The Trump Era Begins

Well the latest is that computer scientists are saying the election was hacked as Clinton polled 7 percent lower in electronic voting areas. Trump will not prosecute Hillary and the wall may just be a fence. I can't say I am too happy with this.
WA33, I believe Trump was talking about the closed Email caper. Not the on going Clinton Foundation investigation. He has no say in that one. Regarding the wall. I expect it to be part wall, fence and drone surveillance. I just want that border secured and illegal immigration enforced. Starting with expelling felonious illegal aliens who have done their time.
Well the latest is that computer scientists are saying the election was hacked as Clinton polled 7 percent lower in electronic voting areas. Trump will not prosecute Hillary and the wall may just be a fence. I can't say I am too happy with this.

Accusing the Trump side of vote fraud is a classic tactic that the left uses. They accuse their opponents of doing what they do.

The Clinton side committed massive vote fraud in the recent election. From illegal aliens voting to voting machines flipping votes from Republicans to Democrats, the Democrats were the ones committing vote fraud, not the Republicans.

What better way to divert attention from their own vote fraud than accuse those accusing them? They do it all the time.
Lou Dobbs ripped the AMA on his show tonight and mentioned that the ratings for it were the lowest ever.

How in the hell did we go from the likes of the Eagles and their Grammy-nominated "Hotel California" forty years ago (almost to the day) to this stuff today? It's truly mind-boggling, especially for someone that's lived long enough to have a frame of reference.

A piece of trivia. "Hotel California" was heavily influenced by Jetro Tull's "We Used to Know", consciously or unconsciously.

A piece of trivia. "Hotel California" was heavily influenced by Jetro Tull's "We Used to Know", consciously or unconsciously.

I prefer "We Used to Know".
Well the latest is that computer scientists are saying the election was hacked as Clinton polled 7 percent lower in electronic voting areas. Trump will not prosecute Hillary and the wall may just be a fence. I can't say I am too happy with this.

Maybe he's just playing nice and being deceptive towards the enemy until January 21. Then he gets in and takes off the gloves. That's what I'm hoping anyway.
I thought the wall idea was ridiculous anyway. Too expensive by far, and relations with Mexico may improve in the future, or maybe the USA will invade Mexico again and seize the northern part. Then we will be stuck with a giant wall, that they will find ways to breach anyway. Machine gun nests, land mines, and helicopter gun ships are much more practical.
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Accusing the Trump side of vote fraud is a classic tactic that the left uses. They accuse their opponents of doing what they do.

The Clinton side committed massive vote fraud in the recent election. From illegal aliens voting to voting machines flipping votes from Republicans to Democrats, the Democrats were the ones committing vote fraud, not the Republicans.

What better way to divert attention from their own vote fraud than accuse those accusing them? They do it all the time.

Old saying - A Jew will scream stop cheating me as he cheats you.
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I thought the fence idea was ridiculous anyway. Too expensive by far, and relations with Mexico may improve in the future, or maybe the USA will invade Mexico again and seize the northern part. Then we will be stuck with a giant fence, that they will find ways to breach anyway. Machine gun nests, land mines, and helicopter gun ships are much more practical.

As much as I, like so many men, am weary of the failings of our border servants to stem this dam and stop the daily violation of our sovereignty, and mockery of our respect for civil government, I must restrain myself to go as far as machine gunning these flagrant trespassers though as tempting as this proposal is ;). However, I do favor a concrete wall like that which Israel has erected, and a staff of as many as are necessary to not only catch these trespassers, but punish them as well, and return all of the occupiers that are here without our consent to their places of origin:beer-toast1:.
As much as I, like so many men, am weary of the failings of our border servants to stem this dam and stop the daily violation of our sovereignty, and mockery of our respect for civil government, I must restrain myself to go as far as machine gunning these flagrant trespassers though as tempting as this proposal is ...

You really wouldn't have to shoot down many. You just make the announcement clear and in no u uncertain terms and once they see u r deadly serious the southern invasion will mostly stop. All countries used to guard their borders and most didn't have to build a wall to do so. China once built the world's biggest wall but they have no wall now. Try landing a giant inflarable boat all full of black african cannibals on the china coast and see what happens. Nope they won't set them up in beautiful new housing and put them on welfare for life and say please rape our women and mug our citizens in the street thank you very much.
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These are the lowest moronic types. Without our police they would be killing each other.

Stinking punks with masks. Did u see the vid of tbe cossack police in Russia when the Pussy Riot lesbian commy scum tried to do their mask thing? We need some Cossacks here, not that our police wouldn't be more than happy to do the job if their hands weren't tied. i sure hope Prez Trump lets them loose. Those masks would look good to me with a hole in the middle.
Stinking punks with masks. Did u see the vid of tbe cossack police in Russia when the Pussy Riot lesbian commy scum tried to do their mask thing? We need some Cossacks here, not that our police wouldn't be more than happy to do the job if their hands weren't tied. i sure hope Prez Trump lets them loose. Those masks would look good to me with a hole in the middle.

That video is good, fun entertainment. They got and deserved every whelp they got.
Gotta love Ann Coulter. Here's a statement she made on Breitbart XM today:

Ann Coulter, the 12-time New York Times bestselling author, syndicated columnist, and Trump supporter, added on the Thanksgiving special that Trump’s continuing to stand up to the media is “incredibly refreshing.”

“This is incredibly refreshing to find a Republican who won’t sell out his party, his allies, and the American people just to get a fawning profile in the Washington Post style section,” Coulter said on the Thanksgiving special. “That’s what we’re used to with these Republicans. They’re absolute sycophants. They think that we can make the media our friends. No, you can’t. That is one of Donald Trump’s wonderful advantages. As I’ve said many times when he first came along, I said, well, he’s been saying everything I’ve been waiting my whole life for a Republican to say or a Democrat—any politician—but I didn’t think it was going to be this boisterous – I’ll put it as euphemistically as possible – publicity-happy reality TV star. But that turned out to be one of his secret advantages. Everything I thought of as a disadvantage with Trump, on closer examination, turned out to be an advantage. And one is, he already hated the media. He already knew they were liars. He’s not going to be like some craven lickspittle Republican senator or congressman trying to get a favorable writeup in the New York Times or Washington Post or a respectful interview with ABC’s leading comedy program, This Week with George Stephanopoulos.”
Trump is getting a lot of pushback from his more nationalist advisors and influential supporters to not nominate Mitt Romney for Secretary of State. Romney in that position would send terrible signals at home and abroad about U.S. foreign policy as Romney is essentially a neo-con as well as being Trump's most prominent enemy in the Republican Party all through the election. And Trump's reputation for not rolling over for his enemies would also take a big hit. Yes, he has to reach out to the establishment to some extent if anything is to get done with the new Congress, but Mitt Romney??? He stands for everything that's wrong with cuckservatives and the GOP establishment. That's crossing a line that need not and should not be crossed.

Neo-cons should be strictly verboten in the Trump administration; in fact some of them should be facing war crimes trials, but with his son-in-law Jared Kushner apparently very influential in his inner circle, Trump could end up being Reaganesque in talking a great game but not following through on much. It's still very early and I'm still happy as can be he won, but his initial cabinet is going to be very telling as far as how much he really intends to "drain the swamp," secure the southern border, and follow through on the rest of his campaign agenda.
Yes, Romney is an embarrassment and shouldn't be anywhere near the Trump administration. He's the kind of cuck and traitor (like Paul Ryan) who will not hesitate to stab Trump in the back and try to sabotage him when the going gets tough. It's been a very puzzling move to see him as a leading contender for SoS, and his appointment would be a mistake.

IMO, a good candidate for this position could be Jim Webb or perhaps Gen. Petraeus. Jim Webb is arguably one of the last sane Democrats left. He also has a distinguished record and is a racially aware man. He was on with Tucker Carlson recently and was in full sh*tlording mode, I will post the video if I can find it.

Trump's choices have been solid so far. The most important positions as part of his national security team have been awarded to white men. None are neocons of past administrations to my knowledge. The 3 lesser positions, including the largely ceremonial Ambassador to UN have gone to the diversity brigade.

In addition to Webb/Petraeus, Trump should pick Chris Kobach as the head of DHS, Gen. Mattis as the SoD, Scott Brown as the head of VA. Rudy G could be the Director of National Intelligence. I've also been hearing some outsiders being considered for Commerce/Treasury Secretaries. Add Laura Ingraham as the White House Press Secretary and Kellyanne Conway as a Senior Advisor to the POTUS, and maybe keep Newt as another advisor of sorts. They are also a couple of competent black men (Allen West and Sheriff Clarke) who could also land higher-up roles.

I can totally live with such an administration. Even if Trump delivered on 30-40% of what he promised during the campaign, that's is still 1000% better than if Hillary had won.
Yes, Romney is an embarrassment and shouldn't be anywhere near the Trump administration. He's the kind of cuck and traitor (like Paul Ryan) who will not hesitate to stab Trump in the back and try to sabotage him when the going gets tough. It's been a very puzzling move to see him as a leading contender for SoS, and his appointment would be a mistake.

IMO, a good candidate for this position could be Jim Webb or perhaps Gen. Petraeus. Jim Webb is arguably one of the last sane Democrats left. He also has a distinguished record and is a racially aware man. He was on with Tucker Carlson recently and was in full sh*tlording mode, I will post the video if I can find it.

Trump's choices have been solid so far. The most important positions as part of his national security team have been awarded to white men. None are neocons of past administrations to my knowledge. The 3 lesser positions, including the largely ceremonial Ambassador to UN have gone to the diversity brigade.

In addition to Webb/Petraeus, Trump should pick Chris Kobach as the head of DHS, Gen. Mattis as the SoD, Scott Brown as the head of VA. Rudy G could be the Director of National Intelligence. I've also been hearing some outsiders being considered for Commerce/Treasury Secretaries. Add Laura Ingraham as the White House Press Secretary and Kellyanne Conway as a Senior Advisor to the POTUS, and maybe keep Newt as another advisor of sorts. They are also a couple of competent black men (Allen West and Sheriff Clarke) who could also land higher-up roles.

I can totally live with such an administration. Even if Trump delivered on 30-40% of what he promised during the campaign, that's is still 1000% better than if Hillary had won.

Ben Carson is being mentioned as HUD Secretary. That would be an excellent choice and I hope Sheriff Clarke gets a prominent position.

I had dismissed Laura Ingraham as a hopeless neo-con, but have come to respect her. She was a strong Trump backer through thick and thin and would be a good Press Secretary.

Kellyanne Conway gets the lion's share of the credit along with Steve Bannon for rescuing Trump's campaign when it was floundering after the GOP convention and getting it back on course and letting Trump be Trump.

Trump should fill his top spots with these types of populist conservatives and economic nationalists like Bannon, and ignore the neo-cons and anyone closely associated with the GOP establishment. He's the one with the mandate, and he's about to become Shitlord-in-Chief. Most of Washington is afraid of him right about now and he needs to stay on the offensive while compromising only when absolutely necessary for short-term strategical purposes.
Trump taps Fox analyst KT McFarland for Deputy National Security Advisor.

Statement from her:

"I put him smack dab in the middle of where Ronald Reagan was," she said, speaking about the president-elect’s foreign policy. "Have a strong military, but you don’t use it. And you have such a strong military that nobody picks a fight with you. But then if they are dumb enough to do it, then you respond."

As Deputy National Security adviser, McFarland would work with Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn to advise Trump on matters of foreign policy.
Ben Carson is being mentioned as HUD Secretary. That would be an excellent choice and I hope Sheriff Clarke gets a prominent position.

I had dismissed Laura Ingraham as a hopeless neo-con, but have come to respect her. She was a strong Trump backer through thick and thin and would be a good Press Secretary.

Kellyanne Conway gets the lion's share of the credit along with Steve Bannon for rescuing Trump's campaign when it was floundering after the GOP convention and getting it back on course and letting Trump be Trump.

Trump should fill his top spots with these types of populist conservatives and economic nationalists like Bannon, and ignore the neo-cons and anyone closely associated with the GOP establishment. He's the one with the mandate, and he's about to become Shitlord-in-Chief. Most of Washington is afraid of him right about now and he needs to stay on the offensive while compromising only when absolutely necessary for short-term strategical purposes.
I agree for the most part. But Clarke would be excellent for Homeland Security. I am sure he would support midnight raids on these criminal illegal aliens in the sanctuary cities that harbor them. Ms Ingraham would be an outstanding Press Sec. Conway and Bannon deserve huge credit for righting the Trump train as well the goy looking son in law Jared Kusher who was able to identify voters in different states and tailor ads with TV programs they watched on TV. He was able to get the most bang per buck with ads compared to to the Clinton massive operation. Gen. Patreaus or Giuliani would be a great pic for Sec of State.
The latest on the "recount" is that it looks like it will go ahead. They met the deadline in Wisconsin and will go ahead in Michigan and Pennsylvania next week. Jill Stein the Green Party candidate got enough donations from either Hillary supporters or Soros to finance a recount. Stein is acting as a Democrat surrogate in this. The Democrat party would be reluctant to attach their name to this effort as they heavily criticized Trump for saying he might not accept election results.ha

This effort is the longest "hail Mary" imaginable and has little chance of success. If it was successful it would completely de-legitimize the government. What are the details? With Michigan recently called by about 10,000 votes the electoral college stands at Trump 306, Clinton 232. If all three states were changed to Clinton then the numbers would be Trump 260, Clinton 278. Clinton wins. How possible? Michigan maybe be flipped. 10,000 votes can be found in a basement in Detroit without a problem. In fact this whole recount thing may be a cover to generate more fake votes. It may not have been obvious at election time how many votes were needed to give the state to Clinton, and now that they know.....? Wisconsin is less likely but say it happens. Pennsylvania? No way, the difference is 70,000 votes, if the count is off that far then the whole system needs to be scrapped and they can just hand voters a crayon and a piece of paper.

The other possible option for Clinton would be to reduce Trump to 280 and get 11 electoral voters to change their votes. They wouldn't change them to Hillary, they're Republicans, but say they vote Romney or Pence or some other such foolishness. Then the election goes to the House of Representatives. Solidly Republican it would vote for either Trump or one of the write-in candidates. But by then Trump will have assumed the mantle of President elect, in fact he already has. The entire Washington establishment has gone in to ass-kiss mode and will consider Trump the guy no matter what.

Thus there is no real path for a Clinton presidency this way except flipping all three states which can't really happen. It's such a longshot that being associated with it is going to taint any establishment figure that gets on board.

This recount thing may have a silver lining in that the liberal cry babies will be distracted for a little while longer on the false hope of the election being reversed and then when they "lose" again, it may drain the life from that movement. But it's also possible it fires them up even more.
The latest on the "recount" is that it looks like it will go ahead. They met the deadline in Wisconsin and will go ahead in Michigan and Pennsylvania next week. Jill Stein the Green Party candidate got enough donations from either Hillary supporters or Soros to finance a recount. Stein is acting as a Democrat surrogate in this. The Democrat party would be reluctant to attach their name to this effort as they heavily criticized Trump for saying he might not accept election results.ha

This effort is the longest "hail Mary" imaginable and has little chance of success. If it was successful it would completely de-legitimize the government. What are the details? With Michigan recently called by about 10,000 votes the electoral college stands at Trump 306, Clinton 232. If all three states were changed to Clinton then the numbers would be Trump 260, Clinton 278. Clinton wins. How possible? Michigan maybe be flipped. 10,000 votes can be found in a basement in Detroit without a problem. In fact this whole recount thing may be a cover to generate more fake votes. It may not have been obvious at election time how many votes were needed to give the state to Clinton, and now that they know.....? Wisconsin is less likely but say it happens. Pennsylvania? No way, the difference is 70,000 votes, if the count is off that far then the whole system needs to be scrapped and they can just hand voters a crayon and a piece of paper.

The other possible option for Clinton would be to reduce Trump to 280 and get 11 electoral voters to change their votes. They wouldn't change them to Hillary, they're Republicans, but say they vote Romney or Pence or some other such foolishness. Then the election goes to the House of Representatives. Solidly Republican it would vote for either Trump or one of the write-in candidates. But by then Trump will have assumed the mantle of President elect, in fact he already has. The entire Washington establishment has gone in to ass-kiss mode and will consider Trump the guy no matter what.

Thus there is no real path for a Clinton presidency this way except flipping all three states which can't really happen. It's such a longshot that being associated with it is going to taint any establishment figure that gets on board.

This recount thing may have a silver lining in that the liberal cry babies will be distracted for a little while longer on the false hope of the election being reversed and then when they "lose" again, it may drain the life from that movement. But it's also possible it fires them up even more.
In the comments section of some blog report on Michigan officially being called for Trump coupled with Jill Stein's recount, someone linked to a NYT article where the reporter asked some woman involved in an official capacity in the PA electoral process and she said that last Sunday was the last day someone not officially part of Hillary's campaign team could submit a formal request for a recount, assuming they met the requirements, and that the last day for someone officially part of Hillary's campaign team, i.e. John Podesta, could submit a formal request for a recount is this coming Monday. I should've bookmarked that article but didn't and tried finding it again but couldn't.
Supposedly, Stein's "concern" is that the voting systems in these three states may have been "hacked". If she were really informed and truly sincere, she wouldn't have included Michigan in this recount:

Chris Thomas, the longtime director of Michigan's Bureau of Elections, said Michigan doesn't use the electronic voting machines identified in the report as being the sources of potential hacking.

"We are an entire paper and optical scan state," Thomas told the Free Press Wednesday. "Nothing is connected to the Internet."
Supposedly, Stein's "concern" is that the voting systems in these three states may have been "hacked". If she were really informed and truly sincere, she wouldn't have included Michigan in this recount:

Chris Thomas, the longtime director of Michigan's Bureau of Elections, said Michigan doesn't use the electronic voting machines identified in the report as being the sources of potential hacking.

"We are an entire paper and optical scan state," Thomas told the Free Press Wednesday. "Nothing is connected to the Internet."

Yes that's true about Michigan but they just want an excuse to request a recount so they can change the vote count.
American Freedom News