The Bible is not a science book and it is ridiculous for you to chop out single line comments and assume they were making a scientific argument at the time. The people in the Bible were simple folk with no understanding of the modern world, if they saw a rocket they would call it a chariot with flames, a nuclear explosion would look like a pillar of fire. They just compared it to things they knew. Plus the translations have to be stretched, if a word in one language does not have an exact meaning in English. There is no reason to think the round, rotating, earth, that orbits the sun in a vast galaxy is in any way "evil". Nothing about any of that is evil. It should be better to appreciate the vastness and the beauty of God's universe instead of trying to box it into some simple little matchbook world in a snow globe. There is nothing inherently godly about a flat earth, with a dome around it and an ice wall at the edges. Nowhere in the Bible does it say any of that, those are all assumptions put together from snippets taken out of context, misunderstanding of the intent, or problems with translation.