Tiger Woods

Fortunately my subscription to Sports Illustrated (from a Cultural Marxist Perspective) magazine is just about at an end. Leafing through the latest weekly propaganda in it, room was found to have an article about golfing non-entity Tiger Woods, by Michael Bamberger, a Tiger worshipper of long standing.

It's called "The Case for. . . Nice Tiger," with Bamberger thrilled that nearing age 40, Woods is finally acting a bit like an adult, e.g., talking to the press more, committing to tournaments earlier rather than at the last minute, and being a little more fan friendly.

I guess that's nice that Woods is finally maturing, but then Bamberger has to throw in the big lie -- namely that Jack Nicklaus "went through a similar transformation, right around 40. Nicklaus didn't want to be known as Fat Jack for eternity, famous for taking down Arnold. Over the past 35 years or so, Nicklaus has morphed into the game's wise old man -- one with 18 major championships in his hip pocket."

The only similarity between Woods and Nicklaus is that they are at the top when it comes to majors won. Bamberger implies with his "similar transformation" lie that Nicklaus was also a jerk like Woods until he was 40 years old. Complete bs. Nicklaus was always gracious, courteous in victory and defeat, giving of his time with the media and fans. He never threw clubs, regularly spit on the course, cursed, ignored fans with a dead eye stare, and all the other obnoxious behavior Woods has engaged in.

What Jack did -- in his late 20s, not at 40 -- was lose weight, grew in his crewcut and styled his hair, and began dressing with a lot more flair. That greatly improved his appearance, but he never had to change his character, which was always honorable.

This is nothing but yet another example of the media technique of justifying the bad behavior of a black athlete by unfairly and inaccurately comparing it to that of a White athlete. And of course Bamberger never details what Nicklaus's "similar transformation" was and why it was needed other than calling him fat and that he beat Arnold Palmer, because there wasn't one. It's nothing but a smear of Jack Nicklaus used to excuse the inexcusable behavior of Tiger Woods.
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Fortunately my subscription to Sports Illustrated (from a Cultural Marxist Perspective) magazine is just about at an end. Leafing through the latest weekly propaganda in it, room was found to have an article about golfing non-entity Tiger Woods, by Michael Bamberger, a Tiger worshipper of long standing.

It's called "The Case for. . . Nice Tiger," with Bamberger thrilled that nearing age 40, Woods is finally acting a bit like an adult, e.g., talking to the press more, committing to tournaments earlier rather than at the last minute, and being a little more fan friendly.

I guess that's nice that Woods is finally maturing, but then Bamberger has to throw in the big lie -- namely that Jack Nicklaus "went through a similar transformation, right around 40. Nicklaus didn't want to be known as Fat Jack for eternity, famous for taking down Arnold. Over the past 35 years or so, Nicklaus has morphed into the game's wise old man -- one with 18 major championships in his hip pocket."

The only similarity between Woods and Nicklaus is that they are at the top when it comes to majors won. Bamberger implies with his "similar transformation" lie that Nicklaus was also a jerk like Woods until he was 40 years old. Complete bs. Nicklaus was always gracious, courteous in victory and defeat, giving of his time with the media and fans. He never threw clubs, regularly spit on the course, cursed, ignored fans with a dead eye stare, and all the other obnoxious behavior Woods has engaged in.

What Jack did -- in his late 20s, not at 40 -- was lose weight, grew in his crewcut and styled his hair, and began dressing with a lot more flair. That greatly improved his appearance, but he never had to change his character, which was always honorable.

This is nothing but yet another example of the media technique of justifying the bad behavior of a black athlete by unfairly and inaccurately comparing it to that of a White athlete. And of course Bamberger never details what Nicklaus's "similar transformation" was and why it was needed other than calling him fat and that he beat Arnold Palmer, because there wasn't one. It's nothing but a smear of Jack Nicklaus used to excuse the inexcusable behavior of Tiger Woods.


I guess Bamberger forgot to compare Jack the family man to Tiger the cheating husband with numerous, what could be in the hundred's of skanks!

I remember seeing a documentary on the Arnold and Jack playing days and Arnold made the comment that fans were brutal to Jack when he was first coming up. Arnold said Jack never said a word back to any of his haters. Just kept his down and played golf.

Right, when it comes to Jack and Tiger, there is no comparison. Tiger will never be the man or the player Jack was, EVER!

Jack Nicklaus is the greatest golfer that has ever lived, with Ben Hogan a close second.
Fortunately my subscription to Sports Illustrated (from a Cultural Marxist Perspective) magazine is just about at an end. Leafing through the latest weekly propaganda in it, room was found to have an article about golfing non-entity Tiger Woods, by Michael Bamberger, a Tiger worshipper of long standing.

It's called "The Case for. . . Nice Tiger," with Bamberger thrilled that nearing age 40, Woods is finally acting a bit like an adult, e.g., talking to the press more, committing to tournaments earlier rather than at the last minute, and being a little more fan friendly.

I guess that's nice that Woods is finally maturing, but then Bamberger has to throw in the big lie -- namely that Jack Nicklaus "went through a similar transformation, right around 40. Nicklaus didn't want to be known as Fat Jack for eternity, famous for taking down Arnold. Over the past 35 years or so, Nicklaus has morphed into the game's wise old man -- one with 18 major championships in his hip pocket."

The only similarity between Woods and Nicklaus is that they are at the top when it comes to majors won. Bamberger implies with his "similar transformation" lie that Nicklaus was also a jerk like Woods until he was 40 years old. Complete bs. Nicklaus was always gracious, courteous in victory and defeat, giving of his time with the media and fans. He never threw clubs, regularly spit on the course, cursed, ignored fans with a dead eye stare, and all the other obnoxious behavior Woods has engaged in.

What Jack did -- in his late 20s, not at 40 -- was lose weight, grew in his crewcut and styled his hair, and began dressing with a lot more flair. That greatly improved his appearance, but he never had to change his character, which was always honorable.

This is nothing but yet another example of the media technique of justifying the bad behavior of a black athlete by unfairly and inaccurately comparing it to that of a White athlete. And of course Bamberger never details what Nicklaus's "similar transformation" was and why it was needed other than calling him fat and that he beat Arnold Palmer, because there wasn't one. It's nothing but a smear of Jack Nicklaus used to excuse the inexcusable behavior of Tiger Woods.

Good catch Don. This kind of thing is so aggravating. Jack Nicklaus was the model of a decent and good family man as well as a consummate professional, to somehow compare him to the ugly creature that is Tiger Woods is insulting to anyone who remembers Nicklaus at all. He can only get away with this because there is no one left from that era that will fire back at him. And the current generation is too steeped in the fear of PC and the ignorance of history to challenge his absurd claims. How pathetic is the modern sports media that lies and slander like this go unchallenged and are expected to sell magazines.

Although the truth is that the dinosaur media like Sports Illustrated died long ago and merely exists as a shadow of itself, continuing on through legacy subscriptions and give away programs. That magazine is one of dozens that line drugstore aisles but find few buyers. A propaganda program propped up by rich elites that continue to print trash that goes immediately into the recycle bin but can be cited as a source for continuing the current agenda. It's basically TIME or NEWSWEEK, on life support and ready to die but kept alive because reaching male audiences with their brainwashing is still important. Your comments are probably the first time I have heard a sports fan talk about a Sports Illustrated article in 10 years.
Good catch Don. This kind of thing is so aggravating. Jack Nicklaus was the model of a decent and good family man as well as a consummate professional, to somehow compare him to the ugly creature that is Tiger Woods is insulting to anyone who remembers Nicklaus at all. He can only get away with this because there is no one left from that era that will fire back at him. And the current generation is too steeped in the fear of PC and the ignorance of history to challenge his absurd claims. How pathetic is the modern sports media that lies and slander like this go unchallenged and are expected to sell magazines.

Although the truth is that the dinosaur media like Sports Illustrated died long ago and merely exists as a shadow of itself, continuing on through legacy subscriptions and give away programs. That magazine is one of dozens that line drugstore aisles but find few buyers. A propaganda program propped up by rich elites that continue to print trash that goes immediately into the recycle bin but can be cited as a source for continuing the current agenda. It's basically TIME or NEWSWEEK, on life support and ready to die but kept alive because reaching male audiences with their brainwashing is still important. Your comments are probably the first time I have heard a sports fan talk about a Sports Illustrated article in 10 years.

Yes, Jack Nicklaus changed his appearance (but not his demeanor) well before he was 40.
Woods shoots a career worst +13, 85 today at the Memorial and left without any comment.

I shot 95 last week in just my second round of golf since last summer. Another year or two and I might be able to beat Tiger. :icon_lol:
I shot 95 last week in just my second round of golf since last summer. Another year or two and I might be able to beat Tiger. :icon_lol:

I remember last year I believe it was, John Daly shot like an 81 and they were saying should Daly keep competing on the PGA Tour.

You think anyone will start to question whether Tiger should do the same?
Don't forget that Tiger still has limitless upside. It's only been 15 years since his peak year on the PGA Tour.
I shot 95 last week in just my second round of golf since last summer. Another year or two and I might be able to beat Tiger. :icon_lol:

Ha ha! You should mention that on your radio show tonight, Don.
I love the fact that woods is still playing. Why would any of us want him to quit. Again, this is one of the greatest caste stories to go with many other since 2010 onwards(caste shattering positivity).

We are literally seeing a borderline club level golfer having the cameras on him 24/7 and the commentators looking like idiots to try and brown nose him. Isnt there a tiger woods golf channel in America you can get?? if there is i wont be putting any of my stocks and shares into it anytime soon :icon_lol::icon_lol:
Eldrick should take a break. A long one. He is embarrassing himself and soon his worshipers will turn on him if he keeps playing like crap. What's his excuse this time? Some injury?
Tiger down to 181 in the World Golf Rankings this week. Meanwhile, those older guys like Jim Furyk and Phil Mickelson, who are so "inferior" to Tiger, are #3 and #19, respectively.
Lest we forget that Woods played relatively well at The Masters back in April. He was tied for 5[SUP]th[/SUP] place (albeit some 10 strokes behind leader Jordan Spieth) heading into the final round before finishing in the top 20.

The U.S. Open is but two weeks away and I’m not ready to count The Promiscuous One just yet. Sure, he was recently dumped by “Lindsey Vonn Afrika†and just finished in dead last and played about as poorly as a professional golfer possibly could...but until he starts missing the cut every week or retires in shame, I’ll always worry that he’ll win another major, as he does have the ability and the media's “wooing Tiger to victory†routine could help propel the rapidly-aging, balding, emotionally-crippled, perma-sullen DWF Deity (turned doleful loser) into the winner's circle...


CAPTION: “Der Schwarzen Scheißkerl†Finishes in Last Place

We’ll see which Tiger arrives at Chambers Bay.
i use to worry back in 2009/2010 that if he got a victory he was young enough to possibly catch up with Jack, But the big loss for me was when he incredible bottled the 3 stroke lead in the 2009 US agains that Asian guy. That was when i realised that he will not ever win a major again. And he wont.

But even if he did, he 100 percent wont break Jack Nickalaus record. Yes it will be nauseating, but its like that anyway even if he comes dead last. So no change there. Long he doesnt break the best ever, Golden Bears record i am happy.

But the facts are he dominated in a mentally weak era, where most of his rivals started playing Golf at 12 onwards, where he started at 2.

Players like Ernie els, Mickleson, Tom Watson and even the great Jack, were not heavily reliant on short game. They all had amazing long game and driving, so even if there putting goes off, meh, they were never great putters to begin with.

However Woods game is the reverse, even when he was winning it was never graceful, scrambling here there and anywhere and continually having to hole clutch putts/ Throw in the fact hes not just terrible driving Accuracy, he hits it pretty short as well. He literally cannot cope with these long par 5;s and 490 par 4s anymore. Thow in the fact that his BIGGEST asset is gone, and that was his Aura. His Aura now is embarrsing, shattered. You think Rory mcilroy, Patrick reed, Jordon Spieth fear this ugly receeding joke of a man. I dont.

When Rory was just making the cut at this years masters, i had a bet with my Friend that Rory would still finish well ahead of Woods, well guess what, he did. And that was Rory not on 100 percent.

Guys finished, perhaps ill curse it but i dont think they guy can put 4 decent rounds togather even on courses that he likes, such as the memorial tournament, or St Andrews etc etc.
I've never watched or closely followed golf before but the posts I've been reading on this site have made me take an interest in it and I'll probably watch the next major tournament . I just have a question for you guys. I remember arguing with some DWF last year about tiger not being as good anymore because he hasn't won a major in so long but they said that he's still the best because he won PGA player of the year in 2013. What does that award really mean ? Is it objective or is it just decided on by media caste whores ?
I've never watched or closely followed golf before but the posts I've been reading on this site have made me take an interest in it and I'll probably watch the next major tournament . I just have a question for you guys. I remember arguing with some DWF last year about tiger not being as good anymore because he hasn't won a major in so long but they said that he's still the best because he won PGA player of the year in 2013. What does that award really mean ? Is it objective or is it just decided on by media caste whores ?

Woods did have a good 2013, winning five tournaments (but no majors). But that's more the exception than the rule now. Think of your favorite baseball player who effortlessly hit .300 with 30 homers and 100 RBIs all during his peak years, but as he hit his mid-30s such seasons suddenly became rare. That's where Woods seems to be now. And even though golf is a sport where players can win majors into their early 40s, it doesn't happen often and the fact that Woods hasn't won one since he was 32 years old strongly mitigates against him picking up enough to pass Nicklaus. He might win one more (though I doubt it), maybe even two, but at this point it would be a colossal upset if he tied or passed the Golden Bear.
Woods did have a good 2013, winning five tournaments (but no majors). But that's more the exception than the rule now. Think of your favorite baseball player who effortlessly hit .300 with 30 homers and 100 RBIs all during his peak years, but as he hit his mid-30s such seasons suddenly became rare. That's where Woods seems to be now. And even though golf is a sport where players can win majors into their early 40s, it doesn't happen often and the fact that Woods hasn't won one since he was 32 years old strongly mitigates against him picking up enough to pass Nicklaus. He might win one more (though I doubt it), maybe even two, but at this point it would be a colossal upset if he tied or passed the Golden Bear.

Thanks Don . Do you think he deserved to win that award in 2013?
I don't think anyone else won more than two tournaments that season, and there were four different winners of the majors, so he was deserving even though he didn't win a major.
i use to worry back in 2009/2010 that if he got a victory he was young enough to possibly catch up with Jack, But the big loss for me was when he incredible bottled the 3 stroke lead in the 2009 US agains that Asian guy. That was when i realised that he will not ever win a major again. And he wont.

But even if he did, he 100 percent wont break Jack Nickalaus record. Yes it will be nauseating, but its like that anyway even if he comes dead last. So no change there. Long he doesnt break the best ever, Golden Bears record i am happy.

But the facts are he dominated in a mentally weak era, where most of his rivals started playing Golf at 12 onwards, where he started at 2.

Players like Ernie els, Mickleson, Tom Watson and even the great Jack, were not heavily reliant on short game. They all had amazing long game and driving, so even if there putting goes off, meh, they were never great putters to begin with.

However Woods game is the reverse, even when he was winning it was never graceful, scrambling here there and anywhere and continually having to hole clutch putts/ Throw in the fact hes not just terrible driving Accuracy, he hits it pretty short as well. He literally cannot cope with these long par 5;s and 490 par 4s anymore. Thow in the fact that his BIGGEST asset is gone, and that was his Aura. His Aura now is embarrsing, shattered. You think Rory mcilroy, Patrick reed, Jordon Spieth fear this ugly receeding joke of a man. I dont.

When Rory was just making the cut at this years masters, i had a bet with my Friend that Rory would still finish well ahead of Woods, well guess what, he did. And that was Rory not on 100 percent.

Guys finished, perhaps ill curse it but i dont think they guy can put 4 decent rounds togather even on courses that he likes, such as the memorial tournament, or St Andrews etc etc.

A couple of good points, however, Jack was a GREAT putter, maybe the best ever, except as much as I hate it, Tiger is right there also.

I don't think Tiger would have won as many Majors had he played in the Nicklaus era. He would have to contend with the likes of Nicklaus (18), Palmer(7), Player(9), Watson(8), Trevino,(6) Ballesteros,(5) and Ray Floyd (4). That's right Ray Floyd won 4 Majors. How many players in Tiger's era won 4 or more Major's? Only Els,(4) and Mickelson(5). I don't count MclIroy because he's at the tail end of Els, Mickelson's and Woods career. Els kind of lucked in to his 4th Major when Adam Scott missed a put that would have won him the British Open.

Put Nicklaus in this (Woods) era and he might have won the same amount or more. Put Tiger in the Nicklaus era and he would have had to contend with 4 of the greatest players of all time. As much as I like Phil, he will never be considered with the likes of Nicklaus, Palmer, Player or Watson, unless he somehow wins a few more Majors. Els is not even close.
Thanks Don . Do you think he deserved to win that award in 2013?

Of those 5 wins, he won the Players Championship in 2013, which every golfer considers the most important tourament after the Masters, U.S., British, and PGA Major Championships.

I'm not trying to defend him, as I loathe Eldrick “Tiger†Woods more than any other professional athlete. For 15 years, this boorish cretin was the literal personification of every single aspect of Cultural Communism…

-He’s the spawn of an interracial couple (mulatto black male, Asian female) devoid of any whiteness. The type of racially-diluted brown mongrel that the Zionist, Marxist, Communist, Globalist, Anti-White elite yearn for the future genetics of all humanity.

-His father, Earl Woods, was a Black Nationalist who taught his son to resent whites.

-He’s the “barrier breaker†of golf, the first black (or non-white, for that matter) to dominate a sports viewed as a “rich, privileged, country club†game for whites only.

-He’s the very first “billion dollar athlete,†as Marxist corporations (sorry for the redundancy) across the materialist spectrum threw truckloads of endorsement money at him for nearly 20 years, even after his 2008 scandal.

-His former wife, Elin Nordegren, is an attractive Swedish blonde. Her pale skin, gold-tinted hair, and light eyes made for a perfect racial contrast for the media’s cameras to capture as Tiger strutted over to greet his trophy wife after every win. Our Kosher friends utilized this “cute couple†to promotion miscegenation whenever possible.

-He has two children with Nordegren, who are perhaps the least-attractive and strangest looking mutts ever concocted by humanity. The only place in which so many different races have intermixed is central/south America or western Asia. Again, this fits the “Human Race†agenda perfectly. The type of children they want for every white woman…


-His rotten on-course persona has helped the media to promote selfishness, juvenility, vulgarity, and poor sportsmanship in young athletes. How many times has Woods spit on the green, tossed/broke a club in a fit of rage, cursed loudly on live TV, ignored the all-white gallery, yelled at fans, faked an injury to save face after a poor shot, celebrated like an conceited chimp after a good shot, was rude during interviews, “titillated†the media/DWFs by waiting until the last possible moment to register for a tournament, etc. None of the other golfers on the PGA Tour act this way...


-His adultery and slut-mongering is stuff of legend. Hundreds of prostitutes, call-girls, escorts, pornstars, ****tail waitresses, women that he impregnated that abortion, and everyday women that cheated on their spouses for a one night stand with Woods. There is an infamous email in which Woods even writes about his desire to have sex with a man and another where he talks about using recreational drugs while having sex. Every single one of these whores was a white women, of course. The more famous of his jezebels were used to promote interracial sex via tabloids…


-His status as an elite black athlete (with ubiquitous promotion from the Newz Jewz), perhaps the most recognizable athlete on planet earth, helped to carve additional inferiority complexes into the DWF mind, ceaselessly coaxing them into believing that blacks are simply the best at every sport…even all all-white sport like golf! Immediately following a Tiger victory at a major championship many years ago, I remember a late night comedian (the anti-white Jay Leno, I believe) quipping that “golf is now officially a black sport! White guys are going to need to find a sport that black men simply won’t touch. Perhaps some contest where you sky-dive and have to land in a garbage can several miles away? Maybe they’ll let us win at that?†There were constant jokes such as: “What do you call 100 white boys chasing a black man? The PGA Tour!†Tiger’s name was constantly mentioned by the media and DWFs alongside other black “legends†(Michael Jordan, Pele, Jim Brown, Willie Mays, and Muhammed Ali) as the most dominant player his sport has ever known.

For these reasons and many more, Woods was such a useful tool of our enemies for so many years. It made him rich and famous beyond all measure and increased the revenue and viewership of Zionist-owned ESPN and Golf Channel, along with countless sports publications. Now it’s all fading so quickly and in two weeks’ time it’ll have been 7 full years since Tiger last won a major. Tick, tock.
Not this BS again... Now apparently, the children in Africa need a black champion to be "inspired." Yeah, because that worked soooo well in the USA with Tiger. It doesn't matter if they're "interested" or not... they have to be good. Unlike football, soccer, basketball, etc. blacks can't be forced into the sport; they actually need to be talented. Player must be getting a bit senile. He says he doesn't know if anyone can play like Woods did? Gee how about Jordan Spieth, you know, that guy that won the first two majors of the year and came within a stroke of possibly winning his third in a row? And doing all of it being younger than Woods was as well. He's also doing it in a MUCH deeper field than Tiger had to deal with. Don't count out McIlroy either.

Tiger basically had to deal with Mickelson, Els, Goosen, and Singh for the early part of his career, and Harrington for a brief spell in 2006-2008. Spieth has so many more great golfers to play against, Dustin Johnson, Jason Day, McIlroy, Mickelson, Bubba Watson, Adam Scott, Martin Kaymer, Zach Johnson, Louis Ooshuizen, Rickie Fowler, and a host of others.

I hate to break it to Player, but Woods is finished as of now. Look at Thursday at the Open - he shot a +4 in what were some of the best conditions of the week and when everybody in that morning wave was under par. Also, there are older guys like Furyk and Phil that still regularly contend in tournaments, making Woods' decline even worse for the media. I guess those African kids will need to find another colored person to look up to.

Not this BS again... Now apparently, the children in Africa need a black champion to be "inspired." Yeah, because that worked soooo well in the USA with Tiger. It doesn't matter if they're "interested" or not... they have to be good. Unlike football, soccer, basketball, etc. blacks can't be forced into the sport; they actually need to be talented. Player must be getting a bit senile. He says he doesn't know if anyone can play like Woods did? Gee how about Jordan Spieth, you know, that guy that won the first two majors of the year and came within a stroke of possibly winning his third in a row? And doing all of it being younger than Woods was as well. He's also doing it in a MUCH deeper field than Tiger had to deal with. Don't count out McIlroy either.

Tiger basically had to deal with Mickelson, Els, Goosen, and Singh for the early part of his career, and Harrington for a brief spell in 2006-2008. Spieth has so many more great golfers to play against, Dustin Johnson, Jason Day, McIlroy, Mickelson, Bubba Watson, Adam Scott, Martin Kaymer, Zach Johnson, Louis Ooshuizen, Rickie Fowler, and a host of others.

I hate to break it to Player, but Woods is finished as of now. Look at Thursday at the Open - he shot a +4 in what were some of the best conditions of the week and when everybody in that morning wave was under par. Also, there are older guys like Furyk and Phil that still regularly contend in tournaments, making Woods' decline even worse for the media. I guess those African kids will need to find another colored person to look up to.


Right JL, whenever Tiger was coming up, many or most said that what Tiger did was greater than Nicklaus because they said the field was deeper and better, I disagree. I believe Tiger only had to deal with Mickelson and maybe Els. Mickelson and Els are the only players in Tiger's era with four or more Majors. Mickelson 5 and Els, 4 and got lucky with one because of Scott's missed putt.

Nicklaus had to contend with, Player, 9 Majors, Watson 8 Majors, Palmer, 7 Majors, Trevino 6 Majors, Ballesteros, 5 Majors, not to mention Ray Floyd, 4 Majors! To me, what Nicklaus did in his era will never be matched!

Taking nothing away from Spieth and I like him a lot and would like to see him get at least 15 Majors, but we still don't know what will happen. Right now, to me it's Spieth and McIlroy that have a chance to get close to Nicklaus.

On another note, great win for Zach Johnson! I find it interesting that he and Tiger are both 39 and Johnson has been playing some of the best golf of his career and he has been very consistent winning at least one tournament in 8 of the last 9 years!

How many players have won the Masters and the British Open at St. Andrews. I think it's a short list. Now, Zach Johnson is on that list.
How often does the 266th ranked player in the world get the largest picture on the cover of the PGA Tour site? Despite his ranking, and McIlroy and Spieth being the best golfers in the world over the last couple of years, Woods remains as the PGA's center of interest.

Just go the PGA Tour site and you'll see the world's 266th ranked player front and center. He'll be participating in this weeks Quicken Loans National.

Has anyone ever heard of Max Orrin? He's ranked 267th. No offense Max, you know what I'm saying.
How often does the 266th ranked player in the world get the largest picture on the cover of the PGA Tour site? Despite his ranking, and McIlroy and Spieth being the best golfers in the world over the last couple of years, Woods remains as the PGA's center of interest.

Just go the PGA Tour site and you'll see the world's 266th ranked player front and center. He'll be participating in this weeks Quicken Loans National.

Has anyone ever heard of Max Orrin? He's ranked 267th. No offense Max, you know what I'm saying.

Haha, I was just going to post something along the same lines. I turned on my TV as I was making lunch, which takes a while to turn on, left and came back and lo and behold Tiger was in the midst of a televised press conference. I figured it was the Golf Channel as it droned on for a long time, but when I returned realized it was BSPN's Sports Center that gave over so much of the show to Woods as they were now talking football, specifically the Cardinals hiring a female linebackers coach for training camp. The host asked Bill Polian and Ryan Clark if any of the players would object to a woman coaching them, and of course they both said no. After all their BSPN careers would be over if they said yes, and as for the players, even the black ones know now that while they can say and do just about anything, one thing they can't do is tread on the turf of feminists, homosexuals and Jews.

Then while eating lunch, I was reading BSPN's cultural communist "competitor," Sports Illustrated magazine, and on the last page was a piece by Alan Shipnuck (judging by his picture his name should be Alan Chipmunk) about who else, moaning about how it wasn't 2000 and 2005 again at St. Andrews, when Woods was victorious. And of course he had to get a malicious dig in at Jack Nicklaus, writing: "Woods, 39, has time to turn things around; Jack Nicklaus won the U.S. Open and the PGA Championship at 40, to say nothing of the Masters at 46. But Nicklaus's life and his game were always grounded in stability, with only his motivation coming and going." Really???? Jack, who won 18 majors and came in second 19 times and who had unparalleled concentration and determination, had "motivation problems"? Who knew, other than Alan Chipmunk.

All these media shills and trolls still pining for their hero should be called the "I'll Never Let Tiger Go Brigade," named after the 1997 movie Titanic when the girl is in the icy water after the ship sinks and realizes "Jack Dawson" is dead and says, "I'll never let you go, Jack, I'll never let you go."
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