The Trump Era Begins

Speak for yourself.

I would bet most here despise heroin grunge. And if you think their material is difficult to play, try pulling off some stuff from Iron Maiden, especially Steve Harris' bass lines. And the singers of all those bands sucked. And no, they should NOT be admired and celebrated with the likes of Tom Brady, the GOAT QB.
From September 1991 to December 1994 the American music industry was ruled by white males and everyone knew it. Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains. Before it was ruled by Prince and Michael Jackson and after it was ruled by Dre, Snoop, and Coolio. Grunge bands made it cool to be white again. By early 1992 everyone was dressed like Eddie Vedder. In 1990 everyone was dressing like MC Hammer. Ya gotta be grateful for Pearl Jam here just as if they were the Patriots in the 2017 Super Bowl.

I assume the picture of Trump is simply hyperbole and don't see it as a big deal. These guys did way too much Heroin and that has probably contributed to the suicides that took 3/4 of their lead singers.

Due to Pearl Jam's tremendous musical accomplishments I give them a pass on their idiotic political statements.

Also, anyone who has tried to play Pearl Jam songs knows that some of their music is tremendously hard to play. These are talented men who should be celebrated just like Tom Brady and Wes Welker.

Before it became defunct, Resistance magazine, the publication of the hard-core pro-White rock scene, claimed that one of the members of one of the famous Seattle grunge bands was (secretly) pro-White. I always wondered who it might have been, if such a person did indeed exist.

Yes those groups were very talented and each did songs that I still enjoy listening to, but overall they believed in and represented what became the ethos of Seattle (and Portland): stifling conformity to far left ideology, including being reflexively anti-White. If a byproduct of their music was that it became cool to be White for a short time, it wasn't by design, more by happenstance.
Kurt Cobain was the lead singer of the commercially successful "grunge" band Nirvana. He killed himself.

I read Cobain's diaries. He absolutely hated white men. He was a white man. The fact that he killed himself probably meant he hated himself too.

I wonder if the massive anti-white male propaganda he was undoubtedly subjected to played a part in his own self hatred and suicide. I'll bet it did. If that's the case then those that promoted anti-white male hatred to him helped kill him.

If he hadn't been subjected to anti-white male hatred he might still be alive.
Before it became defunct, Resistance magazine, the publication of the hard-core pro-White rock scene, claimed that one of the members of one of the famous Seattle grunge bands was (secretly) pro-White. I always wondered who it might have been, if such a person did indeed exist.

Yes those groups were very talented and each did songs that I still enjoy listening to, but overall they believed in and represented what became the ethos of Seattle (and Portland): stifling conformity to far left ideology, including being reflexively anti-White. If a byproduct of their music was that it became cool to be White for a short time, it wasn't by design, more by happenstance.

To this day crowds at Pearl Jam concerts are about 98% white - they are even whiter than Trump rallies and Fox News audiences. I think Pearl Jam concerts might be the whitest collection of people in the US.

People who knew Eddie Vedder before he joined PJ say he was an ambitious business man. PJ has adopted the politics of the Northwest - they give their customers what they want - smart business. Northwest politics is a topic for another thread, but the Northwest was founded by New Englanders before the Civil War and people in Seattle think similar to New Englanders.

I think PJ's political antics are more of a marketing gimmick. When your audience is 98% white you kind of have to attack Trump, else someone might start getting funny ideas..."what's with all the white people, Eddie?"

Where else is PJ popular? Argentina - a nation that is 60% Italian, 30% Spanish, & 3% German. Hmmm

One of these days some brilliant politician is going to figure out how to unite Pearl Jam audiences with Trump rally crowds - and that political bloc will be unstoppable.
Today one of the early afternoon hosts on Breitbart Radio said that the lead singer of Social Distortion jumped into the crowd and punched a pro-Trump supporter at a recent concert in NYC.

Funny how so many of these groups from way back “rebelled” against “the establishment”, conformity and the thought police but now they are some of their biggest defenders.

Trump is about as anti-establishment of a politician as you can get these days, yet he is the target of their rage and derision. The irony is lost on the vast majority of them, with one glaring exception being Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols who described Trump as “magnificent” and “A cat amongst the pigeons”.
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Today one of the early afternoon hosts on Breitbart Radio said that the lead singer of Social Distortion jumped into the crowd and punched a pro-Trump supporter at a recent concert in NYC.

Funny how so many of these groups from way back “rebelled” against “the establishment”, conformity and the thought police but now they are some of their biggest defenders.

Trump is about as anti-establishment of a politician as you can get these days, yet he is the target of their rage and derision. The irony is lost on the vast majority of them, with one glaring exception being Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols who described Trump as “magnificent” and “A cat amongst the pigeons”.

I’d have force fed that punk rock puke his microphone & planted a size 18 boot upside his (empty) head! We White Nationalist/racial realists are the true renegade rebels of “Amerika 2.0” & this God forsaken modem world. That’s a fact.
Ok, guys. The last 48 hours or so are what the Leftists have been foaming at the mouth for, with the ultimate multi-course dinner getting rid of our duely elected President.

I'd like know you guys' thoughts about the Manafort and Cohen situations and the current predicament for Trump. The snakes will never rest until Trump is dead.

Not feeling very positive about the prospects I currently see upon us....
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Ok, guys. The last 48 hours or so are what the Leftists have been foaming at the mouth for, with ultimate course dinner getting rid of our duely elected President.

I'd like know you guys' thoughts about the Manafort and Cohen situations and the current predicament for Trump. The snakes will never rest until Trump is dead.

Not feeling very positive about the prospects I currently see upon us....
Another giant nothing burger. The left and media have to continue to “fire up” their base before the midterms and they have nothing else to go to.

Each disappointment after disappointment must black pill the hell out of these leftist who stupidly believe that this will finally be the thing to bring down “ Drumpf”. Lol.
Another giant nothing burger. The left and media have to continue to “fire up” their base before the midterms and they have nothing else to go to.

Each disappointment after disappointment must black pill the hell out of these leftist who stupidly believe that this will finally be the thing to bring down “ Drumpf”. Lol.

Speaking of pills, I'd like to be as positive and White-pilled in this particular aspect. I guess I need to step back and look at the weight of the guilty and plea deal. It's not an automatic death knell for Trump, but of course the LSM is in overdrive and even Fox seems to be backstabbing Trump.
This is all BS. Absolutely nothing will come of it. None of what Cohen and Manafort were convicted of has anything to do with Trump. It is an enormous abuse of power by the Establishment goon Mueller and just a big psyops campaign. Don't let it get you down BFU. That's what the enemy is trying to do. Its just another deception effort by the jackals.
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Leftists just blowing smoke. The thread Amren just started goes into great detail how far the rabbit hole goes and how our enemies are "ninjas at reframing things."
What Mueller and his Democrat staff have been trying to do is put the screws to Cohen and Manafort in the hope they will cough up something incriminating on Trump. That's all this is. But it doesn't appear there is anything to cough up, so Mueller and the Satanic Establishment are f#ed once again.
President Trump Tweets For White Farmers
Twitter ^ | 8/22/2018 | @realDonaldTrump

Posted on 8/22/2018, 10:56:06 PM by Architect of Avalon

Donald J. Trump ‏ Verified account @realDonaldTrump

I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. “South African Government is now seizing land from White farmers.” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews
President Trump Tweets For White Farmers
Twitter ^ | 8/22/2018 | @realDonaldTrump

Posted on 8/22/2018, 10:56:06 PM by Architect of Avalon

Donald J. Trump ‏ Verified account @realDonaldTrump

I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. “South African Government is now seizing land from White farmers.” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews
Thankfully, Tucker Carlson covered it and Trump watches his show. Tucker deserves some credit and gave Trump some cover on this by mentioning it. It will be very telling how the Communist media (CNN, NBC, NYT, WashPo, ad infinitum) react to this. They'll probably call him a "Nazi" for the 1000th time because he's simply concerned about the genocide of a White population = if you are against the genocide your own (White) people, you are a "Nazi".
Thankfully, Tucker Carlson covered it and Trump watches his show. Tucker deserves some credit and gave Trump some cover on this by mentioning it. It will be very telling how the Communist media (CNN, NBC, NYT, WashPo, ad infinitum) react to this. They'll probably call him a "Nazi" for the 1000th time because he's simply concerned about the genocide of a White population = if you are against the genocide your own (White) people, you are a "Nazi".

I'd like (((them/the media))) to actually call him a Nazi on this one. I mean that. I think if they are stupid enough or emboldened enough to try to make Trump look in any way wrong on this particular issue, EVEN THE DUMBEST OF THE NORMIES might awaken. I'm hoping so.
I hope more of our people find out what we have said was going to happen and is happening to Whites in S.A.
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I never thought I'd see the day, the American President talking about the plight of white people in South Africa. God Bless Donald Trump, after seeing that tweet my respect for that man went up yet another notch.

I already admire him greatly for the way he's literally fighting a one-man battle against the Deep State and its operatives. But he has also never disappointed when it comes to his stance and positions on various culture-war issues, they almost 100% align with my own views. The SA tweet is the latest example.

And this is why we are in the middle of a war for the heart and soul of our nation. The left with their "abolish-ICE" and globalist/socialist agenda have been trying to overthrow the legitimately elected POTUS for two years now, and he's fighting back, something they are not used to. Republicucks are good at one thing, getting in a fetal position and playing defense when the left attacks. So they are enraged, in a permanent state of meltdown because here comes a man who doesn't play according to script.

I pray for him and I do believe he has the support of another element of the Deep State, perhaps the good side of you can call it that, primarily composed of military folks, the least compromised institution in this country by (((you know who))). And as long as that support is there, I think he'll be fine and hopefully continue to expose the swamp and the leftist vermin in the media along with their anti-American, anti-white agendas.
Before it became defunct, Resistance magazine, the publication of the hard-core pro-White rock scene, claimed that one of the members of one of the famous Seattle grunge bands was (secretly) pro-White. I always wondered who it might have been, if such a person did indeed exist.

Yes those groups were very talented and each did songs that I still enjoy listening to, but overall they believed in and represented what became the ethos of Seattle (and Portland): stifling conformity to far left ideology, including being reflexively anti-White. If a byproduct of their music was that it became cool to be White for a short time, it wasn't by design, more by happenstance.
They might have been talking about the Melvins. They have a track called "Yacobs Lab."

Also I cannot stand Pearl Jam, pussy music.
Thankfully, Tucker Carlson covered it and Trump watches his show. Tucker deserves some credit and gave Trump some cover on this by mentioning it. It will be very telling how the Communist media (CNN, NBC, NYT, WashPo, ad infinitum) react to this. They'll probably call him a "Nazi" for the 1000th time because he's simply concerned about the genocide of a White population = if you are against the genocide your own (White) people, you are a "Nazi".

Carlson isn’t perfect, but he’s surely one of our few allies in the Fake News industry. He’s constantly talking about the alarming suicide rates of white men in America. On seemingly every show, he debates a far left parasite...usually one that recently “made waves” by advocating white genocide or said something terrible about whites or Trump.

After posting possibly the most cucked tweet in the history of his account yesterday (where Trump praised the Nazi-hunting Jew, Dov Hikind), Trump redeems himself by bringing awareness to the plight of white farmers in South Africa. This guy is a true enigma, but I think his wildly-unpredictable personality is why his many enemies cannot figure him out.
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Thanks Don, for that PCR article. He seems to be in a zone lately, really articulating the dynanics and the players' roles globally and the traitors among us here at home. They are really more dangerous inside like never before. He's nailing it in that article.

Here's a gal I don't know much about at all but I've seen some snippets of her sometimes. This is a good clip of several victories Trump's Presidency has brought and why the Globalists are so against all of us for merely wanting to live in a free republic. It's a few weeks old but informative even for normies. If she's a shill someone please let me know. Like I said, she's new to me.

Creating free speech is the most important thing Trump could possibly do. The free exchange of information and ideas is beneficial to us because we're right. I hope he is successful in restoring free speech to the internet.
The Sh*tocracy and Donald Trump
Posted on August 24, 2018 | 12 Comments

The latest paroxysms of puerile petulance.

Rick Hasen, a professor of law at the University of California, Irvine, said Mr. Cohen’s admission could amount to an “impeachable offense,” particularly if Democrats retake the majority in the House this fall.

The Wall Street Journal, “Cohen Says President Told Him to Pay Women,” August 22, 2018

Mr. Cohen has virtually guaranteed that Democrats will not “retake the majority in the House this fall,” or the Senate either. Setting aside for a moment the legally problematic nature of making out a case for President Trump’s impeachment, is his base more or less likely to show up to the polls if the media and Trump’s legions of enemies are bandying the “I” word? The above quote, and similar quotes from other sources, are fire-em-up locker room fodder, right up there with Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” comment.

The media and political class vastly overestimate their importance to most Americans. On a stellar night a network newscast is lucky to hit 10 million viewers, or about 3 percent of the American population. Fox, the leading cable news network, gets a little over 2 million viewers, or less than 1 percent. The nation’s leading newspaper, The Wall Street Journal, has a daily average circulation of just over 1 million, or less than one-half of one percent.

It’s a good bet a majority of people in this country can’t name the vice president, a Supreme Court justice, their congressional representative or even one of their senators, their governor, or the anchors on ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN or MSNBC. People pay attention to politics and the news media around presidential elections and during crises, but mostly they tune it out. Alternative media commentators fret about the mainstream media’s control of the “narrative.” Such commentary overlooks the fact that most people aren’t listening.

Commentators both mainstream and alternative deplore the “masses’” inattention to all those issues and personalities they find important, but the masses know a few things. In the days of the Soviet Union, when its government had full control of the “narrative” and most everything else, average Ivans and Natashas knew the commissars and apparatchiks were full of ****. It was reflected in the humor: “You pretend to pay us, we pretend to work.” It’s a valuable evolutionary adaptation, this ability to tell when someone’s pissing on your foot and calling it a rainstorm. They may not know who’s the vice president, but that innate mechanism, honed in the school of hard knocks, allows many Americans to separate truth from lies.

Few outside their own little circus will argue that the media and politicians aren’t full of ****. Nobody will argue that Donald Trump is the fulfillment of Diogenes’ quest, but he questioned the ****, mocked the ****-peddlers, and presented an alternative to **** gone stale. When he told Clinton during a debate that she belonged in jail, he was saying what many Americans justifiably believed but were never going to hear from the mainstream ****-peddlers. When he said build a wall, he challenged a consensus that welcomed any brand of immigration “reform” as long as it welcomed any brand of illegal immigrant.

His willingness to say things many people believe, but which never make it to the mainstream, more than his positions on the issues, propelled Trump’s candidacy. Trump’s support came not from dispassionate intellectual analysis, but because he appealed to strong emotions, the strongest of which was: stick it to those ******** in the media and government.

Trump won. So much for the power of mainstream narratives; you can’t fool all the people all the time. Neck-deep in their own manure, the shitocracy went into paroxysms of puerile petulance. Their response: shovel more ****.

Russia-Trump collusion was only meant to be a Clinton talking point, discarded the day after she won. Once she lost, it was the only story the shitocracy had. They’ve tried to run with it, but it pulled up lame when Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity pointed out that DNC servers couldn’t have been remotely hacked, they had to have been leaked via a direct download on site. There’s no Russiagate without a Russian hack.

The conviction of Paul Manafort has been painted as a huge loss for Trump. It’s probably the opposite. The average person has no idea of the ins or outs of Manafort’s case, but there’s no hiding one central fact: fifteen months after his appointment to investigate Trump-Russia collusion in the 2016 election, Robert Mueller’s big legal “victory” has nothing to do with Trump, Russia, collusion, or the 2016 election. That’s why Trump keeps calling it a witch hunt: the charge resonates.

So now the “smart” money is shifting to “Campaign Finance Violations Impeachment,” going off as a 99 to 1 long shot. As Mark Penn argued at, even if Michael Cohen’s story is, for the sake of argument, accepted as true, it’s a huge stretch to call a payment he made to Stormy Daniels and a payment made at his behest by American Media to Karen McDougal campaign contributions. This is true even if the payments helped Trump’s campaign by keeping potential damaging stories from the public. The Federal Election rejected similar arguments in the John Edwards case in 2012.

Talented tweeter Trump immediately noted that Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign paid a $350,000 fine for accepting millions in unreported contributions, but nobody pressed for Obama’s impeachment. Trump has also claimed he didn’t know about Cohen’s payment to Daniels until after it was made, contradicting Cohen’s claim it was directed by Trump. The contradictory stories will never be tested in court under oath and subject to cross-examination, because Cohen has pleaded guilty to eight counts to avoid a trial. (And presumably win some leniency from prosecutors; he’s looking at a long prison sentence.) A sitting president cannot be indicted.

The only forum in which this all could be adjudicated would be an impeachment proceeding. Democratic “prosecutors” would be impeded by Cohen’s tattered reputation and credibility, the hearsay nature of much of his evidence, their own blatantly political motives, and the obvious double standard between the rule of law as applied to Trump and not applied to Obama or Clinton. A fair number of people know a kangaroo court when they see one.

Once a person recognizes the shitocracy for what it is, there’s no reversal. You don’t say to yourself one day: “The media and the politicians are lying sacks of filth,” and the next day: “I think I’ll go back to believing them.” Trump appealed to enough fed up voters to win the election. They won’t bat an eye at Manafort’s verdict or Cohen’s story.

Since the election, with Russiagate, the disclosures about the FBI and the intelligence agencies, the mainstream media’s obvious bias and hostility, and now this week’s “big” news, the ranks of the fed up have only grown. The more **** the shitocracy shovels, the less they’re believed. Microchip us all, put cameras everywhere, track our every electronic move, institute martial law, shut down the internet, ship us off to FEMA camps, and the word will still get out, just as it did in the Soviet Union: they’re full of ****.

Get rid of Trump and he’ll be replaced with a shitocracy turd. That prospect, plus a decent economy, no new wars, progress in a couple of hot spots, eroding support for Democrats among blacks and hispanics, rampant socialist and political correctness lunacy, and what’s undoubtedly going to be a hyperventilated but counterproductive campaign by the mainstream and social media to stoke a blue wave this fall may usher in a red wave instead. The ever-expanding ranks of the cognizant know that America would be irretrievably lost were Trump to be impeached by a kangaroo court on trumped-up charges. They won’t let that happen without a fight.
Nice to see Tiger not take the bait:

Tiger Woods Defends President Trump, Won’t Talk About Race Relations

Credit where credit is due. I know Woods doesn't have any fans here (and I think part of it may be the incessant media worship which elevates him to ridiculous heights and makes us dislike him even more), but this was very smart on his part.

The failing NYT reporter did everything in his power to try and get Woods to say something negative about Trump and inject himself into racial politics like so many other low IQ, low information negroes. But Woods gave strong answers and did not take the bait, good for him.

I think a lot of people in the sports and entertainment world look silly by getting caught up in this virtue-signaling orgy. They think they gain fans and popularity by saying vile and disrespectful things about Trump, but other than the 30% or so of the country stuck in their resistance bubble, no one cares and they probably lose more fans along the way.
American Freedom News