The Flat Circular Disc Non Rotating Earth

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Today was the summer solstice and a good time to remember the great minds that have made our modern life possible.

You can figure out the earth's circumference using a geometric formula that's over 2,000 years old. Contrary to popular belief, Christopher Columbus did not discover that the Earth is round. Eratosthenes (276–194 B.C.) made that discovery about 1,700 years before Columbus.

Eratosthenes was the head librarian in Alexandria, Egypt, the center of learning in the ancient world. He estimated the circumference of the Earth with the following method: He knew that on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, the angle of the sun above Syene, Egypt, would be 0°, in other words, the sun would be directly overhead. So on the summer solstice, he measured the angle of the sun above Alexandria by measuring the shadow cast by a pole and got a 7.2° angle.

The following figure shows how Eratosthenes's earth measurement worked.


Eratosthenes divided 360° by 7.2° and got 50, which told him that the distance between Alexandria and Syene (500 miles) was 1/50 of the total distance around the Earth. So he multiplied 500 by 50 to arrive at his estimate of the Earth's circumference: 25,000 miles. This estimate was only 100 miles off the actual circumference of 24,900 miles!

Simple geometry that we learned in school is enough to understand we live on a round planet.

You mentioned earlier about the Apollo program being named after an evil figure from the Bible. But I just read that some religions consider Apollyon the return of Jesus

What are your views on this?


(A·polʹlyon) [Destroyer].

The Greek name used by the apostle John to translate the Hebrew “Abaddon” at Revelation 9:11. Apollyon means “Destroyer,” and is given as the name of “the angel of the abyss.” Though most reference works apply this name to some evil personage or force, the whole setting of the apocalyptic vision is to the contrary, as it consistently portrays angels being used by God to bring woes upon His enemies.

The use of the related verb a·polʹly·mi illustrates this, as at James 4:12, which says of God: “One there is that is lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy.” (Compare Mt 10:28.) The unclean spirit cast out of a man by Jesus in a synagogue at Capernaum acknowledged Jesus as God’s agent and said: “What have we to do with you, Jesus you Nazarene? Did you come to destroyus?” (Mr 1:24; Lu 4:34) Jesus warned unrepentant opposers among his listeners of the danger of being destroyed. (Lu 13:3-5; 20:16) These and other texts point to the glorified Christ Jesus as the one referred to by this title.—Compare Re 19:11-16; Lu 8:31; see ABADDON.
In reference to Flint asking about Apollyon. They all worship him as they are not our friends. It's the battle
of Biblical Proportions coming up soon. May God help those who love and serve him.

HIStory is who ever is in charge writes the story. It's fiction people. I do my best to wake up humanity.

Why do I go on & on about this? Because if this lie falls then it's like the first of many dominos. The money that
has been stolen for this false reality(allegedly) is astronomical. It's billions and trillions of dollars worldwide. It's
also to steal the soul of the people who worship the false religion of NASA. Everything they do is to make people
believe there is no God and Jesus meanwhile they get rich with the lies.

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That pic of the astronaut, LEM, and flag reminds me of pics of this old toy. Lol.


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