The Trumpening?

I want to take a moment to thank Don Wassall for creating and maintaining this wonderful site that's gives us all the opportunity to engage with likeminded folks. We go through good times and bad here together. Posting here is sometimes therapeutic and has helped us through dark days.

I can imagine for Don that last night must have been especially sweet. Working tirelessly and probably thanklessly for decades to raise White consciousness has no doubt payed off. I know Don's work helped tip the scales and will continue to as we grow in influence.

So I'd like to sincerely thank you for your work, energy, passion and determination. Cheers!

PS - shekels on the way and I'd encourage others to throw some coin towards CF if you can.
Good call Freethinker. Ill throw some money towards the site once I have a little surplus money available.
While building the wall and securing the Southern border, he also has to try to convince Latinos it is in their American interest as well. That will take remarkable skill.
He WILL get more support from black men and women if he is able to get some of the factories that left to come back and set up again near cities like Detroit, Philadelphia, Baltimore, etc. That would be a good thing for all of us if that happened. Blacks would be shocked and amazed.
I'm really hoping for an exodus of celebs, libtards along with the mass deportations of illegals that he has said will occur. Also curious to see what happens to these sanctuary cities when federal funding gets cut.
I wonder if the monolithic voting results for Democrats for blacks is due to vote fraud? Probably most of the votes are switched. Inner cities are completely fixed.
Many thanks to the intrepid posters here at CF. I didn't have the stomach to stay up late and watch the returns, but it is a glorious morning! Now where is jaxvid/Flint to weigh in on this? ;) I remember years ago a "poster" who went by the name Pollyanna, I still think that was jax. He's done a 180 since those days!
Don't forget that we still have to wait until late January for Trump to be inaugurated into the office as President. We still have over two months for the Obama administration to do all sort of hijinx. With any luck Congress will now be emboldened to stop any chicanery by the outgoing Prez since they don't have to fear a Clinton presidency.
November 8th, 2016 should be considered America's real "Independence Day!"

This great win was almost solely delivered by a record voter turnout in every single rural county in the nation. Before today, rural whites had no voice...I wonder if they can hear us now? My wife and I stayed up until 4 AM last night watching the results and Trump's victory speech. When the race was officially called for The Donald, it was a moment that I'll never forget as long as I live. How fitting that our home state, PA, was the one that sealed Trump's Triumph. We both put a lot of time, effort, money, and energy into promoting Trump in the Keystone State and it was nice to see those efforts rewarded!

I've been particularly enjoying the amusing reactions to Trump's win from various famous/influential people:

Keith Olbermann wrote: "The terrorists have won."

Singer Katy Perry wrote: "Do not sit still. Do not weep. MOVE. We are not a nation that will let HATE lead us."

Michael Moore wrote: "In one last act of sad historical irony last night, Donald Trump held his victory party in the hotel where Malcolm X spent his final night."

Bill Kristol wrote: "And to my fellow #NeverTrumpers: Let us be magnanimous losers."

Then there was the "feminist cry party" at Hillary's headquarters. Oh, man, they were running an industrial sump pump to drain those tears of misery...





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Thrashen thanks for all you did in PA. Amazing turnaround in the Keystone state by the end of the night.
The stock market is up significantly today, and gold and silver are up a little. The pundits, wrong again, predicted a market crash if Trump won. This upcoming era should be a great one to invest in American small and mid-sized stocks, and some large ones too, as our new President enacts America First policies.
They still have plenty of time left in office to do their mischief - set off negro riots, select all white areas to settle black and mohamedan "refugees", a new bigger and better 911 false flag attack and then martial law, start WW3...
The stock market is up significantly today, and gold and silver are up a little. The pundits, wrong again, predicted a market crash if Trump won. This upcoming era should be a great one to invest in American small and mid-sized stocks, and some large ones too, as our new President enacts America First policies.

I sold most of my stocks. What I was envisioning was a blatantly fixed vote count with the witch winning and Trump refusing to recognize the result and then chaos and a huge plunge in the stock market. At least that's what I was afraid of. I was hoping for what actually happened. Hope for the best prepare for the worst.
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Many thanks to the intrepid posters here at CF. I didn't have the stomach to stay up late and watch the returns, but it is a glorious morning! Now where is jaxvid/Flint to weigh in on this? ;) I remember years ago a "poster" who went by the name Pollyanna, I still think that was jax. He's done a 180 since those days!
I never doubted he would win!

Hey, never underestimate the power of negative thinking. Look I'm the mayor of real-ville. well not the mayor, maybe I'm on the parks commission, but I don't want to lose sight of the fact that you don't win until the game is over. We have won!
American Freedom News