The Confederate Flag

The corporate filth have just kicked it up a notch. Remember a few months ago when Apple and Walmart went after Indiana and Arkansas over "anti-gay" legislation? Well, now Walmart are removing all "Confederate flag" merchandise, which I assume includes BBQ sauce and Dukes of Hazzard "General Lee" toy cars (I had one of those yet look how I turned out!). But even more absurd than that are the actions of Apple:

Notice that context is completely irrelevant to them. This is full scale cultural warfare right out of Stalin's playbook, except it is being led by the private sector.

I'd rather see black on white crime decrease as we all know that is what the majority of crimes between the races consists of.

Black on black. Black on white. Black on Brown violence doesn't matter. It won't diminish if the Stars and Bars is banned. they will just want more and more.
The communists control the narrative. It's so effortless because the "conservatives" would rather be tortured to death than stand up for their White base.

It just gets worse and worse, and the pencil-necked communist revolutionaries are again trying to circle for the kill -- with the full force of the government and corporate media behind them -- because there is no opposition to speak of. I've been watching this skit for most of my life and I don't know who's more despicable -- the Republican Party "conservatives" or the still tens of millions of DWFs who regard them as their "leaders."
I don't have an iPhone at this time. I've had them all. When I heard that Apple was doing the weenie thing about the Confederate Battle Flag I went to my play store on my Samsung and downloaded an app that gives me a real cool living wallpaper of a Confederate flag blowing in the breeze. I agree that we should boycott all businesses that cave into pressure from whatever direction it comes. On that note I read on Infowars that Amazon admitted that it was pressured by the federal government to stop selling anything related to the Flag. And people bristled when talk radio called our Kenyan born emperor a communist. Not so farfetched after all, huh?
I emailed the office of the Governor's of South Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi and told them all that their statements this week denouncing the Battle Flag are disgraceful and they need to rescind them and that they might be able to salvage their political career if they do so. Felt good to do that.
I emailed the office of the Governor's of South Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi and told them all that their statements this week denouncing the Battle Flag are disgraceful..

Riggins, good course of action. I've been doing the same in my state. I think some of the new found critics of the flag, are just getting swept up in the bigoted anti-Southern hysteria. With anti-Southern, and anti-White bigots controlling the public narrative.. some of our elected officials may not realize, or have forgotten, how many people still love & honor the Confederate flag. Or at the very least don't like this bigoted rush to erase people's freedom of expression.

For whatever it's worth there is a National Raise Your Battle Flag Day going on this weekend (Google it), to show solidarity for the battle flag, & freedom of expression. June 28th.
The Confederate flag just became even more valuable. Buy as many as you can find. A man can display any flag he wants to if a man knows how to be a man.

My son's been flying ours outside the house all week. Like our pal & CF brother Col.Reb, my eldest son has quite an extensive collection of CSA flags (including the CSA states flags from that era). He also has a few "Dixie Outfitter" T-shirts (which bear the battle flag). Also, there are many vehicles around here that have front plates with the former (& real) GA state flag (which included the battle flag). We've been seeing a lot more of them lately! :)
My son's been flying ours outside the house all week. Like our pal & CF brother Col.Reb, my eldest son has quite an extensive collection of CSA flags (including the CSA states flags from that era). He also has a few "Dixie Outfitter" T-shirts (which bear the battle flag). Also, there are many vehicles around here that have front plates with the former (& real) GA state flag (which included the battle flag). We've been seeing a lot more of them lately! :)

The more 'ol Dixie pisses others off the more i like it. Let them fly their rainbow coalition flags and we'll fly our choice. And, no, they'll never drive 'ol Dixie down!:smile:
All this is doing is antagonizing an innocent group of people - white southerners. The MSM is controlling and misconstruing history and using leftist anti-white mouthpieces on all of its television channels to rewrite history and tell us the correct interpretation of it. The cultural marxists are doing there best to strip whites of identity, history and purpose in the world and replace it with their social constructs of white privilege and white guilt.

At the gym last night they had msnbc on - the Chris Hayes show (a more loathsome looking clown I cannot think of). He is as far left as you get with no respect ties to our history or founding fathers. Anyways he had that black Georgetown professor on who made "news" yesterday when he told a caller he did not respect that persons southern ancestors because they fought to keep his ancestors as spaves. He was then given the platform to rant on supposed white privelege and every white persons connection to white supremacy and went on to say that in this country we need to have an honest, raw conversation about race. That gave me a good laugh because this guy is a law professor spewing out nonsense and labeling all white people as racist and painting the narrative
of black victimhood for the past 400 years. This guy is supposedly highly educated and he is just repeating what every other cultural marxist says.

There will never be an honest open conversation about race in the country because the narrative
is controlled and recent history - the past 50 years - the insane money dumped into inner cities and welfare programs, the thousands of whites murdered, raped or robbed by blacks is conviently never mentioned. They will just blame white privilege for it all. They have their narrow minded worldview which is being flamed by the powers that be in the govt and media. The very fact that modern black people bring up slavery as if they were actually slaves just goes to show how close
minded and ignorant they are.

Its asinine to blame an inanimate object for the acts of that murder. It was the guns fault, it was the flags fault but it wasn't societies fault for churning out a mental invalid and product of anti-white vitriol that has taken over this country. Our country is morally dead.

Sorry for the rant.
Our country is morally dead.
Sorry for the rant.

LF, Don't apologize for telling the truth as you see it.

And incidentally, you're an eloquent dude. I hope you're writing and calling companies & bigoted elected officials that are slandering the Confederate flag, and seeking to restrict Americans' freedom of expression. (WalMart, eBay, Apple, Amazon, etc.)
/Deo Vindice/
OK, now that Muslims have committed more atrocities in Tunisia and France will that old hag at Apple, Tim Cook, ban some apps with Islamic themes? Of course not. Whites are the only people on earth who are held collectively responsible for the actions of one of us.
Amazon made good on their promise. A few days ago, there were thousands of different kinds of merchandise featuring the Rebel Flag. Now only books about the flag (debating its connection to white racism, of course) are for sale...

All this will do is help small website owners who sell the flag to get more traffic and buys, which is great.

I live in rural PA and I see the Rebel Flag on dozens of cars, including my own, every single day. This is a common sight in my area, despite being several hundred miles from the Mason-Dixon Line...


I expect the number of Rebel Flags to increase dramatically. Thank you, Jewish media, for helping us to better establish friend from foe!
Speaking of Politically Incorrect hate flags (that is flags that are hated by the zionist occupational government and the ziomedia), I was down in the Mexican part of town the other day and I saw a Mexican driving in a car with big swastikas painted on both sides. :)
It's been quite the week of triumph for the Permanent Revolution. The Supreme Unelected Legislature forced the mere 12 remaining holdout states to legalize homosexual marriage, and once again validated Obamacare. The "opposition party" in Congress gave the Emperor a blank check when it comes to TPP, which greatly enhances corporate control and domination of the global plantation. And the promoters of genocide against Whites have been having a field day, successfully relegating the Rebel Flag more and more to a "museum piece" while ratcheting up the race war several notches.

The USSA -- fascist economically, communist culturally.
No one here needs to hear this but the double standard is so blatantly obvious and unfair that it shows how clear the anti white agenda. For example the confederate battle flag is a sign of racism but there are Malcolm X academies all over the country paid for by taxpayers. Here are some of the anti-white quotes made by Malcolm X. Is this hate or is this hate?

After the 1962 plane crash in France that killed 121 whites from Georgia, he rose before a Los Angeles audience and said: "I would like to announce a very beautiful thing that has happened. I got a wire from God today. He really answered our prayers over in France. He dropped an airplane out of the sky with over 120 white people on it because the Muslims believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. We will continue to pray and we hope that every day another plane falls out of the sky."

I charge the white man with being the greatest murderer on earth.

The whites just got what they deserved when JFK was assassinated.

“The white man was created a devil, to bring chaos upon this earth.â€￾

These are just a few of the hateful racist comments by someone who is treated like a saint by the PTB.
According to the NY Times, sales of the Rebel Flag were up 5,000 percent on Amazon before all merchandise was pulled...

Yet even as companies were vowing to discontinue the items, sales of them were soaring. Confederate flags jumped to the top of Amazon’s Patio, Lawn & Garden category, with purchases of some items spiking by more than 5,000 percent.

Of all the meek, cowardly political capitulations that have been made by white Americans throughout the “Long March through the Culture,â€￾ I don’t believe this will be one of them. The Rebel Flag is flown by millions of whites in every single northern and southern state and if anything, I expect its popularity to increase exponentially in the aftermath of this recent (Jew-contrived) “controversy.â€￾

Sure, government buildings will remove all traces, but who cares? And yes, perhaps a few white people will yield under the pressure of the Corporate Media and remove flags from their cars/trucks/lawns, but many more will surely take up the cause to replace them.

Out enemies will not win this battle...


CAPTION: USA-Chanting Hypocrites

“Proud of the American flag.â€￾ LOL. The U.S. Flag represents endless wars for Zionism (which have resulted in hundreds of millions of deaths), militant racism against whites, heterophobia, xenophobia, sexism against white men, homosexual chauvinism, cultural communism, female supremacy, black nationalism, globalism, cultural fascism, corporate greed, Jewish Hollywood, Jewish Wall Street, Jewish Madison Avenue, etc. Of course, the average white person knows nothing of these topics.
We should start selling rebel flag apparel. Have that new site in no time
(Thrashen: According to the NY Times, sales of the Rebel Flag were up 5,000 percent on Amazon before all merchandise was pulled...)

Couldn't respond normally to your post...your post wouldn't display when I clicked the reply button.

Anyway, your post brings up another valid and fundamental point. If our economic model is based off of a Free Market system and the underpins of that system is supply and demand, then does that mean that Amazon's economic model is not based off of a free market? Isn't it anathema to a free market system to stop selling a product that is high in demand and profitable? How could a company survive in a free market system when they stop selling a product that is extremely high in demand that they have plenty of supply of?

Also, isn't that one of the so-called "values" that politicians like Mitt Romney (who opposes the Confederate Flag) preach about what the American flag stands for...a "Free Market" or "Capitalistic" system? It sounds a bit hypocritical to me.
I imagine in a couple of years there will be a case before the Supreme Court on whether a person can be jailed or fined for displaying the Confederate flag. Expect the "conservative" court to rule that there is a "compelling government" interest in banning or restricting free speech and henceforth all expressions of speech will be determined by the government. I'm sure Roberts is looking for this rationale right now.
We should start selling rebel flag apparel. Have that new site in no time

My sons have a few of the Dixie Outfitters T-shirts...mostly adorned with the CSA heros like Lee, Jackson, Forrest...& of course the CSA battle flag! :)
(Thrashen: According to the NY Times, sales of the Rebel Flag were up 5,000 percent on Amazon before all merchandise was pulled...)

Couldn't respond normally to your post...your post wouldn't display when I clicked the reply button.

Anyway, your post brings up another valid and fundamental point. If our economic model is based off of a Free Market system and the underpins of that system is supply and demand, then does that mean that Amazon's economic model is not based off of a free market? Isn't it anathema to a free market system to stop selling a product that is high in demand and profitable? How could a company survive in a free market system when they stop selling a product that is extremely high in demand that they have plenty of supply of?

Also, isn't that one of the so-called "values" that politicians like Mitt Romney (who opposes the Confederate Flag) preach about what the American flag stands for...a "Free Market" or "Capitalistic" system? It sounds a bit hypocritical to me.
Excellent point.

As I'm sure you know, the USSA does not practice free market Capitalism anymore. It's more fascist and crony capitalist than anything else. For goodness sake, we have a central bank that controls interest rates (among countless other things). How can a "business man" like Mittens think there is anything "free" about our market. He's intentionally full of sh!t.
I imagine in a couple of years there will be a case before the Supreme Court on whether a person can be jailed or fined for displaying the Confederate flag. Expect the "conservative" court to rule that there is a "compelling government" interest in banning or restricting free speech and henceforth all expressions of speech will be determined by the government. I'm sure Roberts is looking for this rationale right now.

Redefining 'Hate' as 'Terrorism'