The Trump Era Begins

Damn! If we all don't feel the same way! I am also disgusted and disappointed that Trump did not stop Deep State from attacking Syria. We are under no threat; there is no proof the Syrian government used chemical weapons; Trump has no congressional approval; attacking foreign countries on false pretexts does not make us safer; and, the attack is simply an act of mindless aggression.

For all of Trump's promise during the election, so far we see he has little control of what really matters. We are all on our own. This State theme is a big brainwashing schlomo scheme.
Damn! If we all don't feel the same way! I am also disgusted and disappointed that Trump did not stop Deep State from attacking Syria. We are under no threat; there is no proof the Syrian government used chemical weapons; Trump has no congressional approval; attacking foreign countries on false pretexts does not make us safer; and, the attack is simply an act of mindless aggression.

For all of Trump's promise during the election, so far we see he has little control of what really matters. We are all on our own. This State theme is a big brainwashing schlomo scheme.
I think it's impossible to stop the Deep State now. Maybe it could have been done (with someone like Trump) right after they took out JFK, but not now. They are too entrenched and control the media narrative of the entire Western world as well as Japan and some other countries outside of the West. The only reason that some cracks have occurred in their narrative and that a counter-narrative has arisen over the past twenty years is because of the Internet, which they are now trying to censor.

Michael Cernovich, the man that exposed the Susan Rice story last week, just came out with another report a few days ago that said that the Deep State will only hire or allow confirmations of individuals that have been compromised so that they can be blackmailed and controlled. They do this through child exploitation via sex trafficking that they themselves control. So, it's no wonder that Western governments are filled with ped0files and satanists. There's a reason that hundreds of thousands of children "go missing" every year in this country and others.

Back to Trump, though...once it became a reality that Trump won the election, the two commissions to "investigate" (the utterly bogus and preposterous) "Russian Collusion" were formed "to get to the bottom of this", one in the House and one in the Senate. The real purpose of this was to push innuendo and unsubstantiated claims against Trump and his team, indefinitely, with the support of the media, until Trump capitulated on Russia and the overall neocon agenda, which he has now done. The (bogus) conclusions of both of these commissions will exonerate Trump (especially now that he has capitulated) but assert that Russia is guilty to give them a pretext to go to war with them.
Trump bombing Syria is very disappointing. While I didn't think he was the perfect solution for the problems America faced, I had hoped he would at least try to do some of the things he said he would during the campaign.

I don't watch the mainstream media anymore but I'll bet they aren't interviewing any representatives from Syria for their side of the story.
I am also disappointed in Trump for this act against Syria. We have no dog in this fight - it should be Russia's problem to deal with not ours.

Also, I am disappointed Trump signed that bill into law allowing ISPs to sell customers browsing history to third parties. That is a huge violation of privacy and now we as customers of ISPs are not only paying for internet service but letting them skim money off the top by selling our browsing history to third parties for marketing/spam and whatever else.

Trump should stick with immigration and building up the economy - the things that got him elected. It's a shame O'Bannon has been cast aside for this Kushner fellow and Trump's daughter.
In a lot of people's minds Trump is now looking more presidential. He's making his bones, as the Mafia says. You know, you gotta whack somebody to be legit.

I think one tell will be the "news" media beginning to ease up on him.
I am also disappointed in Trump for this act against Syria. We have no dog in this fight - it should be Russia's problem to deal with not ours.

Also, I am disappointed Trump signed that bill into law allowing ISPs to sell customers browsing history to third parties. That is a huge violation of privacy and now we as customers of ISPs are not only paying for internet service but letting them skim money off the top by selling our browsing history to third parties for marketing/spam and whatever else.

Trump should stick with immigration and building up the economy - the things that got him elected. It's a shame O'Bannon has been cast aside for this Kushner fellow and Trump's daughter.

I am most disappointed that Trump seems to be in the process of forsaking Steven Bannon, maybe his most loyal adviser and the one most responsible for his victory, in favor of swamp creature neocons. The neocons seem to have wormtongued their way in to his inner circle. All of the deep state traitors leftover from Obama and before have been sabotaging him every step of the way. I also don't like how Jared Kushner's influence is growing. I am hoping this is part of some bigger strategy to give himself some breathing space, but I can't see how getting rid of Bannon is in any way a positive thing. One good thing is that as Alex Jones has reported up to 3,000 pedophiles have been arrested since Trump took office, many who are certainly part of the globalist crime cabal that wants to enslave humanity. We need to stay strong and not despair but I am disappointed by the missile strike and Bannon's being squeezed out.
There is a photo of the Trump team watching the Tomahawk assault. Bannon is there. Right now the vile MSM has laid off for the moment and some are praising. But what will give Trump another 4 years is the repeal and replace of the ACA. He and Ryan have to accomplish this after the Congressional recess. So far I am for the most part pleased. He installed a great SCOTUS at least on paper. He has sh*t canned a lot of Obama job reducing executive orders. The illegal crossing the border has become a trickle. No bad for less than 100 days in office. I really hope, tho, that this air strike is a one and done and no ground troops involved.
Yeah, Bannon is still there for now but he's been demoted and now he's outvoted 12-1 by all the neo-cons, corporate globalists, Goldman Sachs banksters and the rabid Zionist son-in-law Trump has surrounded himself with. Drain the swamp? lol
Doubt there ever was a gas attack. Probably complete b.s. Meanwhile Israelis kill Palestinians without reaction (of course not from Judaic media mind control centers).

The Russians say 59 missiles fired; Russians, who have ability to watch and count agree. Russians say only 23 of those hit the Shayrat airbase. What happened to the rest? Did Russians shoot them down or electronically send them to ground? The photos if they are true and real- of the airbase show minimal damage. Did the Russians let them fire the missiles to use as practice for their air defense systems? If so, why did the Russians not shoot all of the cruise missiles down?

Seems probable and most likely Russians let Trump waste some ammo into an unused and uninhabited area so he can get the Deep State Psychos off his back for awhile. Russians drew the line on Syria back in 2013 when Putin ordered a massive navel and air convergence on Syria and the U.S. azzholes had to fack off or hell WAS going to break loose. If this attack turns out to be a one time drive-by then we'll know Trump was just playing the Neo Con Pedo-Psychos.
I would say we have to take the good Trump and the bad Trump at the same time. Even before his election he would say things like the Iran deal was terrible, he was the most pro-Israel GOP candidate, etc. During the campaign some of his big supporters were Adelson, Guiliani and John Bolton, and pro-amnesty congresswoman Renee Elmers. In 2000 he came out against Pat Buchanan in the fight for the Reform Party nomination because he felt that Buchanan saying we shouldn't have intervened in WW2 was wrong.
So, Trump isn't perfect by a long shot, and we will be continually disappointed if we expect that from him. On the other hand, if he legitimately keeps trying on immigration enforcement and reduction, allows Sessions some freedom at the DoJ and appoints judges like Gorsuch, he's still a big improvement over the Hildabeast. Lets not forget that immigration patriot US congressman Tom Tancredo, who ran for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012 primarily to highlight the need for less immigrants, this very same Tom Tancredo also said very pro-Zionist nonsense such as turning Mecca into sand.
I have to disagree with you, Referendum. Trump gained the support of the "alt-right" and Middle America because he slyly made it clear that he "knew the score." His speeches and commercials right before the election were a revelation -- strongly denouncing globalism and the 1%.

The last thing this country needs is another pro-Israel "conservative." Trump was hated by the conservatives because he spoke a populist and nationalist message. He was also suspected of being anti-Jewish.

Ronald Reagan had the opportunity to turn America around in 1980. The American people would have supported him, but Reagan turned out to be 99% rhetoric and 1% action. Now 37 more years have passed, and the last thing America needs is another rhetorical charlatan. It's do or die time; which is why the reaction to Trump's criminal attack on a sovereign nation half-way around the world has been so strongly denounced. He did exactly what Obama wanted to do but was thwarted. It's disgusting, and now it will it be difficult for him to regain the trust of the thinking portion of his base, if he even cares about that.
Every candidate and President is imperfect like each of us. Like I've stated, I really hope this is a pinpoint strike on a mad man killing his own ppl with WMD. Sort of a play to get the left on board with his compassion. But, regardless, I expect him to deliver on jobs for the American ppl (specifically MI, WIS, and PA), and sealing off the border and repealing the ACA. I want him to erect that wall for long stretches of the southern border. Lastly, I want Sessions to crush criminality of American criminal scub and the illegal criminal scum. Once the illegal scum has done their time in prison, launch those mofos to anywhere the came from.
Every candidate and President is imperfect like each of us. Like I've stated, I really hope this is a pinpoint strike on a mad man killing his own ppl with WMD. Sort of a play to get the left on board with his compassion. But, regardless, I expect him to deliver on jobs for the American ppl (specifically MI, WIS, and PA), and sealing off the border and repealing the ACA. I want him to erect that wall for long stretches of the southern border. Lastly, I want Sessions to crush criminality of American criminal scub and the illegal criminal scum. Once the illegal scum has done their time in prison, launch those mofos to anywhere the came from.

That's even beyond the talking points of the fake news media. What could Assad possibly gain by using chemical weapons? Didn't we go through this ******** in 2013 when Obama was dealt a strong blow when his administration wanted to mindlessly bomb Syria? I can't believe we're now going through a rerun of it with Trump taking the place of Obama.

It's amazing how the few countries who don't bow to Washington all are run by "mad men." Can the propaganda be any more simplistic and cartoonish?
That's even beyond the talking points of the fake news media. What could Assad possibly gain by using chemical weapons? Didn't we go through this ******** in 2013 when Obama was dealt a strong blow when his administration wanted to mindlessly bomb Syria? I can't believe we're now going through a rerun of it with Trump taking the place of Obama.

It's amazing how the few countries who don't bow to Washington all are run by "mad men." Can the propaganda be any more simplistic and cartoonish?
I said I hope this is a pinpoint strike. Unless there is irrefutable evidence that Syria did not use Sarin gas or chlorine gas. I stand by my post and hope in Trump. Unless of course, CF abandons him point blank from here on out. Then I will cess to post on this thread as to create "non-friction" with CF members. Simple. And the leader of Syria, if not mad, then totally inept, as to allow Russia to support and dictate how he will eradicate ISIS. Why does he need Russia prior to a couple of days ago. Trump stated that he no interest in his affairs.
I said I hope this is a pinpoint strike. Unless there is irrefutable evidence that Syria did not use Sarin gas or chlorine gas. I stand by my post and hope in Trump. Unless of course, CF abandons him point blank from here on out. Then I will cess to post on this thread as to create "non-friction" with CF members. Simple. And the leader of Syria, if not mad, then totally inept, as to allow Russia to support and dictate how he will eradicate ISIS. Why does he need Russia prior to a couple of days ago. Trump stated that he no interest in his affairs.

And how do you expect to find such "irrefutable evidence"? From the "mainstream" media?
Ok, Don, you know I have the utmost respect for you. However, unless, you are physically in Trump's inner circle, Assad's inner circle or Putin's inner circle, this all conjecture. That is all. If however, you are in the inner circles, then you know the real score. Otherwise, we are all speculating about false flags etc. I am out, going to bed. Bottom line, I want that is best for American White people, period!
I have quite a few conservatives and liberals on my Facebook. A lot of the conservative types are whooping it up. The liberals types have been generally quiet about the attack.

And I too wonder what Assad has to gain with a chemical attack.

I know that chemical warfare is part of the Russian military doctrine. When I was stationed in Germany we spent a fair amount of time wearing those monkey suits and protective masks. They told us that a drop of nerve agent the size of a head of a pin was fatal.

But really, is Assad that stupid?
Trump is going against what he said during the election. He stated in so many words that we need to stop being the world police and than he goes and shoots missiles into Syria. I think we have a right to be disappointed. Syria has nothing to do with America - this country is in no way tied to their country. We don't need to be involved in any more middle eastern countries.

If his end game is to stabilize Syria and than get all the Muslim "refugees" out of Europe and back where they belong that is great. Syria is a threat to do the open borders and Muslim excrement infiltrating Europe, nesting and producing more shitskinned muzzles that have no regard for anything but their goat ******* prophet. The same can be said for Libya and North Africa. If Trump wants to help he would stabilize those countries and make sure they had effective borders to stem the flow of sub-Saharan turds from crossing the Mediterranean and again running amok in Europe.

Unfortunately I do not think that is that case. Last week #fakenews was all about the Trump/Russia connection and this week all of the sudden Trump has us dangerously close to a broader conflict with the same country and leader he was in bed with last week? Give me a break - neocons, liberals and tribesman are all celebrating because Trump is doing their bidding .
I am happy with the steps he has taken with immigration and the economy but I don't want anymore white servicemen being lead to slaughter for Leftist/globalist/zionists.
I for one have certainly not thrown the towel in on Trump. He has been underestimated every step of the way and is 1,000 times better than Clinton and the globalists. I am hoping there is more to the air attack than is being presented to us and he did this to give himself some space and deceive his enemies. We have to understand we are in an epic battle for the future of humanity and Trump is our champion. He is great, infinitely better than the globalists, on so many other issues than what is currently happening at least on the surface in Syria.
Prior to, and at about 2012, Assad, and the civil organization of Syria, were in no danger of uprising or upheaval. Tolerance was mostly practiced by all who lived there, women clothed themselves mostly as they wished, there was a large Christain minority, and the Muslims that did profess were mostly of the Shia sect or of no sect (not the psycho-Sunni sect). With their vast highway system, Syrians were freer to travel about than the swaggering military encampment known to the world as Israel. There was no notable strife in Syria before 2012. Syrian terrain is many things, of which are mountains, rivers, lakes, and good arable land. An abundant land, the Syrian economy was sufficient and developing. Israel has plenty of salt and sand, and not enough water so the Israelis took the entire Sea of Galilee for themselves, by force of course, while the Syrians stood back and let them for want of equal force (see 1974 ceasefire lines). Though they had all of the Sea of Galilee, the Israelis have been lowering its water level, and are now in want of more water, and more land.

I know people that went to Syria before 2012, and testimony can be had online, to confirm those few simple facts. The same can be done for Israel, and I know many who have gone to Israel.

Connected to this story is Ukraine, North of the Black Sea. Russia supplies Europe with natural gas via a pipeline through Ukraine. The Ukrainian government, at present, does not want to pay for Russian gas nor accept transit fees for the line. This Ukrainian government, tethered to International Jewish Central Bank Rule, is opposing anything Russians propose. Consequently, Russians are seeking to run a line along the bottom of the Black Sea to Bulgaria and onward to the rest of Europe. This pipeline is known as the "South Stream".

Syria is important to this gas story because natural gas has been found within Qatar, S. Arabia, and perhaps off the Israeli coast. These countries, and possibly others, independently or collaboratively, want to run a gas line through Syria and Turkey to supply Europe. Part of the Turkish line has already been built. Assad, and the Syrian government, are allied with Russia and do not accept any offer to allow pipelines through their territory.

Out of nowhere, in the mostly peaceful country of Syria, Assad was accused of using lethal chemical weapons against the people of Syria back in 2012. Within weeks, a hoard of evil called "ISIS" was invented and began their spree of torture and killing in Syria. Were it not for Russia, and the very firm DO NOT TOUCH that the Russians made, the U.S. armed forces would have shattered Syria in the same way that U.S. armed forces liberated Libya.

Who are these men calling themselves ISIS? Who supplies them? What do they want? For more than four years the Syrian army has been fighting this evil and trying to liberate and protect Syrians. The Syrian soldiers risk wicked torture and death if captured by ISIS evil, and they do so just to help their fellow man. So many Syrian men have deserted their homeland and fled to Europe while only the real men remain. Europe's open door policy has diminished the number of able men to fight ISIS evil. Worse, these same Syrian soldiers face attacks from Israel under the pretext that the Syrian soldiers are arming and training Palestinians to make war against Israel. They also fight Kurdish men who want to separate part of Syria, to form a Kurdistan, and they face U.S. forces who were "accidentally", and now intentionally, bombing them. These Syrian soldiers are as brave and loyal to their women and children as any man on earth ever was.

So, why would the same Syrian soldiers kill the very people they risk everything to protect?
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