The Trumpening?

Maybe it will work out for the best if the hag wins their election. It's hard to beat them at their own "democracy" shell game racket. Say the hag's ziohandlers start a war with Russia and Iran and Syria - that's what the hag was going on about in the debate - and then their multiracial multisexual military that's had its ass kicked everyplace from Grenada to Somalia to Afghanistan gets a big surprise fighting people who can actually fight back for a change, and say their giant military base in Iraq gets blown up and their bombers get blown out of the sky, and maybe even a couple of aircraft carriers get blown up, something along those lines, then maybe there will be a military coup, because Washington first gutted the military and f'd it up with "gays" and political correctness and then sent it into a death trap.

Afterthought: Damn why are we sounding so defeatist!
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I really don't think Clinton has a legitimate shot at winning. I do fully believe that she can win through corruption, fraud and cheating. Trumps
popularity with every day Americans is amazing to see - bear in mind Obama had the leftist media propoganda machine working in his favor while just about every major media outlet is totally against Trump. Trump is truly a grass roots movement in American politics - unwavering support, energized voter base, huge rallies all without the support of a major political party. In today's rigged system to see the trump phenomenon in effect is truly amazing given the corrupt political system in this country. Libtards, neocons, republicucks, zionists, militant white hating minorities and the godless media are all too stupid and have their heads up their self righteous asses to appreciate what an amazing thing Trump has been able to do outside the realm of the joke that is the two party system.
Producers of "The Apprentice" allege that Trump has been caught saying "far worse" things on camera than the now-infamous "pussy grabbing" hot mic footage from 11 years ago, including the N-word. Annoying Jewish billionaire and unabashed Hillary-supporter, Mark Cuban, might be involved in paying the $5 million legal fees associated with releasing the tapes...

If they exist, why didn't they simply release them long before the Republican primary to ruin his campaign before it even began? Why wait until he's on the very cusp of being elected? If you wanted to destroy him, why give him a year and half to endear himself to the ultra-disenfranchised public? Of course, no real Trump supporter would care either way if Donald used the N-word...some would prefer that he did.

If these tapes are real and managed to be released before the election, Trump should hold a worldwide news conference and "spill the beans" about every single ounce of corruption he's ever seen from the MSM, Wall Street, Madison Ave, TV, Hollywood, real estate, big banks, big pharm, government, corporations, the mafia, etc. As he wrote on twitter yesterday, he should "remove the shackles" and tell every secret he knows about everything. Might as well go out like a badass and take everyone down with you...

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Paul Craig Roberts throws a bullseye:

Engage In Sex, Not War

Paul Craig Roberts

During the sexual scandals of Bill Clinton—the “bimbo eruptions” as Hillary called them—the Democrats and progressive opinion ruled out a person’s sex life as a political factor. Now suddenly nothing more than juvenile locker room banter without the actual sex has become the determinant of political unfitness.

Where did the 11-year old recording of locker room talk between Donald Trump and Billy Bush come from? Who recorded it and kept it for 11 years for what purpose? Why was it released the day prior to the second debate between Trump and Hillary? Was the recording an illegal violation of privacy? What became of the woman who recorded Monica Lewinsky’s confession to her of sex with Bill Clinton? Wasn’t she prosecuted for wiretaping or some such offense? Why was Billy Bush, the relative of two US presidents, suspended from his TV show because of a private conversation with Trump?

You have to take men’s sexual banter with a grain of salt, just as you do their fish stories. President or candidate Bill Clinton himself publicly engaged in sexual banter. If memory serves, in a speech to blue collar workers, Bill said that the bed of his pickup truck was covered in artificial turf and “you know what that was for.” In the Clinton White House according to reports there were a number of female interns seeking Bill’s sexual attention. The scantily clad young women came to work sans underwear until Hillary put her foot down. One wonders if the Secret Service was told to inspect compliance with the dress code.

The One Percent masquerading as prudes want to remove Trump as the Republican candidate. Just how the people’s choice of presidential candidate is removed in a democracy prior to election, the prudes do not say. No one wanted to remove Clinton from the presidency despite the sexual use of the Oval Office, called at the time the “Oral Orifice.” The House Republicans wanted to remove Clinton not for sex but for lying about it, but the Senate would not go along with it. As senators all lied about their sexual liaisons, they saw no harm in it.

What disturbs me about the importance attributed to Trump’s sexual banter is that we have in front of us the dangerous situation of the neoconservatives pushing for Washington to attack Syrian and Russian forces in Syria and the chief Washington propagandist, neocon Carl Gershman, calling publicly for the US to “summon the will” to bring regime change to Russia. The tensions between the two nuclear powers are currently at all time highs, and this dangerous situation is not a factor in the US presidential election! And some people wonder why I call Americans insouciant.

The US media, 90% owned by the One Percent, have teamed up with their owners against the American people — the 99 Percent. As Trump observed during the second presidential “debate,” ABC’s Martha Raddatz and CNN’s Anderson Cooper teamed up with Hillary against him: “Nice, three on one,” Trump said.

Do the 99 Percent understand that the anti-Trump hysteria fanned by the presstitutes is intended to keep the people in economic bondage and at war?

We all know that the hysteria over the Trump-Billy Bush locker room banter is orchestrated for political purposes. But consider the absurdity of it all. Trump’s private expression of sexual interest in an attractive member of the opposite sex has been declared by the presstitutes to be “extremely lewd comments about women.”

Is what is going on here the criminalization of heterosexual sex?

Feminist say that women do not want to be regarded as sex objects, but much of womankind disagrees, judging by the provocative way some of them dress. Clothes designers, assuming they are good judges of the apparal market for women, also disagree. At the latest Paris fashion show (October 1) Vivienne Westwood displayed a dress on which the female sexual organs are displayed on the dress.

Vivienne Westwood is a woman, a British fashion designer. She has twice earned the award for British Designer of the Year. The Queen of England awarded her the aristocratic title of Dame Commander of the British Empire (DBE) “for services to fashion.”

At a ceremony honoring her at Buckingham Palace, Westwood appeared without panties and twirled her skirt in the courtyard of the palace. Photographers caught the event, and in Vivienne’s words, “ the result was more glamourous than I expected.”

As recently as 2012, Vivienne was chosen by a panel of academics, historians, and journalists as one of The New Elizabethans who have had a major impact on the UK and given this age its character.

In 18th century England, if historians are correct, young women would appear at evening social functions in wet gowns that clung to their bodies the better to indicate their charms. Some of them died of pneumonia as a consequence. They did this on their own accord to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

According to reports, robotic sexual partners are being created for men and women that are superior to the real thing. Other news reports are that young Japanese men go on vacation with their sex apps, not with girlfriends. There are indications that as the advancement in social approval of homosexual, lesbian, and transgendered sex progresses, heterosexual sex is acquiring the designation of queer. If Trump had expressed sexual interest in a male or a transgendered person, it would be politically incorrect to mention it. Only heterosexual sexual impulses are a political target.

We have reached that point in which women can appear in high heels with skirts that barely cover their nether parts and their braless breasts exposed, and men are lewd if they notice.

Do women really want it this way?

Is Hillary really going to win the election because Trump is sexually interested in women?
Here's a worldwide poll on the election. They say they accept one vote per IP and divvy up according to country.


Some unexpected results: UK, Germany and Israel going strongly Trump. Mexico only 58% for Clinton.
I love how Russia comes in as the second-highest vote total, and the most one-sided voting -at a staggering 93% pro-Trump. Hilarious.

But an interesting takeaway is that Ukraine has a considerable turnout (only 1,500 votes below Germany), and is only 52% in favor of Clinton.
Today's LA Times poll has it tied, Trump 44.3% to the Hag 44.2%.
I know the string-pullers can and will use any means to rob Trump, but the Hag has no real energized base like Trump. Not even close. She hasn't from the beginning. He may be way ahead. I think that's why The Left has pulled out all the stops and they are actually panicking. IMO...

UPDATE: Rasmussen now has Trump in the lead:
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BFU - I had posted this before but then deleted it:

I looked up Pittsburgh demographics and I was surprised to see that as of 2000 it was 27.12% what is called in the Newspeak language "African-American".

I find it hard to believe that any white working man would vote for the hag - tho maybe his 250 pound wife who watches tv all day and has been brainwashed with womens lib and celebrating diversity might. Wise men - and wise women too - knew that women shouldn't be allowed to vote. It causes a lot of divisiveness in homes, and even breaks them up. Of course that's exactly what the Vampire wants.

Note: Clipmate is my favorite accessory. It saves things like this deleted post.
Re Paul Craig Roberts article above - I don't like that guy but he makes a very good point there. If Trump was a sex pervert like Obama and Hillary and Baby Doc Bush and so many other stinking politicians and media and show biz people and he was talking about grabbing mens' balls it would have been a non issue. they would have never even mentioned it...just like they never mention Soetoro-Obama and Hillary and Baby Bush's gay escapades.

Miley Cyrus, lunching on a truncheon.

by Colin Liddell

As America's elites have become increasingly detached from the core of the country, the oligopoly that has been running the state since the beginning has become increasingly reliant on "gaslighting" the public by mass media saturation and distortion.

But the stubbornness of the Trump campaign is proving dangerous to the established order because it is forcing them to show their hand and reveal their methods to an increasing number of people, who have been economically, emotionally, and now racially primed to see the manipulation that is under way.

Maybe some future Wikileaks email drop will reveal that this move was triggered by growing Saudi—and therefore Bush—fears over a Trump presidency, intensified by the increasingly desperate state of the Wahabiist forces in the Syrian city of Aleppo. Trump famously does not care one jot about Saudi interests (and, in a touchingly naive way, about American petrodollar interests either.)

"Pussygate" is interesting because, once you get past the obviously vulgar tone (something that shouldn't be too hard in a society where major pop stars allow fans to fingerfuck them on stage and every city has a "Gay Pride" parade, where essentially anything goes), then what Trump actually said to the idiot scion of the Bush family all those years ago on a hot mic was not anything to turn your hair blue.

One of the more dignified pictures of groupies
that I could find on the Internet.

In fact, all he said was that a certain kind of woman tend to throw themselves at celebrities and allow certain 'liberties' to be taken.

Groupies, starfuckers, whatever you want to call them, have been grabbing celeb **** in the public domain since at least the 1960s, although the phenomenon obviously goes back to King David times. So, wow, just wow!

Now, compare this with the grabbing that goes on with regard to another even more intimate female body part, namely the uterus.

Since the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973—a decision that forms one of the key pillars of the Leftist temple of Moloch and a decision that Hillary Clinton only ever speaks of in hushed tones of reverence—a staggering 58 million women in the US have been, so to speak, invasively "grabbed by the uterus," with the result that a similar number of human foetuses have been killed. In many cases, these have been late term abortions, where the act of homicide, implicit in most cases, has been blatant and obvious, even to the most nebulous thinkers on the Left, with the result that they avoid the horrifying imagery generated like a vampire avoids garlic.

But as long as the media can keep playing up "pussygate" and similar fake scandals with the last shards of their rotting credibility, the still benighted segment of the masses can be distracted from the venality of the Clintons, Hillary's willingness to serve as a dangerous tool for the globalist elites, and the smoking rape gun that has her husband's fingerprints all over it.

(Bill Clinton, as the Jimmy Saville of US politics, clearly can't die soon enough for the convenience of some people. If Hillary is elected, I give him six months at the most.)
Most American women likely needed to put down their copy of "50 Shades of Grey" before posting their virulent outrage of Trump's comments (from 11 years ago) on their social media accounts. Most American men needed to press pause on whatever hardcore porn video they were watching online before doing the same.
The goal is not to destroy Trump as president. It spans much, much, further. They want to make sure he suffers finacially, physically, and mentally from this. I still don't think he can win, but my prayers are with him.
Great points regarding this faux outrage on Trump's comments. We live in the most morally bankrupt, sex obsessed, perverted country in the world and it is all the doing of the left who now decides to somehow grow a moral compass and tell the sheeple what to think about Trump. Give me a ******* break. I could care less about his comments. The wikileaks documents proving the media are in bed with Clinton and democrats (this is common knowledge to all of us here and a lot of other people with simple observation and reasoning skills), Clinton's vision for a borderless open society, her associations with wall street, her establishment connections, her illegal handling of govt email, her illegal wars which destabilized the middle east and caused the brown hordes to invade Europe by playing to the idiotic western liberals "humanitarian" nature, her refusal to call out brown people and Islam for the issues they cause and her words of aggression towards Russia are all much bigger issues that I am worried about.
The goal is not to destroy Trump as president. It spans much, much, further. They want to make sure he suffers finacially, physically, and mentally from this. I still don't think he can win, but my prayers are with him.

The funny thing is they are used to seeing the opposition stop fighting and give up. Trump on the other hand is fighting back and the left does not know what to do because now ordinary people also know the deal and are pissed at the left and their media mouthpiece. If anything Trump has laid the foundation for dissent for all of his followers and people are starting to fight back. I don't want to get carried away with this but honestly Trump is the closest thing to the Founding Fathers we have seen in this country since they established this country (at least in my lifetime). He's a damn patriot in my opinion.
I know some of my fellow forum members live in PA. My family is originally from the state, i went to college there and have posted about my love for the beauty of the state and how it hurts to see it's economic decline and invasion of non-whites into the state. It looks like Trump has done a great job converting quite a few of the old democrats over to Republicans.
The funny thing is they are used to seeing the opposition stop fighting and give up. Trump on the other hand is fighting back and the left does not know what to do because now ordinary people also know the deal and are pissed at the left and their media mouthpiece. If anything Trump has laid the foundation for dissent for all of his followers and people are starting to fight back. I don't want to get carried away with this but honestly Trump is the closest thing to the Founding Fathers we have seen in this country since they established this country (at least in my lifetime). He's a damn patriot in my opinion.

Great post and I agree. I know for a fact that a few have "awakened" from this. Donald J Trump is still my president, no matter if he wins or loses.
Trump has done a great job converting quite a few of the old democrats over to Republicans.

Trump's a guy who could've easily continued living in uncontested comfort.. but I believe him when he says he could no longer idly take what is happening to his country. When I hear him speak, his indignation is legit.. it's not political grandstanding.. His authentic passion & patriotism cannot be invalidated by his Leftist detractors; and I also believe it cannot be understood by those same Leftist haters.
Every tactic and smear, can (& is) being used by the Left-wing media.. but win or lose, for people who have been disinterested, and/or disgusted with contemporary politics, Trump has exposed to them: Leftist media collusion, he's exposed the weakness & lack of motivation that constitutes modern Republican 'opposition' to the Left.. he's making some traditional blue-collar Dems recognize the party of their grandfathers is extinct & hijacked..

Like I said, win or lose, I believe Trump has honestly answered the call of patriotism.. I admire & envy him for that.
Election Day will be the moment of truth for White Amerikans. Will they or won't they. My hopes hang on a Brexit result. Damn, it has come to this. If Amerika picks the hag, I will be on the ledge watching the fools slide down the sh*tter with Amerika to the end of my days. High drama Election Day.
Election Day will be the moment of truth for White Amerikans. Will they or won't they. My hopes hang on a Brexit result. Damn, it has come to this. If Amerika picks the hag, I will be on the ledge watching the fools slide down the sh*tter with Amerika to the end of my days. High drama Election Day.

Drunk white liberals!
I don't think the majority of his supporters will take a loss very lightly at all. Especially after all the emails showing the DMC rigging the primaries. I don't see many bumper stickers at all this election here in MD, but the ones I do see are mostly Trump.
I don't think the majority of his supporters will take a loss very lightly at all. Especially after all the emails showing the DMC rigging the primaries. I don't see many bumper stickers at all this election here in MD, but the ones I do see are mostly Trump.
Here in West LA were I work, an uber liberal area, I have seen more Sanders bumper stickers than the hag. However, I have never seen Trump stickers. Where I live in Ventura County I see a lot of Trump stickers. Too bad CA has gone full liberal. High Drama Election Day awaits the country of USSA.
If there is a tape of Trump using the forbidden word, let's see what context it was used in. Remember when Kerry Collins made the mistake of using it around some black acquaintances. It was in the context of a him trying to fit in while joking around or something. He still got raked over the coals.
The liberal media is trying everything. Even women saying he groped them 30 years ago. What a joke. Think about
it guys. Why would a rich nice looking man need to force himself on anyone. Women chase rich guys even when they
are ugly and old. Look at Anna Nicole Smith. I could give countless examples but you got the point. Men chase beauty and women chase money. The way of life. Trump has done far less than the people he is running against. I guarantee that.

November 8th will be a historic turning point in America regardless of who wins.
American Freedom News