiday.

I think caste football may be the only forum on planet earth in which the great one is questioned, let alone insulted.
Woods' "aura of intimidation" took another hit yesterday. Cejka wilted, but so did Woods. Any time Woods is in the final pairing the media serenades him for the last round on his way to the obligatory victory, but on this Sunday seven white men (ok, six white men and one asian) surged ahead of the Future President of the World. Oh, his knee will be used as an excuse for years to come if need be, but some serious holes have been pricked in his balloon since his comeback, hopefully for good.
Oh how the mighty have fallen on hard times. Hope the same thing happens to the other Messiah figure, Barack Obama.
American Freedom News