The Trump Era Begins

Trump picks Breitbart editor Bannon as his Chief Strategist and Senior Counsel. The MSM (outside of Fox (except for a Jewish guest on Judge Jeanine's Sunday show that made sure everyone knew he was Jewish and was screaming "White Nationalist" and "Racist" in regards to Bannon)) is collectively crying "White Nationalist" and "Racist" with that pick, so it makes up for Preibus. Bannon's political strategy is what got Trump elected, so it would be foolish not to keep him around in some primary capacity.

The Preibus pick doesn't really bother me. Trump, at least at this point, needs someone that is familiar with all of the other Republicans that he'll have to be working with (as Preibus is, being the head of the RNC) and can be a communication bridge between the two of them. So, although I'm not a big fan of Preibus, strategically I think it's sound. Also, it keeps the establishment conservative news outlets and politicians happy and on-board. Like Flint said, Trump can always fire him as he's never been apprehensive to do that if it mandates it.
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Trump picks Breitbart editor O'Bannon as his Chief Strategist and Senior Counsel. The MSM (outside of Fox (except for a Jewish guest on Judge Jeanine's Sunday show that made sure everyone knew he was Jewish and was screaming "White Nationalist" and "Racist" in regards to O'Bannon)) is collectively crying "White Nationalist" and "Racist" with that pick, so it makes up for Preibus. O'Bannon's political strategy is what got Trump elected, so it would be foolish not to keep him around in some primary capacity.

The Preibus pick doesn't really bother me. Trump, at least at this point, needs someone that is familiar with all of the other Republicans that he'll have to be working with (as Preibus is, being the head of the RNC) and can be a communication bridge between the two of them. So, although I'm not a big fan of Preibus, strategically I think it's sound. Also, it keeps the establishment conservative news outlets and politicians happy and on-board. Like Flint said, Trump can always fire him as he's never been apprehensive to do that if it mandates it.

I somewhat agree. The only problem I have with Preibus is that he is close to Paul Ryan. This could be huge problem down the road.

I see the riots and protests are still continuing. This is all to try and get Trump impeached or make him quit. This is the most disgusting act in American history and it is all a fault of Soros and probably Sharpton and company. The most disgusting part of these protests is the drunk white liberals involved in them.
The Preibus pick doesn't really bother me. Trump, at least at this point, needs someone that is familiar with all of the other Republicans that he'll have to be working with (as Preibus is, being the head of the RNC) and can be a communication bridge between the two of them. So, although I'm not a big fan of Preibus, strategically I think it's sound. Also, it keeps the establishment conservative news outlets and politicians happy and on-board. Like Flint said, Trump can always fire him as he's never been apprehensive to do that if it mandates it.

I will give Preibus credit, as he stood by Trump, on multiple occasions, when it was very unpopular to do so. All the NeoCons seem to becoming around to the idea of a Trump presidency...even "Jeb!" Bush allegedly called to congratulate him. Everybody likes a winner and I think the Republicuck establishment realizes that no other man on planet earth could've won them this election. A healthy percentage of the NeverTrumpers have already become sycophants...





If only the unwashed, professionally-offended Marxist Masses would follow suit...

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I somewhat agree. The only problem I have with Preibus is that he is close to Paul Ryan. This could be huge problem down the road.

I see the riots and protests are still continuing. This is all to try and get Trump impeached or make him quit. This is the most disgusting act in American history and it is all a fault of Soros and probably Sharpton and company. The most disgusting part of these protests is the drunk white liberals involved in them.
Trump took Wisconsin, no thanks in part to Paul Ryan, so he has some leverage against Ryan in that state if Ryan decides he's going to be an obstructionist. He also has a mandate with the people that Ryan has so far acknowledged. Ryan had eyes on 2020, but that's not going to happen now. Momentum is not on his side at this time. He'll have to play nice with Trump for now.

I agree with Gingrich though when he says that Trump has to act fast and get as much stuff done in his first year as possible.
For better or wore, Trump will have to employ a fair amount of establishment Republicans. They may dominate his administration as there's really nowhere else to go to find people with experience in dealing with Washington. He may also do a lot of wheeling and dealing with the Democrats. But he's the one with the mandate and he has to keep the train moving the direction he wants. As of right now I don't think he'll have any problems doing that. From the time I was a kid, I've heard people say that America needs an accomplished businessman in charge to clean up the mess and get the country moving again. And now we finally have that.

Usually for worse, but he needs support of congress. Well, then, so be it. What Republican is going to oppose deportations of illegals, wall construction, decentralized medicare, decentralized education, etc? The opposition will come when he tries repatriating US corps from abroad or stopping the war effort in the Middle East.
Since being hired by the Trump administration, former Breitbart News chairman, Steve Bannon, is now being called every name in the Marxist Shaming Handbook. I understand why they call him a "wife beater," as there was a documented incident in which had a physical altercation with his ex-wife back in 1996. Here is the police report from that incident in which Bannon was said to have grabbed his wife by the wrist, pushed on her neck area, and threw a cordless phone against the wall. Oh, the humanity!

I also understand why they're calling him "antisemitic," as the same ex-wife made multiple claims (isn't that hearsay?) that Bannon strongly apposed his twin daughters attending a school that had lots of rich, Jewish kids and made comments expressing to that effect...

Does anyone know why they're calling him a "Neo-Nazi, "White Supremacist," and a "White Nationalist?" Is there any evidence of this...or are they projecting in the same manner as why they say that Trump is "homophobic?" I hope that does indeed hold pro-white views and helps Trump tremendously.

All I know is that after the death of Andrew Breitbart in 2012, Bannon took over and it became noticeably less pro-Israel and transformed into a leading "Alt Right" news company...

Trump is going to have to clean the communist scum off the streets whether he wants to or not. And he'll have to deal with George Soros and other billionaire communist/zionist revolutionaries, who are funding the protests:

The Far Left Is Planning The Biggest Political Protest In United States History For Inauguration Day

We have seen very large protests in major cities all over America since Donald Trump won the election, but the biggest one of all is being planned for January 20th. Radical leftists are calling for thousands upon thousands of activists to descend upon Washington D.C. on Inauguration Day, and they are planning to disrupt the inauguration festivities as much as they possibly can. And if you doubt that the “Not My President” movement can pull this off, you may want to consider that 25,000 protesters showed up in New York City on Saturday on very short notice. These people are bitter, angry, frustrated and incredibly motivated. At this point they still have more than two months to organize their forces, and many are expecting that this is going to be the most chaotic Inauguration Day in American history.

One of the Facebook pages that is attempting to recruit protesters for Inauguration Day is entitled “Protest at the Inauguration: Stand Against Trump, War, Racism and Inequality”. So far, 7,800 people have indicated that they will be attending on this page alone, and another 26,000 have expressed interest in the protest. The organizers of this particular page are very clear about why they believe that the inauguration of Donald Trump must be protested

Donald Trump is a racist, sexist bigot. We believe that tens of thousands of progressive people will be in the streets on Inauguration Day and in the weeks and months afterward.

How one voted on election day is one thing, but even more important is whether we succeed in building a mass movement that can truly change the country, and the world.

Waiting for the same politicians who led to the rise of Trump to now stop him is a lost cause.

On Facebook and Twitter, the hashtag #DisruptJ20 is already generating an immense amount of buzz. This movement appears to be very well funded, and they have already produced some very slick videos promoting the upcoming inauguration protest.


stimulator @stimulator

#DisruptJ20: Call for a bold mobilization against the inauguration of Donald #Trump on January 20, 2017

#DisruptJ20 even has an official website now, and they are openly calling for a national strike on January 20th in addition to the chaos that they plan to cause in Washington…

On January 20th, the day of the Presidential Inauguration, protesters will rally to interrupt Trump’s coronation. You can help organize, and you can attend the march. You can also heed calls to strike, wherever you are in the country.

On January 21st, millions of women will converge on Washington DC specifically to oppose the Trump administration’s promised attack on women’s rights and freedoms. Join them.

And on the #DisruptJ20 Facebook page, the organizers are very open about the fact that they plan to bitterly fight against Donald Trump every step of the way…

On Friday, January 20, 2017, Donald Trump will be inaugurated as President of the United States. We call on all people of good conscience to join in disrupting the ceremonies. If Trump is to be inaugurated at all, let it happen behind closed doors, showing the true face of the security state Trump will preside over. It must be made clear to the whole world that the vast majority of people in the United States do not support his presidency or consent to his rule.

Trump stands for tyranny, greed, and misogyny. He is the champion of neo-nazis and white Nationalists, of the police who kill the Black, Brown and poor on a daily basis, of racist border agents and sadistic prison guards, of the FBI and NSA who tap your phone and read your email. He is the harbinger of even more climate catastrophe, deportation, discrimination, and endless war. He continues to deny the existence of climate change, in spite of all the evidence, putting the future of the whole human race at stake. The KKK, Vladimir Putin, Golden Dawn, and the Islamic State all cheered his victory. If we let his inauguration go unchallenged, we are opening the door to the future they envision.

Trump’s success confirms the bankruptcy of representative democracy. Rather than using the democratic process as an alibi for inaction, we must show that no election could legitimize his agenda. Neither the Democrats nor any other political party or politician will save us—they just offer a weaker version of the same thing. If there is going to be positive change in this society, we have to make it ourselves, together, through direct action.

From day one, the Trump presidency will be a disaster. #DisruptJ20 will be the start of the resistance. We must take to the streets and protest, blockade, disrupt, intervene, sit in, walk out, rise up, and make more noise and good trouble than the establishment can bear. The parade must be stopped. We must delegitimize Trump and all he represents. It’s time to defend ourselves, our loved ones, and the world that sustains us as if our lives depend on it—because they do.

Some have noted that 2017 will be the 100 year anniversary of the communist revolution in Russia, and many on the radical left are now openly using the word “revolution” to describe what they would like to see here in the United States.

And this call to protest Donald Trump’s inauguration appears to have originated with a Marxist politician out in Seattle

A self-avowed Marxist member of the Seattle City Council who is part of the George Soros-funded Occupy Wall Street movement has called for a “massive protest” against President-elect Donald Trump and a “nationwide shut down” on Inauguration Day.

Kshama Sawant went on an anti-Trump rant following the election that stirred up progressives’ emotions against Trump voters, calling them part of “a racist agenda.”

Sawant held a press conference calling for a mass protest in Seattle. That protest was attended by students, members of Seattle’s LGBTQ community, as well as Occupy members and Muslims.

Many had been hoping that the nationwide protests against Donald Trump would be quieting down by now, but that does not appear to be happening. Instead, they just seem to keep getting more intense. Just check out what took place around the country on Saturday

Seventy-one people were arrested in Portland, Oregon, where crowds threw burning road flares at officers.

Hundreds gathered outside City Hall in Los Angeles to face off against riot police after a daytime march with drew 8,000 people.

Other rallies took place in Atlanta, Salt Lake City, Washington DC, and Phoenix, as the anti-Trump backlash continued to grow.

In Indianapolis, crowds chanted ‘kill the police’ as they threw rocks at officers in a separate protest.

At other times, Barack Obama has stepped in and condemned protests when they have gotten violent.

So why is he just sitting back and saying nothing now?

As the president of the United States, shouldn’t he be trying to calm everyone down?

It is easy to see how the “Not My President” movement could continue to grow and reach a crescendo on January 20th, 2017.

Normally Inauguration Day is a day of joy and gladness for the nation, but this time around we may see unprecedented scenes of chaos, rioting and violence.

At this point, there appears to be no possible way that the entire nation is going to unite behind President Trump, and many are wondering if we are now entering four years of the worst civil unrest that the United States has ever experienced.
Trump is going to have to clean the communist scum off the streets whether he wants to or not. And he'll have to deal with George Soros and other billionaire communist/zionist revolutionaries, who are funding the protests...

The same thing happened in Germany but not the way they tell it. The same communist terror on the streets and in the peaceful meetings after Hitler was democratically elected forced the National Socialists to become much more radical in order to defend the nation from the red terror. This is the translation of the National Socialist national anthem the Horst Wessel Lied. Horst Wessel was a boy who was murdered by the reds.

The flag on high! The ranks tightly closed!
The SA marches with quiet, steady step.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks.

Clear the streets for the brown battalions,
Clear the streets for the storm division!

Millions are looking upon the swastika full of hope,
The day of freedom and of bread dawns!
Millions are looking upon the swastika full of hope,
The day of freedom and of bread dawns!

For the last time, the call to arms is sounded!
For the fight, we all stand prepared!
Already Hitler's banners fly over all streets.
The time of bondage will last but a little while now!
Already Hitler's banners fly over all streets.
The time of bondage will last but a little while now.

The flag on high! The ranks tightly closed!
The SA march with quiet, steady step.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries,
March in spirit within our ranks.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries,
March in spirit within our ranks.

They kill us and destroy our countries and make up sick lies about us - but we will arise again stronger than ever!

The same thing happened in Germany but not the way they tell it. The same communist terror on the streets and in the peaceful meetings after Hitler was democratically elected forced the National Socialists to become much more radical in order to defend the nation from the red terror. This is the translation of the National Socialist national anthem the Horst Wessel Lied. Horst Wessel was a boy who was murdered by the reds.

The flag on high! The ranks tightly closed!
The SA marches with quiet, steady step.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries
March in spirit within our ranks.

Clear the streets for the brown battalions,
Clear the streets for the storm division!

Millions are looking upon the swastika full of hope,
The day of freedom and of bread dawns!
Millions are looking upon the swastika full of hope,
The day of freedom and of bread dawns!

For the last time, the call to arms is sounded!
For the fight, we all stand prepared!
Already Hitler's banners fly over all streets.
The time of bondage will last but a little while now!
Already Hitler's banners fly over all streets.
The time of bondage will last but a little while now.

The flag on high! The ranks tightly closed!
The SA march with quiet, steady step.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries,
March in spirit within our ranks.
Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries,
March in spirit within our ranks.

They kill us and destroy our countries and make up sick lies about us - but we will arise again stronger than ever!

As you're probably aware, if you were a German citizen and you made the post above and it was reported, you would be arrested. Likewise, if you were caught writing those lyrics on a piece of paper, uttering the words in public, or were listening to the song. The political persecution of "Nazi Sympathizers" (which includes any form of holocaust denial, images, videos, symbols, gestures, greetings, sayings, expressions, songs, poems, etc.) in Germany is far beyond the "thought crime" totalitarianism of any communist regime.

It's a great comparison, though. What's happening to Trump is a far less extreme version of what happened to Der Führer after being elected Chancellor of Germany. Perhaps Trump's red M.A.G.A. hats will be banned a couple decades from now...
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One difference with Germany in Hitler's era and now is that most of the bloodiest fighting between the Left and the SA was in the years before Hitler became chancellor in 1933, especially 1931-32 which witnessed countless street battles between the two sides in most German big cities. Once in power, Hitler moved to consolidate his position from the beginning, with Goring's appointment as Prussian (the state of Prussia had about half of Germany's population) Minister of the Interior, which meant in charge of the police. Goring then oversaw the swearing in of thousands of SA members as special auxiliary police. The new government was not messing around. Interesting though is the fact that for most of the peace time years of the National Socialist regime the total amount of arrested leftists was pretty small, maybe in the low tens of thousands at most, a tiny fraction of those arrested by the Stalinist regime at the same time. Most German supporters of the left-wing parties gradually made their peace with the new regime.
One difference with Germany in Hitler's era and now is that most of the bloodiest fighting between the Left and the SA was in the years before Hitler became chancellor in 1933, especially 1931-32 which witnessed countless street battles between the two sides in most German big cities. Once in power, Hitler moved to consolidate his position from the beginning, with Goring's appointment as Prussian (the state of Prussia had about half of Germany's population) Minister of the Interior, which meant in charge of the police. Goring then oversaw the swearing in of thousands of SA members as special auxiliary police. The new government was not messing around. Interesting though is the fact that for most of the peace time years of the National Socialist regime the total amount of arrested leftists was pretty small, maybe in the low tens of thousands at most, a tiny fraction of those arrested by the Stalinist regime at the same time. Most German supporters of the left-wing parties gradually made their peace with the new regime.

Isn't this present Obama regime a lot like the communist and sex pervert and jewish banker and jewish media controlled Weimar regime?

PS Tens of thousands of righteous Jewish people fought FOR the Third Reich!
Trump has a difficult task. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of patronage positions available to the incoming President. Those positions are the way he makes the government in his image. Every guy that has had the job before has been in politics so they have lots of apparatchiks to appoint to those slots. Trump is completely dependent on the few Washington insiders to help recommend people that will be amenable to "Trumpism". Priebus and Pence are now the most powerful guys in Washington as they will be able to dole out lucrative government positions. Trump has to trust them.

Even the top spots are difficult for him to fill. There were so few people in politics that got on his bandwagon that each one that did may get a cabinet position. It's great that Sessions will pull a prime spot. He can really help the cause. Unfortunately that takes him out of the Senate where he could have been Trumps right hand man. Without Sessions there is hardly a Senator that he can count as a supporter. The ones that weren't never-Trumpers were ones he beat in the primary. The House is a little better with some supporters, but if Barletta and Kobach get administration spots, that means less support there. With Ryan in charge the house is going to be run by a guy that is not on the same page as Trump.

Note how Lou Barletta is a major player in the Trump transition team. Barletta is Thrashens Representative. Coincidence?? I think not.
Trump is going to have to clean the communist scum off the streets whether he wants to or not. And he'll have to deal with George Soros and other billionaire communist/zionist revolutionaries, who are funding the protests:

The Far Left Is Planning The Biggest Political Protest In United States History For Inauguration Day

We have seen very large protests in major cities all over America since Donald Trump won the election, but the biggest one of all is being planned for January 20th. Radical leftists are calling for thousands upon thousands of activists to descend upon Washington D.C. on Inauguration Day, and they are planning to disrupt the inauguration festivities as much as they possibly can. And if you doubt that the “Not My President” movement can pull this off, you may want to consider that 25,000 protesters showed up in New York City on Saturday on very short notice. These people are bitter, angry, frustrated and incredibly motivated. At this point they still have more than two months to organize their forces, and many are expecting that this is going to be the most chaotic Inauguration Day in American history.

One of the Facebook pages that is attempting to recruit protesters for Inauguration Day is entitled “Protest at the Inauguration: Stand Against Trump, War, Racism and Inequality”. So far, 7,800 people have indicated that they will be attending on this page alone, and another 26,000 have expressed interest in the protest. The organizers of this particular page are very clear about why they believe that the inauguration of Donald Trump must be protested

Donald Trump is a racist, sexist bigot. We believe that tens of thousands of progressive people will be in the streets on Inauguration Day and in the weeks and months afterward.

How one voted on election day is one thing, but even more important is whether we succeed in building a mass movement that can truly change the country, and the world.

Waiting for the same politicians who led to the rise of Trump to now stop him is a lost cause.

On Facebook and Twitter, the hashtag #DisruptJ20 is already generating an immense amount of buzz. This movement appears to be very well funded, and they have already produced some very slick videos promoting the upcoming inauguration protest.


stimulator @stimulator

#DisruptJ20: Call for a bold mobilization against the inauguration of Donald #Trump on January 20, 2017

#DisruptJ20 even has an official website now, and they are openly calling for a national strike on January 20th in addition to the chaos that they plan to cause in Washington…

On January 20th, the day of the Presidential Inauguration, protesters will rally to interrupt Trump’s coronation. You can help organize, and you can attend the march. You can also heed calls to strike, wherever you are in the country.

On January 21st, millions of women will converge on Washington DC specifically to oppose the Trump administration’s promised attack on women’s rights and freedoms. Join them.

And on the #DisruptJ20 Facebook page, the organizers are very open about the fact that they plan to bitterly fight against Donald Trump every step of the way…

On Friday, January 20, 2017, Donald Trump will be inaugurated as President of the United States. We call on all people of good conscience to join in disrupting the ceremonies. If Trump is to be inaugurated at all, let it happen behind closed doors, showing the true face of the security state Trump will preside over. It must be made clear to the whole world that the vast majority of people in the United States do not support his presidency or consent to his rule.

Trump stands for tyranny, greed, and misogyny. He is the champion of neo-nazis and white Nationalists, of the police who kill the Black, Brown and poor on a daily basis, of racist border agents and sadistic prison guards, of the FBI and NSA who tap your phone and read your email. He is the harbinger of even more climate catastrophe, deportation, discrimination, and endless war. He continues to deny the existence of climate change, in spite of all the evidence, putting the future of the whole human race at stake. The KKK, Vladimir Putin, Golden Dawn, and the Islamic State all cheered his victory. If we let his inauguration go unchallenged, we are opening the door to the future they envision.

Trump’s success confirms the bankruptcy of representative democracy. Rather than using the democratic process as an alibi for inaction, we must show that no election could legitimize his agenda. Neither the Democrats nor any other political party or politician will save us—they just offer a weaker version of the same thing. If there is going to be positive change in this society, we have to make it ourselves, together, through direct action.

From day one, the Trump presidency will be a disaster. #DisruptJ20 will be the start of the resistance. We must take to the streets and protest, blockade, disrupt, intervene, sit in, walk out, rise up, and make more noise and good trouble than the establishment can bear. The parade must be stopped. We must delegitimize Trump and all he represents. It’s time to defend ourselves, our loved ones, and the world that sustains us as if our lives depend on it—because they do.

Some have noted that 2017 will be the 100 year anniversary of the communist revolution in Russia, and many on the radical left are now openly using the word “revolution” to describe what they would like to see here in the United States.

And this call to protest Donald Trump’s inauguration appears to have originated with a Marxist politician out in Seattle

A self-avowed Marxist member of the Seattle City Council who is part of the George Soros-funded Occupy Wall Street movement has called for a “massive protest” against President-elect Donald Trump and a “nationwide shut down” on Inauguration Day.

Kshama Sawant went on an anti-Trump rant following the election that stirred up progressives’ emotions against Trump voters, calling them part of “a racist agenda.”

Sawant held a press conference calling for a mass protest in Seattle. That protest was attended by students, members of Seattle’s LGBTQ community, as well as Occupy members and Muslims.

Many had been hoping that the nationwide protests against Donald Trump would be quieting down by now, but that does not appear to be happening. Instead, they just seem to keep getting more intense. Just check out what took place around the country on Saturday

Seventy-one people were arrested in Portland, Oregon, where crowds threw burning road flares at officers.

Hundreds gathered outside City Hall in Los Angeles to face off against riot police after a daytime march with drew 8,000 people.

Other rallies took place in Atlanta, Salt Lake City, Washington DC, and Phoenix, as the anti-Trump backlash continued to grow.

In Indianapolis, crowds chanted ‘kill the police’ as they threw rocks at officers in a separate protest.

At other times, Barack Obama has stepped in and condemned protests when they have gotten violent.

So why is he just sitting back and saying nothing now?

As the president of the United States, shouldn’t he be trying to calm everyone down?

It is easy to see how the “Not My President” movement could continue to grow and reach a crescendo on January 20th, 2017.

Normally Inauguration Day is a day of joy and gladness for the nation, but this time around we may see unprecedented scenes of chaos, rioting and violence.

At this point, there appears to be no possible way that the entire nation is going to unite behind President Trump, and many are wondering if we are now entering four years of the worst civil unrest that the United States has ever experienced.
January 20th can get pretty cold, even in D.C. Here's hoping for an arctic cold front and some snow to keep them at bay. These pansies will have to change their position on firearms and how to use them if they intend on any "Revolution" reminiscent of the Bolsheviks in 1917. Hopefully Trump will realize that our differences are irreconcilable and just leave them out-in-cold, both literally and figuratively. It'd be nice to see Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke given the position and authority to "properly" "take care" of them.
I am hoping that Sessions secures AG spot and Clarke secures Homeland security spot. Looks like Guilianani will be getting the Sec of State spot which I think would be great.
Trump’s Opponents See Normal Americans as Deplorables

Paul Craig Roberts

I guess we have all noticed that the holier-than-thou groups who whined that Trump wasn’t going to accept the outcome of the election refuse to accept it themselves.

Because I was critical of the George W. Bush regime, the liberal-progressive-leftwing and homosexual/transgendered rights groups have me on their mailing lists.

And it is unbelievable. The entirety of “the other America” refuses to accept the people’s decision. They think that their concerns are more important than the concerns of the American people, who they regard as nothing but a collection of racist homophobic rednecks.

Unless they provoke him beyond reason, Trump is not going to bother any of these people.

Trump wants to bring middle class jobs back to Americans, including for all those paid to protest him.

In order to avoide nuclear war, Trump wants to restore normal relations between the major nuclear powers.

When there are no jobs for Americans that pay enough to support an independent existence, Trump doesn’t see the point of massive legal and illegal immigration.

This is only common sense.

Yet “the threatened people” see it as fascism.

Who are “the threatened people?” As always, the most powerful.

Tell me, what lobby is more powerful than the Israel Lobby? You can’t. But the Jewish Lobby, J Street, has sent me a hysterical email at 5:11pm on 14 November. Unless “we all come together and oppose Trump’s appointment of Breitbart editor Stephan Bannon as chief strategist and senior counselor” a “wave of hate will sweep across the land,” consuming “Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, LGBT peoople (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered), immigrants, Hispanics, women and other groups.”

Really now! So is Trump’s chief strategist, whatever position that is, going to attack the Jews and those with unusual sexual impulses with drones and cluster bombs, like the zionist neoconservatives who controlled the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes did to millions of slaughtered and displaced peoples in 7 countries, and like Israel does to Palestinians? Or is the former Breitbart editor going to round them all up and torture them in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo like Bush and Obama did. And like Netanyahu does in Israel?

Or will Trump simply shoot them down in the streets like Netanyahu does to the Palestinian women and children.

How come J Street and the Oligarchy-funded fronts are only concerned with nonexistent threats and ignore all of the real threats?

According to J Street, the main concern is that Trump has appointed an “Alt-Right” person to advise him. Dangerous tensions between nuclear powers? A collapsing American middle class?
These concerns, if present, are in the peripheral vision of the “threatened people.”

According to the front group known as the Southern Poverty Law Center, Trump’s election by fly-over America has resulted in “over 250 reports of hate crimes around the country.” Is the Southern Poverty Law Center including the brutal beating of a white man by a gang of blacks? How many innocents has Trump slaughtered and put into concentration camps? How many countries has he invaded? The corrupt American media and oligarchic front groups have created “the new Hitler” before he is even inaugerated.

The Klingon Clintons and neoconed Bush/Cheney and Obama killing regimes have murdered more people and invaded more countries than Hitler, and the holier-than-thou group doesn’t care. Yet, the all-powerful Israeli Lobby thinks a Breibart editor is going to target the Jews, immigrants, the transgendered and homosexuals, women, Muslims, Hispanics, “and other groups.” What a change this will be. Only non-immigrant, white, heterosexual males will be in the protected group known as the “preferred minority.”

We must hope that Donald Trump understands the state of moral, cultural, legal, and political collapse that America is in. Two years ago at the Valdai International Discussion Club, Russian President Vladimir Putin said:

“Many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually rejecting their roots, including the Christian values that constitute the basis of Western civilization. They are denying moral principles and all traditional identities, national, cultural, religious, and even secular. They are implementing policies that equate families with same-sex partnerships, worship of God with worship of Satan. I am convinced that this opens a direct path to degradation and primitivism, resulting in a profound demographic and moral crisis.”

Ordinary Americans know what he means. They are forced to accept blasphemous films about Jesus Christ and shameless newspaper caricatures of the Virgin Mary, but if one of them calls a homosexual a pervert, he has committed a hate crime.

America is a country without an honest media. A country without an honest judiciary. Without an honest government. Without an honest legislature. Without honest schools and universities. A country whose morals are confused by propaganda. A country whose elites believe that they are entitled to all the income and wealth and that normal American people are the “deplorables,” to use Hillary’s term for ordinary Americans.
PepsiCo’s CEO (Indri Nooyi) said the election of Donald Trump as president was terrifying her employees.

"I had to answer a lot of questions from my daughters, from our employees. They were all in mourning," PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi told Andrew Ross Sorkin at The New York Times’ DealBook conference on Thursday.

"Our employees were all crying," she said. "And the question that they’re asking, especially those who are not white, ‘Are we safe?’ Women are asking, ‘Are we safe?’ LGBT people are asking, ‘Are we safe?’ I never thought I would have to answer those questions."

Looks like another company to add to the boycott list...
The Great Divider-In-Chief in Greece today:

"We are going to have to guard against a rise in a crude sort of nationalism or ethnic identity or tribalism that is built around an ‘us’ and a ‘them,’" Obama said during a press conference in Greece.

He referred to World War I and World War II as the consequence of a rising sense of nationalism in Europe.

"We know what happens when Europeans start dividing themselves up and emphasizing their differences," he said, calling the 20th century a "bloodbath" as a result.

He also warned Americans to be vigilant, citing the Civil War as a consequence of dividing the country "dangerously."

"In the United States, we knows what happens when we start dividing ourselves along lines of race or religion or ethnicity," Obama said. "It’s dangerous … we don’t realize our potential as a country when we’re preventing Blacks or Latinos or Asians or Gays or women from fully participating in the project of building American life."

Obama said he believed that the world would be better off coming together and recognizing their common interests.

"So my vision’s right on that issue," he said. "And it may not always win the day in the short term in any particular circumstance, but I’m confident it will win the day over the long term."

He is such an arrogant, ignorant and narcissistic POS. It's his rhetoric and policies that have caused this. He says "...we're preventing..." then goes on to list everyone except straight White men as the ones being prevented from "fully participating". He may as well just replace "we're" with "straight White men are". Racist @sshole.
Note how Lou Barletta is a major player in the Trump transition team.

I met Barletta back in April of this year and saw him speak at a Trump rally. He's the most popular politician in PA and it's not even close. I was in college when Barletta proposed his fantastic "Illegal Immigration Relief Act" and can recall numerous liberals complaining about how "racist" and "unconstitutional" it was. Barletta was the Mayor of the City of Hazleton (a once-white PA town that is now an extremely dangerous place since being overrun by Hispanic illegals). Barletta was sued by the ACLU and lost because of a Democrat judge. That's when you known you're fighting Marxism. He's a great guy and the only politician other than Trump that I was ever happy to vote for. An article about the court case...

"Mr. Barletta, the Hazleton mayor, has championed the city’s ordinances because he said illegal immigrants had unleashed a crime wave in Hazleton and had overburdened health and other public services."

Every citizen of eastern PA knows that Hazleton is a literal war zone, possibly the most dangerous place in PA per capita. What most people don't know is the real reason that so many Hispanics (mostly Dominicans, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans) settled in the previously all-white town in the first place is because of one particular Christian preacher. Apparently, back in the 1990's, this bleed-heart buffoon used church donations to import hundreds of poor Hispanics he'd met while on various "missions" to the turd world. These bottom-feeders then used church funds for the next 25 years to import thousands of additional invaders to join gangs, deal drugs, murder whites, rape women, steal everything that isn't bolted down, sponge off of every social program, breed like bacteria, ruin the school system, and speak exclusively Spanish. The disgusting story of modern America, I suppose...
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He is such an arrogant, ignorant and narcissistic POS. It's his rhetoric and policies that have caused this. He says "...we're preventing..." then goes on to list everyone except straight White men as the ones being prevented from "fully participating". He may as well just replace "we're" with "straight White men are". Racist @sshole.

Barry's comments concerning "nationalism" provide one final reminder that he advocates the very basest Cultural Marxism. He's essentially saying that only European nationalism is bad and heterosexual white men are the only group that cannot be oppressed. It's been great fun to watch this brown-hued human sphincter squirm as Trump thoroughly emasculates him, evicts him from the White House, and eventually deletes all of his imbecilic policies from the history books. Here he is hating life, haha...

George Sauron is in Washington DC this week heading up a Council Of Evil, scheming how to continue their total war against humanity:

The fact that The Devil is showing his face in public and visibly taking the lead like this indicates that these ghouls are ratcheting up their campaign against Trump and the world and are intent on inflicting maximum damage while Obama is still in office.

Here is a great column by Joachim Hagopian that gives a very insightful summary of the current situation:
PepsiCo’s CEO (Indri Nooyi) said "Our employees were all crying,"

Looks like another company to add to the boycott list...

Heretic, yeah.. very strange, partisan, and (likely) dishonest public statement from a high-profile exec.. They were ALL crying ?.. c'mon

I haven't drank Pepsi for years, foremost bcuz I think Coke tastes better. But, do u remember following the Obama election, Pepsi altered their logo, and it looked suspiciously like an homage to the Obama logo. It was subtle, but apparent enough that the company actually addressed customer' suspicions/distaste of the move. I'm still boycotting the Pepsi sodas. If u run an internet search and look deeper tho (and are interested in a comprehensive boycott), Pepsi also owns & profits from a number of snack and beverage brands.
IMO, contemporary PepsiCo sucks..
Given his vitriolic, rigidly anti-Trump rhetoric over the past year, Glenn Beck has now earned himself a position as a regular commentator on CNN. Since Trump's election, Sir Weeps-A-Lot himself has provided some of the most anti-white, anti-nationalist, ultra-Marxist, cuckold-flavored commentary one could ever fathom. In a recent interview with Anderson Cooper (mostly regarding the appointment of Steve Bannon as chief strategist, whom Beck despises), he expressed that he's "truly terrified of the Alt Right." What a colossal pussy this Zio-cuck has devolved into...

One of Beck's most rediculous quotes from the interview: "We have to have a discussion aside from politics about this small group of people and how this European and really pro-Russian nationalism is seeping into our country."

So, according to this tear-shedding NeoCon has-been, nationalism is only "dangerous" when Europeans are involved? Of course, we all know that Steve Bannon is clearly not a "racist," an "anti-Semite," a "white nationalist," a "white supremacist," or a "Neo-Nazi." I wish he were all of those things, but he's not. Over the past 5 years, Beck appears to have aged significantly. I suppose losing one's credibility, reputation, social stature, and sanity is quite taxing on the body...

CAPTION: Sir Weeps-A-Lot

It should be noted that a few months back, Beck was suspended from his job for openly discussing his desire to see Trump assassinated on his satellite radio show...

Trump's election was proof positive that the "Alt Right" is the future of politics for white people. RINO's, NeoCons, Zionist Christians, and Republicucks are left out in the cold peering in at our total victory over the The Establishment. Being pro-white is finally en vogue. It's what all the cool kids on the right are doing.
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If Trump betrays us by appointing John Bolton - who is the worst of the worst neo-cohen warmongers - his secretary of state everybody will hate him, not just the commy scum on the streets. The stock market will go up though. War = $. War is the Jews' harvest.

If you don't know what I'm talking about google "Trump +Bolton". It is all over the Zogistani news.
American Freedom News