The Trump Era Begins

What exactly did he think the police were going to do, arrest him for supporting Trump?:confundio1:

He likely felt "threatened" and had no safe space to hide to -awwww!
The vermin in the MSM are still in a state of shock over the election results, but their playbook hasn't changed. They haven't learned their lesson and are continuing with their extremely biased anti-Trump coverage. Every potential candidate and cabinet pick is heavily scrutinized and somehow, someway, they try to tie that person to racism, anti-semitism, islamophobia, you name it.

Today's target was the great senator from Alabama Jeff Sessions. Some harmless jokes and quotes attributed to Sessions more than 30 years ago are being brought up as a potential roadblock to his Senate confirmation. I hope Trump and his team are ready to tell these scum to suck it and be prepared to fully defend all of their picks. Sessions would make a great AG and clean up the Obama DOJ which has turned into an anti-white cesspool under Holder and Lynch.

I'm more than disappointed to hear about these meetings with Romney and Nikki Haley, however. Romney is an uber-cuck bum who lost an easily winnable election in 2012 and has been one of Trump's biggest critics, having called him every name in the book. Haley is an Indian verminess who was another major anti-Trumper, and she happens to be a pro-refugee, pro-illegal immigration supporter who also worked to get the Confederate flag removed from the SC state Capitol. These people and others like them wouldn't hesitate to stab Trump in the back and sabotage his agenda, and should not be anywhere near his administration. Could this be a case of "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"? I sure hope so.
I didn't really like him before, but Hannity has come along way in my opinion in the last year or so. This rant he went on yesterday on the snowflakes and his interview of Kellyanne Conway is actually quite good:

One thing that is great already is seeing an Alpha White male Trump meeting with world leaders and waiting to weld real power for Americans, us, and the great looking family that is constantly around him projecting real American values and strength. A great web site that is constantly positively viewing Trump is Dailymail.UK, which is operated by Piers Morgan, a Trump loyalist.

When Piers Morgan did his stint on CNN or whatever American corporate media network it was he was your typical globalist cheerleader scumbag. You're saying he has come around and is now actually pro Trump and anti-globalist?
When Piers Morgan did his stint on CNN or whatever American corporate media network it was he was your typical globalist cheerleader scumbag. You're saying he has come around and is now actually pro Trump and anti-globalist?
I am saying he is a Trump supporter.
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His cabinet is shaping up nicely. Sessions gets the AG gig. Outstanding. Hopefully he can convince Comey to resign.
I must be seeing things that I want to see, thinking he was offered the SOS job. I'll take AG, though. I guess someone on CBS said that Sessions "might be a racist" while reporting on the offer, so, that only confirms it to be a good pick.
The vile MSM is not missing a beat or allowing for a "honeymoon" with the Trump Administration. They will be on the attack 24/7. The thing that will bring them to kneel is domestic economic performance by Trump. As always, their spear of attack will be the "accusations of racism." F'n liberal media.
Sessions for AG, Flynn for NSA, and Bannon for Chief Strategist are all outstanding picks. It sounds like Romney could get SOS, possible because a deal was made before the election for him and for Priebus to get cabinet spots. That's people have said Donald is not squeamish about firing people.

Does anyone know anything about Pompeo, who will head the CIA? A globalist media source called him a Tea Party Congressman, so that's good.
Great piece on Trump on Fox News. Objectified. Man, Trump has an opportunity to deliver big time. He just has to make it happen. If so, all this liberal/socialist BS goes to the trash heap of history. I think he will do it!
Great piece on Trump on Fox News. Objectified. Man, Trump has an opportunity to deliver big time. He just has to make it happen. If so, all this liberal/socialist BS goes to the trash heap of history. I think he will do it!

It will be awesome if he does do it. First thing he needs to do is quell the growing anarchy. He needs to control the streets. Especially blocking public roads and the riots the media calls protests. Those need to be declared terrorism and addressed the same way they do terrorism in the places they CLAIM to be fihhting terrorism . The police need to be unleashed. When the national guard is sent in they need to be sent in with loaded weapons not just to look pretty. I would like to see the media nationalized and the evil media masters hung alongside Obama and Bush and Cheney and the hag and her husband, and Negroes sent to Liberia and Mohamedan and black African invaders sent to Saudi Arabia or dumped in the ocean, but that comes later.
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Yes, WW, this will be undoubtedly Trump's kick ass moment, as was Reagan's against the Air Traffic controllers. If they continue after 1/20/17, the hammer needs to drop on these miscreants.
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I know that the police are almost 100% behind him. So are almost all the legal firearm owners in the country. I think the military mostly is too.

Trump, once in office, can and should put the hammer down. The protesters are communist and anarchist scum and need to understand that things truly are changing. No more free rides, no more blank checks, if they continue to try and shut down the cities by yelling "fascism" long and loud enough, then they need to experience a strong initial dose of that which they fear.
Trump, once in office, can and should put the hammer down. The protesters are communist and anarchist scum and need to understand that things truly are changing. No more free rides, no more blank checks, if they continue to try and shut down the cities by yelling "fascism" long and loud enough, then they need to experience a strong initial dose of that which they fear.
I'm hearing more good news for Staff and Cabinet picks. The top of the picks for W.H. Press Secretary has Laura Ingraham at the top of the list. She ain't perfect, and is obviously pro-Israel, but just to have her there as a very outspoken White Conservative female, and Liberal Leftists heads exploding at the thought of her, is a delight! I actually hope she gets it. You guys may have some better ideas for who to pick but the fact that she takes no prisoners and destroys Libs on a daily basis, is just fine with me. She's known Trump for years and you guys remember the great speech she had at one of his rallies and destroyed the Liberal LSM who were right there in attendance.
I'm hearing more good news for Staff and Cabinet picks. The top of the picks for W.H. Press Secretary has Laura Ingraham at the top of the list. She ain't perfect, and is obviously pro-Israel, but just to have her there as a very outspoken White Conservative female, and Liberal Leftists heads exploding at the thought of her, is a delight! I actually hope she gets it. You guys may have some better ideas for who to pick but the fact that she takes no prisoners and destroys Libs on a daily basis, is just fine with me. She's known Trump for years and you guys remember the great speech she had at one of his rallies and destroyed the Liberal LSM who were right there in attendance.
She or KellyAnne would be perfect I suspect KellyAnne wants more.
Trump, once in office, can and should put the hammer down. The protesters are communist and anarchist scum and need to understand that things truly are changing. No more free rides, no more blank checks, if they continue to try and shut down the cities by yelling "fascism" long and loud enough, then they need to experience a strong initial dose of that which they fear.

Trump and Sessions could end this foolishness immediately. It's no secret these "protests" are funded and driven by Soros linked organizations. Hell even the MSM media has brought that up. Sessions could go after Soros for racketeering, the governments catch-all legal strategy for busting large conspiracies. A federal investigation into Soros by the FBI and Justice Dept. could put that scumbag away.

I don't see why that wouldn't happen. Trump is familiar with lawsuit attacks, Sessions has a long history of using prosecutor power to go after people. If you think about it Sessions unleashed could just about wreck a good portion of the cultural marxist structure in this country. So many groups have been shielded from prosecution by Obama administration desires to have them gin up votes, and before that by Bush administration cuckservative behavior. Those people must be in full panic at the thought of a Justice Dept. actually seeking justice.
Not related to the current conversation, but whenever someone calls trump evil I like to point out that hilary voted for the iraq invasion which directly resulted in a few hundred thousand deaths as well as the current terrorist problem Isis and the destablisation of the entire middle east and thousands of deaths from terror attacks worldwide. But yeah, trump says mean things that hurt feelings
Trump and Sessions could end this foolishness immediately. It's no secret these "protests" are funded and driven by Soros linked organizations. Hell even the MSM media has brought that up. Sessions could go after Soros for racketeering, the governments catch-all legal strategy for busting large conspiracies. A federal investigation into Soros by the FBI and Justice Dept. could put that scumbag away.

I don't see why that wouldn't happen. Trump is familiar with lawsuit attacks, Sessions has a long history of using prosecutor power to go after people. If you think about it Sessions unleashed could just about wreck a good portion of the cultural marxist structure in this country. So many groups have been shielded from prosecution by Obama administration desires to have them gin up votes, and before that by Bush administration cuckservative behavior. Those people must be in full panic at the thought of a Justice Dept. actually seeking justice.

Trump's choices so far seem to indicate he is serious about doing what he promised.
Trump's choices so far seem to indicate he is serious about doing what he promised.

If this news is correct, he appears quite serious:

Not related to the current conversation, but whenever someone calls trump evil I like to point out that hilary voted for the iraq invasion which directly resulted in a few hundred thousand deaths as well as the current terrorist problem Isis and the destablisation of the entire middle east and thousands of deaths from terror attacks worldwide. But yeah, trump says mean things that hurt feelings

Before the election when I talked to a Clinton supporter I brought up her support for the Iraq war and what happened in Benghazi. It never seemed to faze them. They didn't care. It made no difference to them.
Before the election when I talked to a Clinton supporter I brought up her support for the Iraq war and what happened in Benghazi. It never seemed to faze them. They didn't care. It made no difference to them.

I was at an event today and talked with some liberals. They have passed through the big portion of the grieving process but are now on to anger. Nothing you can say about Hillary will phase them. If you tell them she supported the war they will tell you Trump did too, as if his comments on a Howard Stern show rise to the level of national policy. If you point out what a crook she is they will tell you he is more of a crook. And he is a bigoted, homophobic, misogynistic, stupid, nutjob.

The anti-Trumpers are all in and there is nothing at this time, or probably ever that is going to change their mind. He could do the greatest things for the country possible but it won't matter to them. It's war quite frankly, just the shooting has not started. There is not going to be a "let's give him a chance for the better of the country" moment with these people. It's going to be pure hate for the length of his term in office. Trump is the old stale pale male personified, the bogeyman of all of their cultural marxist fantasies. They see in him all of the things that they have conditioned themselves to fear and hate. Whiteness, masculinity, achievement, pride, confidence, and a belief in golden era America. And for better or worse Trump is not a uniter, he is a fighter, so even if there was a way to find common ground he probably would not be able to do it.
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