The latest on the "recount" is that it looks like it will go ahead. They met the deadline in Wisconsin and will go ahead in Michigan and Pennsylvania next week. Jill Stein the Green Party candidate got enough donations from either Hillary supporters or Soros to finance a recount. Stein is acting as a Democrat surrogate in this. The Democrat party would be reluctant to attach their name to this effort as they heavily criticized Trump for saying he might not accept election results.ha
This effort is the longest "hail Mary" imaginable and has little chance of success. If it was successful it would completely de-legitimize the government. What are the details? With Michigan recently called by about 10,000 votes the electoral college stands at Trump 306, Clinton 232. If all three states were changed to Clinton then the numbers would be Trump 260, Clinton 278. Clinton wins. How possible? Michigan maybe be flipped. 10,000 votes can be found in a basement in Detroit without a problem. In fact this whole recount thing may be a cover to generate more fake votes. It may not have been obvious at election time how many votes were needed to give the state to Clinton, and now that they know.....? Wisconsin is less likely but say it happens. Pennsylvania? No way, the difference is 70,000 votes, if the count is off that far then the whole system needs to be scrapped and they can just hand voters a crayon and a piece of paper.
The other possible option for Clinton would be to reduce Trump to 280 and get 11 electoral voters to change their votes. They wouldn't change them to Hillary, they're Republicans, but say they vote Romney or Pence or some other such foolishness. Then the election goes to the House of Representatives. Solidly Republican it would vote for either Trump or one of the write-in candidates. But by then Trump will have assumed the mantle of President elect, in fact he already has. The entire Washington establishment has gone in to ass-kiss mode and will consider Trump the guy no matter what.
Thus there is no real path for a Clinton presidency this way except flipping all three states which can't really happen. It's such a longshot that being associated with it is going to taint any establishment figure that gets on board.
This recount thing may have a silver lining in that the liberal cry babies will be distracted for a little while longer on the false hope of the election being reversed and then when they "lose" again, it may drain the life from that movement. But it's also possible it fires them up even more.