The Trump Era Begins

Trump has done a compete 180 since he pushed Bannon to the side and given in to his son-in-law. Kushner is a democratic Jew and all of the sudden he is pulling the strings.

One speculation that has been tossed out there is that Trump is being blackmailed. Who knows? Maybe it's true.

It wouldn't be the first time a politician was blackmailed.
One speculation that has been tossed out there is that Trump is being blackmailed. Who knows? Maybe it's true.

It wouldn't be the first time a politician was blackmailed.

Or he cut a deal with ((Kushner)) and the powers at be prior or during the election because he loves "winning" so much. Very frustrated, glad I never ordered my MAGA hat, it would have been premature.
Now the rumors on Twitter are that Gen. Neocon McMasters(replaced Flynn)wants 150k troops for a ground assault in Syria. Just because we threw our support behind Trump does not mean we have to blindly follow him into another war, he deserves every ounce of criticism he's getting, It seems he's duped us all. No deportations or a wall and he's ushering us into WW3 2 months into his presidency, and we're supposed to wait and see?! When the MSM is praising him for his latest move it's time to worry.
Alex Jones is saying on his radio show right now that tens of thousands of ground troops are already on the way to take out Damascus.

It's all about the competing gas pipelines going through Syria, one from Russia and one from the U.S. to feed Western Europe natural gas.

Russia is partnering with Shia's as well as non-fundamentalist Sunni's in Iran, Iraq and Syria. Here's the map of their pipeline:

The U.S. is partnering with the fundamentalist Sunni's (ISIS and the "Rebels"), Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Here's the map of their pipeline:
Trump has done a compete 180 since he pushed Bannon to the side and given in to his son-in-law. Kushner is a democratic Jew and all of the sudden he is pulling the strings.
I'm furious with all of this incoming news and knowing that, as always, there's a filthy choosenite behind it is pissing me off to no end. Kushner is from a family of crooks and should not be trusted whatsoever.

The truth is that when the pressure is on Trump has cucked every single time. Cory Lewandowski gets falsely accused of assaulting a newstitty and he gets fired. The libs attack Flynn for talking to Russians in a meeting set up by Obama - you're fired. Jeff Sessions talked to a Russian Ambassador (a normal thing) - he's forced to recuse himself. Nunes shows extreme loyalty and gives Trump information on wiretapping that surely would have remain hidden - he's forced to recuse himself. Weak immigration bans are blocked by po-dunk liberal judges and he pretty much gives up. He accepts Ryancare (a set-up) as the answer to Obamacare and then blames the Freedom caucus. The guy is blow-hard who is all bark and absolutely no bite. He is a loud mouth bully who backs down when he's backed into a corner. It's sucks because he was our only real choice. He held his finger in the wind and rode the wave of discontent to the White House. Let's face it - he was never a man of principle - just opportunity.

"George Soros has been a fierce critic of President Donald Trump, denouncing him at a recent conference in Switzerland as a “would-be dictator.” But that doesn’t mean he’s above doing business with the president’s in-laws — the billionaire investor is said to have given $250 million in credit to Jared Kushner and Joshua Kushner’s real estate startup Cadre."

I just noticed this from the item I posted above from the (Jewish Daily) Forward: Cadre Real Estate? Cadre is what communists call their inner circle.

  1. a small group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession.
    "a small cadre of scientists"
    synonyms: corps, body, team, group, nucleus, core
    "a cadre of academic specialists"
    • a group of activists in a communist or other revolutionary organization.
    • a member of an activist group.
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LOOKS LIKE... YOU GOT IT... oy! oy! oy! oy! oy!


Looks Like Donald Trump May Well Be Jewish
That Would Explain A Great Deal...

via Jim Kirwan

- See more at:


In his biography The Art of the Deal, Trump lied about his grandfather's country of origin, stating it was Sweden instead of Germany. So if you think these people wouldn't lie about their ancestry, you need to explain that whopper.

Trump was brought up in Jamaica Estates, Queens, which has a large Jewish population. He went to Kew-Forest School, ditto. Its other notable alumni include Katherine Weber, Jewish, Gideon Yago, Jewish, and Hank Azaria, Jewish. Googling on “attended Kew-Forest” brings up mostly Jewish names. Trump's father was on the Board of Trustees at Kew-Forest. By the way, it is very expensive.

His genealogy is a total mirage. I'll show you where to look. First go to his mother at

Family Tree & Family History at
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She is Mary Anne MacLeod. So they want you to think she is Scots. Then click on her father, Malcolm MacLeod. Then click on his mother, Anne MacLeod. She is the wife of Alexander MacLeod, so that is her married name. What is her maiden name? Whoops, it is also MacLeod, because her father is also named Alexander MacLeod. So both her father and her husband have the same first and last names? Did she marry her own father? Also, her birthyear is given as 1833. Note the 33. [Geni also fails to mention what we have to learn from the DailyMail: the name Trump was originally Drumpf.]

That can't be right, can it? So let's check the other genealogies. The second listed on a Google search is at
The largest source for Expert content on the Internet that helps users answer questions, solve problems, learn something new or find inspiration.

.But it has nothing to say about this. It stops just short of the Anne MacLeod problem.
But it does tell us something interesting: both Trump's parents died at Long Island Jewish Medical Center.
Wikitree matches Geni.

So let's return to Friedrich Drumpf, Donald's great-grandfather. Two of his sisters are listed as Elisabetha Freund and Syblia Schuster. Oi-vay! Those are both Jewish surnames. We just saw the name Schuster in my paper on Engels published two days ago. I reminded you there that Max Schuster, founder of Simon&Schuster, is now admitted to be Jewish. The Schuster in the Socialism project with Engels was also shown to be almost certainly Jewish. As for Freund, see Michael Freund, Moshe Aryeh Freund, Wilhelm Freund, Yoav Freund, Leopold Freund, and too many others to mention. So at least two of Trump's great-aunts married Jewish men. This reminds us that his daughter Ivanka married a Jewish man, Jared Kushner. We are told this is an anomaly, but it isn't. What is an anomaly is that Kushner admits he is Jewish.

Friedrich Drumpf's mother is named Katarina Kober. Not only is that possibly Jewish, but it lead to another suspicious scrubbing of the genealogy. Her father is given as Johann, but he has no parents. He is the only one in that generation whose parents are unknown. Even his wife's parents are known. I suggest the name isn't Kober, but Kolber. We have seen the genealogies being whitewashed this way again and again. Changing one letter is often the best way to do it. It is the most subtle, so it draws the least attention. Kolber is very often Jewish.

With more study, we find that Trump's aunt Elizabeth married William O. Walter. That name is also possibly Jewish. We find a William Walter as Director of Jewish Family Services in York, PA. Also a William Walter just buried at Jewish Memorial Chapel of Long Island. Also a William O. Walter marrying a Cora Neuhauser in Lebanon, PA, in 1924. That name is also probably Jewish. And most curiously, a William Walter, Esq. listed in the Jewish Missionary Intelligence of June, 1896. More research discovers his firm were the honorary stockbrokers of this London Jewish society in 1900. That is interesting because it directly ties to my previous paper on Friedrich Engels and Robert Owen. Owen's brother in-law was James Haldane Stewart, who worked for the Jews' Society in the 1830s and 40s, a precursor of this Jewish Missionary Intelligence. At any rate, this may be our William Walter or his father, given that date. His father is scrubbed at Geni. The names Walter and Walters were chosen by Jews entering the US, as a new name, as we see from Barbara Walters. Her father Louis Walters was original Louis Abrahams.

Both Trump and his father ran with top Jews in New York, including Samuel Lindenbaum and his father Abraham (Bunny), and Roy Cohn. These guys weren't just their attorneys, they were their enablers. As the NYT says in the 2012 obituary of Samuel Lindenbaum:

Mr. Lindenbaum cultivated a scholar’s knowledge of the Zoning Resolution, the arcane document that governs development in New York. As a result, he was able to bend the resolution to his clients’ will without breaking it. And because his clients were major builders and landowners — among them Harry B. Helmsley, Harry Macklowe, Larry A. Silverstein, Jerry I. Speyer, Leonard Litwin, Steven Roth and Donald J. Trump; the Fishers and Tisches and Rudins and Roses. . .

Notice anything about that list? Everyone on it “except” Trump is admitted to be Jewish. Curious, no?

Ivana is also Jewish. lists her father's name as both Knavs and Zelnícek. I'll give you a hint: drop the second “e”. You get Zelnick. It is Yiddish for haberdasher. Clothier. It's Jewish, too. See Robert Zelnick, Strauss Zelnick, Bob Zelnick, etc. Robert was a fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford. Strauss was President of 20th Century Fox. Bob was ABC News producer. Also Friedrich Zelnik, silent film producer. Also David O. Selznick, whose name was originally Zeleznick, or, alternately, Zelnick. He and his father were major Hollywood producers.

So he married a jew, that makes his children jews and his adult children have married jews, his aunt’s married jews, his great aunt’s married jews, yada, yada, yada.

- See more at:
The truth is that when the pressure is on Trump has cucked every single time. Cory Lewandowski gets falsely accused of assaulting a newstitty and he gets fired. The libs attack Flynn for talking to Russians in a meeting set up by Obama - you're fired. Jeff Sessions talked to a Russian Ambassador (a normal thing) - he's forced to recuse himself. Nunes shows extreme loyalty and gives Trump information on wiretapping that surely would have remain hidden - he's forced to recuse himself. Weak immigration bans are blocked by po-dunk liberal judges and he pretty much gives up. He accepts Ryancare (a set-up) as the answer to Obamacare and then blames the Freedom caucus. The guy is blow-hard who is all bark and absolutely no bite. He is a loud mouth bully who backs down when he's backed into a corner. It's sucks because he was our only real choice. He held his finger in the wind and rode the wave of discontent to the White House. Let's face it - he was never a man of principle - just opportunity.

That summary appears to be right on the mark unfortunately. It's tragic really, all the hope he gave his long-forsaken base only to almost immediately turn on them. If we have four more years of current immigration trends, Hillary's coalition will win in 2020 -- and probably win big because the left will always hate Trump and much of his base will no longer support him -- and then become unbeatable in national elections as the U.S. rapidly finishes the process of becoming a non-White "nation" (land-mass is a better description than nation).

If Trump does little more than build the wall and push for as much legislation as possible to sharply reduce legal immigration then maybe there's some hope, but given what's transpired the past couple of weeks it looks the real Trump is on display for all to see.
It's official. Trump is now a Jew and persona non grata here at CF. He will join the ranks of the despised John Elway, Carson Palmer etc. The only human that will notch a respectable nod is our favorite non-threatening black guy and ToughRiggins BFF.... the immortal Tiki Barber. LOL
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Trump's pick for top economic advisor is pro-immigration, pro-outsourcing:

President Donald Trump has picked an economic advisor who believes in growing the nation’s economy by importing workers and consumers, and by expanding free-trade outsourcing, despite Trump’s "buy American, hire American" campaign promises.

Kevin Hassett is slated to become chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors if he is approved by the Senate’s banking committee. If Hassett is confirmed, that will be a win for the corporatist, business-first faction in Trump’s White House, which fights for influence in the Oval Office against the populist, America-first faction that helped Trump win the election in November.

The Axios news site used three bullet points to describe what the views held by Hassett, formerly an economist at the American Enterprise Institute.

China: Hassett warned in 2010 that bashing China-U.S. trade policy would bring the U.S. back to the downward spiral in the 1930s.

Globalization: "An absolute prerequisite for long-term economic growth is full participation in the global economy and trading system."

Immigrant workers: "Economic growth could expand significantly if immigration in the U.S. were expanded."

Not convinced about the Trump Jewish background at this point. If its true that his mom was born in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland I think its pretty unlikely that she was Jewish. Trumps paternal grandmother, maiden name was Elizabeth Christ, which if true doesn't sound like a Jewish name.
With his actions against Assad, Trump has officially betrayed his “base”…a group overwhelmingly comprised of normal, middle class, rural/suburban white people who risked many perils, endured vicious assaults and violence and threats in the streets, had their properties/cars vandalized, donated their personal finances to his campaign, gave countless hours of their time and energy to supporting him, spent countless hours posting pro-Trump messages online, signing along roadways, waiting in long lines to hear him speak at rallies, were endlessly ridiculed and shamed by leftists for 2 years, and were fired from their jobs for supporting him. People who followed his every word. People so desperate for any kind of sanity among the American ruling class. People who viewed him as a rouge messiah who, for the first time in their lifetime, gave them a voice. People who thought he was a superstar that was one their side.

And for what? For another pro-Zionist puppet proposing another “regime change” in another Muslim nation that could easily engage the U.S. in World War III with Russia, create more rape-fugees to terrorize Europe and the US, further destabilize a war-torn nation, and spend billions of taxpayer dollars in the process? How does that “Make America Great?” How is that “America First?” What on earth is he thinking? Is he being deceived, blackmailed, or threatened by “Deep State” parasites? Is he being bribed by big oil or big banks? Is the unholy Jewish Duo, Kushner/Ivanka, polluting his mind to warmonger for their homeland, Isra-hell-hole?

This is the Donald John Trump that I voted for. A sensible man who realizes that America has no business in the Middle East...


March and April have been very poor months for Trump. No wall. No healthcare reform. No tax reform. Few deportations of illegals. No immigration ban. NeoCohen-flavored bombings on behalf of Global Zionism, Inc.

Over the past 2 years, he’s given us so much joy and entertainment, he's tortured the media and Cultural Marxists across the globe, he's re-instated white masculinity, and best of all, he managed to get ordinary white people to emerge from their comfort zones and finally coalesce around a (relatively) pro-white set of ideas. Instead of watching TV and playing video games, they’re gathering by the thousands and brawling with lefists in the streets. In my opinion, Trump has earned much credit for his great deeds…but if he continues on the pathetic path of the past few weeks, I can’t continue to support him.

At this point, the only members of Trump's inner circle that I trust are Steve Bannon, Jeff Sessions, and Stephen Miller (an honorable Jew). Bannon is on record calling the Jewared Kushner a "cuck" and "globalist" and the two apparently fight constantly. Shows how objectionable "Kosher Kushner" must be to deal with...
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Supposely Bannon and Kushner on Trump's demand were told to settle their differences over the weekend. I suspect that Trump will keep both of them. Bannon for re-election most importantly and Kusher for this world adventures. Like I said earlier. I really hope this missile attack was a "one and done, send a message type of thing." I want no American troops to die in the middle east for anything. Also, Trump as accomplished some significant things, i.e. Gorsuch as SCOTUS, the repealing of Obama executive bans and increase enforcement along the borders. Yes, when this congress gets back from their never-ending recess, he better repeal and replace Obummercare, put up walls over large swaths of American terriortity and revise the tax code. Anything less, we will have a new leftist president come 2020.
Great post Thrashen - I was waiting to hear your perspective and I don't think anyone here can argue with your articulate, well thought out post.
Again straight from the horse's mouth - the Jerusalem Post - Jared Kushner is not only very closely connected, personally and financially, with Giorgy Schwartz alias George Soros but is a very close personal friend - just like "Lucky" Larry Silverstein of 911 infamy - with Satanyahu of Israel!


FEBRUARY 14, 2017 10:29

US media outlets reveal inside reporting about Jews in Trump’s inner circle.
LOOKS LIKE... YOU GOT IT... oy! oy! oy! oy! oy!


Looks Like Donald Trump May Well Be Jewish
That Would Explain A Great Deal...

I'm all for investigating someone's heritage, but that article was exclusively conjecture. He's suggesting that people with the following surnames are actually Jewish:

"McLeod" (clearly Scottish)

"Walter" (clearly English)

"Freund" (translates to "friend" in German)

"Schuster" (translates to "shoe maker" in German)

"Kober" (likely a place name - See Kobenberg on Germany's western border)

"Neuhauser" (translates to "new house" in German)

"Drumpf" (doesn't mean anything in German, but his grandfather immigrated from Kallstadt, a village in rural Germany)

My opinion is that Trump probably isn't Jewish at all. Being rich, his family has associated with Jews for decades. Ivanka married one (Kosher Kushner) and Donald Trump Jr.'s wife, Vanessa, is partially Jewish...

Trump Jr's wife looks like Eva Braun's cousin. Anyone see the SS skull buttons on Jr's shirt? I see alot of subliminal messages here.
Yeah, assuming his mom is really from the Hebrides islands I find the likelihood of her being Jewish about as likely as the Raiders having an all white starting offense this coming season.

Michael Anton is another pretty good guy I think in his administration. He's on the National Security Council I believe. He's sitting with Bannon and Miller behind Trump in the photo where everybody is watching the cruise strike on Syria.
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I highly doubt Trump is Jewish, and unless there's some solid evidence presented it's better not to engage in speculation. What we know is that he has stunned most of his supporters with his recent actions and he deserves very strong criticism for it. He's turning out to be another non-Jewish White politician selling out White America. Hardly the first, but the last thing we need at this crucial point in history is a president who turns out to embrace the very people and policies he opposed as a candidate.
I'm also skeptical about Trump being of the talmudic faith, but I am always open minded. One of their evil presidents that I think might have been a secret marrano jew was the arch traitor and killer, LBJ. Others say that numerous other presidents had Jewish background. What is extremely weird is that all of the presidents save one, at least before Trump, seem to have been interrelated and descendants of King John - and maybe they just haven't found the evidence on that one yet.

DT, you got any pictures of great great great granpappy John hanging on your castle wall?

How All Presidents Are Related To King John
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I highly doubt Trump is Jewish, and unless there's some solid evidence presented it's better not to engage in speculation. What we know is that he has stunned most of his supporters with his recent actions and he deserves very strong criticism for it. He's turning out to be another non-Jewish White politician selling out White America. Hardly the first, but the last thing we need at this crucial point in history is a president who turns out to embrace the very people and policies he opposed as a candidate.
I agree. Another thing we don't need is for CF to become another site, with multiple Alex Jones giving their take on who is a jew and who is not.
American Freedom News