The Trump Era Begins

It just so happens I was thinking about Pussy Riot the other day. With all the agitation by Soros goons, it’s inevitable that every tried and true trick by these knuckleheads will be employed. Well, according to this article, PR are on the scene. It’s a good article. Ironic that the Russian Cossacks have honored Trump as one of their own, remember how they throttled the Pussy Riot at the Sochi Winter Olympics.
The Clintons And Soros Launch America's Purple Revolution

Damn right I remember it, QS. They didn't mess around with those filthy commy lesbians who came to Russia to disrupt the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Here, at least up to now, they'd just assign police to stand around and watch them and all the tv camera crews would be going ga ga about how great they are, almost as great as when they rioted semi naked in the most sacred Russian Orthodox church.

Pussy Riot's Excellent Adventure In Russia. I love it - and so do real women! The little Cossack needs to work on his comealong hold, tho...

Damn right I remember it, QS. They didn't mess around with those filthy commy lesbians who came to Russia to disrupt the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Here, at least up to now, they'd just assign police to stand around and watch them and all the tv camera crews would be going ga ga about how great they are, almost as great as when they rioted semi naked in the most sacred Russian Orthodox church.

Pussy Riot's Excellent Adventure In Russia. I love it - and so do real women! The little Cossack needs to work on his comealong hold, tho...

I had forgotten about this also. Hahahaha! So funny. Bitch whipped the fukc out of there butt quick!
Hannity bought this painting and will give it to Trump to hang in the Whitehouse while Trump is President. This is truly a genuine act by Hannity, I think worthy of putting in our history.

Hannity bought this painting and will give it to Trump to hang in the Whitehouse while Trump is President. This is truly a genuine act by Hannity, I think worthy of putting in our history.


Great painting, although in my opinion FDR should be canonized in a wheelchair with an afghan over his legs.
Can you imagine the outrage from the faux media? They will blow a couple of O rings with this painting hanging up in the White House. LOL
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Hannity bought this painting and will give it to Trump to hang in the Whitehouse while Trump is President. This is truly a genuine act by Hannity, I think worthy of putting in our history.


I don't get the meaning of this painting. Is it that Obama turned his back on white men? What does the man behind Obama with his hands low mean?
Can you imagine the outrage from the faux media? They will blow a couple of O rings with painting hanging up in the White House. LOL
Not quite sure which former President it is, but he is upset that Obummer is stepping all over the Constitution and reaches down to rescue it.
I don't get the meaning of this painting. Is it that Obama turned his back on white men? What does the man behind Obama with his hands low mean?

The four presidents around the distraught man on the bench show concern and care about the common man. Most of the presidents are too vain or self concerned to even notice him. Obama stepping on The Constitution shows he's arrogant and acts as though he's above the law. The funny one is Nixon hiding in the crowd with his dark, sinister look.
I don't get the meaning of this painting. Is it that Obama turned his back on white men? What does the man behind Obama with his hands low mean?

I don't get it either except Barry standing on the constitution. What does "#MAGA" mean?
The good news so far from the Trump transition activity is that Sessions and one of his people Rick Dearborn are part of or in charge of immigration and congressional relations. Also Kris Kobach is part of the immigration transition team. That's who we want in there. In terms of other posts my main concern is Sec of State. There have always been some suspiciously establishment deep state types on the Trump train, like Gingrich, Bolton, Guiliani and Christie so I'm sure that they'll be part of the mix. Still, if they are loyally following Trump's policy that's a lot better than the alternative.
For better or wore, Trump will have to employ a fair amount of establishment Republicans. They may dominate his administration as there's really nowhere else to go to find people with experience in dealing with Washington. He may also do a lot of wheeling and dealing with the Democrats. But he's the one with the mandate and he has to keep the train moving the direction he wants. As of right now I don't think he'll have any problems doing that. From the time I was a kid, I've heard people say that America needs an accomplished businessman in charge to clean up the mess and get the country moving again. And now we finally have that.
... There have always been some suspiciously establishment deep state types on the Trump train, like Gingrich, Bolton, Guiliani and Christie so I'm sure that they'll be part of the mix...

Bolton!? He is the worst of the worst of the neo-cohen warmongers! Please not that!
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I don't get it either except Barry standing on the constitution. What does "#MAGA" mean?
MAGA means Make America Great Again. WW were are now even.
Trump picked Reince Preibus as his Chief of Staff today. I hate to sound pessimistic, but this is a red flag. Being the head of the RNC, Preibus is not at all trustworthy. A deal must have been made prior to the election.
Trump believes Preibus bailed him out on running a ground game he did not have, thus naming him COS. Trump called Preibus a superstar the night he clinched the presidency. If true, Preibus deserves the spot. A lot of Tea Party types are suspicious of the selection. Time will tell. I except 90% of Trump's promises to come to fruition
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Gentlemen, Trump is usually right more often than not. People questioned him about Pence also. Pence turned out to be a modern day Race Bannon.
Yes the Preibus selection seems questionable, but I think Trump won Preibus over down the stretch and he in turn Preibus worked hard for him and showed loyalty.
Preibus is a typical political whore which means he will now be Trumps whore. He's young enough to adapt whatever political philosophy will pay off for him. Trump knows how to pick them and he sure knows how to fire them so why worry?
Preibus is a typical political whore which means he will now be Trumps whore. He's young enough to adapt whatever political philosophy will pay off for him. Trump knows how to pick them and he sure knows how to fire them so why worry?
Hope you are right, man of reason.
Gentlemen, Trump is usually right more often than not. People questioned him about Pence also. Pence turned out to be a modern day Race Bannon.
Yes the Preibus selection seems questionable, but I think Trump won Preibus over down the stretch and he in turn Preibus worked hard for him and showed loyalty.
I like the Race Bannon comparison. I remember 1st viewing the Johnny Quest cartoon in 1972. Damn a long time ago.
American Freedom News