Tiger Woods

"This stupidly minor controversy was the subject of lots of media attention on my local squawk sports[COLOR=#009900 !important]radio[/COLOR], unfortunately for them there was nothing much for the DWF's to say other then it was perhaps the worst crime committed in the past half century."

A black guy called a local radio station and said he wasn't offended and he liked fried chicken so what is the big deal. The Jewish talk show host was offended by it of course.

. Is it bad to each chicken?

People make stereotypes of Irish being drunks and nobody seems to be offended, certainly not the Jews.

The black guy said the reason Tiger was offended was because he doesn't want to be considered black.
"This stupidly minor controversy was the subject of lots of media attention on my local squawk sports[COLOR=#009900 !important]radio[/COLOR], unfortunately for them there was nothing much for the DWF's to say other then it was perhaps the worst crime committed in the past half century."

A black guy called a local radio station and said he wasn't offended and he liked fried chicken so what is the big deal. The Jewish talk show host was offended by it of course.

. Is it bad to each chicken?

People make stereotypes of Irish being drunks and nobody seems to be offended, certainly not the Jews.

The black guy said the reason Tiger was offended was because he doesn't want to be considered black.

Chris Rock said there is something wrong with you if you don't like fried chicken.
Jaxvid said:
The orchestrated gut wrenching sickening apologies that follow these kind of timid outburts almost seems to be planned, as if these guys are told to make the remark and then to prostrate themselves in some sort of contrition for their guilt.

Yes, the most preposterous aspect of the “white apology following racially-insensitive remarks” Marx-o-Rama is the fact that the comments that created the “controversy” in the first place were normally similar in nature to Garcia’s lame, generic, stereotypical, archaic remarks (fried chicken, watermelon, and other unfunny stuff that isn't nearly degrading enough).

I could only imagine the globe-straddling witch hunt that would ensue subsequent to overhearing one of my own personal conversations with like-minded family and friends…that is, if I were actually famous!

Jaxvid said:
But there are no men in the classic sense anymore at that level of fame.

Wes Woodhead said:
This is a brutally honest, and totally correct statement. Once a White man gets famous enough to be in the public eye on a regular basis that white man is absolutely required to become less than a man. NO actual masculine behavior will be tolerated. This goes for EVERY profession where your in the public eye at all. Its sad to admit that, but even athletes that I like, and root for are not "real men" in the classic sense. if they were they wouldnt be able to keep quite about the ridiculousness surrounding their profession. They wouldnt be able to talk to the media without putting them in their place. THey would be so disgusted by whats going on around them that they would constantly be speaking out against it.

Mantra2 said:
Memo to those whites who make controversial statements about race or who crack jokes about it: If you are not willing to stand by what you said don't open your big mouth in the first place.

Really nice points, guys. The incorrigible expression of their most solemn regrets that invariably occurs following their initial remarks always falls upon deaf ears. They might as well not apologize, because it’s meaningless in the eyes of those who condemn them. Garcia’s “net worth” is supposedly in the range of $40 million dollars. If I were Garcia, I might consider standing by my comments and waiting to hear the PGA Tour’s official reaction (suspension, banning, etc) before responding. Even then, I would probably just mention Zoeller’s remarks from years ago and pass it off as a joke.

Garcia loathes Tiger and I respected that…but apologizing to him means that Tiger not only won The Players Championship, but he also “wins” their interpersonal feud. It wasn't too long ago that TiGirl was narrating a scripted apology penned by his handlers...

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I don't really follow golf so I didn't know Garcia was such a wimp, although I did know he was a choke artist. Now I think even less of the male.
The writer quoted below is relieved that Woods is still a prick. Here's the end of his article analyzing Woods' decline in majors (one of dozens written weekly year-round by Tiger's concerned corporate media flock):

The ownership of ephemeral things is a funny business. Tiger used to own the tee box. He used to own his Saturday playing partner, and then his Sunday playing partner. (Last week he didn't.) He used to own the field and the course, reporters and rules officials, his practice sessions and practice rounds, his schedule and his time. Compromise, he no doubt is finding out, is part of middle age. Now, at 37, his life is more complicated. Welcome to middle age. Golf, as Tiger Woods played it through 2008, requires a ruthlessness that is almost inhuman, and maybe he has tired of it.

But maybe he hasn't.

When the 142nd British Open was all over, Woods was asked, essentially, to pay a compliment to the winner. "Given the conditions," he was asked, "how impressive is Phil's 66?"

"It's certainly gettable out there," Woods said. He then proceeded to give a 75-word answer that never, not even in a veiled way, referred to Phil Mickelson, Champion Golfer of the Year.

What a relief. The Tiger you thought you knew is still alive.

Read more: http://www.golf.com/tour-and-news/t...eness-golfs-major-championships#ixzz2ZwXVjeMG
Jack Nicklaus/Tiger Woods/PEDS

With Tiger Woods still now a little less, I believe if my math is correct, than year ahead of Jack's major win pace. Jack won his 15th at 38. Tiger will be 38 in December, it will be interesting to see what changes he will make should he fall behind Jack's pace.

Will he fire his agent, his coach, caddie, or will he resort to getting and or staying on PEDS, which everyone and anyone should be suspicious of anyway.

Most here at CF believe that blacks mature faster. Call me an idiot, ignorant or just stupid, but I haven't completely bought in to that just yet. Anyway, I overheard a commentator say that Tiger Woods was an old 37, so there could be something to it.

Anyway, should he fall way behind Jack, continue to be bothered by injuries, possibly caused by using PEDS, it will be interesting to see what old Tigger resorts to in his obsession with catching the greatest golfer of all time. (Think: Barry Bonds and jealousy of the attention McGwire received)
Tis nice to see that Woods has more competition these days. I don't see his attitude changing though, even with his skills eroding with age. To me he's just too arrogant to change.
Here's a reason for much of the obsessive Tiger-worshipping in the media, it's popular with much of the audience. Take a look at this article, and the video, if you can stomach it. Your fellow citizens love the guy! :doh:
ESPN's latest anti-white campaign was launched this week by "Greenie" of the Mike and Mike show. Clearly frustrated over their hero's inability to win majors for over 5 years now, and the growing realization that he probably won't beat Nicklaus's record of 18 majors (which was, of course, 20 majors until Tiger Woods was being groomed for stardom, and they just took 2 away from him), Greenie is pushing the idea that when Woods breaks Sam Snead's record for most total tournament victories, he should be declared better than Nicklaus, even with less major wins.

It is sometimes hilarious to watch this stuff. The agenda is so obvious that even the dumbest sheeple should be able to see through it. The last two weeks alone have seen ESPN launch a crusade to put Donovan McNabb in the HOF, their continuing efforts to destroy Johnny Manziel, and now this ridiculous ploy to get Woods declared the "greatest" even if he doesn't break the record they have long guaranteed he will.

If we only had one honest news outlet with real journalists, and real power....
ESPN's latest anti-white campaign was launched this week by "Greenie" of the Mike and Mike show. Clearly frustrated over their hero's inability to win majors for over 5 years now, and the growing realization that he probably won't beat Nicklaus's record of 18 majors (which was, of course, 20 majors until Tiger Woods was being groomed for stardom, and they just took 2 away from him), Greenie is pushing the idea that when Woods breaks Sam Snead's record for most total tournament victories, he should be declared better than Nicklaus, even with less major wins.

It is sometimes hilarious to watch this stuff. The agenda is so obvious that even the dumbest sheeple should be able to see through it. The last two weeks alone have seen ESPN launch a crusade to put Donovan McNabb in the HOF, their continuing efforts to destroy Johnny Manziel, and now this ridiculous ploy to get Woods declared the "greatest" even if he doesn't break the record they have long guaranteed he will.

If we only had one honest news outlet with real journalists, and real power....

Professional golf seems to have changed so much since Tiger’s last major victory at the U.S. Open in June of 2008. In those five years, considerable competition has arisen from around the globe, and in the U.S. White players from Australia (Scott), England (Rose), Northern Ireland (McDowell, Clark, McIlroy), Germany (Kaymer), Argentina (Carbrera), South Africa (Immelman, Schwartzel, Els, Oostehuizen) and Ireland (Harrington) have all had breakthroughs. U.S.-based contenders such as: Glover, Cink, Bradley, Watson, Mickelson, Simpson, and Dufner, many of them young, have all gotten “hot” and won championships. Even a pygmy-sized South Korean (Yang) has accomplished the feat. Here is the Viagra-imbibing cretin celebrating his final Major Championship victory like an infantile imbecile…

CAPTION: “Happier Times” Long Since Perished


CAPTION: The Fleeting Moments of TiGirl’s “Mystique”


CAPTION: Kiss it Goodbye, ******

I hope that it grinds away at his swollen sense of self-confidence to know that anyone in the field could materialize, at any given Major Championship, and they aren’t fearful that the red-shirted “Black Godhead of the PGA Tour” will be breathing down their necks with the full support of the corporate media and racially-diluted DWF's.

At the commencement of the 2014 Masters next April, the always-detestable Tiger Woods will have gone 5 years, 10 months without a victory in a major championship. Rest assured that the diamond-encrusted Rolex currently orbiting his wrist continues to tick, tock, tick, tock his “prime” years into oblivion…


CAPTION: Time Isn’t on his Side
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I also heard some of that Tiger Woods propaganda today, in the form of that ever odious show, First Take, with those annoying twerps Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless. I watch the show sometimes to get a laugh out of what they talk about. Today, one of their discussion topics was: "Can Golf Survive Without Tiger?"

Smith's first response was something to the effect of "Well, if they want to go back to pre-Tiger without black viewers, than yes." I was shocked at this. Like black people even care about golf anyway. I don't think losing the extra few black people in the all-white crowds at Majors and other tournaments due to no Tiger really hurts anything. Black people sure as hell don't watch golf on TV either. Skip proceeded to make a good point for once, saying Golf will be hurt somewhat due to the fact that the DWFs who watch these tournaments to root for their idol, will no longer want to turn in. For this reason, I am going to miss Tiger a little bit, for the sweet moments when he doesn't win a major or does terrible, watching the DWFs walk away disappointed and sad, their hopes being dashed yet again, and ESPN, and the rest of the sports media pretty much crying on air for him to be better then Jack, desperately wanting their idol to win another major soon. It's also pretty fun being able to root against him every major too.

Thrashen, It's been great watching all of these white golfers do well. It's exactly what the PTB don't want, as with Tiger getting weaker, and the field in turn getting stronger and less afraid of him, this will hurt Tiger's chances to get to Jack's hallowed major's record. Even jock sniffer supreme, Stephen A. Smith said today that if Tiger goes majorless again next year, he will not get Jack's record. The media is getting desperate for their "God" to win another major, and like bigunreal said, they are trying to say he'll be better than Jack if he gets to Snead's record, which will happen probably some time next year, after he wins a couple more small tournaments. "Greenie" is one of the biggest whimpy losers on ESPN (which is really saying something).

Here are some of the great white golfers Thrashen mentioned that have come along/revitalized themselves since Woods' incident in 2008:


Keegan Bradley


Rory McIlroy


Phil Mickelson


Jason Dufner


Adam Scott


Martin Kaymer


Zach Johnson


Y.E. Yang - I figured I'd include a picture of the guy that destroyed the "unbeatable" and "intimidating" mystique of Tiger, beating him head to head in the final round of the 2009 PGA Championship.
I've mentioned Doug Ferguson before. He's a golf writer for AP who writes about nothing but Tiger 98% of the time and must still live in Mommy's basement in a room filled with blow-up Tiger dolls.

Little Dougie's latest ode to Tiger has to be considered his masterpiece. Remember when Woods' approach shot hit the pin at the 15th hole in the second round of The Masters and caromed into the water? Woods was subsequently penalized two strokes for an illegal drop but was allowed to remain in the tournament when many thought that any other golfer would have been disqualified. So Woods had a bad break and then a good break. But to Dougie Ferguson, that shot shattered his hero's "inner peace" and is the reason he didn't win any majors this year. You just can't make this stuff up. If you want to read the article and try not to gag here's the link: http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/woods-year-changed-distraction-masters-19950795
I've mentioned Doug Ferguson before. He's a golf writer for AP who writes about nothing but Tiger 98% of the time and must still live in Mommy's basement in a room filled with blow-up Tiger dolls.

Little Dougie's latest ode to Tiger has to be considered his masterpiece. Remember when Woods' approach shot hit the pin at the 15th hole in the second round of The Masters and caromed into the water? Woods was subsequently penalized two strokes for an illegal drop but was allowed to remain in the tournament when many thought that any other golfer would have been disqualified. So Woods had a bad break and then a good break. But to Dougie Ferguson, that shot shattered his hero's "inner peace" and is the reason he didn't win any majors this year. You just can't make this stuff up. If you want to read the article and try not to gag here's the link: http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/woods-year-changed-distraction-masters-19950795

Woods never looked the same after the Masters, despite winning his next start at The Players Championship.

He was so distraught that he went right out and won the TPC in his next start.
I also heard some of that Tiger Woods propaganda today, in the form of that ever odious show, First Take, with those annoying twerps Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless. I watch the show sometimes to get a laugh out of what they talk about. Today, one of their discussion topics was: "Can Golf Survive Without Tiger?"

Smith's first response was something to the effect of "Well, if they want to go back to pre-Tiger without black viewers, than yes." I was shocked at this. Like black people even care about golf anyway. I don't think losing the extra few black people in the all-white crowds at Majors and other tournaments due to no Tiger really hurts anything. Black people sure as hell don't watch golf on TV either. Skip proceeded to make a good point for once, saying Golf will be hurt somewhat due to the fact that the DWFs who watch these tournaments to root for their idol, will no longer want to turn in. For this reason, I am going to miss Tiger a little bit, for the sweet moments when he doesn't win a major or does terrible, watching the DWFs walk away disappointed and sad, their hopes being dashed yet again, and ESPN, and the rest of the sports media pretty much crying on air for him to be better then Jack, desperately wanting their idol to win another major soon. It's also pretty fun being able to root against him every major too.

Thrashen, It's been great watching all of these white golfers do well. It's exactly what the PTB don't want, as with Tiger getting weaker, and the field in turn getting stronger and less afraid of him, this will hurt Tiger's chances to get to Jack's hallowed major's record. Even jock sniffer supreme, Stephen A. Smith said today that if Tiger goes majorless again next year, he will not get Jack's record. The media is getting desperate for their "God" to win another major, and like bigunreal said, they are trying to say he'll be better than Jack if he gets to Snead's record, which will happen probably some time next year, after he wins a couple more small tournaments. "Greenie" is one of the biggest whimpy losers on ESPN (which is really saying something).

I was watching that same First Take show and Smith said something in particular in that discussion that raised my antennas, which was essentially, "if black people aren't playing, then we aren't interested in watching". That's a pretty disturbing comment IMO. I started to think about it, and I came to the conclusion that that wasn't just Smith's opinion as a black man, but rather the general consensus among African Americans. It makes great sense if you think about it.

The most popular sports among African Americans are without a doubt football and basketball, which are predominately black. Boxing is also popular among blacks when the fighter is black(Ali, Tyson and recently Mayweather). Typically, hockey and baseball, which aren't predominately black, aren't nearly as popular among African Americans.

Regarding Tiger Woods specifically, he is the sole reason why many African American eyes have shifted towards golf. Smith's comments explain the reason, which is exclusively race related. In other words, they don't care about the sport, the league, or anything else, only the color of skin of the athlete. It speaks volumes as far as I'm concerned.

I was watching that same First Take show and Smith said something in particular in that discussion that raised my antennas, which was essentially, "if black people aren't playing, then we aren't interested in watching". That's a pretty disturbing comment IMO. I started to think about it, and I came to the conclusion that that wasn't just Smith's opinion as a black man, but rather the general consensus among African Americans. It makes great sense if you think about it.

The most popular sports among African Americans are without a doubt football and basketball, which are predominately black. Boxing is also popular among blacks when the fighter is black(Ali, Tyson and recently Mayweather). Typically, hockey and baseball, which aren't predominately black, aren't nearly as popular among African Americans.

Regarding Tiger Woods specifically, he is the sole reason why many African American eyes have shifted towards golf. Smith's comments explain the reason, which is exclusively race related. In other words, they don't care about the sport, the league, or anything else, only the color of skin of the athlete. It speaks volumes as far as I'm concerned.

They think naturally. Western Whites are indoctrinated from the cradle to the grave with leftist ideologies so much so that there is an internal conflict from something so simple as rooting for the guy that's the same race as you simply because they are the same race as you which they are taught is somehow shameful and wrong if you're White.
Last weekend at “The Barclays,” Woods allegedly slept on a “soft mattress” in his hotel room that caused severe back pain. In this scene, the “Alpha of Arrogance” literally falls to his knees, feigning anguish after a particularly errant shot. How conveniently-Tigeresque that he only wilts after noticing the shot's ill-fated trajectory. DWF minions gawk at their fallen Godhead, with one extraordinarily-emasculated twit even yelling out “I love you Tiger!” at 37-38 seconds…


I’m surprised the little corn-toothed black fairy didn’t attempt to pull always-dubious “injuries to elicit sympathy” act during the PGA Championship.
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Just like black corners grab their hamstring when they are burned for a touchdown so that people think, "oh, if he hadn't pulled a muscle he would have made the play."

The next series the same black corner is out jumping around like a retard but the announcers never say anything about a feigned injury.
On a lighter note:

Tiger Woods and Lindsey Vonn's Love Nest Is Sinking

A hole in one has never been such a headache for Tiger Woods.

As the pro golfer spends his weekend competing at the PGA Championship in Rochester, New York, back home at his Jupiter Island mansion, things are quickly deteriorating.

Woods and girlfriend Lindsey Vonn's sprawling 10,000-sq.-ft. waterfront mansion is sinking due to Florida's soft soil, which contains organic materials that decompose over the years – resulting in a major hassle for homeowners, reports FOX News.

Life for the lovebirds was par for the course, that is until Woods and Vonn began noticing cracks in the walls and doorframes throughout the residence.

In an effort to save the sinking ship – er, house –, Woods, who purchased the property in 2006 for $44.5 million, reportedly hired contractors, who have started to stabilize the home with helical piles.

Here's some truly sad Lindsey Vonn Afrika news, I'm sure Thrashen is devastated:


Could not happen to a more deserving mudshark if you ask me.

Women are especially prone to knee injuries. The cultural marxists ignore it trying to sell the line men and women are the same but what they can't do is hide the toll it is taking on women's bodies.

Here's an excerpt from a good article:

With the passage of Title IX in 1972, competitive sports for girls and women in the U.S. changed forever. In fact, from 1972 to 2006, the number of females participating in high school sports grew from 300,000 to an estimated 3 million, an increase of almost 1,000 percent (Lal and Hoch, 2007; Giugliano and Solomon, 2007). Greater participation in sports by females has also heightened awareness of the health and medical issues specific to the female athlete. In particular is the knee joint, the site of the highest injury rates among female athletes (Parkkari et al., 2008). Studies comparing female athletes' susceptibility to injury of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) have shown that women have considerably higher rates of injury, suffering ACL tears at a four- to six-times greater rate than male counterparts in the same sport (Myer et al. 2008). Statistics suggest that each year one in every 10 college female athletes and one in every 100 high school female athletes will sustain a serious knee injury.


I didn't read the whole thing so it probably devolved into some crap about male sexism being responsible or maybe "white male privilege" but anyone who has a daughter that plays sports probably knows lots of young girls that have already torn ligaments. The rate is 4 to 6 times higher then for men. I guess we're all not so equal after all. And just imagine what lugging a back pack full of gear and an M-16 is going to do to knees. But the Great Multicultural Empire doesn't care, they will just hand out purple stars so as to make more "heroes" for the Empires minions to worship.
This (www.golfdigest.com/golf-tours-news/2010-02/golf-tiger-jenkins-0218) is Dan Jenkins' column in the February 2010 Golf Digest on "the Tiger Woods deal" soon after Woods' "indoor athleticism" became public.

Jenkins wrote among other things:

"I'll tell you what Hogan, Palmer, and Nicklaus were at their peak."

"They were every bit as popular as Tiger, they endured similar demands on their time, but they handled it courteously, often with ease and enjoyment."

"They were accessible, likable, knowable, conversant, as gracious in loss as they were in victory, and above all, amazingly helpful to those of us in the print lodge who covered them."


"I covered Tiger winning his 14 professional majors, but I can't say I know him. I knew the smile he put on for TV. I knew the orchestrated remarks he granted us in his press-room interviews. I knew the air he punched when another outrageous putt went in the cup. That's it."

"I once made an attempt to get to know the old silicone collector. Tried to arrange dinners with him for a little Q&A, on or off the record, his choice. But the closest I ever got was this word from his agent: 'We have nothing to gain.'
There'll be two weeks of mourning and suicide watches in Corporate Medialand over this news.

Has there ever been a pro golfer with an array of injuries like Woods has suffered? Certainly not a prominent one. We don't even need bigunreal to bother to jinx Tiger anymore.
American Freedom News